regex- Toolkit for regex-base

Safe HaskellNone




The Tools Tutorial

This API module provides some familiar RE tools on top of the core package functions and types.

See the Regex Tools tutorial at


sed :: IsRegex re ByteString => Edits IO re ByteString -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO () Source #

read a file, apply an Edits script to each line it and write the file out again; "-" is used to indicate standard input standard output as appropriate

sed' :: (IsRegex re a, Monad m, Functor m) => Edits m re a -> a -> m a Source #

apply an Edits script to each line of the argument text


grep :: IsRegex re ByteString => Verbosity -> re -> FilePath -> IO () Source #

operates a bit like classic grep printing out the lines matched

data Line s Source #

grepLines returns a Line for each line in the file, listing all of the Matches for that line





Show s => Show (Line s) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Line s -> ShowS #

show :: Line s -> String #

showList :: [Line s] -> ShowS #

grepLines :: IsRegex re ByteString => re -> FilePath -> IO [Line ByteString] Source #

returns a Line for each line in the file, enumerating all of the matches for that line

grepFilter :: IsRegex re s => re -> s -> [Line s] Source #

returns a Line for each line in the argument text, enumerating all of the matches for that line

type GrepScript re s t = [(re, LineNo -> Matches s -> Maybe t)] Source #

a GrepScript lists RE-action associations, with the first RE to match a line selecting the action to be executed on each line in the file

grepWithScript :: IsRegex re s => GrepScript re s t -> [s] -> [t] Source #

given a list of lines, apply the GrepScript to each line of the file

report :: Verbosity -> [Line ByteString] -> String Source #

generate a grep report from a list of Line

linesMatched :: Verbosity -> [Line s] -> [Line s] Source #

given a velocity flag filter out either the lines matched or not matched


alex :: IsRegex re s => [(re, Match s -> Maybe t)] -> t -> s -> [t] Source #

a simple regex-based scanner interpretter for prototyping scanners

alex' :: Replace s => (re -> s -> Match s) -> [(re, Match s -> Maybe t)] -> t -> s -> [t] Source #

a higher order version of alex parameterised over the matchOnce function


data FindMethods s Source #

as we don't want the directory and FilePath dependencies we will abstract the three calls we need into this record type




findMatches_ :: IsRegex re s => FindMethods s -> re -> s -> IO [s] Source #

recursively list all files whose filename matches given RE, sorting the list into ascending order; if the argument path has a trailing / then it will be removed

findMatches_' Source #


:: IsRegex re s 
=> FindMethods s

the directory and filepath methods

-> ([s] -> [s])

result post-processing function

-> (Match s -> Bool)

filtering function

-> re

re to be matched against the leaf filename

-> s

root directory of the search

-> IO [s] 

recursively list all files whose filename matches given RE, using the given function to determine which matches to accept


class Replace s => IsRegex re s where Source #

the IsRegex class allows polymorhic tools to be written that will work with a variety of regex back ends and text types


matchOnce :: re -> s -> Match s Source #

finding the first match

matchMany :: re -> s -> Matches s Source #

finding all matches

makeRegex :: (Functor m, Monad m) => s -> m re Source #

compiling an RE, failing if the RE is not well formed

makeRegexWith :: (Functor m, Monad m) => SimpleREOptions -> s -> m re Source #

comiling an RE, specifying the SimpleREOptions

makeSearchReplace :: (Functor m, Monad m, IsRegex re s) => s -> s -> m (SearchReplace re s) Source #

compiling a SearchReplace template from the RE text and the template Text, failing if they are not well formed

makeSearchReplaceWith :: (Functor m, Monad m, IsRegex re s) => SimpleREOptions -> s -> s -> m (SearchReplace re s) Source #

compiling a SearchReplace template specifing the SimpleREOptions for the RE

makeEscaped :: (Functor m, Monad m) => (s -> s) -> s -> m re Source #

incorporate an escaped string into a compiled RE with the default options

makeEscapedWith :: (Functor m, Monad m) => SimpleREOptions -> (s -> s) -> s -> m re Source #

incorporate an escaped string into a compiled RE with the specified SimpleREOptions

regexSource :: re -> s Source #

extract the text of the RE from the RE

data SearchReplace re s Source #

contains a compiled RE and replacement template




  • getSearch :: !re

    the RE to match a string to replace

  • getTemplate :: !s

    the replacement template with ${cap} used to identify a capture (by number or name if one was given) and $$ being used to escape a single $


