Dependencies for warp-3.1.2
- array
- auto-update (>=0.1.1 && <0.2)
- base (>=3 && <5)
- blaze-builder (>=0.4 && <0.5)
- bytestring (>=
- case-insensitive (>=0.2)
- containers
- ghc-prim
- http-types (>=0.8.5)
- http2 (>=1.0.2 && <1.2)
- iproute (>=1.3.1)
- simple-sendfile (>=0.2.7 && <0.3)
- stm (>=2.3)
- streaming-commons (>=0.1.10 && <0.2)
- text
- unix-compat (>=0.2)
- vault (>=0.3)
- wai (>=3.0 && <3.0.4)
- word8
- if flag(network-bytestring)
- network (>= && <2.2.3)
- network-bytestring (>=0.1.3 && <0.1.4)
- network (>=2.3 && <2.9)
- if flag(use-bytestring-builder)
- bytestring (<
- bytestring-builder
- bytestring (>=
- if (os(linux) || os(freebsd) || os(osx)) && flag(allow-sendfilefd)
- if os(windows)else
Automatic Flags
Name | Description | Default |
network-bytestring | Disabled | |
allow-sendfilefd | Allow use of sendfileFd (not available on GNU/kFreeBSD) | Enabled |
warp-debug | print debug output. not suitable for production | Disabled |
use-bytestring-builder | Use bytestring-builder package | Disabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info