-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Oxhead Alpha
-- SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-MIT-OA

{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}

-- | Referenced-by-type versions of some instructions.
-- They allow to "dip" into stack or copy elements of stack referring them
-- by type. Their use is justified, because in most cases there is only
-- one element of each type of stack, and in cases when this does not hold
-- (e.g. entrypoint with multiple parameters of the same type), it might be
-- a good idea to wrap those types into a newtype or to use primitives from
-- @named@ package.
-- This module is experimental, i.e. everything here should work but may be
-- removed in favor of better development practices.
-- Each instruction is followed with usage example.
module Lorentz.Referenced
  ( dupT
  , dipT
  , dropT
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (drop, swap)

import GHC.TypeLits (ErrorMessage(..), TypeError)

import Lorentz.Base
import Lorentz.Constraints
import Lorentz.Instr
import Lorentz.Value
import Morley.Util.Type

-- Errors

type family StackElemNotFound st a :: ErrorMessage where
  StackElemNotFound st a =
    'Text "Element of type `" ':<>: 'ShowType a ':<>:
    'Text "` is not present on stack" ':$$: 'ShowType st

type family StackElemAmbiguous st a :: ErrorMessage where
  StackElemAmbiguous st a =
    'Text "Ambigous reference to element of type `" ':<>: 'ShowType a ':<>:
    'Text "` for stack" ':$$: 'ShowType st

-- Dup

-- | Allows duplicating stack elements referring them by type.
class DupT (origSt :: [Type]) (a :: Type) (st :: [Type]) where
  dupTImpl :: st :-> a : st

instance TypeError (StackElemNotFound origSt a) =>
         DupT origSt a '[] where
  dupTImpl :: '[] :-> '[a]
dupTImpl = Text -> '[] :-> '[a]
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> a
error Text

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
         ( If (a `IsElem` st)
            (TypeError (StackElemAmbiguous origSt a))
            (() :: Constraint)
         , Dupable a
         ) =>
         DupT origSt a (a : st) where
  dupTImpl :: (a : st) :-> (a : a : st)
dupTImpl = (a : st) :-> (a : a : st)
forall a (s :: [*]). Dupable a => (a : s) :-> (a : a : s)

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
         DupT origSt a st =>
         DupT origSt a (b : st) where
  dupTImpl :: (b : st) :-> (a : b : st)
dupTImpl = (st :-> (a : st)) -> (b : st) :-> (b : a : st)
forall a (s :: [*]) (s' :: [*]).
HasCallStack =>
(s :-> s') -> (a : s) :-> (a : s')
dip (forall (origSt :: [*]) a (st :: [*]).
DupT origSt a st =>
st :-> (a : st)
dupTImpl @origSt) ((b : st) :-> (b : a : st))
-> ((b : a : st) :-> (a : b : st)) -> (b : st) :-> (a : b : st)
forall (a :: [*]) (b :: [*]) (c :: [*]).
(a :-> b) -> (b :-> c) -> a :-> c
# (b : a : st) :-> (a : b : st)
forall a b (s :: [*]). (a : b : s) :-> (b : a : s)

-- | Duplicate an element of stack referring it by type.
-- If stack contains multiple entries of this type, compile error is raised.
dupT :: forall a st. DupT st a st => st :-> a : st
dupT :: forall a (st :: [*]). DupT st a st => st :-> (a : st)
dupT = forall (origSt :: [*]) a (st :: [*]).
DupT origSt a st =>
st :-> (a : st)
dupTImpl @st @a @st

_dupSample1 :: [Integer, MText, ()] :-> [MText, Integer, MText, ()]
_dupSample1 :: '[Integer, MText, ()] :-> '[MText, Integer, MText, ()]
_dupSample1 = forall a (st :: [*]). DupT st a st => st :-> (a : st)
dupT @MText

-- Dip

-- | Allows diving into stack referring expected new tip by type.
-- Implemented with fun deps for conciseness; we can replace them
-- with a type family anytime, but that would probably require more declarations.
class DipT (origInp :: [Type]) (a :: Type)
           (inp :: [Type]) (dipInp :: [Type])
           (dipOut :: [Type]) (out :: [Type])
           | inp a -> dipInp, dipOut inp a -> out where
  dipTImpl :: (dipInp :-> dipOut) -> (inp :-> out)

instance ( TypeError (StackElemNotFound origSt a)
         , dipInp ~ TypeError ('Text "Undefined type (see next error)")
         , out ~ TypeError ('Text "Undefined type (see next error)")
         ) =>
         DipT origSt a '[] dipInp dipOut out where
  dipTImpl :: (dipInp :-> dipOut) -> '[] :-> out
dipTImpl = Text -> (dipInp :-> dipOut) -> '[] :-> out
forall a. HasCallStack => Text -> a
error Text

