Copyright | (c) Galois Inc 2015-2016 |
License | BSD3 |
Maintainer | Rob Dockins <> |
Stability | provisional |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- type Mem = IntrinsicType "LLVM_memory" EmptyCtx
- memRepr :: TypeRepr Mem
- mkMemVar :: Text -> HandleAllocator -> IO (GlobalVar Mem)
- data MemImpl sym = MemImpl {}
- data SomePointer sym = forall w.1 <= w => SomePointer !(LLVMPtr sym w)
- type GlobalMap sym = Map Symbol (SomePointer sym)
- emptyMem :: EndianForm -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- memEndian :: MemImpl sym -> EndianForm
- memAllocCount :: MemImpl sym -> Int
- memWriteCount :: MemImpl sym -> Int
- ppMem :: IsExpr (SymExpr sym) => Mem sym -> Doc ann
- doDumpMem :: IsExprBuilder sym => Handle -> MemImpl sym -> IO ()
- newtype BlockSource = BlockSource (IORef Natural)
- nextBlock :: BlockSource -> IO Natural
- data MemOptions = MemOptions {}
- data IndeterminateLoadBehavior
- defaultMemOptions :: MemOptions
- laxPointerMemOptions :: MemOptions
- type LLVMPointerType w = IntrinsicType "LLVM_pointer" (EmptyCtx ::> BVType w)
- pattern LLVMPointerRepr :: () => (1 <= w, ty ~ LLVMPointerType w) => NatRepr w -> TypeRepr ty
- pattern PtrRepr :: HasPtrWidth wptr => ty ~ LLVMPointerType wptr => TypeRepr ty
- pattern SizeT :: HasPtrWidth wptr => ty ~ BVType wptr => TypeRepr ty
- type LLVMPtr sym w = RegValue sym (LLVMPointerType w)
- pattern LLVMPointer :: SymNat sym -> SymBV sym w -> LLVMPointer sym w
- llvmPointerView :: LLVMPtr sym w -> (SymNat sym, SymBV sym w)
- ptrWidth :: IsExprBuilder sym => LLVMPtr sym w -> NatRepr w
- ppPtr :: IsExpr (SymExpr sym) => LLVMPtr sym wptr -> Doc ann
- ppTermExpr :: forall sym ann. IsExpr (SymExpr sym) => LLVMVal sym -> Doc ann
- llvmPointer_bv :: IsSymInterface sym => sym -> SymBV sym w -> IO (LLVMPtr sym w)
- ptrToBv :: IsSymBackend sym bak => bak -> SimErrorReason -> LLVMPtr sym w -> IO (SymBV sym w)
- projectLLVM_bv :: IsSymBackend sym bak => bak -> LLVMPtr sym w -> IO (SymBV sym w)
- doMalloc :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> AllocType -> Mutability -> String -> MemImpl sym -> SymBV sym wptr -> Alignment -> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr, MemImpl sym)
- doMallocUnbounded :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> AllocType -> Mutability -> String -> MemImpl sym -> Alignment -> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr, MemImpl sym)
- data AllocType
- data Mutability
- data FuncLookupError
- ppFuncLookupError :: FuncLookupError -> Doc ann
- doLookupHandle :: (Typeable a, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> IO (Either FuncLookupError a)
- doInstallHandle :: (Typeable a, IsSymBackend sym bak) => bak -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> a -> MemImpl sym -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- doMemcpy :: (1 <= w, IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> NatRepr w -> MemImpl sym -> Bool -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> SymBV sym w -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- doMemset :: (1 <= w, IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym) => bak -> NatRepr w -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> SymBV sym 8 -> SymBV sym w -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- doInvalidate :: (1 <= w, IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> NatRepr w -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> Text -> SymBV sym w -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- doCalloc :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> SymBV sym wptr -> SymBV sym wptr -> Alignment -> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr, MemImpl sym)
- doFree :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- doAlloca :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> SymBV sym wptr -> Alignment -> String -> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr, MemImpl sym)
- doLoad :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> StorageType -> TypeRepr tp -> Alignment -> IO (RegValue sym tp)
- doStore :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> TypeRepr tp -> StorageType -> Alignment -> RegValue sym tp -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- doArrayStore :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth w, HasLLVMAnn sym) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym w -> Alignment -> SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType w)) (BaseBVType 8) -> SymBV sym w -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- doArrayStoreUnbounded :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth w, HasLLVMAnn sym) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym w -> Alignment -> SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType w)) (BaseBVType 8) -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- doArrayConstStore :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth w, HasLLVMAnn sym) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym w -> Alignment -> SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType w)) (BaseBVType 8) -> SymBV sym w -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- doArrayConstStoreUnbounded :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth w, HasLLVMAnn sym) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym w -> Alignment -> SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType w)) (BaseBVType 8) -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- loadString :: forall sym bak wptr. (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions, HasCallStack) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> Maybe Int -> IO [Word8]
- loadMaybeString :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions, HasCallStack) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> Maybe Int -> IO (Maybe [Word8])
- strLen :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> IO (SymBV sym wptr)
- uncheckedMemcpy :: (IsSymInterface sym, HasPtrWidth wptr) => sym -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> SymBV sym wptr -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- data LLVMVal sym where
- LLVMValInt :: 1 <= w => SymNat sym -> SymBV sym w -> LLVMVal sym
- LLVMValFloat :: FloatSize fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> LLVMVal sym
- LLVMValStruct :: Vector (Field StorageType, LLVMVal sym) -> LLVMVal sym
- LLVMValArray :: StorageType -> Vector (LLVMVal sym) -> LLVMVal sym
- LLVMValString :: ByteString -> LLVMVal sym
- LLVMValZero :: StorageType -> LLVMVal sym
- LLVMValUndef :: StorageType -> LLVMVal sym
