--  C->Haskell Compiler: interface to C processing routines
--  Author : Manuel M. T. Chakravarty
--  Created: 12 August 99
--  Version $Revision: 1.3 $ from $Date: 2005/06/22 16:01:20 $
--  Copyright (c) 1999 Manuel M. T. Chakravarty
--  This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--- DESCRIPTION ---------------------------------------------------------------
--  This modules provides access to the C processing routines for the rest of
--  the compiler.
--- DOCU ----------------------------------------------------------------------
--  language: Haskell 98
--- TODO ----------------------------------------------------------------------

module C (-- interface to KL for all non-KL modules
          -- stuff from `Common' (reexported)
          -- structure tree
          module CAST,
          -- attributed structure tree with operations (reexported from
          -- `CAttrs')
          AttrC, getCHeader, 
          CObj(..), CTag(..), CDef(..), lookupDefObjC, lookupDefTagC,
          -- support for C structure tree traversals
          module CTrav,
          -- support for pretty printing C abstract trees
          module CPretty,
          loadAttrC,            -- locally defined
          -- misc. reexported stuff
          Ident, Attrs, Attr(..),
          -- misc. own stuff
          csuffix, hsuffix, isuffix)

import Position   (Position(..), Pos(posOf))
import Idents     (Ident, lexemeToIdent)
import Attributes (Attrs, Attr(..))

import C2HSState  (CST, IOMode(..),
                   readCST, transCST, runCST, nop,
                   readFileCIO, writeFileCIO, openFileCIO, hCloseCIO,
                   fatal, errorsPresent, showErrors,
                   Traces(..), putTraceStr)
import CAST
import CParser    (parseC)
import CPretty
import CAttrs     (AttrC, attrC, getCHeader, 
                   CObj(..), CTag(..), CDef(..), lookupDefObjC, lookupDefTagC,
import CNames     (nameAnalysis)
import CTrav

-- suffix for files containing C (EXPORTED)
csuffix, hsuffix, isuffix :: String
csuffix  = ".c"
hsuffix  = ".h"
isuffix  = ".i"

-- given a file name (with suffix), parse that file as a C header and do the
-- static analysis (collect defined names) (EXPORTED)
--  * currently, lexical and syntactical errors are reported immediately and 
--   abort the program; others are reported as part of the fatal error message;
--   warnings are returned together with the read unit
loadAttrC       :: String -> CST s (AttrC, String)
loadAttrC fname  = do
                     -- read file
                     traceInfoRead fname
                     contents <- readFileCIO fname

                     -- parse
                     rawHeader <- parseC contents (Position fname 1 1)
                     let header = attrC rawHeader

                     -- name analysis
                     headerWithAttrs <- nameAnalysis header

                     -- check for errors and finalize
                     errs <- errorsPresent
                     if errs
                       then do
                         errmsgs <- showErrors
                         fatal ("C header contains \
                                \errors:\n\n" ++ errmsgs)   -- fatal error
                       else do
                         warnmsgs <- showErrors
                         return (headerWithAttrs, warnmsgs)
                      traceInfoRead fname = putTraceStr tracePhasesSW
                                              ("Attempting to read file `"
                                               ++ fname ++ "'...\n")
                      traceInfoParse      = putTraceStr tracePhasesSW 
                                              ("...parsing `" 
                                               ++ fname ++ "'...\n")
                      traceInfoNA         = putTraceStr tracePhasesSW 
                                              ("...name analysis of `" 
                                               ++ fname ++ "'...\n")
                      traceInfoErr        = putTraceStr tracePhasesSW
                                              ("...error(s) detected in `"
                                               ++ fname ++ "'.\n")
                      traceInfoOK         = putTraceStr tracePhasesSW
                                              ("...successfully loaded `"
                                               ++ fname ++ "'.\n")