-- |
-- Module      : Crypto.Store.CMS.Signed
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : Olivier Chéron <olivier.cheron@gmail.com>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : unknown
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Crypto.Store.CMS.Signed
    ( EncapsulatedContent
    , SignedData(..)
    , SignerInfo(..)
    , SignerIdentifier(..)
    , IssuerAndSerialNumber(..)
    , ProducerOfSI
    , ConsumerOfSI
    , certSigner
    , withPublicKey
    , withSignerKey
    , withSignerCertificate
    , encapsulatedContentInfoASN1S
    , parseEncapsulatedContentInfo
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad

import           Data.ASN1.Types
import           Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import           Data.List
import           Data.Maybe
import           Data.X509

import Crypto.Random (MonadRandom)

import Crypto.Store.ASN1.Generate
import Crypto.Store.ASN1.Parse
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Algorithms
import Crypto.Store.CMS.AuthEnveloped
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Attribute
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Enveloped
import Crypto.Store.CMS.OriginatorInfo
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Type
import Crypto.Store.CMS.Util
import Crypto.Store.Error

-- | Encapsulated content.
type EncapsulatedContent = ByteString

-- | Information related to a signer of a 'Crypto.Store.CMS.SignedData'.  An
-- element contains the signature material that was produced.
data SignerInfo = SignerInfo
    { siSignerId :: SignerIdentifier
      -- ^ Identifier of the signer certificate
    , siDigestAlgorithm :: DigestAlgorithm
      -- ^ Digest algorithm used for the signature
    , siSignedAttrs :: [Attribute]
      -- ^ Optional signed attributes
    , siSignatureAlg :: SignatureAlg
      -- ^ Algorithm used for signature
    , siSignature :: SignatureValue
      -- ^ The signature value
    , siUnsignedAttrs :: [Attribute]
      -- ^ Optional unsigned attributes
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ASN1Elem e => ProduceASN1Object e SignerInfo where
    asn1s SignerInfo{..} =
        asn1Container Sequence (ver . sid . dig . sa . alg . sig . ua)
        ver = gIntVal (getVersion siSignerId)
        sid = asn1s siSignerId
        dig = algorithmASN1S Sequence siDigestAlgorithm
        sa  = attributesASN1S (Container Context 0) siSignedAttrs
        alg = algorithmASN1S Sequence siSignatureAlg
        sig = gOctetString siSignature
        ua  = attributesASN1S (Container Context 1) siUnsignedAttrs

instance Monoid e => ParseASN1Object e SignerInfo where
    parse = onNextContainer Sequence $ do
        IntVal v <- getNext
        when (v /= 1 && v /= 3) $
            throwParseError ("SignerInfo: parsed invalid version: " ++ show v)
        sid <- parse
        dig <- parseAlgorithm Sequence
        sAttrs <- parseAttributes (Container Context 0)
        alg <- parseAlgorithm Sequence
        (OctetString sig) <- getNext
        uAttrs <- parseAttributes (Container Context 1)
        return SignerInfo { siSignerId = sid
                          , siDigestAlgorithm = dig
                          , siSignedAttrs = sAttrs
                          , siSignatureAlg = alg
                          , siSignature = sig
                          , siUnsignedAttrs = uAttrs

getVersion :: SignerIdentifier -> Integer
getVersion (SignerIASN _) = 1
getVersion (SignerSKI _)  = 3

-- | Return true when the signer info has version 3.
isVersion3 :: SignerInfo -> Bool
isVersion3 = (== 3) . getVersion . siSignerId

-- | Union type related to identification of the signer certificate.
data SignerIdentifier
    = SignerIASN IssuerAndSerialNumber  -- ^ Issuer and Serial Number
    | SignerSKI  ByteString             -- ^ Subject Key Identifier
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ASN1Elem e => ProduceASN1Object e SignerIdentifier where
    asn1s (SignerIASN iasn) = asn1s iasn
    asn1s (SignerSKI  ski)  = asn1Container (Container Context 0)
                                  (gOctetString ski)

instance Monoid e => ParseASN1Object e SignerIdentifier where
    parse = parseIASN <|> parseSKI
      where parseIASN = SignerIASN <$> parse
            parseSKI  = SignerSKI  <$>
                onNextContainer (Container Context 0) parseBS
            parseBS = do { OctetString bs <- getNext; return bs }