- ppLLVMValWithGlobals :: forall sym ann. IsSymInterface sym => sym -> Map Natural Symbol -> LLVMVal sym -> Doc ann
- data FloatSize (fi :: FloatInfo) where
- unpackMemValue :: (HasCallStack, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> TypeRepr tp -> LLVMVal sym -> IO (RegValue sym tp)
- packMemValue :: IsSymInterface sym => sym -> StorageType -> TypeRepr tp -> RegValue sym tp -> IO (LLVMVal sym)
- loadRaw :: (IsSymInterface sym, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => sym -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> StorageType -> Alignment -> IO (PartLLVMVal sym)
- loadArrayConcreteSizeRaw :: forall sym wptr. (IsSymInterface sym, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => sym -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> Natural -> Alignment -> IO (Either (Pred sym) (Pred sym, SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType wptr)) (BaseBVType 8)))
- storeRaw :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> StorageType -> Alignment -> LLVMVal sym -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- condStoreRaw :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> Pred sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> StorageType -> Alignment -> LLVMVal sym -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- storeConstRaw :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> StorageType -> Alignment -> LLVMVal sym -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- mallocRaw :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> SymBV sym wptr -> Alignment -> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr, MemImpl sym)
- mallocConstRaw :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> SymBV sym wptr -> Alignment -> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr, MemImpl sym)
- constToLLVMVal :: forall wptr sym bak io. (MonadIO io, MonadFail io, HasPtrWidth wptr, IsSymBackend sym bak, HasCallStack) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMConst -> io (LLVMVal sym)
- constToLLVMValP :: forall wptr sym io. (MonadIO io, MonadFail io, HasPtrWidth wptr, IsSymInterface sym, HasCallStack) => sym -> (Symbol -> io (LLVMPtr sym wptr)) -> LLVMConst -> io (LLVMVal sym)
- ptrMessage :: IsSymInterface sym => String -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> StorageType -> String
- data PartLLVMVal sym where
- Err :: Pred sym -> PartLLVMVal sym
- NoErr :: Pred sym -> LLVMVal sym -> PartLLVMVal sym
- assertSafe :: IsSymBackend sym bak => bak -> PartLLVMVal sym -> IO (LLVMVal sym)
- explodeStringValue :: forall sym. (IsExprBuilder sym, IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder sym) => sym -> ByteString -> IO (LLVMVal sym)
- isZero :: forall sym. (IsExprBuilder sym, IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder sym) => sym -> LLVMVal sym -> IO (Maybe (Pred sym))
- testEqual :: forall sym. (IsExprBuilder sym, IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder sym) => sym -> LLVMVal sym -> LLVMVal sym -> IO (Maybe (Pred sym))
- llvmValStorableType :: IsExprBuilder sym => LLVMVal sym -> StorageType
- data StorageType
- storageTypeF :: StorageType -> StorageTypeF StorageType
- data StorageTypeF v
- data Field v
- storageTypeSize :: StorageType -> Bytes
- fieldVal :: Lens (Field a) (Field b) a b
- fieldPad :: Field v -> Bytes
- fieldOffset :: Field v -> Offset
- bitvectorType :: Bytes -> StorageType
- arrayType :: Natural -> StorageType -> StorageType
- mkStructType :: Vector (StorageType, Bytes) -> StorageType
- floatType :: StorageType
- doubleType :: StorageType
- x86_fp80Type :: StorageType
- toStorableType :: (MonadFail m, HasPtrWidth wptr) => MemType -> m StorageType
- ptrToPtrVal :: 1 <= w => LLVMPtr sym w -> LLVMVal sym
- mkNullPointer :: (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> IO (LLVMPtr sym w)
- ptrIsNull :: (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> IO (Pred sym)
- ptrEq :: (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> IO (Pred sym)
- ptrAdd :: (1 <= w, IsExprBuilder sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> SymBV sym w -> IO (LLVMPtr sym w)
- ptrSub :: (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> SymBV sym w -> IO (LLVMPtr sym w)
- ptrDiff :: (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> IO (SymBV sym w, Pred sym)
- doPtrAddOffset :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> SymBV sym wptr -> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr)
- doPtrSubtract :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> IO (SymBV sym wptr)
- isValidPointer :: (IsSymInterface sym, HasPtrWidth wptr) => sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> MemImpl sym -> IO (Pred sym)
- isAllocatedAlignedPointer :: (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> Alignment -> Mutability -> LLVMPtr sym w -> Maybe (SymBV sym w) -> MemImpl sym -> IO (Pred sym)
- muxLLVMPtr :: 1 <= w => IsSymInterface sym => sym -> Pred sym -> LLVMPtr sym w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> IO (LLVMPtr sym w)
- isAligned :: forall sym w. (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> Alignment -> IO (Pred sym)
- assertDisjointRegions :: (1 <= w, HasPtrWidth wptr, IsSymBackend sym bak, HasLLVMAnn sym) => bak -> MemoryOp sym wptr -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> SymBV sym w -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> SymBV sym w -> IO ()
- buildDisjointRegionsAssertion :: (1 <= w, HasPtrWidth wptr, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> SymBV sym w -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> SymBV sym w -> IO (Pred sym)
- buildDisjointRegionsAssertionWithSub :: (HasPtrWidth wptr, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> SymBV sym wptr -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> SymBV sym wptr -> IO (Pred sym)
- newtype GlobalSymbol = GlobalSymbol Symbol
- doResolveGlobal :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasCallStack) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> Symbol -> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr)
- registerGlobal :: (IsExprBuilder sym, 1 <= wptr) => MemImpl sym -> [Symbol] -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> MemImpl sym
- allocGlobals :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> [(Global, [Symbol], Bytes, Alignment)] -> MemImpl sym -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- allocGlobal :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> (Global, [Symbol], Bytes, Alignment) -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- isGlobalPointer :: forall sym w. IsSymInterface sym => Map Natural Symbol -> LLVMPtr sym w -> Maybe Symbol
