levmar-0.2.1: An implementation of the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithmSource codeContentsIndex
data SizedList n a where
Nil :: SizedList Z a
::: :: a -> SizedList n a -> SizedList (S n) a
foldr :: forall a b n. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> SizedList n a -> b
foldrN :: forall a b n. (forall m. a -> b m -> b (S m)) -> b Z -> SizedList n a -> b n
toList :: SizedList n a -> [a]
length :: SizedList n a -> N n
fromList :: forall a n. Nat n => [a] -> Maybe (SizedList n a)
unsafeFromList :: forall a n. Nat n => [a] -> SizedList n a
replicate :: forall a n. Nat n => a -> SizedList n a
data SizedList n a whereSource
A list which is indexed with a type-level natural that denotes the size of the list.
Nil :: SizedList Z a
::: :: a -> SizedList n a -> SizedList (S n) a
show/hide Instances
foldr :: forall a b n. (a -> b -> b) -> b -> SizedList n a -> bSource
Fold a binary operator over a SizedList.
foldrN :: forall a b n. (forall m. a -> b m -> b (S m)) -> b Z -> SizedList n a -> b nSource
Fold a binary operator yielding a value with a natural number indexed type over a SizedList.
toList :: SizedList n a -> [a]Source
Convert a SizedList to a normal list.
length :: SizedList n a -> N nSource
Returns the length of the SizedList.
fromList :: forall a n. Nat n => [a] -> Maybe (SizedList n a)Source
Convert a normal list to a SizedList. If the length of the given list does not equal n, Nothing is returned.
unsafeFromList :: forall a n. Nat n => [a] -> SizedList n aSource
Convert a normal list to a SizeList. If the length of the given list does not equal n, an error is thrown.
replicate :: forall a n. Nat n => a -> SizedList n aSource
replicate x :: SizedList n a returns a SizedList of n xs.
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