cryptol-2.3.0: Cryptol: The Language of Cryptography

Copyright(c) 2013-2016 Galois, Inc.
Safe HaskellSafe






data InferInput Source

Information needed for type inference.




inpRange :: Range

Location of program source

inpVars :: Map Name Schema

Variables that are in scope

inpTSyns :: Map Name TySyn

Type synonyms that are in scope

inpNewtypes :: Map Name Newtype

Newtypes in scope

inpNameSeeds :: NameSeeds

Private state of type-checker

inpMonoBinds :: Bool

Should local bindings without signatures be monomorphized?

inpSolverConfig :: SolverConfig

Options for the constraint solver

inpPrimNames :: !PrimMap

The mapping from Ident to Name, for names that the typechecker needs to refer to.

inpSupply :: !Supply

The supply for fresh name generation

data InferOutput a Source

The results of type inference.


InferFailed [(Range, Warning)] [(Range, Error)]

We found some errors

InferOK [(Range, Warning)] NameSeeds Supply a

Type inference was successful.


data SolverConfig Source




solverPath :: FilePath

The SMT solver to invoke

solverArgs :: [String]

Additional arguments to pass to the solver

solverVerbose :: Int

How verbose to be when type-checking

data NameSeeds Source

This is used for generating various names.

nameSeeds :: NameSeeds Source

The initial seeds, used when checking a fresh program.

data Error Source

Various errors that might happen during type checking/inference


ErrorMsg Doc

Just say this

KindMismatch Kind Kind

Expected kind, inferred kind

TooManyTypeParams Int Kind

Number of extra parameters, kind of resut (which should not be of the form _ -> _)

TooManyTySynParams Name Int

Type-synonym, number of extra params

TooFewTySynParams Name Int

Type-synonym, number of missing params

RepeatedTyParams [TParam Name]

Type parameters with the same name (in definition)

RepeatedDefinitions Name [Range]

Multiple definitions for the same name

RecursiveTypeDecls [Name]

The type synonym declarations are recursive

UndefinedTypeSynonym Name

Use of a type synonym that was not defined

UndefinedVariable Name

Use of a variable that was not defined

UndefinedTypeParam (Located Ident)

Attempt to explicitly instantiate a non-existent param.

MultipleTypeParamDefs Ident [Range]

Multiple definitions for the same type parameter

TypeMismatch Type Type

Expected type, inferred type

RecursiveType Type Type

Unification results in a recursive type

UnsolvedGoal Bool Goal

A constraint that we could not solve The boolean indicates if we know that this constraint is impossible.

UnsolvedDelcayedCt DelayedCt

A constraint (with context) that we could not solve


Type wild cards are not allowed in this context (e.g., definitions of type synonyms).

TypeVariableEscaped Type [TVar]

Unification variable depends on quantified variables that are not in scope.

NotForAll TVar Type

Quantified type variables (of kind *) needs to match the given type, so it does not work for all types.

UnusableFunction Name [Prop]

The given constraints causes the signature of the function to be not-satisfiable.


Too many positional type arguments, in an explicit type instantiation

AmbiguousType [Name]