hakyll: A static website compiler library
Hakyll is a static website compiler library. It provides you with the tools to create a simple or advanced static website using a Haskell DSL and formats such as markdown or RST. You can find more information, including a tutorial, on the website:
If you seek assistance, there's:
A google group: http://groups.google.com/group/hakyll
An IRC channel,
on freenode
Additionally, there's the Haddock documentation in the different modules, meant as a reference.
- Hakyll
- Core
- Hakyll.Core.CompiledItem
- Hakyll.Core.Compiler
- Hakyll.Core.Configuration
- Hakyll.Core.DependencyAnalyzer
- Hakyll.Core.DirectedGraph
- Hakyll.Core.DirectedGraph.Dot
- Hakyll.Core.Identifier
- Hakyll.Core.Identifier.Pattern
- Hakyll.Core.Logger
- Hakyll.Core.Resource
- Hakyll.Core.Resource.Provider
- Hakyll.Core.Resource.Provider.File
- Hakyll.Core.Resource.Provider
- Hakyll.Core.Routes
- Hakyll.Core.Rules
- Hakyll.Core.Run
- Hakyll.Core.Store
- Hakyll.Core.UnixFilter
- Util
- Hakyll.Core.Util.Arrow
- Hakyll.Core.Util.File
- Hakyll.Core.Util.String
- Hakyll.Core.Writable
- Hakyll.Core.Writable.CopyFile
- Hakyll.Core.Writable.WritableTuple
- Hakyll.Main
- Web
- Hakyll.Web.Blaze
- Hakyll.Web.CompressCss
- Hakyll.Web.Feed
- Hakyll.Web.Page
- Hakyll.Web.Page.List
- Hakyll.Web.Page.Metadata
- Hakyll.Web.Page.Read
- Hakyll.Web.Pandoc
- Hakyll.Web.Pandoc.FileType
- Hakyll.Web.Tags
- Hakyll.Web.Template
- Hakyll.Web.Template.Read
- Hakyll.Web.Urls
- Hakyll.Web.Urls.Relativize
- Util
- Hakyll.Web.Util.Html
- Core
Automatic Flags
Name | Description | Default |
previewserver | Include the preview server | Enabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info
- hakyll- [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
- No Candidates