glirc: Console IRC client

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Console IRC client

glirc is a console IRC client with an emphasis on providing dynamic views into the model of your IRC connections.

Documentation Wiki

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Manual Flags


Export C functions used by the extension API (incompatible with GHCi)


Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info


Maintainer's Corner

Package maintainers

For package maintainers and hackage trustees


Versions [RSS] 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9, 2.10, 2.11, 2.12, 2.13, 2.14, 2.15, 2.16, 2.17, 2.18, 2.19, 2.20, 2.20.1,, 2.20.2,, 2.20.3, 2.20.4, 2.20.5, 2.20.6, 2.21, 2.21.1, 2.22, 2.23, 2.24, 2.25, 2.26, 2.27, 2.28, 2.29, 2.30, 2.31, 2.32, 2.33, 2.33.1, 2.34, 2.35, 2.36, 2.37, 2.38, 2.39,, 2.40, 2.40.1, 2.41
Change log
Dependencies async (>=2.1 && <2.2), attoparsec (>=0.13 && <0.14), base (>=4.9 && <4.11), base64-bytestring (>= && <1.1), bytestring (>=0.10.8 && <0.11), config-schema (>=0.4 && <0.6), config-value (>=0.6 && <0.7), containers (>=0.5.7 && <0.6), directory (>=1.2.6 && <1.4), filepath (>=1.4.1 && <1.5), gitrev (>=1.2 && <1.4), glirc, hashable (>=1.2.4 && <1.3), hookup (>=0.1 && <0.2), HsOpenSSL (>=0.11 && <0.12), irc-core (>=2.3 && <2.4), kan-extensions (>=5.0 && <5.1), lens (>=4.14 && <4.16), network (>=2.6.2 && <2.7), process (>=1.4.2 && <1.7), regex-tdfa (>=1.2 && <1.3), semigroupoids (>=5.1 && <5.3), socks (>=0.5.5 && <0.6), split (>=0.2 && <0.3), stm (>=2.4 && <2.5), text (>=1.2.2 && <1.3), time (>=1.6 && <1.9), transformers (>=0.5.2 && <0.6), unix (>=2.7 && <2.8), unordered-containers (>=0.2.7 && <0.3), vector (>=0.11 && <0.13), vty (>=5.11.1 && <5.16) [details]
License ISC
Copyright 2016,2017 Eric Mertens
Author Eric Mertens
Category Network
Home page
Bug tracker
Source repo head: git clone git:// -b v2
Uploaded by EricMertens at 2017-06-02T15:24:26Z
Distributions Arch:, Debian:2.36
Executables glirc2
Downloads 34646 total (123 in the last 30 days)
Rating 2.0 (votes: 1) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Status Docs uploaded by user
Build status unknown [no reports yet]

Readme for glirc-2.22

[back to package description]

GLIRC - Advanced Console IRC Client

  • glirc Hackage Build Status
  • irc-core Hackage
  • hookup Hackage

Wiki Documentation


glirc uses recent versions of packages, make sure you package databases are up-to-date:

$ cabal update # if you're using cabal
$ stack update # if you're using stack

To install the latest version from Hackage using cabal-install:

$ cabal install glirc

Building with cabal-install from source checkout

$ cabal install --dep
$ cabal build

Building with stack

$ stack init --resolver=lts-8 --solver
$ stack build

Note that if you're using a nightly resolver that you'll need to work around a bug in stack by manually installing alex and happy.

Client Features

  • All views and transformation are dynamic and don't change the underlying model.
  • Subsequent joins and parts fold into one line and do not scroll chat messages off the screen
  • Ignore support that folds ignored messages into the joins and parts. Toggle it off to see previously hidden messages
  • Detailed view to see all the messages in a channel in full detail with hostmask and timestamp (F2)
  • Context sensitive tab completion
  • Searchable ban, quiet, invex, and exception view separate from chat messages
  • Searchable user list, detailed view shows full hostmasks
  • WYSIWYG mIRC formatting input
  • Multi-line editing
  • Dynamic, in-place message searching
  • Chanserv integration
  • Nicknames in chat messages are colored to match messages from that nickname
  • Support for /STATUSMSG/ messages (messages only voice or op users can see)
  • Run commands upon connection
  • Command macros
  • CERTFP and SASL authentication
  • Split-screen view
  • Configurable color palette


  -c PATH  --config=PATH  Configuration file path
  -!       --noconnect    Disable autoconnecting
  -h       --help         Show help
  -v       --version      Show version

Environment variables

USER=<default nickname and username>
IRCPASSWORD=<your irc password>

Configuration file

A configuration file can currently be used to provide some default values instead of using command line arguments. If any value is missing the default will be used.

The default configuration file path is ~/.config/glirc/config

Relative paths are relative to the home directory.

