Copyright | (C) 2013-2014 Richard Eisenberg Jan Stolarek |
License | BSD-style (see LICENSE) |
Maintainer | Ryan Scott |
Stability | experimental |
Portability | non-portable |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | GHC2021 |
Defines functions and datatypes relating to the singleton for '[]',
including singled versions of a few of the definitions in Data.List
Because many of these definitions are produced by Template Haskell,
it is not possible to create proper Haddock documentation. Please look
up the corresponding operation in Data.List
. Also, please excuse
the apparent repeated variable names. This is due to an interaction
between Template Haskell and Haddock.
- type family Sing :: k -> Type
- data SList (a1 :: [a]) where
- type family (a1 :: [a]) ++ (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- (%++) :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (t1 ++ t2)
- type family Head (a1 :: [a]) :: a where ...
- sHead :: forall a (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Head t)
- type family Last (a1 :: [a]) :: a where ...
- sLast :: forall a (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Last t)
- type family Tail (a1 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sTail :: forall a (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Tail t)
- type family Init (a1 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sInit :: forall a (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Init t)
- type family Null (arg :: t a) :: Bool
- sNull :: forall a (t1 :: t a). SFoldable t => Sing t1 -> Sing (Null t1)
- type family Length (arg :: t a) :: Natural
- sLength :: forall a (t1 :: t a). SFoldable t => Sing t1 -> Sing (Length t1)
- type family Map (a1 :: a ~> b) (a2 :: [a]) :: [b] where ...
- sMap :: forall a b (t1 :: a ~> b) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Map t1 t2)
- type family Reverse (a1 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sReverse :: forall a (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Reverse t)
- type family Intersperse (a1 :: a) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sIntersperse :: forall a (t1 :: a) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Intersperse t1 t2)
- type family Intercalate (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [[a]]) :: [a] where ...
- sIntercalate :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [[a]]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Intercalate t1 t2)
- type family Transpose (a1 :: [[a]]) :: [[a]] where ...
- sTranspose :: forall a (t :: [[a]]). Sing t -> Sing (Transpose t)
- type family Subsequences (a1 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ...
- sSubsequences :: forall a (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Subsequences t)
- type family Permutations (a1 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ...
- sPermutations :: forall a (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Permutations t)
- type family Foldl (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: t a) :: b
- sFoldl :: forall b a (t1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (t2 :: b) (t3 :: t a). SFoldable t => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Foldl t1 t2 t3)
- type family Foldl' (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: t a) :: b
- sFoldl' :: forall b a (t1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (t2 :: b) (t3 :: t a). SFoldable t => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Foldl' t1 t2 t3)
- type family Foldl1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: t a) :: a
- sFoldl1 :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (t2 :: t a). SFoldable t => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Foldl1 t1 t2)
- type family Foldl1' (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a2 :: [a]) :: a where ...
- sFoldl1' :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Foldl1' t1 t2)
- type family Foldr (arg :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: t a) :: b
- sFoldr :: forall a b (t1 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (t2 :: b) (t3 :: t a). SFoldable t => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Foldr t1 t2 t3)
- type family Foldr1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: t a) :: a
- sFoldr1 :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (t2 :: t a). SFoldable t => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Foldr1 t1 t2)
- type family Concat (a1 :: t [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sConcat :: forall (t1 :: Type -> Type) a (t2 :: t1 [a]). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing (Concat t2)
- type family ConcatMap (a1 :: a ~> [b]) (a2 :: t a) :: [b] where ...
- sConcatMap :: forall a b (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> [b]) (t3 :: t1 a). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (ConcatMap t2 t3)
- type family And (a :: t Bool) :: Bool where ...
- sAnd :: forall (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: t1 Bool). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing (And t2)
- type family Or (a :: t Bool) :: Bool where ...
- sOr :: forall (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: t1 Bool). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing (Or t2)
- type family Any (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: t a) :: Bool where ...
- sAny :: forall a (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> Bool) (t3 :: t1 a). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Any t2 t3)
- type family All (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: t a) :: Bool where ...
- sAll :: forall a (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> Bool) (t3 :: t1 a). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (All t2 t3)
- type family Sum (arg :: t a) :: a
- sSum :: forall a (t1 :: t a). (SFoldable t, SNum a) => Sing t1 -> Sing (Sum t1)
- type family Product (arg :: t a) :: a
- sProduct :: forall a (t1 :: t a). (SFoldable t, SNum a) => Sing t1 -> Sing (Product t1)
- type family Maximum (arg :: t a) :: a
- sMaximum :: forall a (t1 :: t a). (SFoldable t, SOrd a) => Sing t1 -> Sing (Maximum t1)
- type family Minimum (arg :: t a) :: a
- sMinimum :: forall a (t1 :: t a). (SFoldable t, SOrd a) => Sing t1 -> Sing (Minimum t1)
- type family Scanl (a1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a2 :: b) (a3 :: [a]) :: [b] where ...
- sScanl :: forall b a (t1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (t2 :: b) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Scanl t1 t2 t3)
- type family Scanl1 (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sScanl1 :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Scanl1 t1 t2)
- type family Scanr (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (a2 :: b) (a3 :: [a]) :: [b] where ...
- sScanr :: forall a b (t1 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (t2 :: b) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Scanr t1 t2 t3)
- type family Scanr1 (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sScanr1 :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Scanr1 t1 t2)
- type family MapAccumL (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a2 :: a) (a3 :: t b) :: (a, t c) where ...
- sMapAccumL :: forall (t1 :: Type -> Type) a b c (t2 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (t3 :: a) (t4 :: t1 b). STraversable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing t4 -> Sing (MapAccumL t2 t3 t4)
- type family MapAccumR (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a2 :: a) (a3 :: t b) :: (a, t c) where ...
- sMapAccumR :: forall a b c (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (t3 :: a) (t4 :: t1 b). STraversable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing t4 -> Sing (MapAccumR t2 t3 t4)
- type family Replicate (a1 :: Natural) (a2 :: a) :: [a] where ...
- sReplicate :: forall a (t1 :: Natural) (t2 :: a). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Replicate t1 t2)
- type family Unfoldr (a1 :: b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (a2 :: b) :: [a] where ...