- llvmStatementExec :: (HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => EvalStmtFunc p sym LLVM
- pushStackFrameMem :: Text -> Mem sym -> Mem sym
- popStackFrameMem :: forall sym. Mem sym -> Mem sym
- asMemAllocationArrayStore :: forall sym w. (IsSymInterface sym, 1 <= w) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> Mem sym -> IO (Maybe (Pred sym, SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType w)) (BaseBVType 8), SymBV sym w))
- asMemMatchingArrayStore :: (IsSymInterface sym, 1 <= w) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> SymBV sym w -> Mem sym -> IO (Maybe (Pred sym, SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType w)) (BaseBVType 8)))
- data SomeFnHandle where
- SomeFnHandle :: FnHandle args ret -> SomeFnHandle
- VarargsFnHandle :: FnHandle (args ::> VectorType AnyType) ret -> SomeFnHandle
- data SomeAlloc sym = forall w.1 <= w => SomeAlloc AllocType Natural (Maybe (SymBV sym w)) Mutability Alignment String
- possibleAllocs :: forall sym. IsSymInterface sym => Natural -> Mem sym -> [SomeAlloc sym]
- ppSomeAlloc :: forall sym ann. IsExprBuilder sym => SomeAlloc sym -> Doc ann
- doConditionalWriteOperation :: IsSymBackend sym bak => bak -> MemImpl sym -> Pred sym -> (MemImpl sym -> IO (MemImpl sym)) -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- mergeWriteOperations :: IsSymBackend sym bak => bak -> MemImpl sym -> Pred sym -> (MemImpl sym -> IO (MemImpl sym)) -> (MemImpl sym -> IO (MemImpl sym)) -> IO (MemImpl sym)
- type HasLLVMAnn sym = ?recordLLVMAnnotation :: CallStack -> BoolAnn sym -> BadBehavior sym -> IO ()
- type LLVMAnnMap sym = Map (BoolAnn sym) (CallStack, BadBehavior sym)
- data CexExplanation sym (tp :: BaseType) where
- NoExplanation :: CexExplanation sym tp
- DisjOfFailures :: [(CallStack, BadBehavior sym)] -> CexExplanation sym BaseBoolType
- explainCex :: forall t st fs sym. (IsSymInterface sym, sym ~ ExprBuilder t st fs) => sym -> LLVMAnnMap sym -> Maybe (GroundEvalFn t) -> IO (Pred sym -> IO (CexExplanation sym BaseBoolType))
- type HasPtrWidth w = (1 <= w, 16 <= w, ?ptrWidth :: NatRepr w)
- pattern PtrWidth :: HasPtrWidth w => w ~ w' => NatRepr w'
- withPtrWidth :: forall w a. 16 <= w => NatRepr w -> (HasPtrWidth w => a) -> a
- concPtr :: (IsExprBuilder sym, 1 <= w) => sym -> (forall tp. SymExpr sym tp -> IO (GroundValue tp)) -> RegValue sym (LLVMPointerType w) -> IO (RegValue sym (LLVMPointerType w))
- concLLVMVal :: IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> (forall tp. SymExpr sym tp -> IO (GroundValue tp)) -> LLVMVal sym -> IO (LLVMVal sym)
- concMem :: IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> (forall tp. SymExpr sym tp -> IO (GroundValue tp)) -> Mem sym -> IO (Mem sym)
- concMemImpl :: IsSymInterface sym => sym -> (forall tp. SymExpr sym tp -> IO (GroundValue tp)) -> MemImpl sym -> IO (MemImpl sym)
type Mem = IntrinsicType "LLVM_memory" EmptyCtx Source #
The CrucibleType
of an LLVM memory.
implemented as RegValue
sym Mem
The implementation of an LLVM memory, containing an allocation-block source, global map, handle map, and heap.
MemImpl | |
data SomePointer sym Source #
A pointer with an existentially-quantified width
forall w.1 <= w => SomePointer !(LLVMPtr sym w) |
emptyMem :: EndianForm -> IO (MemImpl sym) Source #
Produce a fresh empty memory. NB, we start counting allocation blocks at '1'. Block number 0 is reserved for representing raw bitvectors.
memEndian :: MemImpl sym -> EndianForm Source #
memAllocCount :: MemImpl sym -> Int Source #
memWriteCount :: MemImpl sym -> Int Source #
doDumpMem :: IsExprBuilder sym => Handle -> MemImpl sym -> IO () Source #
Pretty print a memory state to the given handle.
newtype BlockSource Source #
data MemOptions Source #
This datatype encodes a variety of tweakable settings supported by the LLVM memory model. They generally involve some weakening of the strict rules of the language standard to allow common idioms, at the cost that reasoning using the resulting memory model is less generalizable (i.e., makes more assumptions about the runtime behavior of the system).
MemOptions | |
data IndeterminateLoadBehavior Source #
What should be the semantics of reading from previously uninitialized memory?
StableSymbolic | After allocating memory (be it through This is primarily useful for SV-COMP, as these semantics closely align with SV-COMP's expectations. |
UnstableSymbolic | Each read from a section of uninitialized memory will return a fresh
symbolic value of the corresponding type. The operative word is
"fresh", as each of these symbolic values will be considered
distinct. That is, the symbolic values are "unstable". Contrast this
with One consequence of the |
defaultMemOptions :: MemOptions Source #
The default memory model options:
- Require strict adherence to the language standard regarding pointer equality and ordering.
- Perform Crucible's default validity checks for memory loads and stores.
laxPointerMemOptions :: MemOptions Source #
Like defaultMemOptions
, but allow pointer ordering comparisons
and equality comparisons of pointers to constant data.
type LLVMPointerType w = IntrinsicType "LLVM_pointer" (EmptyCtx ::> BVType w) Source #
Crucible type of pointers/bitvector values of width w
pattern LLVMPointerRepr :: () => (1 <= w, ty ~ LLVMPointerType w) => NatRepr w -> TypeRepr ty Source #
This pattern synonym makes it easy to build and destruct runtime
representatives of
pattern PtrRepr :: HasPtrWidth wptr => ty ~ LLVMPointerType wptr => TypeRepr ty Source #
This pattern creates/matches against the TypeRepr for LLVM pointer values that are of the distinguished pointer width.
pattern SizeT :: HasPtrWidth wptr => ty ~ BVType wptr => TypeRepr ty Source #
This pattern creates/matches against the TypeRepr for raw bitvector values that are of the distinguished pointer width.
type LLVMPtr sym w = RegValue sym (LLVMPointerType w) Source #
Symbolic LLVM pointer or bitvector values of width w
pattern LLVMPointer :: SymNat sym -> SymBV sym w -> LLVMPointer sym w Source #
A pointer is a base point offset.
llvmPointerView :: LLVMPtr sym w -> (SymNat sym, SymBV sym w) Source #
Alternative to the LLVMPointer
pattern synonym, this function can be used as a view
constructor instead to silence incomplete pattern warnings.
ptrWidth :: IsExprBuilder sym => LLVMPtr sym w -> NatRepr w Source #
Compute the width of a pointer value.
llvmPointer_bv :: IsSymInterface sym => sym -> SymBV sym w -> IO (LLVMPtr sym w) Source #
Convert a raw bitvector value into an LLVM pointer value.
