-- | This module only exposes a 'LogWriter' for asynchronous logging;
module Control.Eff.LogWriter.Async
  ( withAsyncLogWriter
  , withAsyncLogging

import           Control.Concurrent.Async
import           Control.Concurrent.STM
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Eff                   as Eff
import           Control.Eff.Log
import           Control.Eff.LogWriter.Rich
import           Control.Exception              ( evaluate )
import           Control.Monad                  ( unless )
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Control    ( MonadBaseControl
                                                , liftBaseOp
import           Data.Foldable                  ( traverse_ )
import           Data.Kind                      ( )
import           Data.Text                     as T

-- | This is a wrapper around 'withAsyncLogWriter' and 'withRichLogging'.
-- Example:
-- > exampleWithAsyncLogging :: IO ()
-- > exampleWithAsyncLogging =
-- >     runLift
-- >   $ withAsyncLogWriter consoleLogWriter (1000::Int) "my-app" local0 allLogMessages
-- >   $ do logMsg "test 1"
-- >        logMsg "test 2"
-- >        logMsg "test 3"
-- >
  :: (Lifted IO e, MonadBaseControl IO (Eff e), Integral len)
  => LogWriter
  -> len -- ^ Size of the log message input queue. If the queue is full, message
         -- are dropped silently.
  -> Text -- ^ The default application name to put into the 'lmAppName' field.
  -> Facility -- ^ The default RFC-5424 facility to put into the 'lmFacility' field.
  -> LogPredicate -- ^ The inital predicate for log messages, there are some pre-defined in "Control.Eff.Log.Message#PredefinedPredicates"
  -> Eff (Logs : LogWriterReader : e) a
  -> Eff e a
withAsyncLogging lw queueLength a f p e = liftBaseOp
  (withAsyncLogChannel queueLength (runLogWriter lw . force))
  (\lc -> withRichLogging (makeLogChannelWriter lc) a f p e)

-- | /Move/ the current 'LogWriter' into its own thread.
-- A bounded queue is used to forward logs to the process.
-- If an exception is received, the logging process will be killed.
-- Log messages are deeply evaluated before being sent to the logger process,
-- to prevent that lazy evaluation leads to heavy work being done in the
-- logger process instead of the caller process.
-- Example:
-- > exampleAsyncLogWriter :: IO ()
-- > exampleAsyncLogWriter =
-- >     runLift
-- >   $ withLogging consoleLogWriter
-- >   $ withAsyncLogWriter (1000::Int)
-- >   $ do logMsg "test 1"
-- >        logMsg "test 2"
-- >        logMsg "test 3"
-- >
  :: (IoLogging e, MonadBaseControl IO (Eff e), Integral len)
  => len -- ^ Size of the log message input queue. If the queue is full, message
         -- are dropped silently.
  -> Eff e a
  -> Eff e a
withAsyncLogWriter queueLength e = do
  lw <- askLogWriter
  liftBaseOp (withAsyncLogChannel queueLength (runLogWriter lw . force))
             (\lc -> setLogWriter (makeLogChannelWriter lc) e)

  :: forall a len
   . (Integral len)
  => len
  -> (LogMessage -> IO ())
  -> (LogChannel -> IO a)
  -> IO a
withAsyncLogChannel queueLen ioWriter action = do
  msgQ <- newTBQueueIO (fromIntegral queueLen)
  withAsync (logLoop msgQ) (action . ConcurrentLogChannel msgQ)
  logLoop tq = do
    ms <- atomically $ do
      h <- readTBQueue tq
      t <- flushTBQueue tq
      return (h : t)
    traverse_ ioWriter ms
    logLoop tq

makeLogChannelWriter :: LogChannel -> LogWriter
makeLogChannelWriter lc = MkLogWriter logChannelPutIO
  logChannelPutIO (force -> me) = do
    !m <- evaluate me
        dropMessage <- isFullTBQueue logQ
        unless dropMessage (writeTBQueue logQ m)
  logQ = fromLogChannel lc

data LogChannel = ConcurrentLogChannel
  { fromLogChannel :: TBQueue LogMessage
  , _logChannelThread :: Async ()