- sUnfoldr :: forall b a (t1 :: b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (t2 :: b). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Unfoldr t1 t2)
- type family Take (a1 :: Natural) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sTake :: forall a (t1 :: Natural) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Take t1 t2)
- type family Drop (a1 :: Natural) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sDrop :: forall a (t1 :: Natural) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Drop t1 t2)
- type family SplitAt (a1 :: Natural) (a2 :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ...
- sSplitAt :: forall a (t1 :: Natural) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (SplitAt t1 t2)
- type family TakeWhile (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sTakeWhile :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (TakeWhile t1 t2)
- type family DropWhile (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sDropWhile :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (DropWhile t1 t2)
- type family DropWhileEnd (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sDropWhileEnd :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (DropWhileEnd t1 t2)
- type family Span (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ...
- sSpan :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Span t1 t2)
- type family Break (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ...
- sBreak :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Break t1 t2)
- type family StripPrefix (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [a]) :: Maybe [a] where ...
- type family Group (a1 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ...
- sGroup :: forall a (t :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t -> Sing (Group t)
- type family Inits (a1 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ...
- sInits :: forall a (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Inits t)
- type family Tails (a1 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ...
- sTails :: forall a (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Tails t)
- type family IsPrefixOf (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [a]) :: Bool where ...
- sIsPrefixOf :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (IsPrefixOf t1 t2)
- type family IsSuffixOf (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [a]) :: Bool where ...
- sIsSuffixOf :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (IsSuffixOf t1 t2)
- type family IsInfixOf (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [a]) :: Bool where ...
- sIsInfixOf :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (IsInfixOf t1 t2)
- type family Elem (arg :: a) (arg1 :: t a) :: Bool
- sElem :: forall a (t1 :: a) (t2 :: t a). (SFoldable t, SEq a) => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Elem t1 t2)
- type family NotElem (a1 :: a) (a2 :: t a) :: Bool where ...
- sNotElem :: forall a (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a) (t3 :: t1 a). (SFoldable t1, SEq a) => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (NotElem t2 t3)
- type family Lookup (a1 :: a) (a2 :: [(a, b)]) :: Maybe b where ...
- sLookup :: forall a b (t1 :: a) (t2 :: [(a, b)]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Lookup t1 t2)
- type family Find (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: t a) :: Maybe a where ...
- sFind :: forall a (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> Bool) (t3 :: t1 a). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Find t2 t3)
- type family Filter (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sFilter :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Filter t1 t2)
- type family Partition (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ...
- sPartition :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Partition t1 t2)
- type family (a1 :: [a]) !! (a2 :: Natural) :: a where ...
- (%!!) :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: Natural). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (t1 !! t2)
- type family ElemIndex (a1 :: a) (a2 :: [a]) :: Maybe Natural where ...
- sElemIndex :: forall a (t1 :: a) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (ElemIndex t1 t2)
- type family ElemIndices (a1 :: a) (a2 :: [a]) :: [Natural] where ...
- sElemIndices :: forall a (t1 :: a) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (ElemIndices t1 t2)
- type family FindIndex (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: [a]) :: Maybe Natural where ...
- sFindIndex :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (FindIndex t1 t2)
- type family FindIndices (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: [a]) :: [Natural] where ...
- sFindIndices :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (FindIndices t1 t2)
- type family Zip (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [b]) :: [(a, b)] where ...
- sZip :: forall a b (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [b]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Zip t1 t2)
- type family Zip3 (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [b]) (a3 :: [c]) :: [(a, b, c)] where ...
- sZip3 :: forall a b c (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [b]) (t3 :: [c]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Zip3 t1 t2 t3)
- type family Zip4 (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [b]) (a3 :: [c]) (a4 :: [d]) :: [(a, b, c, d)] where ...
- type family Zip5 (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [b]) (a3 :: [c]) (a4 :: [d]) (a5 :: [e]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e)] where ...
- type family Zip6 (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [b]) (a3 :: [c]) (a4 :: [d]) (a5 :: [e]) (a6 :: [f]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] where ...
- type family Zip7 (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [b]) (a3 :: [c]) (a4 :: [d]) (a5 :: [e]) (a6 :: [f]) (a7 :: [g]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] where ...
- type family ZipWith (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [b]) :: [c] where ...
- sZipWith :: forall a b c (t1 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) (t2 :: [a]) (t3 :: [b]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (ZipWith t1 t2 t3)
- type family ZipWith3 (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [b]) (a4 :: [c]) :: [d] where ...
- sZipWith3 :: forall a b c d (t1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (t2 :: [a]) (t3 :: [b]) (t4 :: [c]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing t4 -> Sing (ZipWith3 t1 t2 t3 t4)
- type family ZipWith4 (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [b]) (a4 :: [c]) (a5 :: [d]) :: [e] where ...
- type family ZipWith5 (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [b]) (a4 :: [c]) (a5 :: [d]) (a6 :: [e]) :: [f] where ...
- type family ZipWith6 (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [b]) (a4 :: [c]) (a5 :: [d]) (a6 :: [e]) (a7 :: [f]) :: [g] where ...
- type family ZipWith7 (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [b]) (a4 :: [c]) (a5 :: [d]) (a6 :: [e]) (a7 :: [f]) (a8 :: [g]) :: [h] where ...
- type family Unzip (a1 :: [(a, b)]) :: ([a], [b]) where ...
- sUnzip :: forall a b (t :: [(a, b)]). Sing t -> Sing (Unzip t)
- type family Unzip3 (a1 :: [(a, b, c)]) :: ([a], [b], [c]) where ...
- sUnzip3 :: forall a b c (t :: [(a, b, c)]). Sing t -> Sing (Unzip3 t)
- type family Unzip4 (a1 :: [(a, b, c, d)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d]) where ...
- sUnzip4 :: forall a b c d (t :: [(a, b, c, d)]). Sing t -> Sing (Unzip4 t)
- type family Unzip5 (a1 :: [(a, b, c, d, e)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e]) where ...
- sUnzip5 :: forall a b c d e (t :: [(a, b, c, d, e)]). Sing t -> Sing (Unzip5 t)
- type family Unzip6 (a1 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f]) where ...
- sUnzip6 :: forall a b c d e f (t :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]). Sing t -> Sing (Unzip6 t)
- type family Unzip7 (a1 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], [g]) where ...
- sUnzip7 :: forall a b c d e f g (t :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]). Sing t -> Sing (Unzip7 t)
- type family Unlines (a :: [Symbol]) :: Symbol where ...
