{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-missing-pattern-synonym-signatures #-}
module Clingo.Model
    SymbolSelection (..),

    pattern StableModel,
    pattern BraveConsequences,
    pattern CautiousConsequences,


    MonadModel (..)

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Foldable
import Foreign

import Numeric.Natural

import qualified Clingo.Raw as Raw
import Clingo.Internal.Symbol
import Clingo.Internal.Types
import Clingo.Internal.Utils

newtype SolveControl s = SolveControl Raw.SolveControl

newtype ModelType = ModelType Raw.ModelType

pattern StableModel = ModelType Raw.StableModel
pattern BraveConsequences = ModelType Raw.BraveConsequences
pattern CautiousConsequences = ModelType Raw.CautiousConsequences

-- | Type for building symbol selections.
data SymbolSelection = SymbolSelection 
    { selectCSP     :: Bool
    , selectShown   :: Bool
    , selectAtoms   :: Bool
    , selectTerms   :: Bool
    , selectExtra   :: Bool
    , useComplement :: Bool }
    deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord)

selectAll :: SymbolSelection
selectAll = SymbolSelection True True True True True False

rawSymbolSelection :: SymbolSelection -> Raw.ShowFlag
rawSymbolSelection s = foldr ((.|.) . fst) zeroBits . filter snd $
    [ (Raw.ShowCSP, selectCSP s)
    , (Raw.ShowShown, selectShown s)
    , (Raw.ShowAtoms, selectAtoms s)
    , (Raw.ShowTerms, selectTerms s)
    , (Raw.ShowExtra, selectExtra s)
    , (Raw.ShowComplement, useComplement s) ]

selectNone :: SymbolSelection
selectNone = SymbolSelection False False False False False False

class MonadSymbol m => MonadModel m where
    -- | Get the type of a Model.
    modelType :: Model s -> m s ModelType
    -- | Get the number of a Model.
    modelNumber :: Model s -> m s Natural
    -- | Get the selected symbols from a Model.
    modelSymbols :: Model s -> SymbolSelection -> m s [Symbol s]
    -- | Constant time lookup to test whether an atom is in a model.
    contains :: Model s -> Symbol s -> m s Bool
    -- | Get the cost vector of a Model
    costVector :: Model s -> m s [Integer]
    -- | Check whether optimality of a model has been proven.
    optimalityProven :: Model s -> m s Bool
    -- | Get the associated 'SolveControl' of a Model.
    context :: Model s -> m s (SolveControl s)
    -- | Add a clause from the model callback.
    modelAddClause :: Foldable t 
                   => SolveControl s -> t (SymbolicLiteral s) -> m s ()

instance MonadModel IOSym where
    modelType = modelType'
    modelNumber = modelNumber'
    modelSymbols = modelSymbols'
    contains = contains'
    costVector = costVector'
    optimalityProven = optimalityProven'
    context = context'
    modelAddClause = modelAddClause'

instance MonadModel Clingo where
    modelType = modelType'
    modelNumber = modelNumber'
    modelSymbols = modelSymbols'
    contains = contains'
    costVector = costVector'
    optimalityProven = optimalityProven'
    context = context'
    modelAddClause = modelAddClause'

modelType' :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Model s -> m ModelType
modelType' (Model m) = ModelType <$> marshall1 (Raw.modelType m)

modelNumber' :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Model s -> m Natural
modelNumber' (Model m) = fromIntegral <$> marshall1 (Raw.modelNumber m)

modelSymbols' :: (MonadIO m) => Model s -> SymbolSelection -> m [Symbol s]
modelSymbols' (Model m) selection = liftIO $ do
    let flags = rawSymbolSelection selection
    len <- marshall1 (Raw.modelSymbolsSize m flags)
    allocaArray (fromIntegral len) $ \arr -> do
        marshall0 (Raw.modelSymbols m flags arr len)
        as <- peekArray (fromIntegral len) arr
        mapM pureSymbol as

contains' :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Model s -> Symbol s -> m Bool
contains' (Model m) s = toBool <$> marshall1 (Raw.modelContains m (rawSymbol s))

costVector' :: (MonadIO m) => Model s -> m [Integer]
costVector' (Model m) = liftIO $ do
    len <- marshall1 (Raw.modelCostSize m)
    allocaArray (fromIntegral len) $ \arr -> do
        marshall0 (Raw.modelCost m arr len)
        as <- peekArray (fromIntegral len) arr
        return $ fmap fromIntegral as

optimalityProven' :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Model s -> m Bool
optimalityProven' (Model m) = toBool <$> marshall1 (Raw.modelOptimalityProven m)

context' :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => Model s -> m (SolveControl s)
context' (Model m) = SolveControl <$> marshall1 (Raw.modelContext m)

modelAddClause' :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m, Foldable t)
                => SolveControl s -> t (SymbolicLiteral s) -> m ()
modelAddClause' (SolveControl s) lits = marshall0 $ 
    withArrayLen (map rawSymLit . toList $ lits) $ \len arr ->
        Raw.solveControlAddClause s arr (fromIntegral len)