blas-0.7.6: Bindings to the BLAS library

MaintainerPatrick Perry <>




Immutable dense matrices.


Dense matrix type

data Matrix np e Source

Immutable dense matrices. The type arguments are as follows:

  • np: a phantom type for the shape of the matrix. Most functions will demand that this be specified as a pair. When writing a function signature, you should always prefer Matrix (n,p) e to Matrix np e.
  • e: the element type of the matrix. Only certain element types are supported.


MatrixShaped Matrix 
HasVectorView Matrix 
Elem e => BaseMatrix Matrix e 
BLAS3 e => IMatrix Matrix e 
BLAS3 e => MMatrix Matrix e IO 
BLAS3 e => ReadMatrix Matrix e IO 
BLAS3 e => MMatrix Matrix e (ST s) 
BLAS3 e => ReadMatrix Matrix e (ST s) 
Shaped Matrix (Int, Int) 
BLAS3 e => ITensor Matrix (Int, Int) e 
(BLAS3 e, Monad m) => ReadTensor Matrix (Int, Int) e m 
BLAS3 e => IMatrix (Herm Matrix) e 
BLAS3 e => IMatrix (Tri Matrix) e 
BLAS3 e => ISolve (Tri Matrix) e 
BLAS3 e => MSolve (Tri Matrix) e IO 
BLAS3 e => MMatrix (Herm Matrix) e IO 
BLAS3 e => MMatrix (Tri Matrix) e IO 
BLAS3 e => MSolve (Tri Matrix) e (ST s) 
BLAS3 e => MMatrix (Herm Matrix) e (ST s) 
BLAS3 e => MMatrix (Tri Matrix) e (ST s) 
(BLAS3 e, Eq e) => Eq (Matrix (n, p) e) 
(BLAS3 e, Floating e) => Floating (Matrix (m, n) e) 
BLAS3 e => Fractional (Matrix (n, p) e) 
BLAS3 e => Num (Matrix (n, p) e) 
(BLAS3 e, Show e) => Show (Matrix (n, p) e) 
(BLAS3 e, AEq e) => AEq (Matrix (n, p) e) 

Overloaded interface for dense matrices

class (HasVectorView a, Elem e, MatrixShaped a, BaseVector (VectorView a) e) => BaseMatrix a e whereSource

Common functionality for all dense matrix types.


ldaMatrix :: a (n, p) e -> IntSource

Get the leading dimension of the storage of the matrix.

transEnumMatrix :: a (n, p) e -> TransEnumSource

Get the storage type of the matrix.

isHermMatrix :: a (n, p) e -> BoolSource

Indicate whether or not the underlying matrix storage is transposed and conjugated.

coerceMatrix :: a np e -> a np' eSource

Cast the shape type of the matrix.


Overloaded interface for matrices

Creating matrices

matrix :: BLAS3 e => (Int, Int) -> [((Int, Int), e)] -> Matrix (n, p) eSource

Create a new matrix of the given size and initialize the given elements to the given values. All other elements get set to zero.

listMatrix :: BLAS3 e => (Int, Int) -> [e] -> Matrix (n, p) eSource

Create a new matrix with the given elements in row-major order.

rowsMatrix :: BLAS3 e => (Int, Int) -> [Vector p e] -> Matrix (n, p) eSource

Create a matrix of the given shape from a list of rows

colsMatrix :: BLAS3 e => (Int, Int) -> [Vector n e] -> Matrix (n, p) eSource

Create a matrix of the given shape from a list of columns

Special matrices

zeroMatrix :: BLAS3 e => (Int, Int) -> Matrix (n, p) eSource

Get a new zero of the given shape.

constantMatrix :: BLAS3 e => (Int, Int) -> e -> Matrix (n, p) eSource

Get a new constant of the given shape.

identityMatrix :: BLAS3 e => (Int, Int) -> Matrix (n, p) eSource

Get a new matrix of the given shape with ones along the diagonal and zeroes everywhere else.

Conversions between vectors and matrices

matrixFromRow :: BLAS3 e => Vector p e -> Matrix (one, p) eSource

Get a matrix from a row vector.

matrixFromCol :: BLAS3 e => Vector n e -> Matrix (n, one) eSource

Get a matrix from a column vector.

matrixFromVector :: BLAS3 e => (Int, Int) -> Vector np e -> Matrix (n, p) eSource

Get a matrix from the elements stored in columnwise order in the vector.

vectorFromMatrix :: BLAS3 e => Matrix (n, p) e -> Vector np eSource

Get a vector by concatenating the columns of the matrix.

Matrix views

submatrix :: Elem e => Matrix (n, p) e -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Matrix (n', p') eSource

submatrix a ij mn returns the submatrix of a with element (0,0) being element ij in a, and having shape mn.

splitRowsAt :: BaseMatrix a e => Int -> a (n, p) e -> (a (n1, p) e, a (n2, p) e)Source

Divide the rows of a matrix into two blocks and return views into the blocks. The integer argument indicates how many rows should be in the first block.

splitColsAt :: BaseMatrix a e => Int -> a (n, p) e -> (a (n, p1) e, a (n, p2) e)Source

Divide the columns of a matrix into two blocks and return views into the blocks. The integer argument indicates how many columns should be in the first block.

Vector views

diag :: Elem e => Matrix (n, p) e -> Int -> Vector k eSource

Get a the given diagonal in a matrix. Negative indices correspond to sub-diagonals.

Overloaded interface for reading matrix elements