	Copyright (C) 2018 Dr. Alistair Ward

	This file is part of BishBosh.

	BishBosh is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	BishBosh is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
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{- |
 [@AUTHOR@]	Dr. Alistair Ward


	* Defines chess as a constant tree of all possible moves.

	* Because of the conceptually infinite size of this data-structure, care must be taken not to attempt to call 'show', '(==)', ...

module BishBosh.Model.GameTree(
-- * Types
-- ** Type-synonyms
--	BareGameTree,
--	Transformation,
-- ** Data-types
--		MkGameTree,
-- * Function
--	compareByMVVLVA,
--	getLastMove,
--	staticExchangeEvaluation,
--	getRankAndMove,
-- ** Constructor
) where

import                  Control.Arrow((&&&))
import qualified        BishBosh.Attribute.CaptureMoveSortAlgorithm     as Attribute.CaptureMoveSortAlgorithm
import qualified        BishBosh.Attribute.LogicalColour                as Attribute.LogicalColour
import qualified        BishBosh.Attribute.MoveType                     as Attribute.MoveType
import qualified        BishBosh.Attribute.Rank                         as Attribute.Rank
import qualified        BishBosh.Component.Move                         as Component.Move
import qualified        BishBosh.Component.QualifiedMove                as Component.QualifiedMove
import qualified        BishBosh.Component.Turn                         as Component.Turn
import qualified        BishBosh.Data.Exception                         as Data.Exception
import qualified        BishBosh.Data.RoseTree                          as Data.RoseTree
import qualified        BishBosh.Model.Game                             as Model.Game
import qualified        BishBosh.Model.MoveFrequency                    as Model.MoveFrequency
import qualified        BishBosh.Notation.MoveNotation                  as Notation.MoveNotation
import qualified        BishBosh.Property.Empty                         as Property.Empty
import qualified        BishBosh.Property.Null                          as Property.Null
import qualified        BishBosh.Property.Tree                          as Property.Tree
import qualified        BishBosh.State.TurnsByLogicalColour             as State.TurnsByLogicalColour
import qualified        BishBosh.Types                                  as T
import qualified        Control.Exception
import qualified        Data.Default
import qualified        Data.Foldable
import qualified        Data.List
import qualified        Data.Maybe
import qualified        Data.Tree

-- | Each node defines the state of the game.
type BareGameTree x y   = Data.Tree.Tree (Model.Game.Game x y)

-- | Forwards request to 'Component.Turn.compareByMVVLVA'.
        :: Ord rankValue
        => Attribute.Rank.EvaluateRank rankValue
        -> BareGameTree x y
        -> BareGameTree x y
        -> Ordering
compareByMVVLVA evaluateRank Data.Tree.Node { Data.Tree.rootLabel = gameL } Data.Tree.Node { Data.Tree.rootLabel = gameR }      = uncurry (
        Component.Turn.compareByMVVLVA evaluateRank
 ) . (
        ($ gameL) &&& ($ gameR)
 ) $ Data.Maybe.fromJust . Model.Game.maybeLastTurn

-- | Get the last move responsible for the current position.
getLastMove :: BareGameTree x y -> Component.Move.Move x y
{-# INLINE getLastMove #-}
getLastMove Data.Tree.Node { Data.Tree.rootLabel = game }       = Component.QualifiedMove.getMove . Component.Turn.getQualifiedMove . Data.Maybe.fromJust $ Model.Game.maybeLastTurn game

{- |
	* <https://chessprogramming.wikispaces.com/Static+Exchange+Evaluation>.

	* Returns the net /rankValue/-difference in the /piece/s lost by either side, after a continuous battle at the specified coordinates.

	* CAVEAT: assumes that the battle continues until either player concludes it's disadvantageous to continue, or fire-power has been exhausted.
staticExchangeEvaluation :: (
        Eq      x,
        Eq      y,
        Num     rankValue,
        Ord     rankValue
        => Attribute.Rank.EvaluateRank rankValue
        -> BareGameTree x y
        -> rankValue
staticExchangeEvaluation evaluateRank node@Data.Tree.Node { Data.Tree.rootLabel = game }        = Data.Maybe.maybe 0 {-nothing taken-} (slave node) $ getMaybeImplicitlyTakenRank game where    -- Find the rank of any victim.
        getMaybeImplicitlyTakenRank game'       = Attribute.MoveType.getMaybeImplicitlyTakenRank . Component.QualifiedMove.getMoveType . Component.Turn.getQualifiedMove =<< Model.Game.maybeLastTurn game'