Learn more about this file format at config-value

-- Defaults used when not specified on command line
  nick:            "yournick"
  username:        "yourusername"
  realname:        "Your real name"
  password:        "IRC server password"
  tls:             yes -- or: yes-insecure or no
                       -- enabling tls automatically uses port 6697
  tls-client-cert: "/path/to/cert.pem"
  tls-client-key:  "/path/to/cert.key"

-- Override the defaults when connecting to specific servers
  * name: "fn"
    hostname:      ""
    sasl-username: "someuser"
    sasl-password: "somepass"
    socks-host:    ""
    socks-port:    8080 -- defaults to 1080

  * name: "example"
    hostname:      ""
    port:          7000 -- override the default port
      * "join #favoritechannel,#otherchannel"
      * "msg mybot another command"

    -- Specify additional certificates beyond the system CAs
    -- relative to home directory
    tls-server-cert: "extra/certificate.pem"

  * name: "wipe"
      * "clear"
      * "znc *status clearbuffer $channel"

  * name: "mysplits"
      * "splits fn:#haskell fn:#haskell-offtopic"

  -- Example use of macro in combination with an extension
  * name: "extra"
      * "extension Lua some-parameter $network $channel"

extra-highlights: ["glirc", "lens"]

    fg: [10,10,10] -- RGB values for color for timestamps
    bg: blue
    [ cyan, magenta, green, yellow, blue
    , bright-cyan, bright-magenta, bright-green, bright-blue
    , 218,  88,  89, 124, 160, 205, 212, 224 -- reds
    ,  94, 130, 166, 172, 208, 214, 216, 180 -- oranges
    ,  58, 226, 229, 184, 187, 100, 142, 220 -- yellows
    ,  22,  34,  40,  82,  70,  64,  48,  85 -- greens
    ,  25,  27,  33,  39,  51,  80,  81,  75 -- blues
    ,  69,  61,  56,  54, 129,  93,  99, 147 -- purples

Configuration sections:

setting type description
defaults server These settings are used for all connections
servers list of servers These settings are used to override defaults when the hostname matches
palette palette Client color overrides
window-names text Names of windows (typically overridden on non QWERTY layouts)
nick-padding nonnegative integer Nicks are padded until they have the specified length
indent-wrapped-lines nonnegative integer How far to indent lines when they are wrapped
extra-highlights list of text Extra words/nicks to highlight
extensions list of text Filenames of extension to load
url-opener text Command to execute with URL parameter for /url e.g. gnome-open on GNOME or open on macOS
ignores list of text Initial list of nicknames to ignore
activity-bar yes or no Initial setting for visibility of activity bar (default no)
bell-on-mention yes or no Sound terminal bell on transition from not mentioned to mentioned (default no)
macros list of macros User-configurable client commands

Server Settings

setting type description
name text name of server entry, defaults to hostname
hostname text hostname used to connect and to specify the server
port number port number, defaults to 6667 without TLS and 6697 with TLS
nick text or list of text nicknames to try in order
username text server username
realname text real name / GECOS
password text server password
sasl-username text SASL username
sasl-password text SASL password (PLAIN mode)
sasl-ecdsa-key text Path ecdsa private key file (ECDSA-NIST256P-CHALLENGE mode)
tls yes/yes-insecure/no use TLS to connect (insecure mode disables certificate checks)
tls-client-cert text path to TLS client certificate
tls-client-key text path to TLS client key
tls-server-cert text CA certificate to use when validating certificates
tls-ciphers text OpenSSL cipher suite description string
connect-cmds list of text client commands to send upon connection
socks-host text hostname of SOCKS proxy to connect through
socks-port number port number of SOCKS proxy to connect through
chanserv-channels list of text list of channels with chanserv op permission
flood-penalty number cost in seconds per message
flood-threshold number threshold in seconds for burst
message-hooks list of text names of hooks to enable
reconnect-attempts int number of reconnections to attempt on error
autoconnect yes or no automatically connect at client startup
nick-completion default or slack set this to slack to use @ sigils when completing nicks


entry type description
nick-colors list of attr Use for nick highlights
self attr our own nickname(s) outside of mentions
self-highlight attr our own nickname(s) in mentions
time attr timestamp on messages
meta attr metadata (joins/parts/etc.)
sigil attr sigils (+@)
label attr information labels
latency attr latency time
error attr error messages
textbox attr textbox edges (^$)
window-name attr current window name
activity attr activity notification
mention attr mention notification
command attr recognized command
command-prefix attr prefix of known command
command-ready attr recognized command with arguments filled
command-placeholder attr command argument placeholder
window-divider attr the dividing line between split windows
line-marker attr the dividing line for new messages

Text Attributes

Text attributes can be specified either as a single foreground color or section of attributes.

  • <number> - Maps to a terminal color
  • <name> - Direct selection of standard 16 terminal colors
  • [red-number, blue-number, green-number] - List of 3 numbers in range 0-255 map to an approximation of the RGB color.


