eliminators-0.9.5: Dependently typed elimination functions using singletons
Copyright(C) 2017 Ryan Scott
LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
MaintainerRyan Scott
Safe HaskellTrustworthy



Dependently typed elimination functions using singletons.

This module exports a combination of eliminators whose names are known not to clash with each other. Potential name conflicts have been resolved by putting the conflicting names in separate modules:


Eliminator functions

These eliminators are defined with propositions of kind <Datatype> ~> Type (that is, using the (~>) kind). These eliminators are designed for defunctionalized (i.e., "partially applied") types as predicates, and as a result, the predicates must be applied manually with Apply.

The naming conventions are:

  • If the datatype has an alphanumeric name, its eliminator will have that name with elim prepended.
  • If the datatype has a symbolic name, its eliminator will have that name with ~> prepended.

elimAll :: forall (p :: All ~> Type) (s :: All). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: Bool). Sing f0 -> Apply p ('All f0)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimAll (p :: All ~> Type) (s :: All) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: Bool) -> Apply p ('All f0)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimAll p ('All s0) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: Bool) -> Apply p ('All f0)) = useThis s0 

elimAny :: forall (p :: Any ~> Type) (s :: Any). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: Bool). Sing f0 -> Apply p ('Any f0)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimAny (p :: Any ~> Type) (s :: Any) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: Bool) -> Apply p ('Any f0)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimAny p ('Any s0) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: Bool) -> Apply p ('Any f0)) = useThis s0 

elimArg :: forall a b (p :: Arg a b ~> Type) (s :: Arg a b). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> forall (f1 :: b). Sing f1 -> Apply p ('Arg f0 f1)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimArg (p :: Arg a b ~> Type) (s :: Arg a b) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) -> Apply p ('Arg f0 f1)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimArg (p :: Arg a b ~> Type) ('Arg s0 s1 :: Arg a b) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) -> Apply p ('Arg f0 f1)) = useThis s0 s1 

elimBool :: forall (p :: Bool ~> Type) (s :: Bool). Sing s -> Apply p 'False -> Apply p 'True -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimBool (p :: Bool ~> Type) (s :: Bool) (p1 :: Apply p 'False) (p2 :: Apply p 'True) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimBool p 'False (useThis :: Apply p 'False) (_p1 :: Apply p 'True) = useThis 
ElimBool p 'True (_p0 :: Apply p 'False) (useThis :: Apply p 'True) = useThis 

elimConst :: forall a k (b :: k) (p :: Const a b ~> Type) (s :: Const a b). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> Apply p ('Const f0 :: Const a b)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimConst (p :: Const a b ~> Type) (s :: Const a b) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Const f0 :: Const a b)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimConst (p :: Const a b ~> Type) ('Const s0 :: Const a b) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Const f0 :: Const a b)) = useThis s0 

elimDown :: forall a (p :: Down a ~> Type) (s :: Down a). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> Apply p ('Down f0)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimDown (p :: Down a ~> Type) (s :: Down a) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Down f0)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimDown (p :: Down a ~> Type) ('Down s0 :: Down a) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Down f0)) = useThis s0 

elimDual :: forall a (p :: Dual a ~> Type) (s :: Dual a). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> Apply p ('Dual f0)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimDual (p :: Dual a ~> Type) (s :: Dual a) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Dual f0)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimDual (p :: Dual a ~> Type) ('Dual s0 :: Dual a) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Dual f0)) = useThis s0 

elimEither :: forall a b (p :: Either a b ~> Type) (s :: Either a b). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> Apply p ('Left f0 :: Either a b)) -> (forall (f0 :: b). Sing f0 -> Apply p ('Right f0 :: Either a b)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimEither (p :: Either a b ~> Type) (s :: Either a b) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Left f0 :: Either a b)) (p2 :: forall (f0 :: b) -> Apply p ('Right f0 :: Either a b)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimEither (p :: Either a b ~> Type) ('Left s0 :: Either a b) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Left f0 :: Either a b)) (_p1 :: forall (f0 :: b) -> Apply p ('Right f0 :: Either a b)) = useThis s0 
ElimEither (p :: Either a b ~> Type) ('Right s0 :: Either a b) (_p0 :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Left f0 :: Either a b)) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: b) -> Apply p ('Right f0 :: Either a b)) = useThis s0 

elimIdentity :: forall a (p :: Identity a ~> Type) (s :: Identity a). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> Apply p ('Identity f0)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimIdentity (p :: Identity a ~> Type) (s :: Identity a) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Identity f0)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimIdentity (p :: Identity a ~> Type) ('Identity s0 :: Identity a) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Identity f0)) = useThis s0 

