module Smap.Commands (run) where

import Prelude hiding (filter, subtract, init, sin)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as Map (insert, empty, member)
import Data.HashMap.Strict as Map (HashMap)
import Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Streaming.Char8 as BS8
import qualified Streaming.Prelude as P
import qualified Streaming as S
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Strict.Tuple (Pair((:!:)))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty((:|)))
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.Resource as Resource
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO)
import Crypto.MAC.SipHash (SipHash(..), hash)
import Smap.Flags
  ( Hdl(Std, File)
  , Descriptor(Keyed, UnKeyed)
  , Command(Union, Subtract, Intersect)
  , Accuracy(Approximate, Exact)

type Stream m k v = S.Stream (S.Of (Pair k v)) m ()

type SetOperation
  =  forall key
   . (Hashable key, Eq key)
  => NonEmpty (Stream (Resource.ResourceT IO) key ByteString) -- Input maps
  -> Stream (Resource.ResourceT IO) key ByteString -- Output map

cat :: SetOperation
cat streams = foldM filter Map.empty streams *> return ()
  filter seen = P.foldM_ filter' (return seen) return . S.hoist lift
   -- for some strange reason I can't import alterF from Data.HashMap.Strict
  filter' (seen :: HashMap k ()) (bs :!: v) = if bs `Map.member` seen
    then return seen
    else P.yield (bs :!: v) >> return (Map.insert bs () seen)

filterStreamWith :: (Bool -> Bool) -> SetOperation
filterStreamWith includeIfPresent (first :| seconds) = do
  second <- lift $ collects seconds
  P.filter (\(k :!: _) -> includeIfPresent (k `Map.member` second)) first
  collects = foldM collect Map.empty
  collect subs = P.fold_ (\s (k :!: _) -> Map.insert k () s) subs id

sub :: SetOperation
sub = filterStreamWith not

int :: SetOperation
int = filterStreamWith id

load :: (MonadIO m, Resource.MonadResource m) => Descriptor ty -> Stream m ByteString ByteString
load descriptor = case descriptor of
  UnKeyed hdl       -> (\x -> x :!: x) (linesOf hdl)
  Keyed keys values -> S.zipsWith'
    (\q (k P.:> ks) (v P.:> vs) -> (k :!: v) P.:> (q ks vs))
    (linesOf keys)
    (linesOf values)
  linesOf = S.mapsM BS8.toStrict . BS8.lines . hin
  hin Std         = BS8.stdin
  hin (File path) = BS8.readFile path

  :: Accuracy
  -> SetOperation
  -> NonEmpty (Stream (Resource.ResourceT IO) ByteString ByteString)
  -> Hdl
  -> IO ()
withAccuracy accuracy op inputs output = case accuracy of
  Exact           -> approximateWith id
  Approximate key -> approximateWith (sip key)
  format = BS8.unlines . S.maps (\((_k :!: v) P.:> r) -> BS8.fromStrict v >> return r)
  hout Std         = BS8.stdout
  hout (File path) = BS8.writeFile path
  sip key bs = let SipHash h = hash key bs in h
  keyMap f = (\(k :!: v) -> (f k :!: v))
  approximateWith approximator =
    Resource.runResourceT $ hout output $ format $ op $ fmap (keyMap approximator) inputs

run :: Command -> IO ()
run cmd = case cmd of
  Subtract  acc p ms o -> withAccuracy acc sub (load p :| fmap load ms) o
  Intersect acc i is o -> withAccuracy acc int (load i :| fmap load is) o
  Union acc is o       -> withAccuracy acc cat (fmap load inputs) o
    inputs = case is of
      []       -> UnKeyed Std :| []
      (x : xs) -> x :| xs