xmonad-contrib-0.7: Third party extensions for xmonadSource codeContentsIndex
Maintainerdroundy@darcs.net, andrea.rossato@unibz.it
A tabbed layout for the Xmonad Window Manager
simpleTabbed :: ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration DefaultShrinker) Simplest Window
tabbed :: (Eq a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) Simplest a
addTabs :: (Eq a, LayoutClass l a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme -> l a -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) l a
simpleTabbedBottom :: ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration DefaultShrinker) Simplest Window
tabbedBottom :: (Eq a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) Simplest a
addTabsBottom :: (Eq a, LayoutClass l a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme -> l a -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) l a
data Theme = Theme {
activeColor :: String
inactiveColor :: String
urgentColor :: String
activeBorderColor :: String
inactiveBorderColor :: String
urgentBorderColor :: String
activeTextColor :: String
inactiveTextColor :: String
urgentTextColor :: String
fontName :: String
decoWidth :: Dimension
decoHeight :: Dimension
defaultTheme :: Theme
data TabbedDecoration a
= Tabbed
| TabbedBottom
shrinkText :: DefaultShrinker
data CustomShrink = CustomShrink
class (Read s, Show s) => Shrinker s where
shrinkIt :: s -> String -> [String]

You can use this module with the following in your ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs:

 import XMonad.Layout.Tabbed

Then edit your layoutHook by adding the Tabbed layout:

 myLayouts = simpleTabbed ||| Full ||| etc..

or, if you want a specific theme for you tabbed layout:

 myLayouts = tabbed shrinkText defaultTheme ||| Full ||| etc..

and then:

 main = xmonad defaultConfig { layoutHook = myLayouts }

For more detailed instructions on editing the layoutHook see:


You can also edit the default configuration options.

 myTabConfig = defaultTheme { inactiveBorderColor = "#FF0000"
                                   , activeTextColor = "#00FF00"}


 mylayout = tabbed shrinkText myTabConfig ||| Full ||| etc..
simpleTabbed :: ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration DefaultShrinker) Simplest WindowSource

A tabbed layout with the default xmonad Theme. Here's a screen shot:


This is a minimal working configuration:

 import XMonad
 import XMonad.Layout.DecorationMadness
 main = xmonad defaultConfig { layoutHook = simpleTabbed }
tabbed :: (Eq a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) Simplest aSource
A layout decorated with tabs and the possibility to set a custom shrinker and a custom theme.
addTabs :: (Eq a, LayoutClass l a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme -> l a -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) l aSource
simpleTabbedBottom :: ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration DefaultShrinker) Simplest WindowSource
A bottom-tabbed layout with the default xmonad Theme.
tabbedBottom :: (Eq a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) Simplest aSource
A layout decorated with tabs at the bottom and the possibility to set a custom shrinker and a custom theme.
addTabsBottom :: (Eq a, LayoutClass l a, Shrinker s) => s -> Theme -> l a -> ModifiedLayout (Decoration TabbedDecoration s) l aSource
data Theme Source

A Theme is a record of colors, font etc., to customize a DecorationStyle.

For a collection of Themes see XMonad.Util.Themes

activeColor :: StringColor of the active window
inactiveColor :: StringColor of the inactive window
urgentColor :: StringColor of the urgent window
activeBorderColor :: StringColor of the border of the active window
inactiveBorderColor :: StringColor of the border of the inactive window
urgentBorderColor :: StringColor of the border of the urgent window
activeTextColor :: StringColor of the text of the active window
inactiveTextColor :: StringColor of the text of the inactive window
urgentTextColor :: StringColor of the text of the urgent window
fontName :: StringFont name
decoWidth :: DimensionMaximum width of the decorations (if supported by the DecorationStyle)
decoHeight :: DimensionHeight of the decorations
show/hide Instances
defaultTheme :: ThemeSource
The default xmonad Theme.
data TabbedDecoration a Source
show/hide Instances
shrinkText :: DefaultShrinkerSource
data CustomShrink Source
show/hide Instances
class (Read s, Show s) => Shrinker s whereSource
shrinkIt :: s -> String -> [String]Source
show/hide Instances
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