futhark-0.25.20: An optimising compiler for a functional, array-oriented language.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



A generic transformation for adding memory allocations to a Futhark program. Specialised by specific representations in submodules.



explicitAllocationsGeneric :: Allocable fromrep torep inner => Space -> (Op fromrep -> AllocM fromrep torep (Op torep)) -> (Exp torep -> AllocM fromrep torep [ExpHint]) -> Pass fromrep torep Source #

explicitAllocationsInStmsGeneric :: (MonadFreshNames m, HasScope torep m, Allocable fromrep torep inner) => Space -> (Op fromrep -> AllocM fromrep torep (Op torep)) -> (Exp torep -> AllocM fromrep torep [ExpHint]) -> Stms fromrep -> m (Stms torep) Source #

data ExpHint Source #


Hint LMAD Space 

defaultExpHints :: (ASTRep rep, HasScope rep m) => Exp rep -> m [ExpHint] Source #

askDefaultSpace :: AllocM fromrep torep Space Source #

The space in which we allocate memory if we have no other preferences or constraints.

type Allocable fromrep torep inner = (PrettyRep fromrep, PrettyRep torep, Mem torep inner, LetDec torep ~ LetDecMem, FParamInfo fromrep ~ DeclType, LParamInfo fromrep ~ Type, BranchType fromrep ~ ExtType, RetType fromrep ~ DeclExtType, BodyDec fromrep ~ (), BodyDec torep ~ (), ExpDec torep ~ (), SizeSubst (inner torep), BuilderOps torep) Source #

data AllocM fromrep torep a Source #

Monad for adding allocations to an entire program.


Instances details
ASTRep torep => HasScope torep (AllocM fromrep torep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations


lookupType :: VName -> AllocM fromrep torep Type Source #

lookupInfo :: VName -> AllocM fromrep torep (NameInfo torep) Source #

askScope :: AllocM fromrep torep (Scope torep) Source #

asksScope :: (Scope torep -> a) -> AllocM fromrep torep a Source #

ASTRep torep => LocalScope torep (AllocM fromrep torep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations


localScope :: Scope torep -> AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep a Source #

Applicative (AllocM fromrep torep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations


pure :: a -> AllocM fromrep torep a #

(<*>) :: AllocM fromrep torep (a -> b) -> AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep b -> AllocM fromrep torep c #

(*>) :: AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep b -> AllocM fromrep torep b #

(<*) :: AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep b -> AllocM fromrep torep a #

Functor (AllocM fromrep torep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations


fmap :: (a -> b) -> AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep b #

(<$) :: a -> AllocM fromrep torep b -> AllocM fromrep torep a #

Monad (AllocM fromrep torep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations


(>>=) :: AllocM fromrep torep a -> (a -> AllocM fromrep torep b) -> AllocM fromrep torep b #

(>>) :: AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep b -> AllocM fromrep torep b #

return :: a -> AllocM fromrep torep a #

Allocable fromrep torep inner => MonadBuilder (AllocM fromrep torep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations

Associated Types

type Rep (AllocM fromrep torep) Source #


mkExpDecM :: Pat (LetDec (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep))) -> Exp (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep)) -> AllocM fromrep torep (ExpDec (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep))) Source #

mkBodyM :: Stms (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep)) -> Result -> AllocM fromrep torep (Body (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep))) Source #

mkLetNamesM :: [VName] -> Exp (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep)) -> AllocM fromrep torep (Stm (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep))) Source #

addStm :: Stm (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep)) -> AllocM fromrep torep () Source #

addStms :: Stms (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep)) -> AllocM fromrep torep () Source #

collectStms :: AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep (a, Stms (Rep (AllocM fromrep torep))) Source #

certifying :: Certs -> AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep a Source #

MonadFreshNames (AllocM fromrep torep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations


getNameSource :: AllocM fromrep torep VNameSource Source #

putNameSource :: VNameSource -> AllocM fromrep torep () Source #

MonadReader (AllocEnv fromrep torep) (AllocM fromrep torep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations


ask :: AllocM fromrep torep (AllocEnv fromrep torep) #

local :: (AllocEnv fromrep torep -> AllocEnv fromrep torep) -> AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep a #

reader :: (AllocEnv fromrep torep -> a) -> AllocM fromrep torep a #

type Rep (AllocM fromrep torep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations

type Rep (AllocM fromrep torep) = torep

data AllocEnv fromrep torep Source #





Instances details
MonadReader (AllocEnv fromrep torep) (AllocM fromrep torep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations


ask :: AllocM fromrep torep (AllocEnv fromrep torep) #

local :: (AllocEnv fromrep torep -> AllocEnv fromrep torep) -> AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep a #

reader :: (AllocEnv fromrep torep -> a) -> AllocM fromrep torep a #

class SizeSubst op where Source #

Minimal complete definition



opIsConst :: op -> Bool Source #


Instances details
SizeSubst (HostOp rep op) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations.GPU


opIsConst :: HostOp rep op -> Bool Source #

SizeSubst (MCOp rep op) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations.MC


opIsConst :: MCOp rep op -> Bool Source #

SizeSubst (op rep) => SizeSubst (MemOp op rep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations


opIsConst :: MemOp op rep -> Bool Source #

SizeSubst (NoOp rep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations


opIsConst :: NoOp rep -> Bool Source #

SizeSubst (SegOp lvl rep) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Futhark.Pass.ExplicitAllocations.SegOp


opIsConst :: SegOp lvl rep -> Bool Source #

allocInStms :: Allocable fromrep torep inner => Stms fromrep -> AllocM fromrep torep a -> AllocM fromrep torep a Source #

allocForArray :: Allocable fromrep torep inner => Type -> Space -> AllocM fromrep torep VName Source #

Allocate memory for a value of the given type.

simplifiable :: (SimplifiableRep rep, LetDec rep ~ LetDecMem, ExpDec rep ~ (), BodyDec rep ~ (), Mem (Wise rep) inner, CanBeWise inner, RephraseOp inner, IsOp inner, OpReturns inner, AliasedOp inner, IndexOp (inner (Wise rep))) => (inner (Wise rep) -> UsageTable) -> (inner (Wise rep) -> SimpleM rep (inner (Wise rep), Stms (Wise rep))) -> SimpleOps rep Source #

mkLetNamesB' :: (LetDec (Rep m) ~ LetDecMem, Mem (Rep m) inner, MonadBuilder m, ExpDec (Rep m) ~ ()) => Space -> ExpDec (Rep m) -> [VName] -> Exp (Rep m) -> m (Stm (Rep m)) Source #

mkLetNamesB'' :: (Mem rep inner, LetDec rep ~ LetDecMem, OpReturns inner, ExpDec rep ~ (), Rep m ~ Wise rep, HasScope (Wise rep) m, MonadBuilder m, AliasedOp inner, RephraseOp (MemOp inner), CanBeWise inner, ASTConstraints (inner (Wise rep))) => Space -> [VName] -> Exp (Wise rep) -> m (Stm (Wise rep)) Source #

Module re-exports