game-probability-1.1: Simple probability library for dice rolls, card games and similar




Functions for efficiently calculating the probability of drawing cards. Here are some examples of using the module.

In the game Dominion you start out with a deck consisting of 7 "Copper" cards and 3 "Estate" cards. On your first turn you draw five cards from this deck. To calculate the chances of drawing the different number of "Copper" cards (as a map from number of "Copper" cards to probability), you can use this code:

 copperChances :: Map Int Rational
 copperChances = chanceMap startingDeck (drawCount (== "Copper") 5)
   where startingDeck = makeCards $ replicate 7 "Copper " ++ replicate 3 "Estate"

You could equally define a data-type for the cards rather than use Strings, but often Strings are easiest for one-off queries.

As a different example, in the game Ticket To Ride: Europe, the deck of cards consists of 12 cards of each of eight colours and 14 multi-colour cards. We can describe it using a custom data-type this time:

 data TTRECard = Purple | White | Blue | Yellow | Orange | Black | Red | Green | MultiColour
 ttreDeck :: Cards TTRECard
 ttreDeck = replicate 14 MultiColour ++ concatMap (replicate 12) [Purple, White, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Black, Red, Green]

In the game, there are always 5 communal cards visible. Imagine you wanted to calculate the probability of receiving a particular colour when drawing from the deck. You must first remove the cards in your hand and those visible communal cards (we'll ignore the discards), then calculate the probability for drawing one card with the draw function:

 colourChances :: Map TTRECard Rational
 colourChances = chanceMap (ttreDeck `minusCards` (myHand `mappend` communal)) draw

This will give you a map from TTRECard (i.e. colour) to probability.

To continue with that example, when you build tunnels in the game, you must lay out the required number of coloured cards, then draw three from the deck. If any of the three match the colour of tunnel you are building, you must pay that many additional cards. You may want a function that, given your hand (we'll ignore the communal cards to keep the example shorter) and the length of the tunnel, works out if you are likely to make it. One way to do this is:

 tunnel :: Cards TTRECard -> Int -> Rational
 tunnel myHand n = chance (ttreDeck `minusCards` myHand)
                          (drawCount match 3 >>= ensure . (<= spare))
     spare = length (filter match $ sortedCards myHand) - n
     match a = a == MultiColour || a == tunnelColour

That should be fairly fast. But to illustrate how to speed up these calculations, here is another, faster way to do this: pre-process the cards into those that match and those that don't, using chanceOn:

 tunnel :: Cards TTRECard -> Int -> Rational
 tunnel myHand n = chanceOn match (ttreDeck `minusCards` myHand)
                          (drawCount (== True) 3 >>= ensure . (<= spare))
     spare = length (filter match $ sortedCards myHand) - n
     match a = a == MultiColour || a == tunnelColour

This may seem like a relatively small difference, and indeed it is a small change to the code. However, it will execute much faster, because the chanceOn function only has two different card values to consider: True, and False, so it just considers those two. Previously it had to consider the nine different types of card separately, even though only two would match (the function has no way of knowing that a priori).


The DrawM type and helper functions.

data DrawM card a Source

A monad for describing drawing cards.

The first parameter is the type of the card (this must match the deck you end up drawing from), the second parameter is the monadic return type as normal.

Each action in the monad is the drawing of a card, see draw and similar functions. There is the notion of failure: badHand makes the current draw fail, as does drawWhere if no cards satisfy the criteria, and attempting to draw when there are no more cards will also fail.

The Alternative instance allows you to choose between two sequences of draws. If the LHS of '(<|>)' fails, the right-hand side is used instead. empty is the same as badHand.


Monad (DrawM card) 
Functor (DrawM card) 
Applicative (DrawM card) 
Alternative (DrawM card) 

ensure :: Bool -> DrawM a ()Source

Checks that the given property holds, otherwise fails the current draw. Its definition is simple:

 ensure b = if b then return () else badHand

badHand :: DrawM card aSource

Indicates that the current draw should not be continued.

interleave :: DrawM card a -> DrawM card b -> DrawM card (a, b)Source

Tries to perform the two draws interleaved with each other in any sequence, favouring those where the left-hand side acts first.

As an example:

 interleave (replicateM 2 (drawWhere (== "a"))) (replicateM 3 (drawWhere (== "b")))

will attempt to draw two "a" cards and three "b" cards, in any order and return them as a pair. If you want to draw identical groupings like this where the exact values of the cards can vary, look at drawGroups.