:: IsSymBackend sym bak | |
=> bak | |
-> SimErrorReason | Error to report if casting the pointer to a bitvector fails |
-> LLVMPtr sym w | |
-> IO (SymBV sym w) |
Assert that the given LLVM pointer value is actually a raw bitvector and extract its value.
projectLLVM_bv :: IsSymBackend sym bak => bak -> LLVMPtr sym w -> IO (SymBV sym w) Source #
Assert that the given LLVM pointer value is actually a raw bitvector and extract its value.
Note that this assertion has a very generic message, which can be unhelpful
to users when it fails. Consider using ptrToBv
Memory operations
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> AllocType | stack, heap, or global |
-> Mutability | whether region is read-only |
-> String | source location for use in error messages |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> SymBV sym wptr | allocation size |
-> Alignment | |
-> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr, MemImpl sym) |
Allocate a memory region.
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> AllocType | stack, heap, or global |
-> Mutability | whether region is read-only |
-> String | source location for use in error messages |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> Alignment | |
-> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr, MemImpl sym) |
Allocate a memory region of unbounded size.
data Mutability Source #
Show Mutability Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.MemLog showsPrec :: Int -> Mutability -> ShowS # show :: Mutability -> String # showList :: [Mutability] -> ShowS # | |
Eq Mutability Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.MemLog (==) :: Mutability -> Mutability -> Bool # (/=) :: Mutability -> Mutability -> Bool # | |
Ord Mutability Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.MemLog compare :: Mutability -> Mutability -> Ordering # (<) :: Mutability -> Mutability -> Bool # (<=) :: Mutability -> Mutability -> Bool # (>) :: Mutability -> Mutability -> Bool # (>=) :: Mutability -> Mutability -> Bool # max :: Mutability -> Mutability -> Mutability # min :: Mutability -> Mutability -> Mutability # |
data FuncLookupError Source #
Reasons that looking up a function handle associated with an LLVM pointer may fail
Eq FuncLookupError Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Errors.MemoryError (==) :: FuncLookupError -> FuncLookupError -> Bool # (/=) :: FuncLookupError -> FuncLookupError -> Bool # | |
Ord FuncLookupError Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Errors.MemoryError compare :: FuncLookupError -> FuncLookupError -> Ordering # (<) :: FuncLookupError -> FuncLookupError -> Bool # (<=) :: FuncLookupError -> FuncLookupError -> Bool # (>) :: FuncLookupError -> FuncLookupError -> Bool # (>=) :: FuncLookupError -> FuncLookupError -> Bool # max :: FuncLookupError -> FuncLookupError -> FuncLookupError # min :: FuncLookupError -> FuncLookupError -> FuncLookupError # |
ppFuncLookupError :: FuncLookupError -> Doc ann Source #
doLookupHandle :: (Typeable a, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> IO (Either FuncLookupError a) Source #
Look up the handle associated with the given pointer, if any.
:: (Typeable a, IsSymBackend sym bak) | |
=> bak | |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | |
-> a | handle |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Associate a function handle with an existing allocation.
This can overwrite existing allocation/handle associations, and is used to do so when registering lazily-translated CFGs.
See also Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Functions.
:: (1 <= w, IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> NatRepr w | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> Bool | if true, require disjoint memory regions |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | destination |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | source |
-> SymBV sym w | length |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Copy memory from source to destination.
Precondition: the source and destination pointers fall within valid allocated regions.
:: (1 <= w, IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym) | |
=> bak | |
-> NatRepr w | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | destination |
-> SymBV sym 8 | fill byte |
-> SymBV sym w | length |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Fill a memory range with copies of the specified byte.
Precondition: the memory range falls within a valid allocated region.
:: (1 <= w, IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> NatRepr w | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | destination |
-> Text | message |
-> SymBV sym w | length |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> SymBV sym wptr | size |
-> SymBV sym wptr | number |
-> Alignment | Minimum alignment of the resulting allocation |
-> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr, MemImpl sym) |
Allocate and zero a memory region with size * number bytes.
Precondition: the multiplication size * number does not overflow.
doFree :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> IO (MemImpl sym) Source #
Free the memory region pointed to by the given pointer.
Precondition: the pointer either points to the beginning of an allocated region, or is null. Freeing a null pointer has no effect.
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> SymBV sym wptr | allocation size |
-> Alignment | pointer alignment |
-> String | source location for use in error messages |
-> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr, MemImpl sym) |
Allocate memory on the stack frame of the currently executing function.
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to load from |
-> StorageType | type of value to load |
-> TypeRepr tp | crucible type of the result |
-> Alignment | assumed pointer alignment |
-> IO (RegValue sym tp) |
Load a RegValue
from memory. Both the StorageType
and TypeRepr
arguments should be computed from a single SymType
and llvmTypeAsRepr
Precondition: the pointer is valid and aligned, and the loaded value is defined.
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to store into |
-> TypeRepr tp | |
-> StorageType | type of value to store |
-> Alignment | |
-> RegValue sym tp | value to store |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Store a RegValue
in memory. Both the StorageType
and TypeRepr
arguments should be computed from a single SymType
and llvmTypeAsRepr
Precondition: the pointer is valid and points to a mutable memory region.
