sdr- A software defined radio library

Safe HaskellNone




Various utiliy signal processing functions



class Mult a b where Source

A class for things that can be multiplied by a scalar.


mult :: a -> b -> a Source


Num a => Mult a a Source 
Num a => Mult (Complex a) a Source 

Conversion to floating point for reception


interleavedIQUnsigned256ToFloat :: (Num a, Integral a, Num b, Fractional b, Vector v1 a, Vector v2 (Complex b)) => v1 a -> v2 (Complex b) Source

Create a vector of complex floating samples from a vector of interleaved I Q components. Each input element ranges from 0 to 255. This is the format that RTLSDR devices use.

interleavedIQUnsignedByteToFloat :: Vector CUChar -> Vector (Complex Float) Source

Same as interleavedIQUnsigned256ToFloat but written in C and specialized for unsigned byte inputs and Float outputs.

interleavedIQUnsignedByteToFloatSSE :: Vector CUChar -> Vector (Complex Float) Source

Same as interleavedIQUnsigned256ToFloat but written in C using SSE intrinsics and specialized for unsigned byte inputs and Float outputs.

interleavedIQUnsignedByteToFloatAVX :: Vector CUChar -> Vector (Complex Float) Source

Same as interleavedIQUnsigned256ToFloat but written in C using AVX intrinsics and specialized for unsigned byte inputs and Float outputs.

interleavedIQUnsignedByteToFloatFast :: CPUInfo -> Vector CUChar -> Vector (Complex Float) Source

Same as interleavedIQUnsigned256ToFloat but uses the fastest SIMD instruction set your processor supports and specialized for unsigned byte inputs and Float outputs.


interleavedIQSigned2048ToFloat :: (Num a, Integral a, Num b, Fractional b, Vector v1 a, Vector v2 (Complex b)) => v1 a -> v2 (Complex b) Source

Create a vector of complex float samples from a vector of interleaved I Q components. Each input element ranges from -2048 to 2047. This is the format that the BladeRF uses.

interleavedIQSignedWordToFloat :: Vector CShort -> Vector (Complex Float) Source

Same as interleavedIQUnsigned256ToFloat but written in C and specialized for signed short inputs and Float outputs.

interleavedIQSignedWordToFloatSSE :: Vector CShort -> Vector (Complex Float) Source

Same as interleavedIQUnsigned256ToFloat but written in C using SSE intrinsics and specialized for signed short inputs and Float outputs.

interleavedIQSignedWordToFloatAVX :: Vector CShort -> Vector (Complex Float) Source

Same as interleavedIQUnsigned256ToFloat but written in C using AVX intrinsics and specialized for signed short inputs and Float outputs.

interleavedIQSignedWordToFloatFast :: CPUInfo -> Vector CShort -> Vector (Complex Float) Source

Same as interleavedIQSigned2048ToFloat but uses the fastest SIMD instruction set your processor supports and specialized for signed short inputs and Float outputs.

Conversion from floating point for transmission


complexFloatToInterleavedIQSigned2048 :: (Integral b, RealFrac a, Vector v1 (Complex a), Vector v2 b) => v1 (Complex a) -> v2 b Source

Create a vector of interleaved I Q component integral samples from a vector of complex Floats. Each input ranges from -2048 to 2047. This is the format the BladeRF uses.

complexFloatToInterleavedIQSignedWord :: Vector (Complex Float) -> Vector CShort Source

Same as complexFloatToInterleavedIQSigned2048 but written in C and specialized for Float inputs and signed short outputs.


scaleC Source


:: Float

Scale factor

-> Vector Float

Input vector

-> MVector RealWorld Float

Output vector

-> IO () 

Scale a vector, written in C

scaleCSSE Source


:: Float

Scale factor

-> Vector Float

Input vector

-> MVector RealWorld Float

Output vector

-> IO () 

Scale a vector, written in C using SSE intrinsics

scaleCAVX Source


:: Float

Scale factor

-> Vector Float

Input vector

-> MVector RealWorld Float

Output vector

-> IO () 

Scale a vector, written in C using AVX intrinsics

scaleFast :: CPUInfo -> Float -> Vector Float -> MVector RealWorld Float -> IO () Source

Scale a vector. Uses the fastest SIMD instruction set your processor supports.

Mapping over complex numbers

cplxMap Source


:: (a -> b)

The function

-> Complex a

Input complex number

-> Complex b

Output complex number

Apply a function to both parts of a complex number

Frequency shifting

halfBandUp Source


:: (Vector v n, Num n) 
=> Int

The length of the Vector

-> v n 

Multiplication by this vector shifts all frequencies up by 1/2 of the sampling frequency

quarterBandUp Source


:: (Vector v (Complex n), Num n) 
=> Int

The length of the Vector

-> v (Complex n) 

Multiplication by this vector shifts all frequencies up by 1/4 of the sampling frequency

Data streams

streamString Source


:: (FiniteBits b, Monad m) 
=> [b]

The string whose bits are to be streamed

-> Int

The size of each streamed vector

-> Producer (Vector Float) m () 

A Producer that streams vectors of the bits that make up the string argument concatenated repeatedly. Each bit is encoded as a float with value (+1) for 1 and (-1) for 0.

streamRandom Source


:: PrimMonad m 
=> Int

The size of each streamed vector

-> Producer (Vector Float) m () 

A Producer that streams vectors of random bits. Each bit is encoded as a float with value (+1) for 1 and (-1) for 0.

Automatic gain control

agc Source


:: (Num a, Storable a, RealFloat a) 
=> a


-> a


-> a

initial state

-> Vector (Complex a)

input vector

-> (a, Vector (Complex a))

(final state, output vector)

Simple automatic gain control

agcPipe Source


:: (Num a, Storable a, RealFloat a, Monad m) 
=> a


-> a


-> Pipe (Vector (Complex a)) (Vector (Complex a)) m () 

Simple automatic gain control pipe