Stability | experimental |
Maintainer | Patrick Perry <> |
Overloaded interface for mutable and immutable tensors. This module contains the common functionality for the classes in Data.Tensor.Class.ITensor and Data.Tensor.Class.MTensor.
class (Ix i, Show i) => Shaped x i | x -> i whereSource
The base class for objects with shapes and indices (i.e. Vector, Matrix, etc.).
Get the shape of the tensor. For vectors this is the dimension.
For matrices, this will be a pair (m,n)
of the number of rows
and columns.
bounds :: x n e -> (i, i)Source
Get the range of valid indices in the tensor.
Shaped IOVector Int | |
Shaped Vector Int | |
Shaped IOMatrix (Int, Int) | |
Shaped Matrix (Int, Int) | |
Shaped IOBanded (Int, Int) | |
Shaped Banded (Int, Int) | |
Shaped (STVector s) Int | |
MatrixShaped a => Shaped (Herm a) (Int, Int) | |
MatrixShaped a => Shaped (Tri a) (Int, Int) | |
Shaped (STMatrix s) (Int, Int) | |
Shaped (STBanded s) (Int, Int) |