-- | Try to find a certificate with the specified identifier.
findSigner :: SignerIdentifier
           -> [SignedCertificate]
           -> Maybe (SignedCertificate, [SignedCertificate])
findSigner (SignerIASN iasn) certs =
    partitionHead (matchIASN . signedObject . getSigned) certs
    matchIASN c =
        (iasnIssuer iasn, iasnSerial iasn) == (certIssuerDN c, certSerial c)
findSigner (SignerSKI  ski) certs =
    partitionHead (matchSKI. signedObject . getSigned) certs
    matchSKI c =
        case extensionGet (certExtensions c) of
            Just (ExtSubjectKeyId idBs) -> idBs == ski
            Nothing                     -> False

partitionHead :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Maybe (a, [a])
partitionHead p l =
    case partition p l of
        (x : _, r) -> Just (x, r)
        ([]   , _)    -> Nothing

-- | Function able to produce a 'SignerInfo'.
type ProducerOfSI m = ContentType -> ByteString -> m (Either StoreError (SignerInfo, [CertificateChoice], [RevocationInfoChoice]))

-- | Function able to consume a 'SignerInfo'.
type ConsumerOfSI m = ContentType -> ByteString -> SignerInfo -> [CertificateChoice] -> [RevocationInfoChoice] -> m Bool

-- | Create a signer info with the specified signature algorithm and
-- credentials.
-- Two lists of optional attributes can be provided.  The attributes will be
-- part of message signature when provided in the first list.
-- When the first list of attributes is provided, even empty list, signature is
-- computed from a digest of the content.  When the list of attributes is
-- 'Nothing', no intermediate digest is used and the signature is computed from
-- the full message.
certSigner :: MonadRandom m
           => SignatureAlg
           -> PrivKey
           -> CertificateChain
           -> Maybe [Attribute]
           -> [Attribute]
           -> ProducerOfSI m
certSigner alg priv (CertificateChain chain) sAttrsM uAttrs ct msg =
    fmap build <$> generate
    md   = digest dig msg
    def  = DigestAlgorithm Crypto.Store.CMS.Algorithms.SHA256
    cert = head chain
    obj  = signedObject (getSigned cert)
    isn  = IssuerAndSerialNumber (certIssuerDN obj) (certSerial obj)
    pub  = certPubKey obj

    (dig, alg') = signatureResolveHash noAttr def alg

    noAttr          = null sAttrs
    (sAttrs, input) =
        case sAttrsM of
            Nothing    -> ([], msg)
            Just attrs ->
                let l = setContentTypeAttr ct $ setMessageDigestAttr md attrs
                 in (l, encodeAuthAttrs l)

    generate  = signatureGenerate alg' priv pub input
    build sig =
        let si = SignerInfo { siSignerId = SignerIASN isn
                            , siDigestAlgorithm = dig
                            , siSignedAttrs = sAttrs
                            , siSignatureAlg = alg
                            , siSignature = sig
                            , siUnsignedAttrs = uAttrs
         in (si, map CertificateCertificate chain, [])

-- | Verify that the signature was produced from the specified public key.
-- Ignores all certificates and CRLs contained in the signed data.
withPublicKey :: Applicative f => PubKey -> ConsumerOfSI f
withPublicKey pub ct msg SignerInfo{..} _ _ = pure $
    fromMaybe False $ do
        guard (noAttr || attrMatch)
        alg <- signatureCheckHash siDigestAlgorithm siSignatureAlg
        return (signatureVerify alg pub input siSignature)
    noAttr    = null siSignedAttrs
    mdMatch   = mdAttr == Just (digest siDigestAlgorithm msg)
    attrMatch = ctAttr == Just ct && mdMatch
    mdAttr    = getMessageDigestAttr siSignedAttrs
    ctAttr    = getContentTypeAttr siSignedAttrs
    input     = if noAttr then msg else encodeAuthAttrs siSignedAttrs

-- | Verify that the signature is valid with one of the X.509 certificates
-- contained in the signed data, but does not validate that the certificates are
-- valid.  All transmitted certificates are implicitely trusted and all CRLs are
-- ignored.
withSignerKey :: Applicative f => ConsumerOfSI f
withSignerKey = withSignerCertificate (\_ -> pure True)

-- | Verify that the signature is valid with one of the X.509 certificates
-- contained in the signed data, and verify that the signer certificate is valid
-- using the validation function supplied.  All CRLs are ignored.
withSignerCertificate :: Applicative f
                      => (CertificateChain -> f Bool) -> ConsumerOfSI f
withSignerCertificate validate ct msg SignerInfo{..} certs crls =
    case getCertificateChain of
        Just chain -> validate chain
        Nothing    -> pure False
    getCertificateChain = do
        (cert, others) <- findSigner siSignerId x509Certificates
        let pub = certPubKey $ signedObject $ getSigned cert
        validSignature <- withPublicKey pub ct msg SignerInfo{..} certs crls
        guard validSignature
        return $ CertificateChain (cert : others)

    x509Certificates = mapMaybe asX509 certs

    asX509 (CertificateCertificate c) = Just c
    asX509 _                          = Nothing

