s-expression: simple general-purpose s-expressions

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this package provides general-purpose functionality for manipulating s-expressions. like:

  • a Functor instance that transforms the atoms

  • a Monad instance that "expands" atoms into s-expressions

  • a Foldable instance that enumerates the atoms (leaves)

  • IsList and IsString instances for literal syntax

the core type is:

data Sexp f a
= Atom a
| List   [Sexp f a]
| Sexp f [Sexp f a]

which lets you provide your own custom function name that interprets its arguments.

e.g. TODO

for efficient parsing/printing, use:


Maintainer's Corner

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Versions [RSS] 0.0.0
Dependencies base (>=4.8 && <5.0), derive-monoid (>=0.0.1), lens, s-expression, semigroups [details]
Tested with ghc ==7.10.1
License MIT
Copyright Copyright (C) 2015 Spiros M. Boosalis
Author Spiros Boosalis
Maintainer samboosalis@gmail.com
Category Data
Home page https://github.com/sboosali/s-expression#readme
Bug tracker https://github.com/sboosali/s-expression/issues
Source repo head: git clone https://github.com/sboosali/s-expression
Uploaded by sboo at 2017-05-01T22:49:23Z
Executables example-s-expressions
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Status Docs available [build log]
Last success reported on 2017-05-01 [all 1 reports]