elimList :: forall a (p :: [a] ~> Type) (s :: [a]). Sing s -> Apply p ('[] :: [a]) -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> forall (f1 :: [a]). Sing f1 -> Apply p f1 -> Apply p (f0 ': f1)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimList (p :: [a] ~> Type) (s :: [a]) (p1 :: Apply p ('[] :: [a])) (p2 :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: [a]) -> Apply p f1 ~> Apply p (f0 ': f1)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimList (p :: [a] ~> Type) ('[] :: [a]) (useThis :: Apply p ('[] :: [a])) (_p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: [a]) -> Apply p f1 ~> Apply p (f0 ': f1)) = useThis 
ElimList (p :: [a] ~> Type) (s0 ': s1 :: [a]) (_p0 :: Apply p ('[] :: [a])) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: [a]) -> Apply p f1 ~> Apply p (f0 ': f1)) = Apply (useThis s0 s1) (ElimList p s1 _p0 useThis) 

elimMax :: forall a (p :: Max a ~> Type) (s :: Max a). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> Apply p ('Max f0)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimMax (p :: Max a ~> Type) (s :: Max a) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Max f0)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimMax (p :: Max a ~> Type) ('Max s0 :: Max a) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Max f0)) = useThis s0 

elimMaybe :: forall a (p :: Maybe a ~> Type) (s :: Maybe a). Sing s -> Apply p ('Nothing :: Maybe a) -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> Apply p ('Just f0)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimMaybe (p :: Maybe a ~> Type) (s :: Maybe a) (p1 :: Apply p ('Nothing :: Maybe a)) (p2 :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Just f0)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimMaybe (p :: Maybe a ~> Type) ('Nothing :: Maybe a) (useThis :: Apply p ('Nothing :: Maybe a)) (_p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Just f0)) = useThis 
ElimMaybe (p :: Maybe a ~> Type) ('Just s0 :: Maybe a) (_p0 :: Apply p ('Nothing :: Maybe a)) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Just f0)) = useThis s0 

elimMin :: forall a (p :: Min a ~> Type) (s :: Min a). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> Apply p ('Min f0)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimMin (p :: Min a ~> Type) (s :: Min a) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Min f0)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimMin (p :: Min a ~> Type) ('Min s0 :: Min a) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) -> Apply p ('Min f0)) = useThis s0 

elimNat :: forall (p :: Nat ~> Type) (s :: Nat). Sing s -> Apply p 'Z -> (forall (f0 :: Nat). Sing f0 -> Apply p f0 -> Apply p ('S f0)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimNat (p :: Nat ~> Type) (s :: Nat) (p1 :: Apply p 'Z) (p2 :: forall (f0 :: Nat) -> Apply p f0 ~> Apply p ('S f0)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimNat p 'Z (useThis :: Apply p 'Z) (_p1 :: forall (f0 :: Nat) -> Apply p f0 ~> Apply p ('S f0)) = useThis 
ElimNat p ('S s0) (_p0 :: Apply p 'Z) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: Nat) -> Apply p f0 ~> Apply p ('S f0)) = Apply (useThis s0) (ElimNat p s0 _p0 useThis) 

elimNonEmpty :: forall a (p :: NonEmpty a ~> Type) (s :: NonEmpty a). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> forall (f1 :: [a]). Sing f1 -> Apply p (f0 ':| f1)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimNonEmpty (p :: NonEmpty a ~> Type) (s :: NonEmpty a) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: [a]) -> Apply p (f0 ':| f1)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimNonEmpty (p :: NonEmpty a ~> Type) (s0 ':| s1 :: NonEmpty a) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: [a]) -> Apply p (f0 ':| f1)) = useThis s0 s1 

elimOrdering :: forall (p :: Ordering ~> Type) (s :: Ordering). Sing s -> Apply p 'LT -> Apply p 'EQ -> Apply p 'GT -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimOrdering (p :: Ordering ~> Type) (s :: Ordering) (p1 :: Apply p 'LT) (p2 :: Apply p 'EQ) (p3 :: Apply p 'GT) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimOrdering p 'LT (useThis :: Apply p 'LT) (_p1 :: Apply p 'EQ) (_p2 :: Apply p 'GT) = useThis 
ElimOrdering p 'EQ (_p0 :: Apply p 'LT) (useThis :: Apply p 'EQ) (_p2 :: Apply p 'GT) = useThis 
ElimOrdering p 'GT (_p0 :: Apply p 'LT) (_p1 :: Apply p 'EQ) (useThis :: Apply p 'GT) = useThis 

elimProxy :: forall k (t :: k) (p :: Proxy t ~> Type) (s :: Proxy t). Sing s -> Apply p ('Proxy :: Proxy t) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimProxy (p :: Proxy t ~> Type) (s :: Proxy t) (p1 :: Apply p ('Proxy :: Proxy t)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimProxy (p :: Proxy t ~> Type) ('Proxy :: Proxy t) (useThis :: Apply p ('Proxy :: Proxy t)) = useThis 

elimTuple0 :: forall (p :: () ~> Type) (s :: ()). Sing s -> Apply p '() -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimTuple0 (p :: () ~> Type) (s :: ()) (p1 :: Apply p '()) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimTuple0 p '() (useThis :: Apply p '()) = useThis 