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth w, HasLLVMAnn sym) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> LLVMPtr sym w | destination |
-> Alignment | |
-> SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType w)) (BaseBVType 8) | array value |
-> SymBV sym w | array length |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Store an array in memory.
Precondition: the pointer is valid and points to a mutable memory region.
doArrayStoreUnbounded Source #
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth w, HasLLVMAnn sym) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> LLVMPtr sym w | destination |
-> Alignment | |
-> SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType w)) (BaseBVType 8) | array value |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Store an array of unbounded length in memory.
Precondition: the pointer is valid and points to a mutable memory region.
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth w, HasLLVMAnn sym) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> LLVMPtr sym w | destination |
-> Alignment | |
-> SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType w)) (BaseBVType 8) | array value |
-> SymBV sym w | array length |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Store an array in memory.
Precondition: the pointer is valid and points to a mutable or immutable memory region. Therefore it can be used to initialize read-only memory regions.
doArrayConstStoreUnbounded Source #
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth w, HasLLVMAnn sym) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> LLVMPtr sym w | destination |
-> Alignment | |
-> SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType w)) (BaseBVType 8) | array value |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Store an array of unbounded length in memory.
Precondition: the pointer is valid and points to a mutable or immutable memory region. Therefore it can be used to initialize read-only memory regions.
:: forall sym bak wptr. (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions, HasCallStack) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | memory to read from |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to string value |
-> Maybe Int | maximum characters to read |
-> IO [Word8] |
Load a null-terminated string from the memory.
The pointer to read from must be concrete and nonnull. Moreover,
we require all the characters in the string to be concrete.
Otherwise it is very difficult to tell when the string has
terminated. If a maximum number of characters is provided, no more
than that number of charcters will be read. In either case,
will stop reading if it encounters a null-terminator.
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions, HasCallStack) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | memory to read from |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to string value |
-> Maybe Int | maximum characters to read |
-> IO (Maybe [Word8]) |
Like loadString
, except the pointer to load may be null. If
the pointer is null, we return Nothing. Otherwise we load
the string as with loadString
and return it.
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | memory to read from |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to string value |
-> IO (SymBV sym wptr) |
Compute the length of a null-terminated string.
The pointer to read from must be concrete and nonnull. The contents of the string may be symbolic; HOWEVER, this function will not terminate until it eventually reaches a concete null-terminator or a load error.
:: (IsSymInterface sym, HasPtrWidth wptr) | |
=> sym | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | destination |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | source |
-> SymBV sym wptr | length |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Copy memory from source to destination. This version does no checks to verify that the source and destination allocations are allocated and appropriately sized.
"Raw" operations with LLVMVal
data LLVMVal sym where Source #
This datatype describes the variety of values that can be stored in the LLVM heap.
LLVMValInt :: 1 <= w => SymNat sym -> SymBV sym w -> LLVMVal sym | NOTE! The ValInt constructor uniformly represents both pointers and
raw bitvector values. The |
LLVMValFloat :: FloatSize fi -> SymInterpretedFloat sym fi -> LLVMVal sym | |
LLVMValStruct :: Vector (Field StorageType, LLVMVal sym) -> LLVMVal sym | |
LLVMValArray :: StorageType -> Vector (LLVMVal sym) -> LLVMVal sym | |
LLVMValString :: ByteString -> LLVMVal sym | LLVM Value Data given by a constant string of bytes |
LLVMValZero :: StorageType -> LLVMVal sym | The zero value exists at all storage types, and represents the the value which is obtained by loading the approprite number of all zero bytes. It is useful for compactly representing large zero-initialized data structures. |
LLVMValUndef :: StorageType -> LLVMVal sym | The |
:: forall sym ann. IsSymInterface sym | |
=> sym | |
-> Map Natural Symbol | c.f. |
-> LLVMVal sym | |
-> Doc ann |
Pretty-print an LLVMVal
, but replace pointers to globals with the name of
the global when possible. Probably pretty slow on big structures.
data FloatSize (fi :: FloatInfo) where Source #
SingleSize :: FloatSize SingleFloat | |
DoubleSize :: FloatSize DoubleFloat | |
X86_FP80Size :: FloatSize X86_80Float |
TestEquality FloatSize Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Value | |
Show (FloatSize fi) Source # | |
Eq (FloatSize fi) Source # | |
Ord (FloatSize fi) Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Value |
unpackMemValue :: (HasCallStack, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> TypeRepr tp -> LLVMVal sym -> IO (RegValue sym tp) Source #
:: IsSymInterface sym | |
=> sym | |
-> StorageType | LLVM storage type |
-> TypeRepr tp | Crucible type |
-> RegValue sym tp | |
-> IO (LLVMVal sym) |
loadRaw :: (IsSymInterface sym, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => sym -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> StorageType -> Alignment -> IO (PartLLVMVal sym) Source #
Load an LLVM value from memory. Asserts that the pointer is valid and the result value is not undefined.
loadArrayConcreteSizeRaw :: forall sym wptr. (IsSymInterface sym, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => sym -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> Natural -> Alignment -> IO (Either (Pred sym) (Pred sym, SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType wptr)) (BaseBVType 8))) Source #
Load an array with concrete size from memory.
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to store into |
-> StorageType | type of value to store |
-> Alignment | |
-> LLVMVal sym | value to store |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Store an LLVM value in memory. Asserts that the pointer is valid and points to a mutable memory region.
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> Pred sym | Predicate that determines if we actually write. |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to store into |
-> StorageType | type of value to store |
-> Alignment | |
-> LLVMVal sym | value to store |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Store an LLVM value in memory if the condition is true, and otherwise leaves memory unchanged.
Asserts that the pointer is valid and points to a mutable memory region when cond is true.
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to store into |
-> StorageType | type of value to store |
-> Alignment | |
-> LLVMVal sym | value to store |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Store an LLVM value in memory. The pointed-to memory region may
be either mutable or immutable; thus storeConstRaw
can be used to
initialize read-only memory regions.
