futhark-0.25.20: An optimising compiler for a functional, array-oriented language.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module defines a convenience typeclass for creating normalised programs.

See Futhark.Construct for a high-level description.



class (ASTRep rep, FParamInfo rep ~ DeclType, LParamInfo rep ~ Type, RetType rep ~ DeclExtType, BranchType rep ~ ExtType) => Buildable rep where Source #

The class of representations that can be constructed solely from an expression, within some monad. Very important: the methods should not have any significant side effects! They may be called more often than you think, and the results thrown away. If used exclusively within a MonadBuilder instance, it is acceptable for them to create new bindings, however.


mkExpPat :: [Ident] -> Exp rep -> Pat (LetDec rep) Source #

mkExpDec :: Pat (LetDec rep) -> Exp rep -> ExpDec rep Source #

mkBody :: Stms rep -> Result -> Body rep Source #

mkLetNames :: (MonadFreshNames m, HasScope rep m) => [VName] -> Exp rep -> m (Stm rep) Source #


Instances details
Buildable GPU Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.IR.GPU

Buildable MC Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.IR.MC

Buildable SOACS Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.IR.SOACS

Buildable Seq Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.IR.Seq

(Buildable rep, AliasedOp (OpC rep), ASTConstraints (OpC rep (Aliases rep))) => Buildable (Aliases rep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.IR.Aliases


mkExpPat :: [Ident] -> Exp (Aliases rep) -> Pat (LetDec (Aliases rep)) Source #

mkExpDec :: Pat (LetDec (Aliases rep)) -> Exp (Aliases rep) -> ExpDec (Aliases rep) Source #

mkBody :: Stms (Aliases rep) -> Result -> Body (Aliases rep) Source #

mkLetNames :: (MonadFreshNames m, HasScope (Aliases rep) m) => [VName] -> Exp (Aliases rep) -> m (Stm (Aliases rep)) Source #

(Buildable rep, Informing rep) => Buildable (Wise rep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Optimise.Simplify.Rep


mkExpPat :: [Ident] -> Exp (Wise rep) -> Pat (LetDec (Wise rep)) Source #

mkExpDec :: Pat (LetDec (Wise rep)) -> Exp (Wise rep) -> ExpDec (Wise rep) Source #

mkBody :: Stms (Wise rep) -> Result -> Body (Wise rep) Source #

mkLetNames :: (MonadFreshNames m, HasScope (Wise rep) m) => [VName] -> Exp (Wise rep) -> m (Stm (Wise rep)) Source #

mkLet :: Buildable rep => [Ident] -> Exp rep -> Stm rep Source #

Construct a Stm from identifiers for the context- and value part of the pattern, as well as the expression.

mkLet' :: Buildable rep => [Ident] -> StmAux a -> Exp rep -> Stm rep Source #

Like mkLet, but also take attributes and certificates from the given StmAux.

class (ASTRep (Rep m), MonadFreshNames m, Applicative m, Monad m, LocalScope (Rep m) m) => MonadBuilder m where Source #

A monad that supports the creation of bindings from expressions and bodies from bindings, with a specific rep. This is the main typeclass that a monad must implement in order for it to be useful for generating or modifying Futhark code. Most importantly maintains a current state of Stms (as well as a Scope) that have been added with addStm.

Very important: the methods should not have any significant side effects! They may be called more often than you think, and the results thrown away. It is acceptable for them to create new bindings, however.

Minimal complete definition

mkExpDecM, mkBodyM, mkLetNamesM, addStms, collectStms

Associated Types

type Rep m :: Type Source #


mkExpDecM :: Pat (LetDec (Rep m)) -> Exp (Rep m) -> m (ExpDec (Rep m)) Source #

mkBodyM :: Stms (Rep m) -> Result -> m (Body (Rep m)) Source #

mkLetNamesM :: [VName] -> Exp (Rep m) -> m (Stm (Rep m)) Source #

addStm :: Stm (Rep m) -> m () Source #

Add a statement to the Stms under construction.

addStms :: Stms (Rep m) -> m () Source #

Add multiple statements to the Stms under construction.

collectStms :: m a -> m (a, Stms (Rep m)) Source #

Obtain the statements constructed during a monadic action, instead of adding them to the state.

certifying :: Certs -> m a -> m a Source #

Add the provided certificates to any statements added during execution of the action.


