Dependencies for persistent-2.1.2
- aeson (>=0.5 && <1.6)
- attoparsec
- base (>=4.6 && <4.13)
- base64-bytestring
- blaze-html (>=0.5)
- blaze-markup (>=0.5.1)
- bytestring (>=0.9)
- conduit (>=1.0 && <1.3)
- containers (>=0.2)
- exceptions (>=0.6)
- fast-logger (>=2.1)
- lifted-base (>=0.1)
- monad-control (>=0.3)
- monad-logger (>=0.3)
- mtl
- old-locale
- path-pieces (>=0.1)
- resource-pool
- resourcet (>=1.1)
- scientific
- silently
- tagged
- template-haskell
- text (>=0.8)
- time (>=1.1.4)
- transformers (>=0.2.1)
- transformers-base
- unordered-containers
- vector
Automatic Flags
Name | Description | Default |
nooverlap | test out our assumption that OverlappingInstances is just for String | Disabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info