module PaymentChannel.Internal.Payment.Verify
( paymentValueIncrease
, StateSignature
, _invalidBtcSig

import           Bitcoin.Compare
import           PaymentChannel.Internal.Error.Internal (ReceiverError (BadSignatureInState))
import           PaymentChannel.Internal.Error.User
import           PaymentChannel.Internal.Payment.Types  as Export

import           Control.Exception                      (throw)
import           Debug.Trace

-- | When we don't have a valid signature for the 'Payment' in the state
--    its signature data will be an 'InvalidSig'. Conversion
--    to a BtcSig is for backwards compatibility with 'payValIncrease' etc.
class StateSignature a where
    checkStateSig  :: Payment a -> Either VerifyError ()
    _btcSigPossiblyFake :: Payment a -> Payment BtcSig    -- ^ For backwards compatibilty with 'payValIncrease' (which doesn't look at signature data)

instance StateSignature BtcSig where
    checkStateSig = singlePairVerifySig
    _btcSigPossiblyFake = id

instance StateSignature InvalidSig where
    checkStateSig = const $ Right ()
    _btcSigPossiblyFake = mapSigData _invalidBtcSig

-- | WARNING: Produces invalid 'BtcSig'
_invalidBtcSig :: InvalidSig -> BtcSig
_invalidBtcSig (MkInvalidSig sh) = BtcSig dummySig sh

-- | Throws 'BadSignatureInState' on invalid in-state payment signature
paymentValueIncrease ::
       ( MonadTime m
       , StateSignature stateSigData
       ) =>
       PayChanState stateSigData  -- ^ State with old payment
    -> Payment BtcSig             -- ^ New payment
    -> m (Either PayChanError BtcAmount)
paymentValueIncrease state newPayment = do
    let settlePeriod = runConfM (pcsSettings state) confSettlePeriod
    fundingLocked <- fundingIsLocked (toSeconds settlePeriod) newPayment
    return $
        if fundingLocked
            then checkedPayVal (pcsPayment state) newPayment
            else Left ChannelExpired
    checkedPayVal statePayment payment = do
            valRecvd <- payValIncrease (_btcSigPossiblyFake statePayment) payment
            fmapL (const $ throw BadSignatureInState) (checkStateSig statePayment)
            _ <- fmapL (const SigVerifyFailed) (singlePairVerifySig payment)
            return valRecvd

payValIncrease ::
       Payment BtcSig    -- ^ Old, in-state payment
    -> Payment BtcSig    -- ^ New payment
    -> Either PayChanError BtcAmount
payValIncrease sp1 sp2 =
    comparePayments sp1 sp2 >>=
    \res -> case res of
        -- Inspect change in client change value.
        -- A decrease in client change value is an increase in value to us.
        DiffInfo [(_, Decrease val)] -> Right val
        DiffInfo [(_, NoChange)]     -> Right 0
        DiffInfo [(_, Increase val)] -> Left $ BadPaymentValue val
        DiffInfo x -> error $ "Not exactly one output in a 'Payment': " ++ show x

comparePayments ::
       Payment BtcSig
    -> Payment BtcSig
    -> Either PayChanError DiffInfo
comparePayments sp1 sp2 =
    fmapL PaymentError (valueDiff tx1 tx2) >>= eqIgnoreVal
    (tx1,tx2) = (toBtcTx sp1, toBtcTx sp2)
    isLastPayment = (== nullAmount) . btcAmount . singleOutput
    eqIgnoreVal di
        | eqIgnoreOutVal (IgnoreSigData tx1) (IgnoreSigData tx2) = Right di
        | otherwise =
              if isLastPayment sp2
                  then Right di
                  else Left $ BadSigHashFlag (bsSigFlag $ getSigData sp2) (bsSigFlag $ getSigData sp1)
                      -- The last payment assigns zero value to the client, by
                      -- changing the sigHash flag to 'SigNone True'
                      -- (thus signing a transaction without its change output in it).