{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RoleAnnotations #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Prim.Memory.Internal
-- Copyright   : (c) Alexey Kuleshevich 2020
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Alexey Kuleshevich <alexey@kuleshevi.ch>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable
module Data.Prim.Memory.Internal
  ( Bytes(..)
  , MBytes(..)
  , Pinned(..)
  , module Data.Prim.Memory.Internal
  ) where

import Control.Exception
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Prim.Monad
import Control.Prim.Monad.Unsafe
import Data.Foldable as Foldable
import Data.Prim
import Data.Prim.Memory.Bytes.Internal
  ( Bytes(..)
  , MBytes(..)
  , Pinned(..)
  , allocMBytes
  , reallocMBytes
  , byteCountBytes
  , compareByteOffBytes
  , copyByteOffBytesToMBytes
  , freezeMBytes
  , getByteCountMBytes
  , indexByteOffBytes
  , indexOffBytes
  , isSameBytes
  , moveByteOffMBytesToMBytes
  , readByteOffMBytes
  , readOffMBytes
  , setMBytes
  , thawBytes
  , writeByteOffMBytes
  , writeOffMBytes
import Data.List as List
import Data.Prim.Memory.ByteString
import Data.Prim.Memory.ForeignPtr
import Data.Prim.Memory.Ptr
import Foreign.Prim
import Numeric (showHex)
import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
import Data.Kind

class MemRead r where
  byteCountMem :: r -> Count Word8

  indexOffMem :: Prim e => r -> Off e -> e

  indexByteOffMem :: Prim e => r -> Off Word8 -> e

  -- | Source and target can't refer to the same memory chunks
  copyByteOffToMBytesMem ::
    (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => r -> Off Word8 -> MBytes p s -> Off Word8 -> Count e -> m ()

  -- | Source and target can't refer to the same memory chunks
  copyByteOffToPtrMem ::
    (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => r -> Off Word8 -> Ptr e -> Off Word8 -> Count e -> m ()

  compareByteOffToPtrMem ::
    (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => r -> Off Word8 -> Ptr e -> Off Word8 -> Count e -> m Ordering

  compareByteOffToBytesMem ::
    (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => r -> Off Word8 -> Bytes p -> Off Word8 -> Count e -> m Ordering

  compareByteOffMem ::
    (MemRead r', Prim e) => r' -> Off Word8 -> r -> Off Word8 -> Count e -> Ordering

-- | Generalized memory allocation and pure/mutable state conversion.
class (MemRead (FrozenMem a), MemWrite a) => MemAlloc a where
  type FrozenMem a = (fa :: Type) | fa -> a

  getByteCountMem :: MonadPrim s m => a s -> m (Count Word8)

  allocByteCountMem :: MonadPrim s m => Count Word8 -> m (a s)

  thawMem :: MonadPrim s m => FrozenMem a -> m (a s)

  freezeMem :: MonadPrim s m => a s -> m (FrozenMem a)

  resizeMem :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => a s -> Count e -> m (a s)
  resizeMem = defaultResizeMem

class MemWrite w where
  readOffMem :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => w s -> Off e -> m e

  readByteOffMem :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => w s -> Off Word8 -> m e

  writeOffMem :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => w s -> Off e -> e -> m ()

  writeByteOffMem :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => w s -> Off Word8 -> e -> m ()

  -- | Source and target can be overlapping memory chunks
  moveByteOffToMBytesMem ::
    (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => w s -> Off Word8 -> MBytes p s -> Off Word8 -> Count e -> m ()

  -- | Source and target can be overlapping memory chunks
  moveByteOffToPtrMem ::
    (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => w s -> Off Word8 -> Ptr e -> Off Word8 -> Count e -> m ()

  copyByteOffMem ::
    (MonadPrim s m, MemRead r, Prim e) => r -> Off Word8 -> w s -> Off Word8 -> Count e -> m ()

  moveByteOffMem ::
    (MonadPrim s m, MemWrite w', Prim e) => w' s -> Off Word8 -> w s -> Off Word8 -> Count e -> m ()

  -- TODO: Potential feature for the future implementation. Will require extra function in `Prim`.
  --setByteOffMem :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => w s -> Off Word8 -> Count e -> e -> m ()

  -- | Write the same value into each cell starting at an offset.
    :: (MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
    => w s -- ^ Writable memory. Must have enough bytes, at least: (off+count)*(sizeOf e)
    -> Off e -- ^ An offset into writable memory at which element setting should start.
    -> Count e -- ^ Numer of cells to write the elemnt into
    -> e -- ^ Element to write into all memory cells specified by offset and count. Even
         -- if the count is @0@ this element might be still fully evaluated.
    -> m ()