- sUnlines :: forall (t :: [Symbol]). Sing t -> Sing (Unlines t)
- type family Unwords (a :: [Symbol]) :: Symbol where ...
- sUnwords :: forall (t :: [Symbol]). Sing t -> Sing (Unwords t)
- type family Nub (a1 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sNub :: forall a (t :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t -> Sing (Nub t)
- type family Delete (a1 :: a) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sDelete :: forall a (t1 :: a) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Delete t1 t2)
- type family (a1 :: [a]) \\ (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- (%\\) :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (t1 \\ t2)
- type family Union (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sUnion :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Union t1 t2)
- type family Intersect (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sIntersect :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Intersect t1 t2)
- type family Insert (a1 :: a) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sInsert :: forall a (t1 :: a) (t2 :: [a]). SOrd a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Insert t1 t2)
- type family Sort (a1 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sSort :: forall a (t :: [a]). SOrd a => Sing t -> Sing (Sort t)
- type family NubBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sNubBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (NubBy t1 t2)
- type family DeleteBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a2 :: a) (a3 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sDeleteBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (t2 :: a) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (DeleteBy t1 t2 t3)
- type family DeleteFirstsBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sDeleteFirstsBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (t2 :: [a]) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (DeleteFirstsBy t1 t2 t3)
- type family UnionBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sUnionBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (t2 :: [a]) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (UnionBy t1 t2 t3)
- type family IntersectBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sIntersectBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (t2 :: [a]) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (IntersectBy t1 t2 t3)
- type family GroupBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a2 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ...
- sGroupBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (GroupBy t1 t2)
- type family SortBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sSortBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (SortBy t1 t2)
- type family InsertBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a2 :: a) (a3 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- sInsertBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t2 :: a) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (InsertBy t1 t2 t3)
- type family MaximumBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a2 :: t a) :: a where ...
- sMaximumBy :: forall a (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t3 :: t1 a). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (MaximumBy t2 t3)
- type family MinimumBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a2 :: t a) :: a where ...
- sMinimumBy :: forall a (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t3 :: t1 a). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (MinimumBy t2 t3)
- type family GenericLength (a1 :: [a]) :: i where ...
- sGenericLength :: forall a i (t :: [a]). SNum i => Sing t -> Sing (GenericLength t :: i)
- type family NilSym0 :: [a] where ...
- data (:@#@$) (a1 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]))
- data (a6989586621679050289 :: a) :@#@$$ (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family (a6989586621679050289 :: a) :@#@$$$ (a6989586621679050290 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- type family (a6989586621679154364 :: [a]) ++@#@$$$ (a6989586621679154365 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data (a6989586621679154364 :: [a]) ++@#@$$ (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- data (++@#@$) (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]))
- data HeadSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] a)
- type family HeadSym1 (a6989586621679545466 :: [a]) :: a where ...
- data LastSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] a)
- type family LastSym1 (a6989586621679545460 :: [a]) :: a where ...
- data TailSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family TailSym1 (a6989586621679545456 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data InitSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family InitSym1 (a6989586621679545444 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data NullSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t a) Bool)
- type family NullSym1 (a6989586621679922560 :: t a) :: Bool where ...
- data LengthSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t a) Natural)
- type family LengthSym1 (a6989586621679922563 :: t a) :: Natural where ...
- data MapSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> b) ([a] ~> [b]))
- data MapSym1 (a6989586621679154373 :: a ~> b) (b1 :: TyFun [a] [b])
- type family MapSym2 (a6989586621679154373 :: a ~> b) (a6989586621679154374 :: [a]) :: [b] where ...
- data ReverseSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family ReverseSym1 (a6989586621679545429 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data IntersperseSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]))
- data IntersperseSym1 (a6989586621679545422 :: a) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family IntersperseSym2 (a6989586621679545422 :: a) (a6989586621679545423 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data IntercalateSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([[a]] ~> [a]))
- data IntercalateSym1 (a6989586621679545415 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [[a]] [a])
- type family IntercalateSym2 (a6989586621679545415 :: [a]) (a6989586621679545416 :: [[a]]) :: [a] where ...
- data TransposeSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [[a]] [[a]])
- type family TransposeSym1 (a6989586621679544278 :: [[a]]) :: [[a]] where ...
- data SubsequencesSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [[a]])
- type family SubsequencesSym1 (a6989586621679545410 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ...
- data PermutationsSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [[a]])
- type family PermutationsSym1 (a6989586621679545330 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ...
- data FoldlSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b)))
- data FoldlSym1 (a6989586621679922535 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (b1 :: TyFun b (t a ~> b))
- data FoldlSym2 (a6989586621679922535 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a6989586621679922536 :: b) (c :: TyFun (t a) b)
- type family FoldlSym3 (a6989586621679922535 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a6989586621679922536 :: b) (a6989586621679922537 :: t a) :: b where ...
- data Foldl'Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b)))
- data Foldl'Sym1 (a6989586621679922542 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (b1 :: TyFun b (t a ~> b))
- data Foldl'Sym2 (a6989586621679922542 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a6989586621679922543 :: b) (c :: TyFun (t a) b)
- type family Foldl'Sym3 (a6989586621679922542 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a6989586621679922543 :: b) (a6989586621679922544 :: t a) :: b where ...
- data Foldl1Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) (t a ~> a))
- data Foldl1Sym1 (a6989586621679922553 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (b :: TyFun (t a) a)
- type family Foldl1Sym2 (a6989586621679922553 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679922554 :: t a) :: a where ...
- data Foldl1'Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> a))
- data Foldl1'Sym1 (a6989586621679545295 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (b :: TyFun [a] a)
- type family Foldl1'Sym2 (a6989586621679545295 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679545296 :: [a]) :: a where ...
- data FoldrSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b)))
- data FoldrSym1 (a6989586621679922521 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (b1 :: TyFun b (t a ~> b))
- data FoldrSym2 (a6989586621679922521 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (a6989586621679922522 :: b) (c :: TyFun (t a) b)
- type family FoldrSym3 (a6989586621679922521 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (a6989586621679922522 :: b) (a6989586621679922523 :: t a) :: b where ...
- data Foldr1Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) (t a ~> a))
- data Foldr1Sym1 (a6989586621679922548 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (b :: TyFun (t a) a)
- type family Foldr1Sym2 (a6989586621679922548 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679922549 :: t a) :: a where ...