  • fg - foreground color
  • bg - background color
  • style - single style or list of styles


  • blink
  • bold
  • dim
  • standout
  • reverse-video
  • underline


Client commands

  • /help [command] - Show in-client help
  • /exit - Terminate the client
  • /quit - Gracefully terminate connection to the current server
  • /connect <name> - Connect to the given server
  • /disconnect - Forcefully terminate connection to the current server
  • /reconnect - Reconnect to the current server
  • /reload [path] - Load a new configuration file (optional path)
  • /palette - Show the client palette
  • /digraphs - Show the table of digraphs
  • /mentions - Show all the highlighted lines across all windows
  • /extension <extension name> <params...> - Send the given params to the named extension
  • /exec [-n network] [-c channel] <command> <arguments...> - Execute a command, If no network or channel are provided send output to client window, if network and channel are provided send output as messages, if network is provided send output as raw IRC messages.
  • /url [n] - Execute url-opener on the nth URL in the current window (defaults to first)

Connection commands

  • /nick <nick> - Change nickname
  • /away <message> - Set away status

Window management

  • /windows [filter] - List all open windows (filters: networks, channels, users)
  • /focus <server> - Change focus to server window
  • /focus <server> <channel> - Change focus to channel window
  • /clear [network] [channel] - Clear contents of current or specified window
  • /ignore <nick> - Toggle ignore of a user
  • /channel <channel> - Change focus to channel on current network (alias: /c)
  • /splits [focuses...] - Enable split-screen view. Focuses should be space delimited list of NETWORK:CHANNEL
  • /splits+ [focuses...] - Incremental addition to splits
  • /splits- [focuses...] - Incremental removal from splits

Channel membership

  • /join <channel> - Join a channel (alias: /j)
  • /part - Part from current channel

Chat commands

  • /msg <target> <msg> - Send a message on the current server to target
  • /notice <target> <msg> - Send a notice message on the current server to target
  • /ctcp <target> <command> <args> - Send a ctcp command on the current server to target
  • /me <msg> - Send action message to channel
  • /say <msg> - Send normal message to channel

Channel management

  • /mode <mode> <params> - Change modes on the current channel (advanced tab completion)
  • /kick <nick> - Kick a user
  • /kickban <nick> - Kick and ban a user
  • /remove - Gracefully kick a user
  • /topic <topic> - Change the topic (tab completion for topic)
  • /invite <nick> - Invite a user to the current channel


  • /who <query> - Perform WHO query (use detailed view to see output)
  • /whois <nick> - Perform WHOIS query
  • /whowas <nick> - Perform WHOWAS query
  • /ison <nick> - Perform ISON query
  • /userhost <nick> - Perform USERHOST query
  • /links <server> - Perform LINKS query
  • /time - Perform TIME query
  • /stats <query> - Perform STATS query

Channel information

  • /users - Show channel user list
  • /masks <mode> - Show channel bans(b), quiets(q), exempts(e), or invex(I)
  • /channelinfo - Show channel topic, creation, url

Window filters

  • /grep - Filter chat messages using a regular expression
  • /grepi - Filter chat messages using a case-insensitive regular expression on the message


  • /znc <module> <parameters> - send command to ZNC module without echoing to all clients
  • /znc-playback - ZNC playback module - play everything
  • /znc-playback <time> - ZNC playback module - play everything start at the given time today
  • /znc-playback <date> <time> - ZNC playback module - play everything start at the given time


  • /quote <raw command> - Send a raw IRC command to the server

Keyboard Shortcuts

Note that these keybindings are using Emacs syntax. C-a means "hold control and press A". M-a means "hold meta key and press A". On most modern keyboards the Meta key is labeled Alt or Option.

Window navigation

  • C-n next window
  • C-p previous window
  • C-x next network
  • M-# jump to window - 1234567890qwertyuiop!@#$%^&*()QWERTYUIOP
  • M-a jump to activity
  • M-s jump to previous window
  • ESC return to messages view (from userlist, masklist, help, etc)


  • C-a beginning of line

  • C-e end of line

  • C-k delete to end

  • C-u delete to beginning

  • C-d delete at cursor

  • C-w delete word backwards

  • C-y paste from yank buffer

  • C-t swap characters at cursor

  • M-f forward word

  • M-b backward word

  • M-Right forward word

  • M-Left backward word

  • M-Backspace delete word backwards

  • M-d delete word forwards

  • M-Enter insert newline

  • M-k insert digraph (2-characters before cursor)

  • Tab nickname completion

Client settings

  • F2 toggle detailed view
  • F3 toggle detailed activity bar
  • F4 toggle metadata visibility


  • Page Up scroll up
  • Page Down scroll down


  • C-b bold
  • C-c color
  • C-v reverse video
  • C-_ underline
  • C-] italic
  • C-o reset formatting


The macros configuration section allows you to define sequences of commands. These commands can contain expansions.


  • name - text - name of macro
  • arguments - text - space separated list of argument names (suffix name with ? when optional)
  • commands - list of text - commands to send after expansion

Macro Expansions

Variable names and integer indexes can be used when defining commands. Variables are specified with a leading $. For disambiguation a variable name can be surrounded by {}. $channel and ${channel} are equivalent. Default values can be provided following a pipe: ${var|default}.

  • channel - current channel
  • network - current network name
  • nick - current nickname

The arguments to a command will be mapped to integer indexes. The command itself is at index zero.

  • 0 - command
  • 1 - first argument
  • 2 - second argument (etc.)



Enable this hook when using ZNC and the buffextra module in order to reinterpret this module's messages natively in the client.