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-}
         ( If (a `IsElem` st)
            (TypeError (StackElemAmbiguous origSt a))
            (() :: Constraint)
         , dipInp ~ (a : st)
         , dipOut ~ out
         ) =>
         DipT origSt a (a : st) dipInp dipOut out where
  dipTImpl :: (dipInp :-> dipOut) -> (a : st) :-> out
dipTImpl = (dipInp :-> dipOut) -> (a : st) :-> out
forall a. a -> a

instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-}
         ( DipT origSt a st dipInp dipOut out
         , out1 ~ (b : out)
         ) =>
         DipT origSt a (b : st) dipInp dipOut out1 where
  dipTImpl :: (dipInp :-> dipOut) -> (b : st) :-> out1
dipTImpl = (st :-> out) -> (b : st) :-> (b : out)
forall a (s :: [*]) (s' :: [*]).
HasCallStack =>
(s :-> s') -> (a : s) :-> (a : s')
dip ((st :-> out) -> (b : st) :-> (b : out))
-> ((dipInp :-> dipOut) -> st :-> out)
-> (dipInp :-> dipOut)
-> (b : st) :-> (b : out)
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (origInp :: [*]) a (inp :: [*]) (dipInp :: [*])
       (dipOut :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
DipT origInp a inp dipInp dipOut out =>
(dipInp :-> dipOut) -> inp :-> out
dipTImpl @origSt @a @st

-- | Dip repeatedly until element of the given type is on top of the stack.
-- If stack contains multiple entries of this type, compile error is raised.
  :: forall a inp dinp dout out.
     DipT inp a inp dinp dout out
  => (dinp :-> dout) -> (inp :-> out)
dipT :: forall a (inp :: [*]) (dinp :: [*]) (dout :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
DipT inp a inp dinp dout out =>
(dinp :-> dout) -> inp :-> out
dipT = forall (origInp :: [*]) a (inp :: [*]) (dipInp :: [*])
       (dipOut :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
DipT origInp a inp dipInp dipOut out =>
(dipInp :-> dipOut) -> inp :-> out
dipTImpl @inp @a @inp @dinp

  :: [Natural, ()]
      :-> '[ByteString]
  -> [Integer, Text, Natural, ()]
      :-> [Integer, Text, ByteString]
_dipSample1 :: ('[Natural, ()] :-> '[ByteString])
-> '[Integer, Text, Natural, ()] :-> '[Integer, Text, ByteString]
_dipSample1 = forall a (inp :: [*]) (dinp :: [*]) (dout :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
DipT inp a inp dinp dout out =>
(dinp :-> dout) -> inp :-> out
dipT @Natural

-- Drop

-- | Remove element with the given type from the stack.
  :: forall a inp dinp dout out.
     ( DipT inp a inp dinp dout out
     , dinp ~ (a ': dout)
  => inp :-> out
dropT :: forall a (inp :: [*]) (dinp :: [*]) (dout :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
(DipT inp a inp dinp dout out, dinp ~ (a : dout)) =>
inp :-> out
dropT = forall a (inp :: [*]) (dinp :: [*]) (dout :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
DipT inp a inp dinp dout out =>
(dinp :-> dout) -> inp :-> out
dipT @a (a : dout) :-> dout
forall a (s :: [*]). (a : s) :-> s

_dropSample1 :: [Integer, (), Natural] :-> [Integer, Natural]
_dropSample1 :: '[Integer, (), Natural] :-> '[Integer, Natural]
_dropSample1 = forall a (inp :: [*]) (dinp :: [*]) (dout :: [*]) (out :: [*]).
(DipT inp a inp dinp dout out, dinp ~ (a : dout)) =>
inp :-> out
dropT @()

-- Framing

{- Note that there instructions are only usable for concrete stacks.

When you know your stack only partially, and you try to refer to element of
type "X", then with the current approach compiler will require the unknown
part of stack to contain no elements of type "X", and this is annoying
at least because it ruins modularity.

This issue can be resolved with using 'framed' instruction wrapper and family.