        slave node'@Data.Tree.Node { Data.Tree.subForest = forest' }    = max 0 {-this player shouldn't progress the battle-} . subtract (
                case filter (
                                == Component.Move.getDestination (getLastMove node')
                        ) . Component.Move.getDestination . getLastMove -- Find counter-attacks at the same coordinates.
                 ) forest' of
                        []              -> 0    -- Fire-power has been exhausted => terminate recursion.
                        forest''        -> let
                                node''@Data.Tree.Node { Data.Tree.rootLabel = game'' }  = Data.List.minimumBy (
                                        \Data.Tree.Node { Data.Tree.rootLabel = gameL } Data.Tree.Node { Data.Tree.rootLabel = gameR } -> uncurry (
                                                Component.Turn.compareByLVA evaluateRank
                                        ) . (
                                                ($ gameL) &&& ($ gameR)
                                        ) $ Data.Maybe.fromMaybe (
                                                Control.Exception.throw $ Data.Exception.mkResultUndefined "BishBosh.Model.GameTree:\tModel.Game.maybeLastTurn failed."
                                        ) . Model.Game.maybeLastTurn
                                 ) forest'' -- Select the least valuable aggressor.
                         in slave node'' . Data.Maybe.fromJust $ getMaybeImplicitlyTakenRank game''     -- Recurse.
         ) . evaluateRank {-of victim-}

-- | Accessor.
getRankAndMove :: Model.MoveFrequency.GetRankAndMove (BareGameTree x y) (Component.Move.Move x y)
{-# INLINE getRankAndMove #-}
getRankAndMove Data.Tree.Node { Data.Tree.rootLabel = game }    = (Component.Turn.getRank &&& Component.QualifiedMove.getMove . Component.Turn.getQualifiedMove) . Data.Maybe.fromJust $ Model.Game.maybeLastTurn game

-- | Wrap a 'BareGameTree'.
newtype GameTree x y    = MkGameTree {
        deconstruct     :: BareGameTree x y
} deriving Show {-CAVEAT: required by QuickCheck, but shouldn't actually be called-}

instance (
        Enum    x,
        Enum    y,
        Ord     x,
        Ord     y,
        Show    x,
        Show    y
 ) => Data.Default.Default (GameTree x y) where
        {-# SPECIALISE instance Data.Default.Default (GameTree T.X T.Y) #-}
        def     = fromGame Data.Default.def

instance Property.Tree.Prunable (GameTree x y) where
        prune depth MkGameTree { deconstruct = bareGameTree }   = MkGameTree $ Property.Tree.prune depth bareGameTree

instance (Enum x, Enum y) => Notation.MoveNotation.ShowNotation (GameTree x y) where
        showsNotation moveNotation MkGameTree {
                deconstruct     = bareGameTree@Data.Tree.Node {
                        Data.Tree.rootLabel     = game,
                        Data.Tree.subForest     = forest
        } = showString $ if Property.Null.isNull game
                then Data.RoseTree.drawForest toString forest
                else Data.RoseTree.drawTree toString bareGameTree
                        toString        = Notation.MoveNotation.showNotation moveNotation . Data.Maybe.fromJust . Model.Game.maybeLastTurn

-- | Constructor.
fromBareGameTree :: BareGameTree x y -> GameTree x y
fromBareGameTree        = MkGameTree

-- | Constructs a game-tree with the specified game at its root.
fromGame :: (
        Enum    x,
        Enum    y,
        Ord     x,
        Ord     y,
        Show    x,
        Show    y
 ) => Model.Game.Game x y -> GameTree x y
{-# SPECIALISE fromGame :: Model.Game.Game T.X T.Y -> GameTree T.X T.Y #-}
fromGame        = MkGameTree . Data.Tree.unfoldTree (
        \game -> (
                if Model.Game.isTerminated game
                        then []
                        else map (
                                `Model.Game.applyQualifiedMove` game
                        ) $ Model.Game.findQualifiedMovesAvailableToNextPlayer game
        ) -- Pair.

{- |
	* Counts the number of /game-state/s in the constant game of chess, at the specified depth, including any which terminated earlier.

