{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}

{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}

module Imj.Game.Hamazed.World.Create
        ( mkWorld
        , updateMovableItem
        ) where

import           Imj.Prelude

import           Control.Monad.IO.Class(MonadIO, liftIO)

import           Imj.Game.Hamazed.World.Number
import           Imj.Game.Hamazed.World.Ship
import           Imj.Game.Hamazed.World.Space
import           Imj.Game.Hamazed.World.Types
import           Imj.Geo.Discrete
import           Imj.Physics.Discrete.Collision
import           Imj.Timing

mkWorld :: (MonadIO m)
        => InTerminal
        -- ^ Tells where to draw the 'World' from
        -> Size
        -- ^ The dimensions
        -> WallDistribution
        -- ^ How the 'Wall's should be constructed
        -> [Int]
        -- ^ The numbers for which we will create 'Number's.
        -> Int
        -- ^ Ammunition : how many laser shots are available.
        -> m World
mkWorld e s walltype nums ammo = do
  space <- case walltype of
    None          -> return $ mkEmptySpace s
    Deterministic -> return $ mkDeterministicallyFilledSpace s
    Random rParams    -> liftIO $ mkRandomlyFilledSpace rParams s
  t <- liftIO getSystemTime
  balls <- mapM (createRandomNumber space) nums
  ship@(PosSpeed pos _) <- liftIO $ createShipPos space balls
  return $ World balls (BattleShip ship ammo (Just $ addToSystemTime 5 t) (getColliding pos balls)) space [] e

-- | Updates 'PosSpeed' of a movable item, according to 'Space'.
updateMovableItem :: Space
                  -- ^ The surrounding 'Space' will be taken into account for collisions.
                  -> PosSpeed
                  -- ^ The current position and speed of the moving item.
                  -> PosSpeed
                  -- ^ The updated position and speed.
updateMovableItem space ps@(PosSpeed pos _) =
  let (newPs@(PosSpeed newPos _), collision) =
        mirrorSpeedAndMoveToPrecollisionIfNeeded (`location` space) ps
  in  case collision of
        PreCollision ->
          if pos /= newPos
              -- Precollision position is the same as the previous position, we try to move
              doBallMotionUntilCollision space newPs
        NoCollision  -> doBallMotion newPs

-- if we ever change this, we should chek other places where we use sumPosSpeed
-- to use this function instead
doBallMotion :: PosSpeed -> PosSpeed
doBallMotion (PosSpeed pos speed) =
  PosSpeed (sumPosSpeed pos speed) speed

-- | Changes the position until a collision is found.
--   Doesn't change the speed
doBallMotionUntilCollision :: Space -> PosSpeed -> PosSpeed
doBallMotionUntilCollision space (PosSpeed pos speed) =
  let trajectory = bresenham $ mkSegment pos $ sumPosSpeed pos speed
      newPos = maybe (last trajectory) snd $ firstCollision (`location` space) trajectory
  in PosSpeed newPos speed

createRandomNumber :: (MonadIO m)
                   => Space
                   -> Int
                   -> m Number
createRandomNumber space i = do
  ps <- liftIO $ createRandomNonCollidingPosSpeed space
  return $ Number ps i