pandora-0.3.7: A box of patterns and paradigms
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



branches :: Maybe a -> Maybe a -> Wye a Source #

match :: Predicate a -> (a -> r) -> a -> r -> r :*: a Source #

Orphan instances

Adjoint (Product s) ((->) s :: Type -> Type) Source # 
Instance details


(-|) :: a -> (Product s a -> b) -> s -> b Source #

(|-) :: Product s a -> (a -> s -> b) -> b Source #

phi :: (Product s a -> b) -> a -> s -> b Source #

psi :: (a -> s -> b) -> Product s a -> b Source #

eta :: a -> ((->) s :. Product s) := a Source #

epsilon :: ((Product s :. (->) s) := a) -> a Source #

(-|$) :: Covariant v => v a -> (Product s a -> b) -> v (s -> b) Source #

($|-) :: Covariant v => v (Product s a) -> (a -> s -> b) -> v b Source #

($$|-) :: (Covariant v, Covariant w) => ((v :. (w :. Product s)) := a) -> (a -> s -> b) -> (v :. w) := b Source #

($$$|-) :: (Covariant v, Covariant w, Covariant x) => ((v :. (w :. (x :. Product s))) := a) -> (a -> s -> b) -> (v :. (w :. x)) := b Source #

($$$$|-) :: (Covariant v, Covariant w, Covariant x, Covariant y) => ((v :. (w :. (x :. (y :. Product s)))) := a) -> (a -> s -> b) -> (v :. (w :. (x :. y))) := b Source #