{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, OverloadedStrings, ExistentialQuantification #-}

Module      : Client.Commands
Description : Implementation of slash commands
Copyright   : (c) Eric Mertens, 2016
License     : ISC
Maintainer  : emertens@gmail.com

This module renders the lines used in the channel mask list. A mask list
can show channel bans, quiets, invites, and exceptions.

module Client.Commands
  ( CommandResult(..)
  , execute
  , executeUserCommand
  , commandExpansion
  , tabCompletion
  -- * Commands
  , CommandSection(..)
  , Command(..)
  , CommandImpl(..)
  , commands
  , commandsList
  ) where

import           Client.Commands.Arguments.Spec
import           Client.Commands.Arguments.Parser
import           Client.Commands.Exec
import           Client.Commands.Interpolation
import           Client.Commands.Recognizer
import           Client.Commands.WordCompletion
import           Client.Configuration
import           Client.Message
import           Client.State
import           Client.State.Extensions
import           Client.State.Focus
import           Client.State.Network
import           Client.State.Window
import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Exception (displayException, try)
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad
import           Data.Foldable
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import           Data.Time (ZonedTime, getZonedTime)
import           Irc.Commands
import           Irc.Identifier
import           Irc.RawIrcMsg
import           Irc.Message
import           RtsStats (getStats)
import           System.Process

import           Client.Commands.Channel (channelCommands)
import           Client.Commands.Chat (chatCommands, chatCommand', executeChat)
import           Client.Commands.Connection (connectionCommands)
import           Client.Commands.DCC (dccCommands)
import           Client.Commands.Operator (operatorCommands)
import           Client.Commands.Queries (queryCommands)
import           Client.Commands.Toggles (togglesCommands)
import           Client.Commands.Window (windowCommands)
import           Client.Commands.ZNC (zncCommands)
import           Client.Commands.TabCompletion
import           Client.Commands.Types

-- | Interpret the given chat message or command. Leading @/@ indicates a
-- command. Otherwise if a channel or user query is focused a chat message will
-- be sent. Leading spaces before the @/@ are ignored when checking for
-- commands.
execute ::
  String           {- ^ chat or command -} ->
  ClientState      {- ^ client state    -} ->
  IO CommandResult {- ^ command result  -}
execute str st =
  let st' = set clientErrorMsg Nothing st in
  case dropWhile (' '==) str of
    []          -> commandFailure st
    '/':command -> executeUserCommand Nothing command st'
    _           -> executeChat str st'

-- | Execute command provided by user, resolve aliases if necessary.
-- The last disconnection time is stored in text form and is available
-- for substitutions in macros. It is only provided when running startup
-- commands during a reconnect event.
executeUserCommand ::
  Maybe Text       {- ^ disconnection time -} ->
  String           {- ^ command            -} ->
  ClientState      {- ^ client state       -} ->
  IO CommandResult {- ^ command result     -}
executeUserCommand discoTime command st = do
  let key = Text.takeWhile (/=' ') (Text.pack command)
      rest = dropWhile (==' ') (dropWhile (/=' ') command)

  case views (clientConfig . configMacros) (recognize key) st of
    Exact (Macro (MacroSpec spec) cmdExs) ->
      case doExpansion spec cmdExs rest of
        Nothing   -> commandFailureMsg "macro expansions failed" st
        Just cmds -> process cmds st
    _ -> executeCommand Nothing command st
    doExpansion spec cmdExs rest =
      do args <- parse st spec rest
         traverse (resolveMacro (map Text.pack args)) cmdExs

    resolveMacro args = resolveMacroExpansions (commandExpansion discoTime st) (expandInt args)

    expandInt :: [a] -> Integer -> Maybe a
    expandInt args i = preview (ix (fromInteger i)) args

    process [] st0 = commandSuccess st0
    process (c:cs) st0 =
      do res <- executeCommand Nothing (Text.unpack c) st0
         case res of
           CommandSuccess st1 -> process cs st1
           CommandFailure st1 -> process cs st1 -- ?
           CommandQuit st1    -> return (CommandQuit st1)

-- | Compute the replacement value for the given expansion variable.
commandExpansion ::
  Maybe Text  {- ^ disconnect time    -} ->
  ClientState {- ^ client state       -} ->
  Text        {- ^ expansion variable -} ->
  Maybe Text  {- ^ expansion value    -}
commandExpansion discoTime st v =
  case v of
    "network" -> views clientFocus focusNetwork st
    "channel" -> previews (clientFocus . _ChannelFocus . _2) idText st
    "nick"    -> do net <- views clientFocus focusNetwork st
                    cs  <- preview (clientConnection net) st
                    return (views csNick idText cs)
    "disconnect" -> discoTime
    _         -> Nothing

