chart-unit-0.5.1: Native haskell charts.

Safe HaskellNone



Hud (Heads up display) is a collective noun for axes, titles & legends

todo: refactor me please. A hud for a chart uses beside to combine elements, and this restricts the hud to the outside of the chart canvas. This tends to make hud elements (such as gridlines) harder to implement than they should be.



data HudOptions b Source #

Various options for a hud.

Defaults to the classical x- and y-axis, a sixbyfour aspect, no titles and no legends


hud :: HudOptions b -> Chart b Source #

Create a hud.

hud def

withHud :: Foldable f => HudOptions b -> (Aspect -> Rect Double -> [f (Pair Double)] -> Chart b) -> [f (Pair Double)] -> Chart b Source #

create a chart with a hud from data (using the data range)

withHudExample :: Chart b
withHudExample = withHud hopts (lineChart lopts) ls
      hopts = def {hudTitles=[(def,"withHud Example")],
                   hudLegends=[def {legendChartType=zipWith (\x y ->
                   (LegendLine x 0.05, y)) lopts ["line1", "line2", "line3"]}]}

data Orientation Source #

Orientation for a hud element. Watch this space for curvature!



data Place Source #

Placement of hud elements around (what is implicity but maybe shouldn't just be) a rectangular canvas


Eq Place Source # 


(==) :: Place -> Place -> Bool #

(/=) :: Place -> Place -> Bool #

Show Place Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Place -> ShowS #

show :: Place -> String #

showList :: [Place] -> ShowS #

placeOutside :: Num n => Place -> V2 n Source #

Direction to place stuff on the outside of the built-up hud

placeGap :: (Monoid m, Semigroup m, Ord n, Floating n) => Place -> n -> QDiagram b V2 n m -> QDiagram b V2 n m Source #

A gap to add when placing elements.

data TickStyle Source #

Style of tick marks on an axis.



no ticks on axis

TickLabels [Text]

specific labels

TickRound Int

sensibly rounded ticks and a guide to how many

TickExact Int

exactly n equally spaced ticks

TickPlaced [(Double, Text)]

specific labels and placement

precision :: Int -> [Double] -> [Text] Source #

Provide formatted text for a list of numbers so that they are just distinguished. 'precision 2 ticks' means give the tick labels as much precision as is needed for them to be distinguished, but with at least 2 significant figues.

data AxisOptions b Source #

Axes are somewhat complicated. For instance, they contain a range within which tick marks need to be supplied or computed.


defXAxis :: AxisOptions b Source #

default X axis

defYAxis :: AxisOptions b Source #

default Y axis

axis :: AxisOptions b -> Range Double -> Range Double -> Chart b Source #

create an axis, based on AxisOptions, a physical aspect, and a range

Under-the-hood, the axis function has gone through many a refactor, and still has a ways to go. A high degree of technical debt tends to acrue here.

axisExample :: Chart b
axisExample = axis aopts one (Range 0 100000)
    aopts = def {axisLabel=(axisLabel def) {
                 labelGap=0.0001, labelText=(labelText (axisLabel def)) {
                 textSize=0.06, textAlignH=AlignLeft, textRotation=(-45)}}}

data TitleOptions Source #

Options for titles. Defaults to center aligned, and placed at Top of the hud

title :: Aspect -> TitleOptions -> Text -> Chart b Source #

Create a title for a chart. The logic used to work out placement is flawed due to being able to freely specify text rotation. It works for specific rotations (Top, Bottom at 0, Left at 90, Right @ 270)

data LegendOptions b Source #

Legend options. todo: allow for horizontal concatenation.


legend :: LegendOptions b -> Chart b Source #

Create a legend based on a LegendOptions

legendExample :: Chart b
legendExample = legend $ def {legendChartType=legends}
      legends =
          [ (LegendText def, "legend")] <>
          [ (LegendPixel (blob (withOpacity blue 0.4)) 0.05, "pixel")] <>
          -- [ (LegendArrow (def {arrowMinStaffWidth=0.01,
          --                     arrowMinHeadLength=0.03}) 0.05, "arrow")] <>
          [ (LegendRect def 0.05, "rect")] <>
          [ (LegendGLine def def 0.10, "glyph+line")] <>
          [ (LegendGlyph def, "just a glyph")] <>
          (zipWith (\x y -> (LegendLine x 0.05, y))
           lopts ["short", "much longer name", "line 3"])