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> SymBV sym wptr | size in bytes |
-> Alignment | |
-> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr, MemImpl sym) |
Allocate a memory region on the heap, with no source location info.
mallocConstRaw :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> SymBV sym wptr -> Alignment -> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr, MemImpl sym) Source #
Allocate a read-only memory region on the heap, with no source location info.
:: forall wptr sym bak io. (MonadIO io, MonadFail io, HasPtrWidth wptr, IsSymBackend sym bak, HasCallStack) | |
=> bak | The symbolic backend |
-> MemImpl sym | The current memory state, for looking up globals |
-> LLVMConst | Constant expression to translate |
-> io (LLVMVal sym) | Runtime representation of the constant expression |
Translate a constant into an LLVM runtime value. Assumes all necessary
globals have already been populated into the
:: forall wptr sym io. (MonadIO io, MonadFail io, HasPtrWidth wptr, IsSymInterface sym, HasCallStack) | |
=> sym | The symbolic backend |
-> (Symbol -> io (LLVMPtr sym wptr)) | How to look up global symbols |
-> LLVMConst | Constant expression to translate |
-> io (LLVMVal sym) |
This is used (by saw-script) to initialize globals.
In this translation, we lose the distinction between pointers and ints.
This is parameterized (hence, "P") over a function for looking up the
pointer values of global symbols. This parameter is used by populateGlobal
to recursively populate globals that may reference one another.
:: IsSymInterface sym | |
=> String | |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer involved in message |
-> StorageType | type of value pointed to |
-> String |
For now, the core message should be on the first line, with details on further lines. Later we should make it more structured.
data PartLLVMVal sym where Source #
Either an LLVMValue
paired with a tree of predicates explaining
just when it is actually valid, or a type mismatch.
Err :: Pred sym -> PartLLVMVal sym | |
NoErr :: Pred sym -> LLVMVal sym -> PartLLVMVal sym |
assertSafe :: IsSymBackend sym bak => bak -> PartLLVMVal sym -> IO (LLVMVal sym) Source #
Take a partial value and assert its safety
explodeStringValue :: forall sym. (IsExprBuilder sym, IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder sym) => sym -> ByteString -> IO (LLVMVal sym) Source #
Turns a bytestring into an explicit array of bytes
isZero :: forall sym. (IsExprBuilder sym, IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder sym) => sym -> LLVMVal sym -> IO (Maybe (Pred sym)) Source #
A special case for comparing values to the distinguished zero value.
Should be faster than using testEqual
with zeroExpandLLVMVal
for compound
values, because we traverse
subcomponents of vectors and structs, quitting
early on a constantly false answer or LLVMValUndef
Returns Nothing
for LLVMValUndef
testEqual :: forall sym. (IsExprBuilder sym, IsInterpretedFloatExprBuilder sym) => sym -> LLVMVal sym -> LLVMVal sym -> IO (Maybe (Pred sym)) Source #
A predicate denoting the equality of two LLVMVals.
Returns Nothing
in the event that one of the values contains LLVMValUndef
llvmValStorableType :: IsExprBuilder sym => LLVMVal sym -> StorageType Source #
Storage types
data StorageType Source #
Represents the storage type of an LLVM value. A Type
how a value is represented as bytes in memory.
Show StorageType Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Type showsPrec :: Int -> StorageType -> ShowS # show :: StorageType -> String # showList :: [StorageType] -> ShowS # | |
Eq StorageType Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Type (==) :: StorageType -> StorageType -> Bool # (/=) :: StorageType -> StorageType -> Bool # | |
Ord StorageType Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Type compare :: StorageType -> StorageType -> Ordering # (<) :: StorageType -> StorageType -> Bool # (<=) :: StorageType -> StorageType -> Bool # (>) :: StorageType -> StorageType -> Bool # (>=) :: StorageType -> StorageType -> Bool # max :: StorageType -> StorageType -> StorageType # min :: StorageType -> StorageType -> StorageType # |
data StorageTypeF v Source #
Bitvector !Bytes | Size of bitvector in bytes (must be > 0). |
Float | |
Double | |
X86_FP80 | |
Array !Natural !v | Number of elements and element type |
Struct !(Vector (Field v)) |
Show v => Show (StorageTypeF v) Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Type showsPrec :: Int -> StorageTypeF v -> ShowS # show :: StorageTypeF v -> String # showList :: [StorageTypeF v] -> ShowS # | |
Eq v => Eq (StorageTypeF v) Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Type (==) :: StorageTypeF v -> StorageTypeF v -> Bool # (/=) :: StorageTypeF v -> StorageTypeF v -> Bool # | |
Ord v => Ord (StorageTypeF v) Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Type compare :: StorageTypeF v -> StorageTypeF v -> Ordering # (<) :: StorageTypeF v -> StorageTypeF v -> Bool # (<=) :: StorageTypeF v -> StorageTypeF v -> Bool # (>) :: StorageTypeF v -> StorageTypeF v -> Bool # (>=) :: StorageTypeF v -> StorageTypeF v -> Bool # max :: StorageTypeF v -> StorageTypeF v -> StorageTypeF v # min :: StorageTypeF v -> StorageTypeF v -> StorageTypeF v # |
Foldable Field Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Type fold :: Monoid m => Field m -> m # foldMap :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Field a -> m # foldMap' :: Monoid m => (a -> m) -> Field a -> m # foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Field a -> b # foldr' :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Field a -> b # foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Field a -> b # foldl' :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> Field a -> b # foldr1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Field a -> a # foldl1 :: (a -> a -> a) -> Field a -> a # elem :: Eq a => a -> Field a -> Bool # maximum :: Ord a => Field a -> a # minimum :: Ord a => Field a -> a # | |
Traversable Field Source # | |
Functor Field Source # | |
Show v => Show (Field v) Source # | |
Eq v => Eq (Field v) Source # | |
Ord v => Ord (Field v) Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Type |
storageTypeSize :: StorageType -> Bytes Source #
fieldOffset :: Field v -> Offset Source #
bitvectorType :: Bytes -> StorageType Source #
arrayType :: Natural -> StorageType -> StorageType Source #
mkStructType :: Vector (StorageType, Bytes) -> StorageType Source #
toStorableType :: (MonadFail m, HasPtrWidth wptr) => MemType -> m StorageType Source #
Pointer operations
mkNullPointer :: (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> IO (LLVMPtr sym w) Source #
Produce the distinguished null pointer value.
ptrIsNull :: (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
Test if a pointer value is the null pointer.
ptrEq :: (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
Test whether two pointers are equal.
ptrAdd :: (1 <= w, IsExprBuilder sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> SymBV sym w -> IO (LLVMPtr sym w) Source #
Add an offset to a pointer.
ptrSub :: (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> SymBV sym w -> IO (LLVMPtr sym w) Source #
Subtract an offset from a pointer.
ptrDiff :: (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> IO (SymBV sym w, Pred sym) Source #
Compute the difference between two pointers. The returned predicate asserts that the pointers point into the same allocation block.