-- | Respond to the TAB key being pressed. This can dispatch to a command
-- specific completion mode when relevant. Otherwise this will complete
-- input based on the users of the channel related to the current buffer.
tabCompletion ::
  Bool             {- ^ reversed       -} ->
  ClientState      {- ^ client state   -} ->
  IO CommandResult {- ^ command result -}
tabCompletion isReversed st =
  case dropWhile (' ' ==) $ snd $ clientLine st of
    '/':command -> executeCommand (Just isReversed) command st
    _           -> nickTabCompletion isReversed st

-- | Parse and execute the given command. When the first argument is Nothing
-- the command is executed, otherwise the first argument is the cursor
-- position for tab-completion
executeCommand ::
  Maybe Bool       {- ^ tab-completion direction -} ->
  String           {- ^ command                  -} ->
  ClientState      {- ^ client state             -} ->
  IO CommandResult {- ^ command result           -}

executeCommand (Just isReversed) _ st
  | Just st' <- commandNameCompletion isReversed st = commandSuccess st'

executeCommand tabCompleteReversed str st =
  let (cmd, rest) = break (==' ') str
      cmdTxt      = Text.toLower (Text.pack cmd)

      finish spec exec tab =
        case tabCompleteReversed of
          Just isReversed -> tab isReversed st rest
          Nothing ->
            case parse st spec rest of
              Nothing -> commandFailureMsg "bad command arguments" st
              Just arg -> exec st arg
  case recognize cmdTxt commands of

    Exact Command{cmdImplementation=impl, cmdArgumentSpec=argSpec} ->
      case impl of
        ClientCommand exec tab ->
          finish argSpec exec tab

        NetworkCommand exec tab
          | Just network <- views clientFocus focusNetwork st
          , Just cs      <- preview (clientConnection network) st ->
              finish argSpec (exec cs) (\x -> tab x cs)
          | otherwise -> commandFailureMsg "command requires focused network" st

        ChannelCommand exec tab
          | ChannelFocus network channelId <- view clientFocus st
          , Just cs <- preview (clientConnection network) st
          , isChannelIdentifier cs channelId ->
              finish argSpec (exec channelId cs) (\x -> tab x channelId cs)
          | otherwise -> commandFailureMsg "command requires focused channel" st

        ChatCommand exec tab
          | ChannelFocus network channelId <- view clientFocus st
          , Just cs <- preview (clientConnection network) st ->
              finish argSpec (exec channelId cs) (\x -> tab x channelId cs)
          | otherwise -> commandFailureMsg "command requires focused chat window" st

    _ -> case tabCompleteReversed of
           Just isReversed -> nickTabCompletion isReversed st
           Nothing         -> commandFailureMsg "unknown command" st

-- | Expands each alias to have its own copy of the command callbacks
expandAliases :: [Command] -> [(Text,Command)]
expandAliases xs =
  [ (name, cmd) | cmd <- xs, name <- toList (cmdNames cmd) ]

-- | Map of built-in client commands to their implementations, tab completion
-- logic, and argument structures.
commands :: Recognizer Command
commands = fromCommands (expandAliases (concatMap cmdSectionCmds commandsList))

-- | Raw list of commands in the order used for @/help@
commandsList :: [CommandSection]
commandsList =

  [ CommandSection "Client commands"

  [ Command
      (pure "exit")
      (pure ())
      "Exit the client immediately.\n"
    $ ClientCommand cmdExit noClientTab

  , Command
      (pure "reload")
      (optionalArg (simpleToken "[filename]"))
      "Reload the client configuration file.\n\
      \If \^Bfilename\^B is provided it will be used to reload.\n\
      \Otherwise the previously loaded configuration file will be reloaded.\n"
    $ ClientCommand cmdReload tabReload

  , Command
      (pure "extension")
      (liftA2 (,) (simpleToken "extension") (remainingArg "arguments"))
      "Calls the process_command callback of the given extension.\n\
      \\^Bextension\^B should be the name of the loaded extension.\n"
    $ ClientCommand cmdExtension simpleClientTab

  , Command
      (pure "palette")
      (pure ())
      "Show the current palette settings and a color chart to help pick new colors.\n"
    $ ClientCommand cmdPalette noClientTab

  , Command
      (pure "digraphs")
      (pure ())
      \    Show the table of digraphs. A digraph is a pair of characters\n\
      \    can be used together to represent an uncommon character. Type\n\
      \    the two-character digraph corresponding to the desired output\n\
      \    character and then press M-k (default binding).\n\
      \    Note that the digraphs list is searchable with /grep.\n\
      \\^BSee also:\^B grep\n"
    $ ClientCommand cmdDigraphs noClientTab

