vect-0.4.5: A low-dimensional linear algebra library, tailored to computer graphics.Source codeContentsIndex
OpenGL support, including Vertex, TexCoord, etc instances for Vec2, Vec3 and Vec4.
class ToOpenGLMatrix m where
makeGLMatrix :: m -> IO (GLmatrix Float)
class FromOpenGLMatrix m where
peekGLMatrix :: GLmatrix Float -> IO m
setMatrix :: ToOpenGLMatrix m => Maybe MatrixMode -> m -> IO ()
getMatrix :: FromOpenGLMatrix m => Maybe MatrixMode -> IO m
matrix :: (ToOpenGLMatrix m, FromOpenGLMatrix m) => Maybe MatrixMode -> StateVar m
currentMatrix :: (ToOpenGLMatrix m, FromOpenGLMatrix m) => StateVar m
multMatrix :: ToOpenGLMatrix m => m -> IO ()
radianToDegrees :: RealFrac a => a -> a
degreesToRadian :: Floating a => a -> a
glRotate :: Float -> Vec3 -> IO ()
glTranslate :: Vec3 -> IO ()
glScale3 :: Vec3 -> IO ()
glScale :: Float -> IO ()
orthoMatrix :: (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> Mat4
orthoMatrix2 :: Vec3 -> Vec3 -> Mat4
frustumMatrix :: (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> Mat4
frustumMatrix2 :: Vec3 -> Vec3 -> Mat4
class VertexAttrib' a where
vertexAttrib :: AttribLocation -> a -> IO ()
class ToOpenGLMatrix m whereSource

There should be a big warning here about the different conventions, hidden transpositions, and all the confusion this will inevitably cause...

As it stands,

 glRotate t1 axis1 >> glRotate t2 axis2 >> glRotate t3 axis3

has the same result as

 multMatrix (rotMatrixProj4 t3 axis3 .*. rotMatrixProj4 t2 axis2 .*. rotMatrixProj4 t1 axis1)

because at the interface of OpenGL and this library there is a transposition to compensate for the different conventions. (This transposition is implicit in the code, because the way the matrices are stored in the memory is also different: OpenGL stores them column-major, and we store them row-major).

makeGLMatrix :: m -> IO (GLmatrix Float)Source
show/hide Instances
class FromOpenGLMatrix m whereSource
peekGLMatrix :: GLmatrix Float -> IO mSource
show/hide Instances
setMatrix :: ToOpenGLMatrix m => Maybe MatrixMode -> m -> IO ()Source
getMatrix :: FromOpenGLMatrix m => Maybe MatrixMode -> IO mSource
matrix :: (ToOpenGLMatrix m, FromOpenGLMatrix m) => Maybe MatrixMode -> StateVar mSource
currentMatrix :: (ToOpenGLMatrix m, FromOpenGLMatrix m) => StateVar mSource
multMatrix :: ToOpenGLMatrix m => m -> IO ()Source
radianToDegrees :: RealFrac a => a -> aSource
degreesToRadian :: Floating a => a -> aSource
glRotate :: Float -> Vec3 -> IO ()Source
The angle is in radians. (WARNING: OpenGL uses degrees!)
glTranslate :: Vec3 -> IO ()Source
glScale3 :: Vec3 -> IO ()Source
glScale :: Float -> IO ()Source
:: (Float, Float)(left,right)
-> (Float, Float)(bottom,top)
-> (Float, Float)(near,far)
-> Mat4
"Orthogonal projecton" matrix, a la OpenGL (the corresponding functionality is removed in OpenGL 3.1)
:: Vec3(left,top,near)
-> Vec3(right,bottom,far)
-> Mat4
The same as orthoMatrix, but with a different parametrization.
:: (Float, Float)(left,right)
-> (Float, Float)(bottom,top)
-> (Float, Float)(near,far)
-> Mat4
"Perspective projecton" matrix, a la OpenGL (the corresponding functionality is removed in OpenGL 3.1).
:: Vec3(left,top,near)
-> Vec3(right,bottom,far)
-> Mat4
The same as frustumMatrix, but with a different parametrization.
class VertexAttrib' a whereSource
vertexAttrib :: AttribLocation -> a -> IO ()Source
show/hide Instances
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