kind-generics-th: Template Haskell support for generating `GenericK` instances

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This package provides Template Haskell functionality to automatically derive GenericK instances (from the kind-generics library).

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Versions [RSS],,,,,,,,,,,
Dependencies base (>=4.12 && <5), ghc-prim (>=0.5.3), kind-generics (>=0.4), template-haskell (>=2.14 && <2.17), th-abstraction (>=0.3.1 && <0.4) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Alejandro Serrano
Category Data
Source repo head: git clone
Uploaded by AlejandroSerrano at 2020-05-03T18:51:38Z
Distributions NixOS:
Reverse Dependencies 3 direct, 0 indirect [details]
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Readme for kind-generics-th-

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kind-generics-th: Template Haskell support for generating GenericK instances

This package provides Template Haskell functionality to automatically derive GenericK instances. Currently, this only supports the version of GenericK as found in the kind-generics library. (The GenericK class found in kind-generics-sop is not supported at the moment.)

How to use this library

To derive instances of GenericK for a data type, simply pass the Template Haskell–quoted Name of the type to the deriveGenericK function, as in the following example:

$(deriveGenericK ''Either)

If you wish to pass a data family instance, one can pass the name of a constructor belonging to the particular family instance, such as in the following example:

data family Foo a b
data instance Foo Int b = MkFooInt b

$(deriveGenericK 'MkFooInt)

You will likely need to enable most of these language extensions in order for GHC to accept the generated code:

  • DataKinds
  • EmptyCase (if using an empty data type)
  • FlexibleInstances
  • MultiParamTypeClasses
  • PolyKinds (if using a poly-kinded data type)
  • TemplateHaskell
  • TypeFamilies

How many GenericK instances are generated

deriveGenericK typically generates multiple GenericK instances per data type, as there is one GenericK instance per partial application of a data type constructor. For instance, $(deriveGenericK ''Either) will generate three GenericK instances:

instance GenericK (Either a b) where ...
instance GenericK (Either a)   where ...
instance GenericK Either       where ...

Not every data type can be partially applied all the way in this fashion, however. Some notable counterexamples are:

  1. Data family instances. In the following example:

    data family Bar a b
    data instance Bar a a = MkBar a

    One cannot partially apply to Bar a a to simply Bar a, so $(deriveGenericK 'MkBar) will only generate a single instance for GenericK (Bar a a).

  2. Dependent kinds. kind-generics is not currently capable of representing data types such as the following in their full generality:

    data Baz k (a :: k)

    Because the k type variable is used in the kind of a (i.e., it is used in a visible, dependent fashion). As a consequence, $(deriveGenericK ''Baz) will only generate the following instances:

    • instance GenericK (Baz k a)
    • instance GenericK (Baz k)
  3. Data types with type family applications. In the following example:

    type family Fam a
    newtype WrappedFam a = WrapFam (Fam a)

    It is impossible to write a GenericK instance for a partial application of WrappedFam, since the representation type would necessarily need to partially apply Fam, which GHC does not permit. Therefore, $(deriveGenericK ''WrappedFam) will only generate a single instance for GenericK (WrappedFam a).

    There are some uses of type families that are not supported altogether. For instance, if a type family is applied to an existentially quantified type variable, as in the following example:

    data ExFam where
      MkExFam :: forall a. Fam a -> ExFam

    Representing ExFam would fundamentally require a partial application of Fam, as type RepK ExFam = Exists * (Field (Fam :$: Var0)). As a result, it is impossible to give ExFam a GenericK instance.

    Note that not all type families are problematic. For instance:

    type family Fam2 :: * -> *
    newtype WrappedFam2 a = WrapFam2 (Fam2 a)

    In this example, Fam2 is perfectly fine to partially apply, so $(deriveGenericK ''WrappedFam2) will generate two instances (as opposed to just one, as was the case for WrappedFam).


kind-generics is capable of representing a wide variety of data types. The Template Haskell machinery in this library makes a best-effort attempt to automate the creation of most of these instances, but there are a handful of corner cases that it does not handle well. This section documents all of the known limitations of deriveGenericK:

  1. Data constructors with rank-n field types (e.g., (forall a. a -> a)) are currently not supported.

  2. Data constructors with unlifted field types (e.g., Int# or (# Bool #)) are unlikely to work.

  3. GADTs that make use of certain forms of kind equalities are currently not supported. For example:

    data Quux (a :: k) where
      MkQuux :: forall (a :: *). Maybe a -> Quux a

    If one were to rewrite Quux to make the existential quantification explicit, it would look like this:

    data Quux (a :: k) =
      forall (a' :: *). (k ~ Type, a' ~~ a) => MkQuux (Maybe a')

    Therefore, we ought to get a GenericK instance like this:

    instance GenericK (Quux :: k -> *) where
      type RepK (Quux :: k -> *) =
        Exists *
          ((Kon (k ~ Type) :&: (Var0 :~~: Var1)) :=>: Field (Maybe :$: Var0))

    Devising an algorithm that converts the original GADT definition of Quux into the explicitly existential form is not straightforward, however. In particular, deriveGenericK only detects the k ~ * part correctly at the moment, so it will generate an ill kinded instance for Quux.