A program and a library to create experimental music from
a mono audio and a Ukrainian text. It can also create a timbre
for the notes.
***** Usage *****
You can use it as a library or as an executable.
Please, check before executing whether there is no "x.wav", "test*.wav",
"result*.wav" and "end.wav" files in the current directory, because they
can be overwritten. The same can be said about "nx*.wav" files in the directory.
For the executable you enter in the terminal:
dobutokO2 { 0 | 1 | 11 | 2 | 21 | 3 | 31 | 4 | 41 | 5 | 51 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 80 | 9 } {fileName} {Ukrainian text}
where filename is:
the full name of the file to be recorded in the current directory or
the full absolute path to the sound .wav file (or other one format
that is supported by your SoX installation) to obtain sound information from.
If the first command line argument equals to one of the numbers below, then
the program behaves as follows:
"1", or "3", or "5" -> then the executable uses the oberTones functions,
so for the given parameters the obertones are the same for every call.
"2", or "4", or "6" -> then the program uses uniqOberTones functions.
"3", or "4", or "5", or "6" -> the program uses additional String to define
signs for the harmonics coefficients for obertones.
"11", or "21", or "31", or "41", or "51", or "61" -> the program works as for
the respective inputs with only the first character in the option
(e. g. for "51", this is "5"), but uses not octaves, but n-th elements sets
of consequential notes consisting of 2, 3, 4, 6, or 9 elements (called
'enky'). The usual octave is from such point of view a 12th elements set
of consequential notes. This allows to create more 'condensed' and
'narrower' compositions that being more defined can be at the
same time more precise.
"9" -> the program works with existing "result*.wav" files and you can replace
some of them by other one(s) or their sequences. This allows to create files,
then edit them using this first command line option (possibly for several
times) and at last create a resulting melody file with "8" or "80" options.
In more details:
"0" -> the program just converts multiline Ukrainian text from stdin
into a String and prints it to stdout. No other arguments are used.
"1" -> basic functionality without the possibility to define individual obertones.
"11" -> the same as "1", but works with enky. See general information above.
"2" -> basic functionality with the possibility to define individual obertones.
In such a case, another text gives the other obertones.
"21" -> the same as "2", but works with enky. See general information above.
"3" -> adittionally to basic functionality gives an opportunity
to specify the signs for the harmonics coefficients for obertones
by additional String.
"31" -> the same as "3", but works with enky. See general information above.
"4" -> similarly to "2" gives an opportunity to specify the signs
for the harmonics coefficients for obertones by additional String.
"41" -> the same as "4", but works with enky. See general information above.
"5" -> additionally to that one functionality provided by "3" gives
an opportunity to specify in how many times the amplitude for
the second lower note (if any) is greater, than the amplitude
for the main note and specify the intervals to be used
for every note.
"51" -> the same as "5", but works with enky. See general information above.
"6" -> the same as "5", but you can define also obertones by an additional String.
"61" -> the same as "6", but works with enky. See general information above.
"7" -> the program behaves like for the "5" option, but generates
obertones using additional String and allows maximum control over
the parameters. Besides, all the needed information it obtains from
the singular formatted input, which can be ended with a keyboard keys
combination that means an end of input (e. g. for Unices, that is
probably Ctrl + D). '@' are separators for the input parts
for their respective parts. For more information about the
format of the single input, see:
The file is also provided with the package as text.dat.txt.
The last two or three inputs (an input just here means
a textual input between two '@') can be omitted, the
program will work also but with less control for
the user possible.
"8" -> the program just creates from input "result*" files the "end.wav" by
concatenating them into one. It is mostly useful after some processment
on the "result*" files after previous execution with other lesser first
command line arguments to get the test final sound file. It can be then
listened to and probably remade again by editing the "result*" files
and running the program with this option again. In such a case,
none from the other command line arguments is important for the
program running, so they all can be simply omitted.
"80" -> the same as "8" but with one important difference that the program if
succeeded in creation of the "end.wav" file, then removes all other "result*"
files from the current directory, so you cannot reverse the successful action
back and try again with just the same files. In such a case, you need to
repeat all the process of creation of "result*" files. Be aware and use
with care!
"9" -> see the information above.
_ -> the program behaves like for the "5" option, but generates
obertones using additional String and allows maximum control over
the parameters.
After the program executing (it takes some time) with the first command line
options except "80" there are files "result*.wav" in the directory.
These are the resulting melody generated in their order preserved.
The program now lifts the frequencies to the octave or to the enka with the number,
which you can specify during its execution.
You can use the default values (backward compatible with the version
if the first command line option does not consist of two digits and the last one
is not a '0' or '1') by simply pressing 'Enter' while being prompted and
the informational message contains the line about the default value.
** Note:
- Better to execute in the RAM. Need rather a lot of space on the disk for
the resulting file "end.wav" and auxiliary files (MBs) for a short sound
in the second command line arguments.