elimTuple2 :: forall a b (p :: (a, b) ~> Type) (s :: (a, b)). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> forall (f1 :: b). Sing f1 -> Apply p '(f0, f1)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimTuple2 (p :: (a, b) ~> Type) (s :: (a, b)) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) -> Apply p '(f0, f1)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimTuple2 (p :: (a, b) ~> Type) ('(s0, s1) :: (a, b)) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) -> Apply p '(f0, f1)) = useThis s0 s1 

elimTuple3 :: forall a b c (p :: (a, b, c) ~> Type) (s :: (a, b, c)). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> forall (f1 :: b). Sing f1 -> forall (f2 :: c). Sing f2 -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimTuple3 (p :: (a, b, c) ~> Type) (s :: (a, b, c)) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) (f2 :: c) -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimTuple3 (p :: (a, b, c) ~> Type) ('(s0, s1, s2) :: (a, b, c)) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) (f2 :: c) -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2)) = useThis s0 s1 s2 

elimTuple4 :: forall a b c d (p :: (a, b, c, d) ~> Type) (s :: (a, b, c, d)). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> forall (f1 :: b). Sing f1 -> forall (f2 :: c). Sing f2 -> forall (f3 :: d). Sing f3 -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2, f3)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimTuple4 (p :: (a, b, c, d) ~> Type) (s :: (a, b, c, d)) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) (f2 :: c) (f3 :: d) -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2, f3)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimTuple4 (p :: (a, b, c, d) ~> Type) ('(s0, s1, s2, s3) :: (a, b, c, d)) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) (f2 :: c) (f3 :: d) -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2, f3)) = useThis s0 s1 s2 s3 

elimTuple5 :: forall a b c d e (p :: (a, b, c, d, e) ~> Type) (s :: (a, b, c, d, e)). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> forall (f1 :: b). Sing f1 -> forall (f2 :: c). Sing f2 -> forall (f3 :: d). Sing f3 -> forall (f4 :: e). Sing f4 -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimTuple5 (p :: (a, b, c, d, e) ~> Type) (s :: (a, b, c, d, e)) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) (f2 :: c) (f3 :: d) (f4 :: e) -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimTuple5 (p :: (a, b, c, d, e) ~> Type) ('(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4) :: (a, b, c, d, e)) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) (f2 :: c) (f3 :: d) (f4 :: e) -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4)) = useThis s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 

elimTuple6 :: forall a b c d e f (p :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) ~> Type) (s :: (a, b, c, d, e, f)). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> forall (f1 :: b). Sing f1 -> forall (f2 :: c). Sing f2 -> forall (f3 :: d). Sing f3 -> forall (f4 :: e). Sing f4 -> forall (f5 :: f). Sing f5 -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimTuple6 (p :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) ~> Type) (s :: (a, b, c, d, e, f)) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) (f2 :: c) (f3 :: d) (f4 :: e) (f5 :: f) -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimTuple6 (p :: (a, b, c, d, e, f) ~> Type) ('(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f)) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) (f2 :: c) (f3 :: d) (f4 :: e) (f5 :: f) -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5)) = useThis s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 

elimTuple7 :: forall a b c d e f g (p :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) ~> Type) (s :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: a). Sing f0 -> forall (f1 :: b). Sing f1 -> forall (f2 :: c). Sing f2 -> forall (f3 :: d). Sing f3 -> forall (f4 :: e). Sing f4 -> forall (f5 :: f). Sing f5 -> forall (f6 :: g). Sing f6 -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimTuple7 (p :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) ~> Type) (s :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) (f2 :: c) (f3 :: d) (f4 :: e) (f5 :: f) (f6 :: g) -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimTuple7 (p :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) ~> Type) ('(s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5, s6) :: (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: a) (f1 :: b) (f2 :: c) (f3 :: d) (f4 :: e) (f5 :: f) (f6 :: g) -> Apply p '(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6)) = useThis s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 

elimVoid :: forall (p :: Void ~> Type) (s :: Void). Sing s -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimVoid (p :: Void ~> Type) (s :: Void) :: Apply p s where ... Source #

elimWrappedMonoid :: forall m (p :: WrappedMonoid m ~> Type) (s :: WrappedMonoid m). Sing s -> (forall (f0 :: m). Sing f0 -> Apply p ('WrapMonoid f0)) -> Apply p s Source #

type family ElimWrappedMonoid (p :: WrappedMonoid m ~> Type) (s :: WrappedMonoid m) (p1 :: forall (f0 :: m) -> Apply p ('WrapMonoid f0)) :: Apply p s where ... Source #


ElimWrappedMonoid (p :: WrappedMonoid m ~> Type) ('WrapMonoid s0 :: WrappedMonoid m) (useThis :: forall (f0 :: m) -> Apply p ('WrapMonoid f0)) = useThis s0