instance MemRead ByteString where
  byteCountMem (PS _ _ c) = Count c
  {-# INLINE byteCountMem #-}
  indexOffMem bs i = unsafeInlineIO $ withPtrAccess bs (`readOffPtr` i)
  {-# INLINE indexOffMem #-}
  indexByteOffMem bs i = unsafeInlineIO $ withPtrAccess bs (`readByteOffPtr` i)
  {-# INLINE indexByteOffMem #-}
  copyByteOffToMBytesMem bs srcOff mb dstOff c =
    withPtrAccess bs $ \srcPtr -> copyByteOffPtrToMBytes srcPtr srcOff mb dstOff c
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  copyByteOffToPtrMem bs srcOff dstPtr dstOff c =
    withPtrAccess bs $ \srcPtr -> copyByteOffPtrToPtr srcPtr srcOff dstPtr dstOff c
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToPtrMem bs off1 ptr2 off2 c =
    withPtrAccess bs $ \ptr1 -> pure $ compareByteOffPtrToPtr ptr1 off1 ptr2 off2 c
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToBytesMem bs off1 bytes off2 c =
    withPtrAccess bs $ \ptr1 -> pure $ compareByteOffPtrToBytes ptr1 off1 bytes off2 c
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToBytesMem #-}
  compareByteOffMem mem1 off1 bs off2 c =
    unsafeInlineIO $ withPtrAccess bs $ \ptr2 -> compareByteOffToPtrMem mem1 off1 ptr2 off2 c
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffMem #-}

instance MemAlloc MByteString where
  type FrozenMem MByteString = ByteString
  getByteCountMem (MByteString (PS _ _ c)) = pure $ Count c
  {-# INLINE getByteCountMem #-}
  allocByteCountMem c = do
    fp <- mallocByteCountPlainForeignPtr c
    pure $ MByteString (PS fp 0 (coerce c))
  {-# INLINE allocByteCountMem #-}
  thawMem bs = pure $ MByteString bs
  {-# INLINE thawMem #-}
  freezeMem (MByteString bs) = pure bs
  {-# INLINE freezeMem #-}
  resizeMem bsm@(MByteString (PS fp o n)) newc
    | newn > n = defaultResizeMem bsm newc
    | otherwise = pure $ MByteString (PS fp o newn)
    where -- constant slice if we need to reduce the size
      Count newn = toByteCount newc
  {-# INLINE resizeMem #-}

instance MemWrite MByteString where
  readOffMem (MByteString mbs) i = withPtrAccess mbs (`readOffPtr` i)
  {-# INLINE readOffMem #-}
  readByteOffMem (MByteString mbs) i = withPtrAccess mbs (`readByteOffPtr` i)
  {-# INLINE readByteOffMem #-}
  writeOffMem (MByteString mbs) i a = withPtrAccess mbs $ \ptr -> writeOffPtr ptr i a
  {-# INLINE writeOffMem #-}
  writeByteOffMem (MByteString mbs) i a = withPtrAccess mbs $ \ptr -> writeByteOffPtr ptr i a
  {-# INLINE writeByteOffMem #-}
  moveByteOffToPtrMem (MByteString fsrc) srcOff dstPtr dstOff c =
    withPtrAccess fsrc $ \srcPtr -> moveByteOffPtrToPtr srcPtr srcOff dstPtr dstOff c
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  moveByteOffToMBytesMem (MByteString fsrc) srcOff dst dstOff c =
    withPtrAccess fsrc $ \srcPtr -> moveByteOffPtrToMBytes srcPtr srcOff dst dstOff c
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  copyByteOffMem src srcOff (MByteString fdst) dstOff c =
    withPtrAccess fdst $ \dstPtr -> copyByteOffToPtrMem src srcOff dstPtr dstOff c
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffMem #-}
  moveByteOffMem src srcOff (MByteString fdst) dstOff c =
    withPtrAccess fdst $ \dstPtr -> moveByteOffToPtrMem src srcOff dstPtr dstOff c
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffMem #-}
  setMem (MByteString mbs) off c a = withPtrAccess mbs $ \ptr -> setOffPtr ptr off c a
  {-# INLINE setMem #-}

instance MemRead ShortByteString where
  byteCountMem = byteCountMem . fromShortByteStringBytes
  {-# INLINE byteCountMem #-}
  indexOffMem sbs = indexOffMem (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE indexOffMem #-}
  indexByteOffMem sbs = indexByteOffMem (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE indexByteOffMem #-}
  copyByteOffToMBytesMem sbs = copyByteOffToMBytesMem (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  copyByteOffToPtrMem sbs = copyByteOffToPtrMem (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToPtrMem sbs = compareByteOffToPtrMem (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToBytesMem sbs = compareByteOffToBytesMem (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToBytesMem #-}
  compareByteOffMem mem off1 sbs = compareByteOffMem mem off1 (fromShortByteStringBytes sbs)
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffMem #-}