- data ConcatSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t [a]) [a])
- type family ConcatSym1 (a6989586621679922398 :: t [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data ConcatMapSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> [b]) (t a ~> [b]))
- data ConcatMapSym1 (a6989586621679922383 :: a ~> [b]) (b1 :: TyFun (t a) [b])
- type family ConcatMapSym2 (a6989586621679922383 :: a ~> [b]) (a6989586621679922384 :: t a) :: [b] where ...
- data AndSym0 (a :: TyFun (t Bool) Bool)
- type family AndSym1 (a6989586621679922378 :: t Bool) :: Bool where ...
- data OrSym0 (a :: TyFun (t Bool) Bool)
- type family OrSym1 (a6989586621679922372 :: t Bool) :: Bool where ...
- data AnySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Bool))
- data AnySym1 (a6989586621679922364 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun (t a) Bool)
- type family AnySym2 (a6989586621679922364 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679922365 :: t a) :: Bool where ...
- data AllSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Bool))
- data AllSym1 (a6989586621679922355 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun (t a) Bool)
- type family AllSym2 (a6989586621679922355 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679922356 :: t a) :: Bool where ...
- data SumSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t a) a)
- type family SumSym1 (a6989586621679922577 :: t a) :: a where ...
- data ProductSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t a) a)
- type family ProductSym1 (a6989586621679922580 :: t a) :: a where ...
- data MaximumSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t a) a)
- type family MaximumSym1 (a6989586621679922571 :: t a) :: a where ...
- data MinimumSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t a) a)
- type family MinimumSym1 (a6989586621679922574 :: t a) :: a where ...
- data ScanlSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> ([a] ~> [b])))
- data ScanlSym1 (a6989586621679545226 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (b1 :: TyFun b ([a] ~> [b]))
- data ScanlSym2 (a6989586621679545226 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a6989586621679545227 :: b) (c :: TyFun [a] [b])
- type family ScanlSym3 (a6989586621679545226 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a6989586621679545227 :: b) (a6989586621679545228 :: [a]) :: [b] where ...
- data Scanl1Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> [a]))
- data Scanl1Sym1 (a6989586621679545217 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family Scanl1Sym2 (a6989586621679545217 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679545218 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data ScanrSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> b)) (b ~> ([a] ~> [b])))
- data ScanrSym1 (a6989586621679545199 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (b1 :: TyFun b ([a] ~> [b]))
- data ScanrSym2 (a6989586621679545199 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (a6989586621679545200 :: b) (c :: TyFun [a] [b])
- type family ScanrSym3 (a6989586621679545199 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (a6989586621679545200 :: b) (a6989586621679545201 :: [a]) :: [b] where ...
- data Scanr1Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> [a]))
- data Scanr1Sym1 (a6989586621679545179 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family Scanr1Sym2 (a6989586621679545179 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679545180 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data MapAccumLSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a ~> (t b ~> (a, t c))))
- data MapAccumLSym1 (a6989586621680103082 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (b1 :: TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c)))
- data MapAccumLSym2 (a6989586621680103082 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a6989586621680103083 :: a) (c1 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c))
- type family MapAccumLSym3 (a6989586621680103082 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a6989586621680103083 :: a) (a6989586621680103084 :: t b) :: (a, t c) where ...
- data MapAccumRSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a ~> (t b ~> (a, t c))))
- data MapAccumRSym1 (a6989586621680103072 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (b1 :: TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c)))
- data MapAccumRSym2 (a6989586621680103072 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a6989586621680103073 :: a) (c1 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c))
- type family MapAccumRSym3 (a6989586621680103072 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a6989586621680103073 :: a) (a6989586621680103074 :: t b) :: (a, t c) where ...
- data ReplicateSym0 (a1 :: TyFun Natural (a ~> [a]))
- data ReplicateSym1 (a6989586621679544286 :: Natural) (b :: TyFun a [a])
- type family ReplicateSym2 (a6989586621679544286 :: Natural) (a6989586621679544287 :: a) :: [a] where ...
- data UnfoldrSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (b ~> [a]))
- data UnfoldrSym1 (a6989586621679545055 :: b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (b1 :: TyFun b [a])
- type family UnfoldrSym2 (a6989586621679545055 :: b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (a6989586621679545056 :: b) :: [a] where ...
- data TakeSym0 (a1 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> [a]))
- data TakeSym1 (a6989586621679544445 :: Natural) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family TakeSym2 (a6989586621679544445 :: Natural) (a6989586621679544446 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data DropSym0 (a1 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> [a]))
- data DropSym1 (a6989586621679544432 :: Natural) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family DropSym2 (a6989586621679544432 :: Natural) (a6989586621679544433 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data SplitAtSym0 (a1 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> ([a], [a])))
- data SplitAtSym1 (a6989586621679544425 :: Natural) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]))
- type family SplitAtSym2 (a6989586621679544425 :: Natural) (a6989586621679544426 :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ...
- data TakeWhileSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]))
- data TakeWhileSym1 (a6989586621679544574 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family TakeWhileSym2 (a6989586621679544574 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544575 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data DropWhileSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]))
- data DropWhileSym1 (a6989586621679544559 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family DropWhileSym2 (a6989586621679544559 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544560 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data DropWhileEndSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]))
- data DropWhileEndSym1 (a6989586621679544538 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family DropWhileEndSym2 (a6989586621679544538 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544539 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data SpanSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a])))
- data SpanSym1 (a6989586621679544497 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]))
- type family SpanSym2 (a6989586621679544497 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544498 :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ...
- data BreakSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a])))
- data BreakSym1 (a6989586621679544458 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]))
- type family BreakSym2 (a6989586621679544458 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544459 :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ...
- data StripPrefixSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Maybe [a]))
- data StripPrefixSym1 (a6989586621679656297 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [a] (Maybe [a]))
- type family StripPrefixSym2 (a6989586621679656297 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656298 :: [a]) :: Maybe [a] where ...
- data GroupSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [[a]])
- type family GroupSym1 (a6989586621679544420 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ...
- data InitsSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [[a]])
- type family InitsSym1 (a6989586621679545043 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ...
- data TailsSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [[a]])
- type family TailsSym1 (a6989586621679545033 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ...
- data IsPrefixOfSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool))
- data IsPrefixOfSym1 (a6989586621679545025 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [a] Bool)
- type family IsPrefixOfSym2 (a6989586621679545025 :: [a]) (a6989586621679545026 :: [a]) :: Bool where ...