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | base pointer |
-> SymBV sym wptr | offset |
-> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr) |
Add an offset to a pointer and asserts that the result is a valid pointer.
doPtrSubtract :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> IO (SymBV sym wptr) Source #
isValidPointer :: (IsSymInterface sym, HasPtrWidth wptr) => sym -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> MemImpl sym -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
This predicate tests if the pointer is a valid, live pointer into the heap, OR is the distinguished NULL pointer.
isAllocatedAlignedPointer Source #
:: (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) | |
=> sym | |
-> NatRepr w | |
-> Alignment | minimum required pointer alignment |
-> Mutability |
-> LLVMPtr sym w | pointer |
-> Maybe (SymBV sym w) | size ( |
-> MemImpl sym | memory |
-> IO (Pred sym) |
Return the condition required to prove that the pointer points to
a range of size
bytes that falls within an allocated region of
the appropriate mutability, and also that the pointer is
sufficiently aligned.
muxLLVMPtr :: 1 <= w => IsSymInterface sym => sym -> Pred sym -> LLVMPtr sym w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> IO (LLVMPtr sym w) Source #
Mux function specialized to LLVM pointer values.
isAligned :: forall sym w. (1 <= w, IsSymInterface sym) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> Alignment -> IO (Pred sym) Source #
Generate a predicate asserting that the given pointer satisfies the specified alignment constraint.
assertDisjointRegions Source #
:: (1 <= w, HasPtrWidth wptr, IsSymBackend sym bak, HasLLVMAnn sym) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemoryOp sym wptr | |
-> NatRepr w | |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to region 1 |
-> SymBV sym w | length of region 1 |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to region 2 |
-> SymBV sym w | length of region 2 |
-> IO () |
Assert that two memory regions are disjoint. Two memory regions are disjoint if any of the following are true:
- Their block pointers are different
- Their blocks are the same, but dest+dlen <= src
- Their blocks are the same, but src+slen <= dest
buildDisjointRegionsAssertion Source #
:: (1 <= w, HasPtrWidth wptr, IsSymInterface sym) | |
=> sym | |
-> NatRepr w | |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to region 1 |
-> SymBV sym w | length of region 1 |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to region 2 |
-> SymBV sym w | length of region 2 |
-> IO (Pred sym) |
buildDisjointRegionsAssertionWithSub Source #
:: (HasPtrWidth wptr, IsSymInterface sym) | |
=> sym | |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to region 1 |
-> SymBV sym wptr | length of region 1 |
-> LLVMPtr sym wptr | pointer to region 2 |
-> SymBV sym wptr | length of region 2 |
-> IO (Pred sym) |
Build the condition that two memory regions are disjoint, using subtraction and comparison to zero instead of direct comparison (that is, 0 <= y - x instead of x <= y). This enables semiring and abstract domain simplifications. The result if false if any offset is not positive when interpreted as signed bitvector.
newtype GlobalSymbol Source #
Show GlobalSymbol Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Types showsPrec :: Int -> GlobalSymbol -> ShowS # show :: GlobalSymbol -> String # showList :: [GlobalSymbol] -> ShowS # | |
Eq GlobalSymbol Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Types (==) :: GlobalSymbol -> GlobalSymbol -> Bool # (/=) :: GlobalSymbol -> GlobalSymbol -> Bool # | |
Ord GlobalSymbol Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Types compare :: GlobalSymbol -> GlobalSymbol -> Ordering # (<) :: GlobalSymbol -> GlobalSymbol -> Bool # (<=) :: GlobalSymbol -> GlobalSymbol -> Bool # (>) :: GlobalSymbol -> GlobalSymbol -> Bool # (>=) :: GlobalSymbol -> GlobalSymbol -> Bool # max :: GlobalSymbol -> GlobalSymbol -> GlobalSymbol # min :: GlobalSymbol -> GlobalSymbol -> GlobalSymbol # |
:: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasCallStack) | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> Symbol | name of global |
-> IO (LLVMPtr sym wptr) |
registerGlobal :: (IsExprBuilder sym, 1 <= wptr) => MemImpl sym -> [Symbol] -> LLVMPtr sym wptr -> MemImpl sym Source #
Add an entry to the global map of the given MemImpl
This takes a list of symbols because there may be aliases to a global.
allocGlobals :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> [(Global, [Symbol], Bytes, Alignment)] -> MemImpl sym -> IO (MemImpl sym) Source #
Allocate memory for each global, and register all the resulting pointers in the global map.
allocGlobal :: (IsSymBackend sym bak, HasPtrWidth wptr, HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => bak -> MemImpl sym -> (Global, [Symbol], Bytes, Alignment) -> IO (MemImpl sym) Source #
:: forall sym w. IsSymInterface sym | |
=> Map Natural Symbol | c.f. |
-> LLVMPtr sym w | |
-> Maybe Symbol |
Look up a pointer in the memImplGlobalMap
to see if it's a global.