Drawing cards

draw :: DrawM card cardSource

Draws a single card and returns it.

If you are not interested in the value of the returned card, drawAny is much more efficient. If you want to constrain which card might be drawn, use drawWhere.

drawAny :: DrawM card ()Source

Draws any card from the deck. In cases where you are not interested in what the card is, this is much more efficient than draw.

drawWhere :: (card -> Bool) -> DrawM card cardSource

Draws a single card that matches the given criteria (i.e. where the given function returns True for the card).

For example:

 drawWhere (/= "c")

will draw any card that is not "c". Note that:

 (draw >>= ensure f) == (drawWhere f >> return ())

drawUntil :: (card -> Bool) -> Maybe Int -> DrawM card [card]Source

Draws cards until it draws a card that satisfies the given condition or it hits the optional limit of cards. If the limit is zero, the function will fail every time, 1 will only draw a single card, 2 will draw up to 2 and so on.

All the cards drawn will be returned in order, therefore you can be guaranteed that the last card in the list (and only that card) satisfies the given function.

drawCount :: (card -> Bool) -> Int -> DrawM card IntSource

Draws the given number of cards and then counts how many meet the given criteria. The definition is:

 drawCount f n = length . filter f <$> replicateM n draw

Note that this is definitely NOT the same as replicateM n (drawWhere f). The drawWhere code makes sure that it draws n cards that meet the given criteria (and fails in other cases), whereas this function draws the given number then checks how many meet the criteria. Therefore this function will only fail if there are insufficient cards to draw that many.

drawSame :: Eq card => Int -> DrawM card cardSource

Draws the given number of identical cards from the deck.

This corresponds to drawing one card from the deck with draw and then using drawWhere to make sure the rest of the cards match. The card that was drawn is returned (since all of them are identical, only a single example is returned rather than a list).

drawSameOn :: Eq aspect => (card -> aspect) -> Int -> DrawM card [card]Source

Draws the given number of identical (by the given aspect) cards from the deck.

This corresponds to drawing one card from the deck with draw and then using drawWhere with the given mapping function to make sure the rest of the cards match on the aspect specified. The card that was drawn is returned (since all of them are identical, only a single example is returned rather than a list). The order of the returned list is arbitrary.

For example:

 drawSameOn (map toLower) 5

will draw 5 cards (where the card type is simply String) that have matching names when compared case-insensitive. The return list you get might be something like ["a","A","A","a","a"].

drawGroups :: Ord card => [Int] -> DrawM card [[card]]Source

Draws cards in groups of identical cards (but in any order) according to the given sizes.

This function is best explained by example:

  • drawGroups [2] will draw two identical cards, much as drawSame 2 does.
  • drawGroups [2,1] will draw two identical cards, and a third card that is guaranteed not to be equal to the two identical cards.
  • drawGroups [2,2] will draw two different lots of two identical cards (i.e. it cannot return 4 of the same card).

It is perhaps helpful to think of this function in terms of poker hands. drawGroups [4,1] looks for 4-of-a-kind in a hand of 5, drawGroups [3,2] looks for a full house, drawGroups [2,2,1] looks for two-pair, while drawGroups [2,1,1,1] looks for exactly one pair.

The order of groups requested corresponds to the returns. Thus, for example, this code should never fail a pattern match:

 do [[a1,a2], [b1,b2,b3]] <- drawGroups [2,3]

The groups have no correspondence to the order in which the cards were drawn. So although the groups above and returned together, those 5 cards could have been drawn in any order, for example: [b2, a1, b3, b2, a2]. This function is intended for cases when you want particular identical groups but don't mind about the order. That is surprisingly fiddly to write without this helper function.

drawGroupsOn :: forall card aspect. Ord aspect => (card -> aspect) -> [Int] -> DrawM card [[card]]Source

Like drawGroups, but considers them equal if their given aspect is equal.

Calculating chances

chance :: Ord card => Cards card -> DrawM card a -> RationalSource

Calculates the chance of the given draw succeeding (i.e. not failing) with the given deck. Note that the return value of the draw is ignored; this function is only interested in whether the draw succeeds.