  , Command
      (pure "keymap")
      (pure ())
      "Show the key binding map.\n\
      \Key bindings can be changed in configuration file. See `glirc --config-format`.\n"
    $ ClientCommand cmdKeyMap noClientTab

  , Command
      (pure "rtsstats")
      (pure ())
      "Show the GHC RTS statistics.\n"
    $ ClientCommand cmdRtsStats noClientTab

  , Command
      (pure "exec")
      (remainingArg "arguments")
      "Execute a command synchnonously sending the to a configuration destination.\n\
      \\^Barguments\^B: [-n[network]] [-c[channel]] [-i input] command [arguments...]\n\
      \When \^Binput\^B is specified it is sent to the stdin.\n\
      \When neither \^Bnetwork\^B nor \^Bchannel\^B are specified output goes to client window (*).\n\
      \When \^Bnetwork\^B is specified output is sent as raw IRC traffic to the network.\n\
      \When \^Bchannel\^B is specified output is sent as chat to the given channel on the current network.\n\
      \When \^Bnetwork\^B and \^Bchannel\^B are specified output is sent as chat to the given channel on the given network.\n\
      \\^Barguments\^B is divided on spaces into words before being processed\
      \ by getopt. Use Haskell string literal syntax to create arguments with\
      \ escaped characters and spaces inside.\n\
    $ ClientCommand cmdExec simpleClientTab

  , Command
      (pure "url")
      "Open a URL seen in chat.\n\
      \The URL is opened using the executable configured under \^Burl-opener\^B.\n\
      \When this command is active in the textbox, chat messages are filtered to\
      \ only show ones with URLs.\n\
      \When \^Bnumber\^B is omitted it defaults to \^B1\^B. The number selects the\
      \ URL to open counting back from the most recent.\n"
    $ ClientCommand cmdUrl noClientTab

  , Command
      (pure "help")
      (optionalArg (simpleToken "[command]"))
      "Show command documentation.\n\
      \When \^Bcommand\^B is omitted a list of all commands is displayed.\n\
      \When \^Bcommand\^B is specified detailed help for that command is shown.\n"
    $ ClientCommand cmdHelp tabHelp


  togglesCommands, connectionCommands, windowCommands, chatCommands,
  queryCommands, channelCommands, zncCommands, operatorCommands,
  dccCommands ]

-- | Implementation of @/exit@ command.
cmdExit :: ClientCommand ()
cmdExit st _ = return (CommandQuit st)

-- | Implementation of @/palette@ command. Set subfocus to Palette.
cmdPalette :: ClientCommand ()
cmdPalette st _ = commandSuccess (changeSubfocus FocusPalette st)

-- | Implementation of @/digraphs@ command. Set subfocus to Digraphs.
cmdDigraphs :: ClientCommand ()
cmdDigraphs st _ = commandSuccess (changeSubfocus FocusDigraphs st)

-- | Implementation of @/keymap@ command. Set subfocus to Keymap.
cmdKeyMap :: ClientCommand ()
cmdKeyMap st _ = commandSuccess (changeSubfocus FocusKeyMap st)

-- | Implementation of @/rtsstats@ command. Set subfocus to RtsStats.
-- Update cached rts stats in client state.
cmdRtsStats :: ClientCommand ()
cmdRtsStats st _ =
  do mb <- getStats
     case mb of
       Nothing -> commandFailureMsg "RTS statistics not available. (Use +RTS -T)" st
       Just{}  -> commandSuccess $ set clientRtsStats mb
                                 $ changeSubfocus FocusRtsStats st

-- | Implementation of @/help@ command. Set subfocus to Help.
cmdHelp :: ClientCommand (Maybe String)
cmdHelp st mb = commandSuccess (changeSubfocus focus st)
    focus = FocusHelp (fmap Text.pack mb)

tabHelp :: Bool -> ClientCommand String
tabHelp isReversed st _ =
  simpleTabCompletion plainWordCompleteMode [] commandNames isReversed st
    commandNames = fst <$> expandAliases (concatMap cmdSectionCmds commandsList)

-- | Implementation of @/reload@
-- Attempt to reload the configuration file
cmdReload :: ClientCommand (Maybe String)
cmdReload st mbPath =
  do let path = mbPath <|> Just (view clientConfigPath st)
     res <- loadConfiguration path
     case res of
       Left e -> commandFailureMsg (describeProblem e) st
       Right (path',cfg) ->
         do st1 <- clientStartExtensions
                 $ set clientConfig cfg
                 $ set clientConfigPath path' st
            commandSuccess st1

    describeProblem err =
      Text.pack $
      case err of
       ConfigurationReadFailed    e -> "Failed to open configuration: "  ++ e
       ConfigurationParseFailed _ e -> "Failed to parse configuration: " ++ e
       ConfigurationMalformed   _ e -> "Configuration malformed: "       ++ e