- data IsSuffixOfSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool))
- data IsSuffixOfSym1 (a6989586621679545018 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [a] Bool)
- type family IsSuffixOfSym2 (a6989586621679545018 :: [a]) (a6989586621679545019 :: [a]) :: Bool where ...
- data IsInfixOfSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool))
- data IsInfixOfSym1 (a6989586621679545011 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [a] Bool)
- type family IsInfixOfSym2 (a6989586621679545011 :: [a]) (a6989586621679545012 :: [a]) :: Bool where ...
- data ElemSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a (t a ~> Bool))
- data ElemSym1 (a6989586621679922567 :: a) (b :: TyFun (t a) Bool)
- type family ElemSym2 (a6989586621679922567 :: a) (a6989586621679922568 :: t a) :: Bool where ...
- data NotElemSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a (t a ~> Bool))
- data NotElemSym1 (a6989586621679922306 :: a) (b :: TyFun (t a) Bool)
- type family NotElemSym2 (a6989586621679922306 :: a) (a6989586621679922307 :: t a) :: Bool where ...
- data LookupSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a ([(a, b)] ~> Maybe b))
- data LookupSym1 (a6989586621679544349 :: a) (b1 :: TyFun [(a, b)] (Maybe b))
- type family LookupSym2 (a6989586621679544349 :: a) (a6989586621679544350 :: [(a, b)]) :: Maybe b where ...
- data FindSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Maybe a))
- data FindSym1 (a6989586621679922286 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun (t a) (Maybe a))
- type family FindSym2 (a6989586621679922286 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679922287 :: t a) :: Maybe a where ...
- data FilterSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]))
- data FilterSym1 (a6989586621679544674 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family FilterSym2 (a6989586621679544674 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544675 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data PartitionSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a])))
- data PartitionSym1 (a6989586621679544342 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]))
- type family PartitionSym2 (a6989586621679544342 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544343 :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ...
- data (!!@#@$) (a1 :: TyFun [a] (Natural ~> a))
- data (a6989586621679544266 :: [a]) !!@#@$$ (b :: TyFun Natural a)
- type family (a6989586621679544266 :: [a]) !!@#@$$$ (a6989586621679544267 :: Natural) :: a where ...
- data ElemIndexSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> Maybe Natural))
- data ElemIndexSym1 (a6989586621679544658 :: a) (b :: TyFun [a] (Maybe Natural))
- type family ElemIndexSym2 (a6989586621679544658 :: a) (a6989586621679544659 :: [a]) :: Maybe Natural where ...
- data ElemIndicesSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [Natural]))
- data ElemIndicesSym1 (a6989586621679544649 :: a) (b :: TyFun [a] [Natural])
- type family ElemIndicesSym2 (a6989586621679544649 :: a) (a6989586621679544650 :: [a]) :: [Natural] where ...
- data FindIndexSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> Maybe Natural))
- data FindIndexSym1 (a6989586621679544640 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] (Maybe Natural))
- type family FindIndexSym2 (a6989586621679544640 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544641 :: [a]) :: Maybe Natural where ...
- data FindIndicesSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [Natural]))
- data FindIndicesSym1 (a6989586621679544619 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] [Natural])
- type family FindIndicesSym2 (a6989586621679544619 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544620 :: [a]) :: [Natural] where ...
- data ZipSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> [(a, b)]))
- data ZipSym1 (a6989586621679544986 :: [a]) (b1 :: TyFun [b] [(a, b)])
- type family ZipSym2 (a6989586621679544986 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544987 :: [b]) :: [(a, b)] where ...
- data Zip3Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [(a, b, c)])))
- data Zip3Sym1 (a6989586621679544974 :: [a]) (b1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [(a, b, c)]))
- data Zip3Sym2 (a6989586621679544974 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544975 :: [b]) (c1 :: TyFun [c] [(a, b, c)])
- type family Zip3Sym3 (a6989586621679544974 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544975 :: [b]) (a6989586621679544976 :: [c]) :: [(a, b, c)] where ...
- data Zip4Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [(a, b, c, d)]))))
- data Zip4Sym1 (a6989586621679656286 :: [a]) (b1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [(a, b, c, d)])))
- data Zip4Sym2 (a6989586621679656286 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656287 :: [b]) (c1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> [(a, b, c, d)]))
- data Zip4Sym3 (a6989586621679656286 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656287 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656288 :: [c]) (d1 :: TyFun [d] [(a, b, c, d)])
- type family Zip4Sym4 (a6989586621679656286 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656287 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656288 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656289 :: [d]) :: [(a, b, c, d)] where ...
- data Zip5Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)])))))
- data Zip5Sym1 (a6989586621679656263 :: [a]) (b1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)]))))
- data Zip5Sym2 (a6989586621679656263 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656264 :: [b]) (c1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)])))
- data Zip5Sym3 (a6989586621679656263 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656264 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656265 :: [c]) (d1 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)]))
- data Zip5Sym4 (a6989586621679656263 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656264 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656265 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656266 :: [d]) (e1 :: TyFun [e] [(a, b, c, d, e)])
- type family Zip5Sym5 (a6989586621679656263 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656264 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656265 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656266 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656267 :: [e]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e)] where ...
- data Zip6Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]))))))
- data Zip6Sym1 (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) (b1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)])))))
- data Zip6Sym2 (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656236 :: [b]) (c1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]))))
- data Zip6Sym3 (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656236 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656237 :: [c]) (d1 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)])))
- data Zip6Sym4 (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656236 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656237 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656238 :: [d]) (e1 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]))
- data Zip6Sym5 (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656236 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656237 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656238 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656239 :: [e]) (f1 :: TyFun [f] [(a, b, c, d, e, f)])
- type family Zip6Sym6 (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656236 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656237 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656238 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656239 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656240 :: [f]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] where ...
- data Zip7Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])))))))
- data Zip7Sym1 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (b1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]))))))
- data Zip7Sym2 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) (c1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])))))
- data Zip7Sym3 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656204 :: [c]) (d1 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]))))
- data Zip7Sym4 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656204 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656205 :: [d]) (e1 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])))
- data Zip7Sym5 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656204 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656205 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656206 :: [e]) (f1 :: TyFun [f] ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]))
- data Zip7Sym6 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656204 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656205 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656206 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656207 :: [f]) (g1 :: TyFun [g] [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])
- type family Zip7Sym7 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656204 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656205 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656206 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656207 :: [f]) (a6989586621679656208 :: [g]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] where ...