-- | Signed content information.
data SignedData content = SignedData
    { sdDigestAlgorithms :: [DigestAlgorithm]      -- ^ Digest algorithms
    , sdContentType :: ContentType                 -- ^ Inner content type
    , sdEncapsulatedContent :: content             -- ^ Encapsulated content
    , sdCertificates :: [CertificateChoice]        -- ^ The collection of certificates
    , sdCRLs  :: [RevocationInfoChoice]            -- ^ The collection of CRLs
    , sdSignerInfos :: [SignerInfo]                -- ^ Per-signer information
    deriving (Show,Eq)

instance ProduceASN1Object ASN1P (SignedData (Encap EncapsulatedContent)) where
    asn1s SignedData{..} =
        asn1Container Sequence (ver . dig . ci . certs . crls . sis)
        ver = gIntVal v
        dig = asn1Container Set (digestTypesASN1S sdDigestAlgorithms)
        ci  = encapsulatedContentInfoASN1S sdContentType sdEncapsulatedContent
        certs = gen 0 sdCertificates
        crls  = gen 1 sdCRLs
        sis = asn1Container Set (asn1s sdSignerInfos)

        gen tag list
            | null list = id
            | otherwise = asn1Container (Container Context tag) (asn1s list)

        v | hasChoiceOther sdCertificates = 5
          | hasChoiceOther sdCRLs         = 5
          | any isVersion3 sdSignerInfos  = 3
          | sdContentType == DataType     = 1
          | otherwise                     = 3

instance ParseASN1Object [ASN1Event] (SignedData (Encap EncapsulatedContent)) where
    parse =
        onNextContainer Sequence $ do
            IntVal v <- getNext
            when (v > 5) $
                throwParseError ("SignedData: parsed invalid version: " ++ show v)
            dig <- onNextContainer Set parseDigestTypes
            (ct, bs) <- parseEncapsulatedContentInfo
            certs <- parseOptList 0
            crls  <- parseOptList 1
            sis <- onNextContainer Set parse
            return SignedData { sdDigestAlgorithms = dig
                              , sdContentType = ct
                              , sdEncapsulatedContent = bs
                              , sdCertificates = certs
                              , sdCRLs = crls
                              , sdSignerInfos = sis
        parseOptList tag =
            fromMaybe [] <$> onNextContainerMaybe (Container Context tag) parse

-- | Generate ASN.1 for EncapsulatedContentInfo.
encapsulatedContentInfoASN1S :: ASN1Elem e => ContentType -> Encap EncapsulatedContent -> ASN1Stream e
encapsulatedContentInfoASN1S ct ec = asn1Container Sequence (oid . cont)
  where oid = gOID (getObjectID ct)
        cont = encapsulatedASN1S (Container Context 0) ec

encapsulatedASN1S :: ASN1Elem e
                  => ASN1ConstructionType -> Encap B.ByteString -> ASN1Stream e
encapsulatedASN1S _   Detached     = id
encapsulatedASN1S ty (Attached bs) = asn1Container ty (gOctetString bs)

-- | Parse EncapsulatedContentInfo from ASN.1.
parseEncapsulatedContentInfo :: Monoid e => ParseASN1 e (ContentType, Encap EncapsulatedContent)
parseEncapsulatedContentInfo =
    onNextContainer Sequence $ do
        OID oid <- getNext
        withObjectID "content type" oid $ \ct ->
            wrap ct <$> onNextContainerMaybe (Container Context 0) parseInner
    wrap ct Nothing  = (ct, Detached)
    wrap ct (Just c) = (ct, Attached c)

    parseInner = parseContentSingle <|> parseContentChunks

    parseContentSingle = do { OctetString bs <- getNext; return bs }
    parseContentChunks = onNextContainer (Container Universal 4) $
        B.concat <$> getMany parseContentSingle

digestTypesASN1S :: ASN1Elem e => [DigestAlgorithm] -> ASN1Stream e
digestTypesASN1S list cont = foldr (algorithmASN1S Sequence) cont list

parseDigestTypes :: Monoid e => ParseASN1 e [DigestAlgorithm]
parseDigestTypes = getMany (parseAlgorithm Sequence)