-- | Support file name tab completion when providing an alternative
-- configuration file.
tabReload :: Bool {- ^ reversed -} -> ClientCommand String
tabReload _ st _ = commandFailure st

commandNameCompletion :: Bool -> ClientState -> Maybe ClientState
commandNameCompletion isReversed st =
  do guard (cursorPos == n)
     clientTextBox (wordComplete plainWordCompleteMode isReversed [] possibilities) st
    n = length white + length leadingPart
    (cursorPos, line) = clientLine st
    (white, leadingPart) = takeWhile (' ' /=) <$> span (' '==) line
    possibilities = Text.cons '/' <$> commandNames
    commandNames = keys commands
                ++ keys (view (clientConfig . configMacros) st)

cmdExtension :: ClientCommand (String, String)
cmdExtension st (name,command) =
  do res <- clientCommandExtension (Text.pack name) (Text.pack command) st
     case res of
       Nothing  -> commandFailureMsg "unknown extension" st
       Just st' -> commandSuccess st'

-- | Implementation of @/exec@ command.
cmdExec :: ClientCommand String
cmdExec st rest =
  do now <- getZonedTime
     case parseExecCmd rest of
       Left es -> failure now es
       Right ec ->
         case buildTransmitter now ec of
           Left es -> failure now es
           Right tx ->
             do res <- runExecCmd ec
                case res of
                  Left es -> failure now es
                  Right msgs -> tx (map Text.pack msgs)

    buildTransmitter now ec =
      case (Text.pack <$> view execOutputNetwork ec,
            Text.pack <$> view execOutputChannel ec) of

        (Unspecified, Unspecified) -> Right (sendToClient now)

        (Specified network, Specified channel) ->
          case preview (clientConnection network) st of
            Nothing -> Left ["Unknown network"]
            Just cs -> Right (sendToChannel cs channel)

        (_ , Specified channel) ->
          case currentNetworkState of
            Nothing -> Left ["No current network"]
            Just cs -> Right (sendToChannel cs channel)

        (Specified network, _) ->
          case preview (clientConnection network) st of
            Nothing -> Left ["Unknown network"]
            Just cs -> Right (sendToNetwork now cs)

        (_, Current) ->
          case currentNetworkState of
            Nothing -> Left ["No current network"]
            Just cs ->
              case view clientFocus st of
                ChannelFocus _ channel -> Right (sendToChannel cs (idText channel))
                _                      -> Left ["No current channel"]

        (Current, _) ->
          case currentNetworkState of
            Nothing -> Left ["No current network"]
            Just cs -> Right (sendToNetwork now cs)

    sendToClient now msgs = commandSuccess $! foldl' (recordSuccess now) st msgs

    sendToNetwork now cs msgs =
      commandSuccess =<<
      foldM (\st1 msg ->
           case parseRawIrcMsg msg of
             Nothing ->
               return $! recordError now "" ("Bad raw message: " <> msg) st1
             Just raw ->
               do sendMsg cs raw
                  return st1) st msgs

    sendToChannel cs channel msgs =
      commandSuccess =<<
      foldM (\st1 msg ->
        do sendMsg cs (ircPrivmsg channel msg)
              (\src tgt -> Privmsg src tgt msg)
              cs st1) st (filter (not . Text.null) msgs)

    currentNetworkState =
      do network <- views clientFocus focusNetwork st
         preview (clientConnection network) st

    failure now es =
      commandFailure $! foldl' (flip (recordError now "")) st (map Text.pack es)

recordSuccess :: ZonedTime -> ClientState -> Text -> ClientState
recordSuccess now ste m =
  recordNetworkMessage ClientMessage
    { _msgTime    = now
    , _msgBody    = NormalBody m
    , _msgNetwork = ""
    } ste

cmdUrl :: ClientCommand (Maybe Int)
cmdUrl st arg =
  case view (clientConfig . configUrlOpener) st of
    Nothing     -> commandFailureMsg "url-opener not configured" st
    Just opener -> doUrlOpen opener (maybe 0 (subtract 1) arg)
    focus = view clientFocus st

    urls = toListOf ( clientWindows . ix focus . winMessages . each . wlText
                    . folding urlMatches) st

    doUrlOpen opener n =
      case preview (ix n) urls of
        Just url -> openUrl opener (Text.unpack url) st
        Nothing  -> commandFailureMsg "bad url number" st

openUrl :: FilePath -> String -> ClientState -> IO CommandResult
openUrl opener url st =
  do res <- try (callProcess opener [url])
     case res of
       Left e  -> commandFailureMsg (Text.pack (displayException (e :: IOError))) st
       Right{} -> commandSuccess st