Note that if you are only interested in partial aspects of the cards (e.g. just the rank in a deck of playing cards), chanceOn is much more efficient. See chanceOn for more details.


 chance deck (return ()) == 1
 chance (makeCards ["a", "a", "b"]) (drawWhere (== "a")) == 2 % 3
 chance (makeCards ["a", "a", "b"]) (drawSame 2) == 1 % 3

chanceOn :: Ord aspect => (card -> aspect) -> Cards card -> DrawM aspect a -> RationalSource

Calculates the chance of the given draw succeeding (i.e. not failing) with the given deck. Note that the return value of the draw is ignored; this function is only interested in whether the draw succeeds.

The given function is used to transform the cards for drawing. This can make the function much more efficient if the transform maps several cards onto the same aspect. Consider if you wanted the probability of drawing two aces from a deck of playing cards. If you use chance, it will check all 52 distinct cards in the deck separately to see if they are aces when you are drawing. However if you use chanceOn rank, it can collapse the 52 playing cards into 13 distinct cards (one per rank) with frequency 4, and only check each of the 13 cards separately. Since this saving is made across repeated draws, using chanceOn rather than chance can reduce queries from taking many seconds into being instant. This also applies to all the other chance..On and event..On variants of functions in this module.


 chanceOn id deck m == chance deck m
 chanceOn (map toLower) (makeCards ["a", "a", "A", "A", "b"]) (drawWhere (== "a")) == 4 % 5

chanceMap :: (Ord card, Ord a) => Cards card -> DrawM card a -> Map a RationalSource

Calculates the probability of each result of the given draw with the given deck. The probabilities will exclude the chance of a failed draw; therefore the chance of a failed draw is 1 - sum (elems $ chanceMap ..). Alternatively you can incorporate the possibility of a failed draw with a Maybe wrapper using chanceMap cards (optional m).


 chanceMap (makeCards ["a","b"]) (drawWhere (== "a"))) == singleton "a" (1 % 2)
 outcomes (eventDraw (makeCards ["a","a","a","b","b"]) (drawSame 2)
   == fromList [("a", 3 % 10), ("b", 1 % 5)]

chanceMapOn :: (Ord a, Ord aspect) => (card -> aspect) -> Cards card -> DrawM aspect a -> Map a RationalSource

Like chanceMap but can be much more efficient. See chanceOn for an explanation of why.

Drawing as a random event

eventDraw :: (Ord a, Ord card) => Cards card -> DrawM card a -> EventM aSource

Turns the successful outcomes of the given draw into an EventM type, which will return the different values of the successful draw with their corresponding relative probabilities. Note that only successful draws are included; a failed draw will have a probability of zero. To incorporate the possibility of a failed draw, use eventDrawMaybe instead.

As with other functions, eventDrawOn can be much more efficient; see chanceOn for details.

For example:

 outcomes (eventDraw (makeCards ["a","b"]) (drawWhere (== "a"))) == [("a", 1)]
 outcomes (eventDraw (makeCards ["a","a","a","b","b"]) (drawSame 2)
   == [("a", 3 % 5), ("b", 2 % 5)]

eventDrawOn :: (Ord a, Ord aspect) => (card -> aspect) -> Cards card -> DrawM aspect a -> EventM aSource

Like eventDraw but can be much more efficient. See chanceOn for an explanation of why.

eventDrawMaybe :: (Ord a, Ord card) => Cards card -> DrawM card a -> EventM (Maybe a)Source

Turns the outcomes of the given draw into an EventM type, which will return the different values of the draw with their corresponding probabilities. Successful draws are the Just values; Nothing indicates an unsuccessful draw, with its corresponding probability.

As with other functions, eventDrawMaybeOn can be much more efficient; see chanceOn for details.

For example:

 outcomes (eventDraw (makeCards ["a","b"]) (drawWhere (== "a"))) == [(Just "a", 1 % 2), (Nothing, 1 % 2)]
 outcomes (eventDraw (makeCards ["a","a","a","b","b"]) (drawSame 2)
   == [(Just "a", 3 % 10), (Just "b", 1 % 5), (Nothing, 1 % 2)]
 eventDrawMaybe cards m == eventDraw cards (optional m)

eventDrawMaybeOn :: (Ord a, Ord aspect) => (card -> aspect) -> Cards card -> DrawM aspect a -> EventM (Maybe a)Source

Like eventDrawMaybe but can be much more efficient. See chanceOn for an explanation of why.