amazonka-s3-1.1.0: Amazon Simple Storage Service SDK.

Copyright(c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay <>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone




Returns metadata about all of the versions of objects in a bucket.

See: AWS API Reference for ListObjectVersions.

This operation returns paginated results.


Creating a Request

listObjectVersions Source

Creates a value of ListObjectVersions with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

Request Lenses

lovKeyMarker :: Lens' ListObjectVersions (Maybe Text) Source

Specifies the key to start with when listing objects in a bucket.

lovPrefix :: Lens' ListObjectVersions (Maybe Text) Source

Limits the response to keys that begin with the specified prefix.

lovVersionIdMarker :: Lens' ListObjectVersions (Maybe Text) Source

Specifies the object version you want to start listing from.

lovMaxKeys :: Lens' ListObjectVersions (Maybe Int) Source

Sets the maximum number of keys returned in the response. The response might contain fewer keys but will never contain more.

lovDelimiter :: Lens' ListObjectVersions (Maybe Delimiter) Source

A delimiter is a character you use to group keys.

Destructuring the Response

Response Lenses

lovrsNextVersionIdMarker :: Lens' ListObjectVersionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source

Use this value for the next version id marker parameter in a subsequent request.

lovrsKeyMarker :: Lens' ListObjectVersionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source

Marks the last Key returned in a truncated response.

lovrsEncodingType :: Lens' ListObjectVersionsResponse (Maybe EncodingType) Source

Encoding type used by Amazon S3 to encode object keys in the response.

lovrsNextKeyMarker :: Lens' ListObjectVersionsResponse (Maybe Text) Source

Use this value for the key marker request parameter in a subsequent request.

lovrsIsTruncated :: Lens' ListObjectVersionsResponse (Maybe Bool) Source

A flag that indicates whether or not Amazon S3 returned all of the results that satisfied the search criteria. If your results were truncated, you can make a follow-up paginated request using the NextKeyMarker and NextVersionIdMarker response parameters as a starting place in another request to return the rest of the results.