- data ZipWithSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> c)) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> [c])))
- data ZipWithSym1 (a6989586621679544962 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) (b1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> [c]))
- data ZipWithSym2 (a6989586621679544962 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) (a6989586621679544963 :: [a]) (c1 :: TyFun [b] [c])
- type family ZipWithSym3 (a6989586621679544962 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) (a6989586621679544963 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544964 :: [b]) :: [c] where ...
- data ZipWith3Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [d]))))
- data ZipWith3Sym1 (a6989586621679544947 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (b1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [d])))
- data ZipWith3Sym2 (a6989586621679544947 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (a6989586621679544948 :: [a]) (c1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [d]))
- data ZipWith3Sym3 (a6989586621679544947 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (a6989586621679544948 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544949 :: [b]) (d1 :: TyFun [c] [d])
- type family ZipWith3Sym4 (a6989586621679544947 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (a6989586621679544948 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544949 :: [b]) (a6989586621679544950 :: [c]) :: [d] where ...
- data ZipWith4Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e])))))
- data ZipWith4Sym1 (a6989586621679656166 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (b1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e]))))
- data ZipWith4Sym2 (a6989586621679656166 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (a6989586621679656167 :: [a]) (c1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e])))
- data ZipWith4Sym3 (a6989586621679656166 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (a6989586621679656167 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656168 :: [b]) (d1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> [e]))
- data ZipWith4Sym4 (a6989586621679656166 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (a6989586621679656167 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656168 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656169 :: [c]) (e1 :: TyFun [d] [e])
- type family ZipWith4Sym5 (a6989586621679656166 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (a6989586621679656167 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656168 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656169 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656170 :: [d]) :: [e] where ...
- data ZipWith5Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f]))))))
- data ZipWith5Sym1 (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (b1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f])))))
- data ZipWith5Sym2 (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (a6989586621679656144 :: [a]) (c1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f]))))
- data ZipWith5Sym3 (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (a6989586621679656144 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656145 :: [b]) (d1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f])))
- data ZipWith5Sym4 (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (a6989586621679656144 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656145 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656146 :: [c]) (e1 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> [f]))
- data ZipWith5Sym5 (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (a6989586621679656144 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656145 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656146 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656147 :: [d]) (f1 :: TyFun [e] [f])
- type family ZipWith5Sym6 (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (a6989586621679656144 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656145 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656146 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656147 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656148 :: [e]) :: [f] where ...
- data ZipWith6Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g])))))))
- data ZipWith6Sym1 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (b1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g]))))))
- data ZipWith6Sym2 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) (c1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g])))))
- data ZipWith6Sym3 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656118 :: [b]) (d1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g]))))
- data ZipWith6Sym4 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656118 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656119 :: [c]) (e1 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g])))
- data ZipWith6Sym5 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656118 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656119 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656120 :: [d]) (f1 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> [g]))
- data ZipWith6Sym6 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656118 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656119 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656120 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656121 :: [e]) (g1 :: TyFun [f] [g])
- type family ZipWith6Sym7 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656118 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656119 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656120 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656121 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656122 :: [f]) :: [g] where ...
- data ZipWith7Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))))))))
- data ZipWith7Sym1 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (b1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])))))))
- data ZipWith7Sym2 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (c1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))))))
- data ZipWith7Sym3 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) (d1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])))))
- data ZipWith7Sym4 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656088 :: [c]) (e1 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))))
- data ZipWith7Sym5 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656088 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656089 :: [d]) (f1 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])))
- data ZipWith7Sym6 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656088 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656089 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656090 :: [e]) (g1 :: TyFun [f] ([g] ~> [h]))
- data ZipWith7Sym7 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656088 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656089 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656090 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656091 :: [f]) (h1 :: TyFun [g] [h])
- type family ZipWith7Sym8 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656088 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656089 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656090 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656091 :: [f]) (a6989586621679656092 :: [g]) :: [h] where ...
- data UnzipSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [(a, b)] ([a], [b]))
- type family UnzipSym1 (a6989586621679544929 :: [(a, b)]) :: ([a], [b]) where ...
- data Unzip3Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [(a, b, c)] ([a], [b], [c]))
- type family Unzip3Sym1 (a6989586621679544912 :: [(a, b, c)]) :: ([a], [b], [c]) where ...
- data Unzip4Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d)] ([a], [b], [c], [d]))
- type family Unzip4Sym1 (a6989586621679544893 :: [(a, b, c, d)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d]) where ...
- data Unzip5Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e]))
- type family Unzip5Sym1 (a6989586621679544872 :: [(a, b, c, d, e)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e]) where ...
- data Unzip6Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f]))
- type family Unzip6Sym1 (a6989586621679544849 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f]) where ...
- data Unzip7Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], [g]))
- type family Unzip7Sym1 (a6989586621679544824 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], [g]) where ...
- data UnlinesSym0 (a :: TyFun [Symbol] Symbol)
- type family UnlinesSym1 (a6989586621679544819 :: [Symbol]) :: Symbol where ...
- data UnwordsSym0 (a :: TyFun [Symbol] Symbol)
- type family UnwordsSym1 (a6989586621679544809 :: [Symbol]) :: Symbol where ...
- data NubSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family NubSym1 (a6989586621679544249 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data DeleteSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]))
- data DeleteSym1 (a6989586621679544803 :: a) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family DeleteSym2 (a6989586621679544803 :: a) (a6989586621679544804 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data (\\@#@$) (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]))
- data (a6989586621679544792 :: [a]) \\@#@$$ (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family (a6989586621679544792 :: [a]) \\@#@$$$ (a6989586621679544793 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data UnionSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]))
- data UnionSym1 (a6989586621679544203 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family UnionSym2 (a6989586621679544203 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544204 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data IntersectSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]))
- data IntersectSym1 (a6989586621679544612 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family IntersectSym2 (a6989586621679544612 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544613 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data InsertSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]))
- data InsertSym1 (a6989586621679544400 :: a) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family InsertSym2 (a6989586621679544400 :: a) (a6989586621679544401 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data SortSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family SortSym1 (a6989586621679544395 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data NubBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> [a]))
- data NubBySym1 (a6989586621679544231 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family NubBySym2 (a6989586621679544231 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544232 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data DeleteBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a ~> ([a] ~> [a])))
- data DeleteBySym1 (a6989586621679544773 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (b :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]))
- data DeleteBySym2 (a6989586621679544773 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544774 :: a) (c :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family DeleteBySym3 (a6989586621679544773 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544774 :: a) (a6989586621679544775 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data DeleteFirstsBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])))
- data DeleteFirstsBySym1 (a6989586621679544763 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]))
- data DeleteFirstsBySym2 (a6989586621679544763 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544764 :: [a]) (c :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family DeleteFirstsBySym3 (a6989586621679544763 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544764 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544765 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data UnionBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])))
- data UnionBySym1 (a6989586621679544211 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]))
- data UnionBySym2 (a6989586621679544211 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544212 :: [a]) (c :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family UnionBySym3 (a6989586621679544211 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544212 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544213 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data IntersectBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])))
- data IntersectBySym1 (a6989586621679544588 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]))
- data IntersectBySym2 (a6989586621679544588 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544589 :: [a]) (c :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family IntersectBySym3 (a6989586621679544588 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544589 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544590 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data GroupBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> [[a]]))
- data GroupBySym1 (a6989586621679544364 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (b :: TyFun [a] [[a]])
- type family GroupBySym2 (a6989586621679544364 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544365 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ...