	* N.B.: some of the /game-state/s may have identical positions, reached by different sequences of /move/s.
countGames :: Property.Tree.Depth -> Model.Game.NGames
countGames depth        = Data.RoseTree.countTerminalNodes . deconstruct $ Property.Tree.prune depth (Data.Default.def :: GameTree T.X T.Y)

-- | Counts the number of possible plies in chess, down to the specified depth.
countMoves :: Property.Tree.Depth -> Model.Game.NGames
countMoves depth        = pred {-the apex is constructed without moving-} . Data.Foldable.length . deconstruct $ Property.Tree.prune depth (Data.Default.def :: GameTree T.X T.Y)

-- | Trace the route down the tree which matches the specified list of turns.
        :: (Eq x, Eq y)
        => GameTree x y
        -> [Component.Turn.Turn x y]    -- ^ The data against which, nodes from the tree should be matched.
        -> Maybe [Model.Game.Game x y]  -- ^ Returns 'Nothing' on match-failure.
traceRoute MkGameTree { deconstruct = bareGameTree }    = Data.RoseTree.traceRoute (\turn -> (== Just turn) . Model.Game.maybeLastTurn) bareGameTree

-- | Focus the underlying type.
type MoveFrequency x y  = Model.MoveFrequency.MoveFrequency (Component.Move.Move x y)

-- | Self-documentation.
type Transformation x y = GameTree x y -> GameTree x y

{- |
	* Independently sorts the forest of moves at each node of the tree, without regard to runtime-data.

	* Depending on preferences, the list of moves available to each game is sequentially sorted by:
		those which reduce the radius from the centre of the board.
		either those which capture a valuable piece using a cheap piece, or those which win extended battles at a specific location.

	* The above sort-algorithms are stable & can therefore be applied independently.
sortGameTree :: (
        Integral        x,
        Integral        y,
        Num             rankValue,
        Ord             rankValue
        => Bool -- ^ preferMovesTowardsCentre.
        -> Maybe Attribute.CaptureMoveSortAlgorithm.CaptureMoveSortAlgorithm
        -> Attribute.Rank.EvaluateRank rankValue
        -> MoveFrequency x y
        -> Transformation x y
{-# SPECIALISE sortGameTree :: Bool -> Maybe Attribute.CaptureMoveSortAlgorithm.CaptureMoveSortAlgorithm -> Attribute.Rank.EvaluateRank T.RankValue -> MoveFrequency T.X T.Y -> Transformation T.X T.Y #-}
sortGameTree preferMovesTowardsCentre maybeCaptureMoveSortAlgorithm evaluateRank standardOpeningMoveFrequency MkGameTree { deconstruct = bareGameTree } = MkGameTree $ Data.RoseTree.mapForest (
        \game -> Data.Maybe.maybe id (
                \captureMoveSortAlgorithm -> case captureMoveSortAlgorithm of
                        Attribute.CaptureMoveSortAlgorithm.MVVLVA       -> Data.List.sortBy $ compareByMVVLVA evaluateRank
                        Attribute.CaptureMoveSortAlgorithm.SEE          -> Data.List.sortOn $ negate {-largest first-} . staticExchangeEvaluation evaluateRank
         ) maybeCaptureMoveSortAlgorithm . (
                if Property.Null.isNull standardOpeningMoveFrequency
                        then id
                        else Model.MoveFrequency.sortByDescendingMoveFrequency (Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour game) getRankAndMove standardOpeningMoveFrequency
         ) . (
                if preferMovesTowardsCentre
                        then Data.List.sortOn $ \node -> Component.Move.getDeltaRadiusSquared $ getLastMove node        :: Double
                        else id
 ) bareGameTree

{- |
	* Count the instances of each /move/ in the specified tree, including any pre-applied to the apex game.

	* CAVEAT: ambiguity remains regarding the /move-type/ (especially any piece taken).

	* CAVEAT: a node is counted as just one instance of the move, rather than the number of games which passed through that node.
	Had the move-frequency been derived from a list of games, a different distribution would result,
	but then early moves would appear popular rather than just the consequence of limited choice.
toMoveFrequency :: (Ord x, Ord y) => GameTree x y -> MoveFrequency x y
toMoveFrequency MkGameTree {
        deconstruct     = bareGameTree@Data.Tree.Node { Data.Tree.rootLabel = rootGame }
} = slave (
        Data.List.foldl' (
                \moveFrequency logicalColour -> Model.MoveFrequency.insertMoves logicalColour (
                        Component.Turn.getRank &&& Component.QualifiedMove.getMove . Component.Turn.getQualifiedMove
                ) moveFrequency . State.TurnsByLogicalColour.dereference logicalColour $ Model.Game.getTurnsByLogicalColour rootGame
        ) Property.Empty.empty {-MoveFrequency-} Attribute.LogicalColour.range
 ) bareGameTree where
        slave moveFrequency Data.Tree.Node {
                Data.Tree.rootLabel     = game,
                Data.Tree.subForest     = forest
        } = Data.List.foldl' slave {-recurse-} (
                Model.MoveFrequency.insertMoves (Model.Game.getNextLogicalColour game) getRankAndMove moveFrequency forest
         ) forest