Dependencies for git-annex-5.20131213
- async
- base (>=4.5 && <4.9)
- bloomfilter
- bytestring
- containers
- dataenc
- directory
- dlist
- edit-distance
- extensible-exceptions
- filepath
- hslogger
- IfElse
- json
- MissingH
- monad-control
- MonadCatchIO-transformers
- mtl (>=2)
- network (>=2.0)
- old-locale
- process
- QuickCheck (>=2.1)
- random
- SafeSemaphore
- text
- time
- unix-compat
- utf8-string
- uuid
- if os(windows)else
- if flag(testsuite)
- if flag(tdfa)
- if flag(cryptohash)
- cryptohash (>=0.10.0)
- if flag(s3)
- if flag(webdav)
- if flag(assistant) && !os(solaris)
- stm (>=2.3)
- if flag(assistant)
- if os(linux) && flag(inotify)else
- if os(osx)else
- if os(windows)else
- if !os(solaris) && !os(linux)
- if flag(android)
- if !os(solaris) && !os(linux)
- if os(windows)else
- if os(osx)else
- if os(linux) && flag(inotify)else
- if os(linux) && flag(dbus)
- dbus (>=0.10.3)
- if flag(android)
- if flag(webapp)
- if flag(pairing)
- if flag(xmpp) && !os(windows)
- gnutls (>=0.1.4)
- network-protocol-xmpp
- xml-types
- if flag(dns)
- if flag(feed)
- if flag(quvi)
- if flag(ekg)
Automatic Flags
Name | Description | Default |
s3 | Enable S3 support | Enabled |
webdav | Enable WebDAV support | Enabled |
inotify | Enable inotify support | Enabled |
dbus | Enable dbus support | Enabled |
assistant | Enable git-annex assistant and watch command | Enabled |
webapp | Enable git-annex webapp | Enabled |
pairing | Enable pairing | Enabled |
xmpp | Enable notifications using XMPP | Enabled |
dns | Enable the haskell DNS library for DNS lookup | Enabled |
production | Enable production build (slower build; faster binary) | Enabled |
android | Cross building for Android | Disabled |
androidsplice | Building to get TH splices for Android | Disabled |
testsuite | Embed the test suite into git-annex | Enabled |
tdfa | Use regex-tdfa for wildcards | Enabled |
feed | Enable podcast feed support | Enabled |
quvi | Enable use of quvi to download videos | Enabled |
cryptohash | Enable use of cryptohash for checksumming | Enabled |
ekg | Enable use of EKG to monitor git-annex as it runs (at http://localhost:4242/) | Disabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info