- data SortBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) ([a] ~> [a]))
- data SortBySym1 (a6989586621679544751 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (b :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family SortBySym2 (a6989586621679544751 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679544752 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data InsertBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a ~> ([a] ~> [a])))
- data InsertBySym1 (a6989586621679544731 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (b :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]))
- data InsertBySym2 (a6989586621679544731 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679544732 :: a) (c :: TyFun [a] [a])
- type family InsertBySym3 (a6989586621679544731 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679544732 :: a) (a6989586621679544733 :: [a]) :: [a] where ...
- data MaximumBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t a ~> a))
- data MaximumBySym1 (a6989586621679922335 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (b :: TyFun (t a) a)
- type family MaximumBySym2 (a6989586621679922335 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679922336 :: t a) :: a where ...
- data MinimumBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t a ~> a))
- data MinimumBySym1 (a6989586621679922315 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (b :: TyFun (t a) a)
- type family MinimumBySym2 (a6989586621679922315 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679922316 :: t a) :: a where ...
- data GenericLengthSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] i)
- type family GenericLengthSym1 (a6989586621679544194 :: [a]) :: i where ...
The singleton for lists
type family Sing :: k -> Type #
data SList (a1 :: [a]) where Source #
SNil :: forall a. SList ('[] :: [a]) | |
SCons :: forall a (n1 :: a) (n2 :: [a]). Sing n1 -> Sing n2 -> SList (n1 ': n2) infixr 5 |
(SDecide a, SDecide [a]) => TestCoercion (SList :: [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Base.Instances | |
(SDecide a, SDecide [a]) => TestEquality (SList :: [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Base.Instances | |
(ShowSing a, ShowSing [a]) => Show (SList z) Source # | |
Eq (SList z) Source # | |
Basic functions
type family Null (arg :: t a) :: Bool Source #
type family Length (arg :: t a) :: Natural Source #
List transformations
type family Intersperse (a1 :: a) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
sIntersperse :: forall a (t1 :: a) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Intersperse t1 t2) Source #
type family Intercalate (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [[a]]) :: [a] where ... Source #
Intercalate (xs :: [a]) (xss :: [[a]]) = Apply (ConcatSym0 :: TyFun [[a]] [a] -> Type) (Apply (Apply (IntersperseSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([[a]] ~> [[a]]) -> Type) xs) xss) |
sIntercalate :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [[a]]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Intercalate t1 t2) Source #
type family Transpose (a1 :: [[a]]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #
Transpose ('[] :: [[a]]) = NilSym0 :: [[a]] | |
Transpose (('[] :: [a]) ': xss :: [[a]]) = Apply (TransposeSym0 :: TyFun [[a]] [[a]] -> Type) xss | |
Transpose ((x ': xs) ': xss :: [[a]]) = Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun [a] ([[a]] ~> [[a]]) -> Type) (Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) x) (Apply (Apply (MapSym0 :: TyFun ([a] ~> a) ([[a]] ~> [a]) -> Type) (HeadSym0 :: TyFun [a] a -> Type)) xss))) (Apply (TransposeSym0 :: TyFun [[a]] [[a]] -> Type) (Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun [a] ([[a]] ~> [[a]]) -> Type) xs) (Apply (Apply (MapSym0 :: TyFun ([a] ~> [a]) ([[a]] ~> [[a]]) -> Type) (TailSym0 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type)) xss))) |
type family Subsequences (a1 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #
sSubsequences :: forall a (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Subsequences t) Source #
type family Permutations (a1 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #
sPermutations :: forall a (t :: [a]). Sing t -> Sing (Permutations t) Source #
Reducing lists (folds)
type family Foldl (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: t a) :: b Source #
type Foldl (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: First a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Last a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Max a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Min a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl (arg1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg2 :: b) (arg3 :: First a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl (arg1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg2 :: b) (arg3 :: Last a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl (a2 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: NonEmpty a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl (a2 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Identity a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Identity.Singletons | |
type Foldl (a2 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Dual a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl (a2 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Product a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl (a2 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Sum a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl (a2 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Maybe a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl (a2 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: [a1]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl (arg :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Arg a2 a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl (arg1 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (arg2 :: b) (arg3 :: Either a2 a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl (a2 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Proxy a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl (arg1 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (arg2 :: b) (arg3 :: (a2, a1)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Const m a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Const.Singletons | |
type Foldl (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Product f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Product.Singletons | |
type Foldl (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Sum f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Sum.Singletons | |
type Foldl (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Compose f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Compose.Singletons |
sFoldl :: forall b a (t1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (t2 :: b) (t3 :: t a). SFoldable t => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Foldl t1 t2 t3) Source #
type family Foldl' (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: t a) :: b Source #
type Foldl' (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: First a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Last a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Max a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Min a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg2 :: b) (arg3 :: NonEmpty a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg2 :: b) (arg3 :: First a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg2 :: b) (arg3 :: Last a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg2 :: b) (arg3 :: Maybe a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (a2 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Identity a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Identity.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (a2 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Dual a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (a2 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Product a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (a2 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Sum a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (a2 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: [a1]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg2 :: b) (arg3 :: Proxy a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Arg a2 a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg1 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (arg2 :: b) (arg3 :: Either a2 a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg1 :: b ~> (a1 ~> b)) (arg2 :: b) (arg3 :: (a2, a1)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Const m a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Const.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Product f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Product.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Sum f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Sum.Singletons | |
type Foldl' (arg :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Compose f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Compose.Singletons |
sFoldl' :: forall b a (t1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (t2 :: b) (t3 :: t a). SFoldable t => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Foldl' t1 t2 t3) Source #
type family Foldl1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: t a) :: a Source #
