verismith- Random verilog generation and simulator testing.

Copyright(c) 2018-2019 Yann Herklotz
Maintaineryann [at] yannherklotz [dot] com
Safe HaskellNone



Functions to mutate the Verilog AST from Verismith.Verilog.AST to generate more random patterns, such as nesting wires instead of creating new ones.



class Mutate a where Source #


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> a -> a Source #

Mutate SourceInfo Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate

Mutate Verilog Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Verilog -> Verilog Source #

Mutate ModDecl Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> ModDecl -> ModDecl Source #

Mutate ModItem Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> ModItem -> ModItem Source #

Mutate LocalParam Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate

Mutate Parameter Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Parameter -> Parameter Source #

Mutate Statement Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Statement -> Statement Source #

Mutate ContAssign Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate

Mutate Assign Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Assign -> Assign Source #

Mutate ModConn Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> ModConn -> ModConn Source #

Mutate Port Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Port -> Port Source #

Mutate Range Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Range -> Range Source #

Mutate PortType Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> PortType -> PortType Source #

Mutate PortDir Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> PortDir -> PortDir Source #

Mutate LVal Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> LVal -> LVal Source #

Mutate Task Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Task -> Task Source #

Mutate ConstExpr Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> ConstExpr -> ConstExpr Source #

Mutate Expr Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr Source #

Mutate UnaryOperator Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate

Mutate BinaryOperator Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate

Mutate Event Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Event -> Event Source #

Mutate Delay Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Delay -> Delay Source #

Mutate Identifier Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate

Mutate a => Mutate [a] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> [a] -> [a] Source #

Mutate a => Mutate (Maybe a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Maybe a -> Maybe a Source #

Mutate a => Mutate (GenVerilog a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Verismith.Verilog.Mutate


mutExpr :: (Expr -> Expr) -> GenVerilog a -> GenVerilog a Source #

inPort :: Identifier -> ModDecl -> Bool Source #

Return if the Identifier is in a ModDecl.

findAssign :: Identifier -> [ModItem] -> Maybe Expr Source #

Find the last assignment of a specific wire/reg to an expression, and returns that expression.

idTrans :: Identifier -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr Source #

Transforms an expression by replacing an Identifier with an expression. This is used inside transformOf and traverseExpr to replace the Identifier recursively.

replace :: Identifier -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr Source #

Replaces the identifier recursively in an expression.

nestId :: Identifier -> ModDecl -> ModDecl Source #

Nest expressions for a specific Identifier. If the Identifier is not found, the AST is not changed.

This could be improved by instead of only using the last assignment to the wire that one finds, to use the assignment to the wire before the current expression. This would require a different approach though.

nestSource :: Identifier -> Verilog -> Verilog Source #

Replaces an identifier by a expression in all the module declaration.

nestUpTo :: Int -> Verilog -> Verilog Source #

Nest variables in the format w[0-9]* up to a certain number.

instantiateMod :: ModDecl -> ModDecl -> ModDecl Source #

Add a Module Instantiation using ModInst from the first module passed to it to the body of the second module. It first has to make all the inputs into reg.

>>> render $ instantiateMod m main
module main;
  wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
  reg [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;
  m m1(y, x);

instantiateMod_ :: ModDecl -> ModItem Source #

Instantiate without adding wire declarations. It also does not count the current instantiations of the same module.

>>> GenVerilog $ instantiateMod_ m
m m(y, x);

instantiateModSpec_ :: Text -> ModDecl -> ModItem Source #

Instantiate without adding wire declarations. It also does not count the current instantiations of the same module.

>>> GenVerilog $ instantiateModSpec_ "_" m
m m(.y(y), .x(x));

initMod :: ModDecl -> ModDecl Source #

Initialise all the inputs and outputs to a module.

>>> GenVerilog $ initMod m
module m(y, x);
  output wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] y;
  input wire [(3'h4):(1'h0)] x;

makeIdFrom :: Show a => a -> Identifier -> Identifier Source #

Make an Identifier from and existing Identifier and an object with a Show instance to make it unique.

makeTop :: Int -> ModDecl -> ModDecl Source #

Make top level module for equivalence verification. Also takes in how many modules to instantiate.

makeTopAssert :: ModDecl -> ModDecl Source #

Make a top module with an assert that requires y_1 to always be equal to y_2, which can then be proven using a formal verification tool.

simplify :: Expr -> Expr Source #

Simplify an Expr by using constants to remove BinaryOperator and simplify expressions. To make this work effectively, it should be run until no more changes were made to the expression.

>>> GenVerilog . simplify $ (Id "x") + 0
>>> GenVerilog . simplify $ (Id "y") + (Id "x")
(y + x)

removeId :: [Identifier] -> Expr -> Expr Source #

Remove all Identifier that do not appeare in the input list from an Expr. The identifier will be replaced by 1'b0, which can then later be simplified further.

>>> GenVerilog . removeId ["x"] $ Id "x" + Id "y"
(x + (1'h0))

declareMod :: [Port] -> ModDecl -> ModDecl Source #

Provide declarations for all the ports that are passed to it. If they are registers, it should assign them to 0.