Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Adds or removes permission settings for the specified snapshot. You may add or remove specified AWS account IDs from a snapshot's list of create volume permissions, but you cannot do both in a single API call. If you need to both add and remove account IDs for a snapshot, you must use multiple API calls. For more information on modifying snapshot permissions, see Sharing Snapshots in the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud User Guide.
- data ModifySnapshotAttribute
- modifySnapshotAttribute :: Text -> ModifySnapshotAttribute
- msaAttribute :: Lens' ModifySnapshotAttribute (Maybe Text)
- msaCreateVolumePermission :: Lens' ModifySnapshotAttribute (Maybe CreateVolumePermissionModifications)
- msaDryRun :: Lens' ModifySnapshotAttribute (Maybe Bool)
- msaGroupNames :: Lens' ModifySnapshotAttribute [Text]
- msaOperationType :: Lens' ModifySnapshotAttribute (Maybe Text)
- msaSnapshotId :: Lens' ModifySnapshotAttribute Text
- msaUserIds :: Lens' ModifySnapshotAttribute [Text]
- data ModifySnapshotAttributeResponse
- modifySnapshotAttributeResponse :: ModifySnapshotAttributeResponse
Request constructor
modifySnapshotAttribute Source
The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:
Request lenses
msaAttribute :: Lens' ModifySnapshotAttribute (Maybe Text) Source
The snapshot attribute to modify.
msaCreateVolumePermission :: Lens' ModifySnapshotAttribute (Maybe CreateVolumePermissionModifications) Source
A JSON representation of the snapshot attribute modification.
msaGroupNames :: Lens' ModifySnapshotAttribute [Text] Source
The group to modify for the snapshot.
msaOperationType :: Lens' ModifySnapshotAttribute (Maybe Text) Source
The type of operation to perform to the attribute.
msaSnapshotId :: Lens' ModifySnapshotAttribute Text Source
The ID of the snapshot.
msaUserIds :: Lens' ModifySnapshotAttribute [Text] Source
The account ID to modify for the snapshot.