Instances details
MonadBuilder ADM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.AD.Rev.Monad

Associated Types

type Rep ADM Source #

MonadBuilder InternaliseM Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Internalise.Monad

Associated Types

type Rep InternaliseM Source #

BuilderOps rep => MonadBuilder (RuleM rep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Optimise.Simplify.Rule

Associated Types

type Rep (RuleM rep) Source #


mkExpDecM :: Pat (LetDec (Rep (RuleM rep))) -> Exp (Rep (RuleM rep)) -> RuleM rep (ExpDec (Rep (RuleM rep))) Source #

mkBodyM :: Stms (Rep (RuleM rep)) -> Result -> RuleM rep (Body (Rep (RuleM rep))) Source #

mkLetNamesM :: [VName] -> Exp (Rep (RuleM rep)) -> RuleM rep (Stm (Rep (RuleM rep))) Source #

addStm :: Stm (Rep (RuleM rep)) -> RuleM rep () Source #

addStms :: Stms (Rep (RuleM rep)) -> RuleM rep () Source #

collectStms :: RuleM rep a -> RuleM rep (a, Stms (Rep (RuleM rep))) Source #

certifying :: Certs -> RuleM rep a -> RuleM rep a Source #

(MonadFreshNames m, BuilderOps rep) => MonadBuilder (BuilderT rep m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Builder

Associated Types

type Rep (BuilderT rep m) Source #


mkExpDecM :: Pat (LetDec (Rep (BuilderT rep m))) -> Exp (Rep (BuilderT rep m)) -> BuilderT rep m (ExpDec (Rep (BuilderT rep m))) Source #

mkBodyM :: Stms (Rep (BuilderT rep m)) -> Result -> BuilderT rep m (Body (Rep (BuilderT rep m))) Source #

mkLetNamesM :: [VName] -> Exp (Rep (BuilderT rep m)) -> BuilderT rep m (Stm (Rep (BuilderT rep m))) Source #

addStm :: Stm (Rep (BuilderT rep m)) -> BuilderT rep m () Source #

addStms :: Stms (Rep (BuilderT rep m)) -> BuilderT rep m () Source #

collectStms :: BuilderT rep m a -> BuilderT rep m (a, Stms (Rep (BuilderT rep m))) Source #

certifying :: Certs -> BuilderT rep m a -> BuilderT rep m a Source #

Allocable fromrep torep inner => MonadBuilder (AllocM fromrep torep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations

Associated Types

type Rep (AllocM fromrep torep) Source #


mkExpDecM :: Pat (LetDec (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep))) -> Exp (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep)) -> AllocM fromrep torep (ExpDec (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep))) Source #

mkBodyM :: Stms (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep)) -> Result -> AllocM fromrep torep (Body (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep))) Source #

mkLetNamesM :: [VName] -> Exp (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep)) -> AllocM fromrep torep (Stm (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep))) Source #

addStm :: Stm (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep)) -> AllocM fromrep torep () Source #

addStms :: Stms (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep)) -> AllocM fromrep torep () Source #

collectStms :: AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep (a, Stms (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep))) Source #

certifying :: Certs -> AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep a Source #

insertStms :: Buildable rep => Stms rep -> Body rep -> Body rep Source #

Add several bindings at the outermost level of a Body.

insertStm :: Buildable rep => Stm rep -> Body rep -> Body rep Source #

Add a single binding at the outermost level of a Body.

letBind :: MonadBuilder m => Pat (LetDec (Rep m)) -> Exp (Rep m) -> m () Source #

Add a statement with the given pattern and expression.

letBindNames :: MonadBuilder m => [VName] -> Exp (Rep m) -> m () Source #

Add a statement with the given pattern element names and expression.

collectStms_ :: MonadBuilder m => m a -> m (Stms (Rep m)) Source #

As collectStms, but throw away the ordinary result.

bodyBind :: MonadBuilder m => Body (Rep m) -> m Result Source #

Add the statements of the body, then return the body result.

attributing :: MonadBuilder m => Attrs -> m a -> m a Source #

Add the given attributes to any statements added by this action.

auxing :: MonadBuilder m => StmAux anyrep -> m a -> m a Source #

Add the certificates and attributes to any statements added by this action.