vivid- Sound synthesis with SuperCollider

Safe HaskellNone



The fixities of the operators ("~+", "~*", "~<", etc) are the same as those of their non-'~' equivalents (+, *, < etc)

(So you can e.g. multiply then add without parens!)



(~+) :: (ToSig i0 a, ToSig i1 a) => i0 -> i1 -> SDBody' a Signal infixl 6 Source #

Add signals

(~-) :: (ToSig i0 a, ToSig i1 a) => i0 -> i1 -> SDBody' a Signal infixl 6 Source #

Subtract signals

(~*) :: (ToSig i0 a, ToSig i1 a) => i0 -> i1 -> SDBody' a Signal infixl 7 Source #

Multiply signals

(~**) :: (ToSig i0 a, ToSig i1 a) => i0 -> i1 -> SDBody' a Signal infixr 8 Source #

Exponentiation of signals

(~/) :: (ToSig i0 a, ToSig i1 a) => i0 -> i1 -> SDBody' a Signal infixl 7 Source #

Divide signals

binaryOp :: (ToSig s0 a, ToSig s1 a) => BinaryOp -> s0 -> s1 -> SDBody' a Signal Source #

Build your own!

The calculation rate of the result is the larger (more frequent) of the 2 input signals (So you shouldn't need to use "?" very much!)

biOp :: (ToSig s0 a, ToSig s1 a) => BinaryOp -> s0 -> s1 -> SDBody' a Signal Source #

Alias of binaryOp. Shorter, fer livecodin

unaryOp :: ToSig sig a => UnaryOp -> sig -> SDBody' a Signal Source #

Build your own, from UnaryOps

uOp :: ToSig sig a => UnaryOp -> sig -> SDBody' a Signal Source #

Alias of unaryOp

midiCPS :: ToSig i a => i -> SDBody' a Signal Source #

Convert from a midi note number (0-127, each representing a musical half step) to a frequency in hz (cycles per second)

cpsMIDI :: ToSig i a => i -> SDBody' a Signal Source #

Inverse of midiCPS

abs' :: ToSig i a => i -> SDBody' a Signal Source #

The prime is to not conflict with "abs" in the prelude. May just use "uOp Abs" in the future

neg :: ToSig i a => i -> SDBody' a Signal Source #

tanh' :: ToSig i a => i -> SDBody' a Signal Source #

The prime, like abs', is to not conflict with a prelude definition.

Remember you can always just use:

uOp TanH

clip2 :: (ToSig s0 a, ToSig s1 a) => s0 -> s1 -> SDBody' a Signal Source #

Like clip but the lo value is always negative the hi value

xor :: (ToSig s0 a, ToSig s1 a) => s0 -> s1 -> SDBody' a Signal Source #

Bitwise xor. Short for biOp BitXor