Functor (SearchReplace re) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> SearchReplace re a -> SearchReplace re b #

(<$) :: a -> SearchReplace re b -> SearchReplace re a #

(Show s, Show re) => Show (SearchReplace re s) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> SearchReplace re s -> ShowS #

show :: SearchReplace re s -> String #

showList :: [SearchReplace re s] -> ShowS #

searchReplaceAll :: IsRegex re s => SearchReplace re s -> s -> s Source #

search and replace all matches in the argument text; e.g., this function will convert every YYYY-MM-DD format date in its argument text into a DD/MM/YYYY date:

searchReplaceAll [ed|${y}([0-9]{4})-0*${m}([0-9]{2})-0*${d}([0-9]{2})///${d}/${m}/${y}|]

searchReplaceFirst :: IsRegex re s => SearchReplace re s -> s -> s Source #

search and replace the first occurrence only (if any) in the input text e.g., to prefix the first string of four hex digits in the imput text, if any, with 0x:

searchReplaceFirst [ed|[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}///0x$0|]


data Edits m re s Source #

an Edits script will, for each line in the file, either perform the action selected by the first RE in the list, or perform all of the actions on line, arranged as a pipeline


Select ![Edit m re s]

for each line select the first Edit to match each line and edit the line with it

Pipe ![Edit m re s]

for each line apply every edit that matches in turn to the line

data Edit m re s Source #

each Edit action specifies how the match should be processed


Template !(SearchReplace re s)

replace the match with this template text, substituting ${capture} as apropriate

Function !re REContext !(LineNo -> Match s -> RELocation -> Capture s -> m (Maybe s))

use this function to replace the REContext specified captures in each line matched

LineEdit !re !(LineNo -> Matches s -> m (LineEdit s))

use this function to edit each line matched

data LineEdit s Source #

a LineEdit is the most general action thar can be performed on a line and is the only means of deleting a line



do not edit this line but leave as is

ReplaceWith !s

replace the line with this text (terminating newline should not be included)


delete the this line altogether


Functor LineEdit Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> LineEdit a -> LineEdit b #

(<$) :: a -> LineEdit b -> LineEdit a #

Show s => Show (LineEdit s) Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> LineEdit s -> ShowS #

show :: LineEdit s -> String #

showList :: [LineEdit s] -> ShowS #

applyEdits :: (IsRegex re s, Monad m, Functor m) => LineNo -> Edits m re s -> s -> m s Source #

apply an Edit script to a single line

applyEdit :: (IsRegex re s, Monad m, Functor m) => (s -> s) -> LineNo -> Edit m re s -> s -> m (Maybe s) Source #

apply a single edit action to a line, the function in the first argument being used to add a new line onto the end of the line where appropriate; the function returns Nothing if no edit is to be performed on the line, Just mempty to delete the line

applyLineEdit :: Monoid s => (s -> s) -> LineEdit s -> Maybe s Source #

apply a LineEdit to a line, using the function in the first argument to append a new line to the result; Nothing should be returned if no edit is to be performed, Just mempty to delete the line


newtype LineNo Source #

our line numbers are of the proper zero-based kind



firstLine :: LineNo Source #

the first line in a file

getLineNo :: LineNo -> Int Source #

extract a conventional 1-based line number

lineNo :: Int -> LineNo Source #

inject a conventional 1-based line number