-- | A wrapper that adds a phantom state token. It can be use with types that either
-- doesn't have such state token or are designed to work in `IO` and therefore restricted
-- to `RW`. Using this wrapper is very much unsafe, so make sure you know what you are
-- doing.
newtype MemState a s = MemState { unMemState :: a }

instance MemWrite (MemState (ForeignPtr a)) where
  readOffMem (MemState fptr) i = withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> readOffPtr (castPtr ptr) i
  {-# INLINE readOffMem #-}
  readByteOffMem (MemState fptr) i =
    withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> readByteOffPtr (castPtr ptr) i
  {-# INLINE readByteOffMem #-}
  writeOffMem (MemState fptr) i a = withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> writeOffPtr (castPtr ptr) i a
  {-# INLINE writeOffMem #-}
  writeByteOffMem (MemState fptr) i a =
    withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> writeByteOffPtr (castPtr ptr) i a
  {-# INLINE writeByteOffMem #-}
  moveByteOffToPtrMem (MemState fsrc) srcOff dstPtr dstOff c =
    withForeignPtr fsrc $ \srcPtr -> moveByteOffPtrToPtr (castPtr srcPtr) srcOff dstPtr dstOff c
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  moveByteOffToMBytesMem (MemState fsrc) srcOff dst dstOff c =
    withForeignPtr fsrc $ \srcPtr -> moveByteOffPtrToMBytes (castPtr srcPtr) srcOff dst dstOff c
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  copyByteOffMem src srcOff (MemState fdst) dstOff c =
    withForeignPtr fdst $ \dstPtr ->
       copyByteOffToPtrMem src srcOff (castPtr dstPtr) dstOff c
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffMem #-}
  moveByteOffMem src srcOff (MemState fdst) dstOff c =
    withForeignPtr fdst $ \dstPtr ->
       moveByteOffToPtrMem src srcOff (castPtr dstPtr) dstOff c
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffMem #-}
  setMem (MemState fptr) off c a = withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> setOffPtr (castPtr ptr) off c a
  {-# INLINE setMem #-}

modifyFetchOldMem ::
     (MemWrite w, MonadPrim s m, Prim b) => w s -> Off b -> (b -> b) -> m b
modifyFetchOldMem mem o f = modifyFetchOldMemM mem o (pure . f)
{-# INLINE modifyFetchOldMem #-}

modifyFetchNewMem ::
     (MemWrite w, MonadPrim s m, Prim b) => w s -> Off b -> (b -> b) -> m b
modifyFetchNewMem mem o f = modifyFetchNewMemM mem o (pure . f)
{-# INLINE modifyFetchNewMem #-}

modifyFetchOldMemM ::
     (MemWrite w, MonadPrim s m, Prim b) => w s -> Off b -> (b -> m b) -> m b
modifyFetchOldMemM mem o f = do
  a <- readOffMem mem o
  a <$ (writeOffMem mem o =<< f a)
{-# INLINE modifyFetchOldMemM #-}

modifyFetchNewMemM ::
     (MemWrite w, MonadPrim s m, Prim b) => w s -> Off b -> (b -> m b) -> m b
modifyFetchNewMemM mem o f = do
  a <- readOffMem mem o
  a' <- f a
  a' <$ writeOffMem mem o a'
{-# INLINE modifyFetchNewMemM #-}

defaultResizeMem ::
     (Prim e, MemAlloc a, MonadPrim s m) => a s -> Count e -> m (a s)
defaultResizeMem mem c = do
  let newByteCount = toByteCount c
  oldByteCount <- getByteCountMem mem
  if oldByteCount == newByteCount
    then pure mem
    else do
      newMem <- allocByteCountMem newByteCount
      newMem <$ moveMem mem 0 newMem 0 oldByteCount

-- | Make @n@ copies of supplied region of memory into a contiguous chunk of memory.
cycleMemN :: (MemAlloc a, MemRead r) => Int -> r -> FrozenMem a
cycleMemN n r
  | n <= 0 = emptyMem
  | otherwise =
    runST $ do
      let bc@(Count chunk) = byteCountMem r
          c@(Count c8) = Count n * bc
      mem <- allocByteCountMem c
      let go i = when (i < c8) $ copyByteOffMem r 0 mem (Off i) bc >> go (i + chunk)
      go 0
      freezeMem mem
{-# INLINE cycleMemN #-}

-- | Chunk of empty memory.
emptyMem :: MemAlloc a => FrozenMem a
emptyMem = createMemST_ (0 :: Count Word8) (\_ -> pure ())
{-# INLINE emptyMem #-}

-- | A region of memory that hold a single element.
singletonMem ::
     forall e a. (MemAlloc a, Prim e)
  => e
  -> FrozenMem a
singletonMem a = createMemST_ (1 :: Count e) $ \mem -> writeOffMem mem 0 a
{-# INLINE singletonMem #-}

-- | Allocate enough memory for number of elements. Memory is not initialized and may
-- contain garbage. Use `allocZeroMem` if clean memory is needed.
-- [Unsafe Count] Negative element count will result in unpredictable behavior
-- @since 0.1.0
allocMem :: (MemAlloc a, MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => Count e -> m (a s)
allocMem n = allocByteCountMem (toByteCount n)
{-# INLINE allocMem #-}

