futhask: Generate Haskell wrappers for Futhark libraries

[ bsd3, ffi-tools, library, program ] [ Propose Tags ]


Maintainer's Corner

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Versions [RSS] 0.1.0, 0.2.0
Change log ChangeLog.md
Dependencies base (>=4.7 && <4.15), directory (>=1.3.3 && <1.4), futhask, raw-strings-qq (>=1.1 && <1.2), split (>=0.2.3 && <0.3) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2020, Gusten Isfeldt
Author Gusten Isfeldt
Maintainer isfeldt@kth.se
Category FFI Tools
Source repo head: git clone https://gitlab.com/Gusten_Isfeldt/futhask.git
Uploaded by GustenIsfeldt at 2020-09-23T17:24:43Z
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Rating 2.0 (votes: 1) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2020-09-23 [all 1 reports]

Readme for futhask-0.1.0

[back to package description]


Futhask is a code generator that aims to create safe, Haskell friendly wrappers for Futhark libraries.


stack install


Generate Code

futhask [Backend] [Futhark.h] [HaskellSourceDir] [ModuleName]


futhark opencl --library myprogram.fut
futhask opencl myprogram.h src MyLibrary

For a simple example of how generated haskell code can be used, see FuthaskExample

Import Code

import [ModuleName]
import [ModuleName].Entries

If using stack add c-sources: [Futhark.c] to the library section of package.yaml


extra-libraries: OpenCL 


include-dirs: /opt/cuda/include
extra-lib-dirs: /opt/cuda/lib
extra-libraries: cuda cudart nvrtc


massiv is required for all backends. The codes generated for OpenCL and CUDA, both refer to types from the OpenCL and cuda packages respectively. This is only relevant if one wants to use certain functions in the raw interface, but, without modification, the generated code will not compile without these dependencies.

Generated Code

The generated code can be split in two main parts, raw and wrapped. The raw interface is simply the C-functions wrapped in the IO-monad, providing no added safety and requiring manual memory management. The wrapped interface uses newForeignPtr to introduce all Futhark pointers to the GC, and provides function types closer to those used within Futhark, returning tuples instead of writing to pointers.

Context Generation

getContext :: [ContextOption] -> IO Context

Available context options will depend on backend used.

The FT monad

To make the wrappers safe, and reduce clutter from explicitly passing around the context, the FT monad is introduced. The FT monad is an environment (Reader) monad that implicitly passes the context around as necessary. Like the ST monad, the FT monad is parameterised by a rigid type variable to prevent references to the context from escaping the monad.

To run computations, the function

runFTIn :: Context -> (forall c. FT c a) -> a

is used. Additionally

runFTWith :: [ContextOption] -> (forall c. FT c a) -> a
runFT :: (forall c. FT c a) -> a

are defined for convienience for cases where the context doesn't need to be reused.

Input and Output

For conversion between Futhark values and Haskell values, two classes are defined.

class Input fo ho where
    toFuthark :: ho -> FT c (fo c) 

class Output fo ho where
    fromFuthark :: fo c -> FT c ho

Instances of Input and Output are generated for all transparent Futhark-arrays. The Haskell representation is Array S from Data.Massiv.Array. The absence of functional dependencies in the definitions might require more explicit type signatures, but gives more flexibility to define new instances. For tuples of instances, functions on the form fromFutharkTN, where N is the tuple size, are defined.