This is best-effort and will only work if the pointer is fully concrete and matches the address of the global on the nose. It is used in SAWscript for friendly error messages.
llvmStatementExec :: (HasLLVMAnn sym, ?memOpts :: MemOptions) => EvalStmtFunc p sym LLVM Source #
Top-level evaluation function for LLVM extension statements. LLVM extension statements are used to implement the memory model operations.
popStackFrameMem :: forall sym. Mem sym -> Mem sym Source #
asMemAllocationArrayStore Source #
:: forall sym w. (IsSymInterface sym, 1 <= w) | |
=> sym | |
-> NatRepr w | |
-> LLVMPtr sym w | Pointer |
-> Mem sym | |
-> IO (Maybe (Pred sym, SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType w)) (BaseBVType 8), SymBV sym w)) |
Check if LLVMPtr sym w
points inside an allocation that is backed
by an SMT array store. If true, return a predicate that indicates
when the given array backs the given pointer, the SMT array,
and the size of the allocation.
NOTE: this operation is linear in the size of the list of previous memory writes. This means that memory writes as well as memory reads require a traversal of the list of previous writes. The performance of this operation can be improved by using a map to index the writes by allocation index.
asMemMatchingArrayStore :: (IsSymInterface sym, 1 <= w) => sym -> NatRepr w -> LLVMPtr sym w -> SymBV sym w -> Mem sym -> IO (Maybe (Pred sym, SymArray sym (SingleCtx (BaseBVType w)) (BaseBVType 8))) Source #
data SomeFnHandle where Source #
SomeFnHandle :: FnHandle args ret -> SomeFnHandle | |
VarargsFnHandle :: FnHandle (args ::> VectorType AnyType) ret -> SomeFnHandle |
possibleAllocs :: forall sym. IsSymInterface sym => Natural -> Mem sym -> [SomeAlloc sym] Source #
Find an overapproximation of the set of allocations with this number.
ppSomeAlloc :: forall sym ann. IsExprBuilder sym => SomeAlloc sym -> Doc ann Source #
doConditionalWriteOperation Source #
:: IsSymBackend sym bak | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> Pred sym | write condition |
-> (MemImpl sym -> IO (MemImpl sym)) | memory write operation |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Perform a memory write operation if the condition is true, do not change the memory otherwise.
Asserts that the write operation is valid when cond is true.
:: IsSymBackend sym bak | |
=> bak | |
-> MemImpl sym | |
-> Pred sym | merge condition |
-> (MemImpl sym -> IO (MemImpl sym)) | true branch memory write operation |
-> (MemImpl sym -> IO (MemImpl sym)) | false branch memory write operation |
-> IO (MemImpl sym) |
Merge memory write operations on condition: if the condition is true, perform the true branch write operation, otherwise perform the false branch write operation.
Asserts that the true branch write operation is valid when cond is true, and that the false branch write operation is valid when cond is not true.
type HasLLVMAnn sym = ?recordLLVMAnnotation :: CallStack -> BoolAnn sym -> BadBehavior sym -> IO () Source #
type LLVMAnnMap sym = Map (BoolAnn sym) (CallStack, BadBehavior sym) Source #
data CexExplanation sym (tp :: BaseType) where Source #
NoExplanation :: CexExplanation sym tp | |
DisjOfFailures :: [(CallStack, BadBehavior sym)] -> CexExplanation sym BaseBoolType |
Semigroup (CexExplanation sym BaseBoolType) Source # | |
Defined in Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel.Partial (<>) :: CexExplanation sym BaseBoolType -> CexExplanation sym BaseBoolType -> CexExplanation sym BaseBoolType # sconcat :: NonEmpty (CexExplanation sym BaseBoolType) -> CexExplanation sym BaseBoolType # stimes :: Integral b => b -> CexExplanation sym BaseBoolType -> CexExplanation sym BaseBoolType # |
explainCex :: forall t st fs sym. (IsSymInterface sym, sym ~ ExprBuilder t st fs) => sym -> LLVMAnnMap sym -> Maybe (GroundEvalFn t) -> IO (Pred sym -> IO (CexExplanation sym BaseBoolType)) Source #
PtrWidth (re-exports)
type HasPtrWidth w = (1 <= w, 16 <= w, ?ptrWidth :: NatRepr w) Source #
This constraint captures the idea that there is a distinguished
pointer width in scope which is appropriate according to the C
notion of pointer, and object size. In particular, it must be at
least 16-bits wide (as required for the size_t
withPtrWidth :: forall w a. 16 <= w => NatRepr w -> (HasPtrWidth w => a) -> a Source #
concPtr :: (IsExprBuilder sym, 1 <= w) => sym -> (forall tp. SymExpr sym tp -> IO (GroundValue tp)) -> RegValue sym (LLVMPointerType w) -> IO (RegValue sym (LLVMPointerType w)) Source #
concLLVMVal :: IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> (forall tp. SymExpr sym tp -> IO (GroundValue tp)) -> LLVMVal sym -> IO (LLVMVal sym) Source #
concMem :: IsExprBuilder sym => sym -> (forall tp. SymExpr sym tp -> IO (GroundValue tp)) -> Mem sym -> IO (Mem sym) Source #
concMemImpl :: IsSymInterface sym => sym -> (forall tp. SymExpr sym tp -> IO (GroundValue tp)) -> MemImpl sym -> IO (MemImpl sym) Source #
Orphan instances
IsSymInterface sym => IntrinsicClass sym "LLVM_memory" Source # | |
pushBranchIntrinsic :: forall (ctx :: Ctx CrucibleType). sym -> IntrinsicTypes sym -> SymbolRepr "LLVM_memory" -> CtxRepr ctx -> Intrinsic sym "LLVM_memory" ctx -> IO (Intrinsic sym "LLVM_memory" ctx) # abortBranchIntrinsic :: forall (ctx :: Ctx CrucibleType). sym -> IntrinsicTypes sym -> SymbolRepr "LLVM_memory" -> CtxRepr ctx -> Intrinsic sym "LLVM_memory" ctx -> IO (Intrinsic sym "LLVM_memory" ctx) # muxIntrinsic :: forall (ctx :: Ctx CrucibleType). sym -> IntrinsicTypes sym -> SymbolRepr "LLVM_memory" -> CtxRepr ctx -> Pred sym -> Intrinsic sym "LLVM_memory" ctx -> Intrinsic sym "LLVM_memory" ctx -> IO (Intrinsic sym "LLVM_memory" ctx) # |