-- | Same as `allocMem`, but also use @memset@ to initialize all the new memory to zeros.
-- [Unsafe Count] Negative element count will result in unpredictable behavior
-- @since 0.1.0
allocZeroMem ::
     (MemAlloc a, MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => Count e -> m (a s)
allocZeroMem n = do
  m <- allocMem n
  m <$ setMem m 0 (toByteCount n) (0 :: Word8)
{-# INLINE allocZeroMem #-}

createMemST :: (MemAlloc a, Prim e) => Count e -> (forall s . a s -> ST s b) -> (b, FrozenMem a)
createMemST n f = runST $ do
  m <- allocMem n
  res <- f m
  i <- freezeMem m
  pure (res, i)
{-# INLINE createMemST #-}

createMemST_ :: (MemAlloc a, Prim e) => Count e -> (forall s . a s -> ST s b) -> FrozenMem a
createMemST_ n f = runST (allocMem n >>= \m -> f m >> freezeMem m)
{-# INLINE createMemST_ #-}

createZeroMemST :: (MemAlloc a, Prim e) => Count e -> (forall s . a s -> ST s b) -> (b, FrozenMem a)
createZeroMemST n f = runST $ do
  m <- allocZeroMem n
  res <- f m
  i <- freezeMem m
  pure (res, i)
{-# INLINE createZeroMemST #-}

createZeroMemST_ :: (MemAlloc a, Prim e) => Count e -> (forall s . a s -> ST s b) -> FrozenMem a
createZeroMemST_ n f = runST (allocZeroMem n >>= \m -> f m >> freezeMem m)
{-# INLINE createZeroMemST_ #-}

copyMem ::
     (MonadPrim s m, MemRead r, MemWrite w, Prim e)
  => r -- ^ Source memory region
  -> Off e -- ^ Offset into the source in number of elements
  -> w s -- ^ Destination memory region
  -> Off e -- ^ Offset into destination in number of elements
  -> Count e -- ^ Number of elements to copy over
  -> m ()
copyMem src srcOff dst dstOff = copyByteOffMem src (toByteOff srcOff) dst (toByteOff dstOff)
{-# INLINE copyMem #-}

moveMem ::
     (MonadPrim s m, MemWrite w1, MemWrite w2, Prim e)
  => w1 s -- ^ Source memory region
  -> Off e -- ^ Offset into the source in number of elements
  -> w2 s -- ^ Destination memory region
  -> Off e -- ^ Offset into destination in number of elements
  -> Count e -- ^ Number of elements to copy over
  -> m ()
moveMem src srcOff dst dstOff = moveByteOffMem src (toByteOff srcOff) dst (toByteOff dstOff)
{-# INLINE moveMem #-}

appendMem :: (MemRead r1, MemRead r2, MemAlloc a) => r1 -> r2 -> FrozenMem a
appendMem r1 r2 =
  createMemST_ (n1 + n2) $ \mem -> do
    copyMem r1 0 mem 0 n1
    copyMem r2 (coerce n1) mem (coerce n1) n2
    n1 = byteCountMem r1
    n2 = byteCountMem r2
{-# INLINABLE appendMem #-}

concatMem :: (MemRead r, MemAlloc a) => [r] -> FrozenMem a
concatMem xs = do
  let c = Foldable.foldl' (\ !acc b -> acc + byteCountMem b) 0 xs
  createMemST_ c $ \mb -> do
    let load i b = do
          let cb@(Count n) = byteCountMem b :: Count Word8
          (i + Off n) <$ copyMem b 0 mb i cb
    foldM_ load 0 xs
{-# INLINABLE concatMem #-}

thawCopyMem ::
     (MemRead r, MemAlloc a, MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => r -> Off e -> Count e -> m (a s)
thawCopyMem a off c = do
  mem <- allocMem c
  mem <$ copyMem a off mem 0 c
{-# INLINE thawCopyMem #-}

freezeCopyMem ::
     (MemAlloc a, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => a s
  -> Off e
  -> Count e
  -> m (FrozenMem a)
freezeCopyMem mem off c = freezeMem mem >>= \r -> thawCopyMem r off c >>= freezeMem
{-# INLINE freezeCopyMem #-}

thawCloneMem :: (MemRead r, MemAlloc a, MonadPrim s m) => r -> m (a s)
thawCloneMem a = thawCopyMem a 0 (byteCountMem a)
{-# INLINE thawCloneMem #-}

freezeCloneMem :: (MemAlloc a, MonadPrim s m) => a s -> m (FrozenMem a)
freezeCloneMem = freezeMem >=> thawCloneMem >=> freezeMem
{-# INLINE freezeCloneMem #-}

-- | /O(n)/ - Convert a read-only memory region into a newly allocated other type of
-- memory region
-- >>> import Data.ByteString
-- >>> bs = pack [0x10 .. 0x20]
-- >>> bs
-- >>> convertMem bs :: Bytes 'Inc
-- [0x10,0x11,0x12,0x13,0x14,0x15,0x16,0x17,0x18,0x19,0x1a,0x1b,0x1c,0x1d,0x1e,0x1f,0x20]
-- @since 0.1.0
convertMem :: (MemRead r, MemAlloc a) => r -> FrozenMem a
convertMem a = runST $ thawCloneMem a >>= freezeMem
{-# INLINE convertMem #-}

-- | Figure out how many elements can fit into the region of memory. It is possible that
-- there is a remainder of bytes left, see `countRemMem` for getting that too.
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> b = fromListMem [0 .. 5 :: Word8] :: Bytes 'Pin
-- >>> b
-- [0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05]
-- >>> countMem b :: Count Word16
-- Count {unCount = 3}
-- >>> countMem b :: Count Word32
-- Count {unCount = 1}
-- @since 0.1.0
countMem ::
     forall e r. (MemRead r, Prim e)
  => r -- ^ Read-only memory type
  -> Count e
countMem = fromByteCount . byteCountMem
{-# INLINE countMem #-}

-- | Compute how many elements and a byte size remainder that can fit into the region of memory.
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> b = fromListMem [0 .. 5 :: Word8] :: Bytes 'Pin
-- >>> b
-- [0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05]
-- >>> countRemMem @Word16 b
-- (Count {unCount = 3},0)
-- >>> countRemMem @Word32 b
-- (Count {unCount = 1},2)
-- @since 0.1.0
countRemMem :: forall e r. (MemRead r, Prim e) => r -> (Count e, Count Word8)
countRemMem = fromByteCountRem . byteCountMem
{-# INLINE countRemMem #-}

getCountMem :: (MemAlloc r, MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => r s -> m (Count e)
getCountMem = fmap (fromByteCount . coerce) . getByteCountMem
{-# INLINE getCountMem #-}

getCountRemMem :: (MemAlloc r, MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => r s -> m (Count e, Count Word8)
getCountRemMem = fmap (fromByteCountRem . coerce) . getByteCountMem
{-# INLINE getCountRemMem #-}

clone :: (MemAlloc r, MonadPrim s m) => r s -> m (r s)
clone mb = do
  n <- getByteCountMem mb
  mb' <- allocMem n
  mb' <$ moveMem mb 0 mb' 0 n
{-# INLINE clone #-}

eqMem :: (MemRead r1, MemRead r2) => r1 -> r2 -> Bool
eqMem b1 b2 = n == byteCountMem b2 && compareByteOffMem b1 0 b2 0 n == EQ
    n = byteCountMem b1
{-# INLINE eqMem #-}

-- | Compare two regions of memory byte-by-byte. It will return `EQ` whenever both regions
-- are exactly the same and `LT` or `GT` as soon as the first byte is reached that is less
-- than or greater than respectfully in the first region when compared to the second
-- one. It is safe for both regions to refer to the same part of memory, since this is a
-- pure function and both regions of memory are read-only.
compareMem ::
     (MemRead r1, MemRead r2, Prim e)
  => r1 -- ^ First region of memory
  -> Off e -- ^ Offset in number of elements into the first region
  -> r2 -- ^ Second region of memory
  -> Off e -- ^ Offset in number of elements into the second region
  -> Count e -- ^ Number of elements to compare
  -> Ordering
compareMem r1 off1 r2 off2 = compareByteOffMem r1 (toByteOff off1) r2 (toByteOff off2)
{-# INLINE compareMem #-}

-- | It is only guaranteed to convert the whole memory to a list whenever the size of
-- allocated memory is exactly divisible by the size of the element, otherwise there will
-- be some slack left unaccounted for.
toListMem :: (MemRead r, Prim e) => r -> [e]
toListMem ba = build (\ c n -> foldrCountMem (countMem ba) c n ba)
{-# INLINE toListMem #-}
{-# SPECIALIZE toListMem :: Prim e => Bytes p -> [e] #-}

-- | Same as `toListMem`, except if there is some slack at the end of the memory that
-- didn't fit in a list it will be returned as a list of bytes
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> import Data.Word
-- >>> :set -XDataKinds
-- >>> a = fromListMem [0 .. 10 :: Word8] :: Bytes 'Pin
-- >>> a
-- [0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a]
-- >>> toListSlackMem a :: ([Word8], [Word8])
-- ([0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],[])
-- >>> toListSlackMem a :: ([Word16], [Word8])
-- ([256,770,1284,1798,2312],[10])
-- >>> toListSlackMem a :: ([Word32], [Word8])
-- ([50462976,117835012],[8,9,10])
-- >>> toListSlackMem a :: ([Word64], [Word8])
-- ([506097522914230528],[8,9,10])
-- @since 0.1.0
toListSlackMem ::
     forall e r. (MemRead r, Prim e)
  => r
  -> ([e], [Word8])
toListSlackMem mem =
  (build (\c n -> foldrCountMem k c n mem), getSlack (k8 + r8) [])
    (k, Count r8) = countRemMem mem
    Count k8 = toByteCount k
    getSlack i !acc
      | i == k8 = acc
      | otherwise =
        let i' = i - 1
         in getSlack i' (indexByteOffMem mem (Off i') : acc)
{-# INLINABLE toListSlackMem #-}

-- | Right fold that is useful for converting to list while tapping into list fusion.
foldrCountMem :: (MemRead r, Prim e) => Count e -> (e -> b -> b) -> b -> r -> b
foldrCountMem (Count k) c nil bs = go 0
    go i
      | i == k = nil
      | otherwise =
        let !v = indexOffMem bs (Off i)
         in v `c` go (i + 1)
{-# INLINE[0] foldrCountMem #-}

loadListMemN ::
     (MemWrite r, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => Count e
  -> Count Word8
  -> [e]
  -> r s
  -> m Ordering
loadListMemN (Count n) (Count slack) ys mb = do
  let go [] !i = pure (compare i n <> compare 0 slack)
      go (x:xs) !i
        | i < n = writeOffMem mb (Off i) x >> go xs (i + 1)
        | otherwise = pure GT
  go ys 0
{-# INLINABLE loadListMemN #-}

loadListMemN_ :: (MemWrite r, MonadPrim s m, Prim e) => Count e -> [e] -> r s -> m ()
loadListMemN_ (Count n) ys mb =
  let go [] _     = pure ()
      go (x:xs) i = when (i < n) $ writeOffMem mb (Off i) x >> go xs (i + 1)
   in go ys 0
{-# INLINABLE loadListMemN_ #-}

-- | Returns `EQ` if the full list did fit into the supplied memory chunk exactly.
-- Otherwise it will return either `LT` if the list was smaller than allocated memory or
-- `GT` if the list was bigger than the available memory and did not fit into `MBytes`.
loadListMem :: (MonadPrim s m, MemAlloc r, Prim e) => [e] -> r s -> m Ordering
loadListMem ys mb = do
  (c, slack) <- getCountRemMem mb
  loadListMemN (countAsProxy ys c) slack ys mb
{-# INLINE loadListMem #-}

loadListMem_ :: (MonadPrim s m, MemAlloc r, Prim e) => [e] -> r s -> m ()
loadListMem_ ys mb = do
  c <- getCountMem mb
  loadListMemN_ (countAsProxy ys c) ys mb
{-# INLINE loadListMem_ #-}

fromListMemN :: (MemAlloc a, Prim e) => Count e -> [e] -> (Ordering, FrozenMem a)
fromListMemN n xs = createMemST n (loadListMemN n 0 xs)
{-# INLINE fromListMemN #-}

fromListMemN_ :: (MemAlloc a, Prim e) => Count e -> [e] -> FrozenMem a
fromListMemN_ !n xs = createMemST_ n (loadListMemN_ n xs)
{-# INLINE fromListMemN_ #-}

fromListMem :: (MemAlloc a, Prim e) => [e] -> FrozenMem a
fromListMem xs = fromListMemN_ (countAsProxy xs (coerce (length xs))) xs
{-# INLINE fromListMem #-}

-- | Load a list of bytes into a newly allocated memory region. Equivalent to
-- `Data.ByteString.pack` for `Data.ByteString.ByteString`
-- ====__Examples__
-- >>> fromByteListMem [0..10] :: Bytes 'Pin
-- [0x00,0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a]
-- @since 0.1.0
fromByteListMem :: MemAlloc a => [Word8] -> FrozenMem a
fromByteListMem = fromListMem
{-# INLINE fromByteListMem #-}

-- | Convert a memory region to a list of bytes. Equivalent to `Data.ByteString.unpack`
-- for `Data.ByteString.ByteString`
-- >>> toByteListMem (fromByteListMem [0..10] :: Bytes 'Pin)
-- [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
-- @since 0.1.0
toByteListMem :: MemAlloc a => FrozenMem a -> [Word8]
toByteListMem = toListMem
{-# INLINE toByteListMem #-}

mapByteMem :: (MemRead r, MemAlloc a, Prim e) => (Word8 -> e) -> r -> FrozenMem a
mapByteMem f = mapByteOffMem (const f)

-- | Map an index aware function over memory region
-- >>> a = fromListMem [1 .. 10 :: Word8] :: Bytes 'Inc
-- >>> a
-- [0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05,0x06,0x07,0x08,0x09,0x0a]
-- >>> imapMem (\i e -> (fromIntegral i :: Int8, e + 0xf0)) a :: Bytes 'Pin
-- [0x00,0xf1,0x01,0xf2,0x02,0xf3,0x03,0xf4,0x04,0xf5,0x05,0xf6,0x06,0xf7,0x07,0xf8,0x08,0xf9,0x09,0xfa]
-- @since 0.1.0
mapByteOffMem ::
     (MemRead r, MemAlloc a, Prim e) => (Off Word8 -> Word8 -> e) -> r -> FrozenMem a
mapByteOffMem f r = runST $ mapByteOffMemM (\i -> pure . f i) r

-- @since 0.1.0
mapByteMemM ::
     (MemRead r, MemAlloc a, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => (Word8 -> m e)
  -> r
  -> m (FrozenMem a)
mapByteMemM f = mapByteOffMemM (const f)

-- @since 0.1.0
mapByteOffMemM ::
     (MemRead r, MemAlloc a, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => (Off Word8 -> Word8 -> m e)
  -> r
  -> m (FrozenMem a)
mapByteOffMemM f r = do
  let bc@(Count n) = byteCountMem r
      c = countAsProxy (f 0 0) (Count n)
  mem <- allocMem c
  _ <- forByteOffMemM_ r 0 bc f
  -- let go i =
  --       when (i < n) $ do
  --         f i (indexByteOffMem r (Off i)) >>=
  --           writeOffMem mem (offAsProxy c (Off i))
  --         go (i + 1)
  -- go 0
  freezeMem mem

-- | Iterate over a region of memory
forByteOffMemM_ ::
     (MemRead r, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => r
  -> Off Word8
  -> Count e
  -> (Off Word8 -> e -> m b)
  -> m (Off Word8)
forByteOffMemM_ r (Off byteOff) c f =
  let n = coerce (toByteCount c) + byteOff
      Count k = byteCountProxy c
      go i
        | i < n = f (Off i) (indexByteOffMem r (Off i)) >> go (i + k)
        | otherwise = pure $ Off i
   in go byteOff

loopShortM :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> a -> Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> a -> m a) -> m a
loopShortM !startAt condition increment !initAcc f = go startAt initAcc
    go !step !acc
      | condition step acc = f step acc >>= go (increment step)
      | otherwise = pure acc
{-# INLINE loopShortM #-}

loopShortM' :: Monad m => Int -> (Int -> a -> m Bool) -> (Int -> Int) -> a -> (Int -> a -> m a) -> m a
loopShortM' !startAt condition increment !initAcc f = go startAt initAcc
    go !step !acc =
      condition step acc >>= \cont ->
        if cont
          then f step acc >>= go (increment step)
          else pure acc
{-# INLINE loopShortM' #-}

-- -- | Iterate over a region of memory
-- loopMemM_ ::
--      (MemRead r, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
--   => r
--   -> Off Word8
--   -> Count e
--   -> (Count Word8 -> a -> Bool)
--   -> (Off Word8 -> e -> m b)
--   -> m (Off Word8)
-- foldlByteOffMemM_ r (Off byteOff) c f =
--   loopShortM byteOff (\i -> f (coerce i))
--   let n = coerce (toByteCount c) + byteOff
--       Count k = byteCountProxy c
--       go i
--         | i < n = f (Off i) (indexByteOffMem r (Off i)) >> go (i + k)
--         | otherwise = pure $ Off i
--    in go byteOff

data MemView a = MemView
  { mvOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Off Word8)
  , mvCount :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Count Word8)
  , mvMem :: !a

data MMemView a s = MMemView
  { mmvOffset :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Off Word8)
  , mmvCount :: {-# UNPACK #-} !(Count Word8)
  , mmvMem :: !(a s)

izipWithByteOffMemM_ ::
     (MemRead r1, MemRead r2, MonadPrim s m, Prim e)
  => r1
  -> Off Word8
  -> r2
  -> Off Word8
  -> Count e
  -> (Off Word8 -> e -> Off Word8 -> e -> m b)
  -> m (Off Word8)
izipWithByteOffMemM_ r1 (Off byteOff1) r2 off2 c f =
  let n = coerce (toByteCount c) + byteOff1
      Count k = byteCountProxy c
      go i
        | i < n =
          let o1 = Off i
              o2 = Off i + off2
           in f o1 (indexByteOffMem r1 o1) o2 (indexByteOffMem r2 o2) >>
              go (i + k)
        | otherwise = pure $ Off i
   in go byteOff1

izipWithOffMemM_ ::
     (MemRead r1, MemRead r2, MonadPrim s m, Prim e1, Prim e2)
  => r1
  -> Off e1
  -> r2
  -> Off e2
  -> Int
  -> (Off e1 -> e1 -> Off e2 -> e2 -> m b)
  -> m ()
izipWithOffMemM_ r1 off1 r2 off2 nc f =
  let n = nc + coerce off1
      go o1@(Off i) o2 =
        when (i < n) $
        f o1 (indexOffMem r1 o1) o2 (indexOffMem r2 o2) >> go (o1 + 1) (o2 + 1)
   in go off1 off2

-- class Mut f => MFunctor f where
--   mmap :: (Elt f a, Elt f b, MonadPrim s m) => (a -> b) -> f a s -> m (f b s)

-- class Mut f => MTraverse f where
--   mmapM :: (Elt f a, Elt f b, MonadPrim s m) => (a -> m b) -> f a s -> m (f b s)

-- class MFunctor f => MApplicative f where
--   pureMut :: (Elt f a, MonadPrim s m) => a -> m (f a s)
--   liftMut ::
--     (Elt f a, Elt f b, Elt f c, MonadPrim s m) => (a -> b -> m c) -> f a s -> f b s -> m (f c s)

-- class MApplicative f => MMonad f where
--   bindMut ::
--     (Elt f a, Elt f b, MonadPrim s m) => f a s -> (a -> m b) -> f b s -> m (f c s)

-- instance MFunctor MAddr where
--   mmap f maddr = do
--     Count n <- getCountMAddr maddr
--     maddr' <- allocMAddr (Count n)
--     let go i =
--           when (i < n) $ do
--             writeOffMAddr maddr' (Off i) . f =<< readOffMAddr maddr (Off i)
--             go (i + 1)
--     maddr' <$ go 0

-- instance MTraverse MAddr where
--   mmapM f maddr = do
--     Count n <- getCountMAddr maddr
--     maddr' <- allocMAddr (Count n)
--     let go i =
--           when (i < n) $ do
--             writeOffMAddr maddr' (Off i) =<< f =<< readOffMAddr maddr (Off i)
--             go (i + 1)
--     maddr' <$ go 0

-- Bytes orphans --

instance MemRead (Bytes p) where
  byteCountMem = byteCountBytes
  {-# INLINE byteCountMem #-}
  indexOffMem = indexOffBytes
  {-# INLINE indexOffMem #-}
  indexByteOffMem = indexByteOffBytes
  {-# INLINE indexByteOffMem #-}
  copyByteOffToMBytesMem = copyByteOffBytesToMBytes
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  copyByteOffToPtrMem = copyByteOffBytesToPtr
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToPtrMem bytes1 off1 ptr2 off2 c =
    pure $ compareByteOffBytesToPtr bytes1 off1 ptr2 off2 c
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  compareByteOffToBytesMem bytes1 off1 bytes2 off2 c =
    pure $ compareByteOffBytes bytes1 off1 bytes2 off2 c
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffToBytesMem #-}
  compareByteOffMem mem1 off1 bs off2 c =
    unsafeInlineIO $ compareByteOffToBytesMem mem1 off1 bs off2 c
  {-# INLINE compareByteOffMem #-}

instance Typeable p => MemAlloc (MBytes p) where
  type FrozenMem (MBytes p) = Bytes p
  getByteCountMem = getByteCountMBytes
  {-# INLINE getByteCountMem #-}
  allocByteCountMem = allocMBytes
  {-# INLINE allocByteCountMem #-}
  thawMem = thawBytes
  {-# INLINE thawMem #-}
  freezeMem = freezeMBytes
  {-# INLINE freezeMem #-}
  resizeMem = reallocMBytes
  {-# INLINE resizeMem #-}

instance MemWrite (MBytes p) where
  readOffMem = readOffMBytes
  {-# INLINE readOffMem #-}
  readByteOffMem = readByteOffMBytes
  {-# INLINE readByteOffMem #-}
  writeOffMem = writeOffMBytes
  {-# INLINE writeOffMem #-}
  writeByteOffMem = writeByteOffMBytes
  {-# INLINE writeByteOffMem #-}
  moveByteOffToPtrMem = moveByteOffMBytesToPtr
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToPtrMem #-}
  moveByteOffToMBytesMem = moveByteOffMBytesToMBytes
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffToMBytesMem #-}
  moveByteOffMem = moveByteOffToMBytesMem
  {-# INLINE moveByteOffMem #-}
  copyByteOffMem = copyByteOffToMBytesMem
  {-# INLINE copyByteOffMem #-}
  setMem = setMBytes
  {-# INLINE setMem #-}

instance Show (Bytes p) where
  show b =
    Foldable.foldr' ($) "]" $
    ('[' :) : List.intersperse (',' :) (map (("0x" ++) .) (showsHexMem b))

instance Typeable p => IsList (Bytes p) where
  type Item (Bytes p) = Word8
  fromList = fromListMem
  fromListN n = fromListMemN_ (Count n)
  toList = toListMem

instance Eq (Bytes p) where
  b1 == b2 = isSameBytes b1 b2 || eqMem b1 b2

instance Ord (Bytes p) where
  compare b1 b2 =
    compare n (byteCountBytes b2) <> compareByteOffBytes b1 0 b2 0 n
      n = byteCountBytes b1

instance Typeable p => Semigroup.Semigroup (Bytes p) where
  (<>) = appendMem
  sconcat (x :| xs) = concatMem (x:xs)
  stimes i = cycleMemN (fromIntegral i)

instance Typeable p => Monoid.Monoid (Bytes p) where
  mappend = appendMem
  mconcat = concatMem
  mempty = emptyMem

-- | A list of `ShowS` that covert bytes to base16 encoded strings. Each element of the list
-- is a function that will convert one byte.
-- >>> mb <- newPinnedMBytes (Count 5 :: Count Int)
-- >>> mapM_ (\i -> writeOffMBytes mb (pred i) i) [1 .. 5]
-- >>> foldr ($) "" . showsBytesHex <$> freezeMBytes mb
-- "01000000000000000200000000000000030000000000000004000000000000000500000000000000"
showsHexMem :: MemRead r => r -> [ShowS]
showsHexMem b = map toHex (toListMem b :: [Word8])
    toHex b8 =
      (if b8 <= 0x0f
         then ('0' :)
         else id) .
      showHex b8

-- | Ensure that memory is filled with zeros before and after it is used.
withScrubbedMem ::
     (MonadUnliftPrim RW m, Prim e, MemAlloc mem)
  => Count e
  -> (mem RW -> m a)
  -> m a
withScrubbedMem c f = do
  mem <- allocZeroMem c
  f mem `finallyPrim` setMem mem 0 (toByteCount c) 0
    finallyPrim m1 m2 = withRunInPrimBase $ \run -> finally (run m1) (run m2)