type Foldl1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: First a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Last a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Max a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Min a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (arg1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg2 :: First a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (arg1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg2 :: Last a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (arg1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg2 :: Maybe a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: NonEmpty a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: Identity a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Identity.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: Dual a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: Product a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: Sum a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: [a1]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (arg :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (arg1 :: Arg a2 a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (arg1 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (arg2 :: Either a2 a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: Proxy a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (arg1 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (arg2 :: (a2, a1)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Const m a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Const.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Product f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Product.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Sum f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Sum.Singletons | |
type Foldl1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Compose f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Compose.Singletons |
sFoldl1 :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (t2 :: t a). SFoldable t => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Foldl1 t1 t2) Source #
sFoldl1' :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Foldl1' t1 t2) Source #
type family Foldr (arg :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: t a) :: b Source #
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: First a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Last a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Max a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Min a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: NonEmpty a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Identity a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Identity.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: First a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Last a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Dual a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Product a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Sum a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Maybe a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: [a1]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a3 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a4 :: b) (a5 :: Arg a2 a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a3 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a4 :: b) (a5 :: Either a2 a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Proxy a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a3 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a4 :: b) (a5 :: (a2, a1)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr (a2 :: a1 ~> (b ~> b)) (a3 :: b) (a4 :: Const m a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Const.Singletons | |
type Foldr (arg :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Product f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Product.Singletons | |
type Foldr (arg :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Sum f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Sum.Singletons | |
type Foldr (arg :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (arg1 :: b) (arg2 :: Compose f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Compose.Singletons |
sFoldr :: forall a b (t1 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (t2 :: b) (t3 :: t a). SFoldable t => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Foldr t1 t2 t3) Source #
type family Foldr1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: t a) :: a Source #
type Foldr1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: First a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Last a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Max a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Min a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (arg1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg2 :: First a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (arg1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg2 :: Last a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (arg1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg2 :: Maybe a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: NonEmpty a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: Identity a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Identity.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: Dual a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: Product a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: Sum a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: [a1]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (arg :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (arg1 :: Arg a2 a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (arg1 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (arg2 :: Either a2 a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (a2 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (a3 :: Proxy a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (arg1 :: a1 ~> (a1 ~> a1)) (arg2 :: (a2, a1)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Const m a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Const.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Product f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Product.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Sum f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Sum.Singletons | |
type Foldr1 (arg :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (arg1 :: Compose f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Compose.Singletons |
sFoldr1 :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (t2 :: t a). SFoldable t => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Foldr1 t1 t2) Source #
Special folds
sConcat :: forall (t1 :: Type -> Type) a (t2 :: t1 [a]). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing (Concat t2) Source #
type family ConcatMap (a1 :: a ~> [b]) (a2 :: t a) :: [b] where ... Source #
ConcatMap (f :: a ~> [b6989586621679921893]) (xs :: t a) = Apply (Apply (Apply (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> ([b6989586621679921893] ~> [b6989586621679921893])) ([b6989586621679921893] ~> (t a ~> [b6989586621679921893])) -> Type) (LamCases_6989586621679922387Sym0 f xs)) (NilSym0 :: [b6989586621679921893])) xs |
sConcatMap :: forall a b (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> [b]) (t3 :: t1 a). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (ConcatMap t2 t3) Source #
sAnd :: forall (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: t1 Bool). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing (And t2) Source #
sOr :: forall (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: t1 Bool). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing (Or t2) Source #
type family Any (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: t a) :: Bool where ... Source #
Any (p :: a ~> Bool) (a_6989586621679922359 :: t a) = Apply (Apply (Apply ((.@#@$) :: TyFun (Any ~> Bool) ((t a ~> Any) ~> (t a ~> Bool)) -> Type) GetAnySym0) (Apply (FoldMapSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Any) (t a ~> Any) -> Type) (Apply (Apply ((.@#@$) :: TyFun (Bool ~> Any) ((a ~> Bool) ~> (a ~> Any)) -> Type) Any_Sym0) p))) a_6989586621679922359 |
sAny :: forall a (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> Bool) (t3 :: t1 a). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Any t2 t3) Source #
type family All (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: t a) :: Bool where ... Source #
All (p :: a ~> Bool) (a_6989586621679922350 :: t a) = Apply (Apply (Apply ((.@#@$) :: TyFun (All ~> Bool) ((t a ~> All) ~> (t a ~> Bool)) -> Type) GetAllSym0) (Apply (FoldMapSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> All) (t a ~> All) -> Type) (Apply (Apply ((.@#@$) :: TyFun (Bool ~> All) ((a ~> Bool) ~> (a ~> All)) -> Type) All_Sym0) p))) a_6989586621679922350 |
sAll :: forall a (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> Bool) (t3 :: t1 a). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (All t2 t3) Source #
type family Sum (arg :: t a) :: a Source #
type family Product (arg :: t a) :: a Source #
type family Maximum (arg :: t a) :: a Source #
type family Minimum (arg :: t a) :: a Source #
Building lists
type family Scanl (a1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a2 :: b) (a3 :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #
Scanl (f :: b6989586621679540686 ~> (a6989586621679540687 ~> b6989586621679540686)) (q :: b6989586621679540686) (ls :: [a6989586621679540687]) = Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun b6989586621679540686 ([b6989586621679540686] ~> [b6989586621679540686]) -> Type) q) (Apply (LamCases_6989586621679545232Sym0 f q ls) ls) |
sScanl :: forall b a (t1 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (t2 :: b) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Scanl t1 t2 t3) Source #
sScanl1 :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Scanl1 t1 t2) Source #
type family Scanr (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (a2 :: b) (a3 :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #
Scanr (_1 :: a ~> (k1 ~> k1)) (q0 :: k1) ('[] :: [a]) = Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun k1 ([k1] ~> [k1]) -> Type) q0) (NilSym0 :: [k1]) | |
Scanr (f :: a ~> (k1 ~> k1)) (q0 :: k1) (x ': xs :: [a]) = Apply (LamCases_6989586621679545207Sym0 f q0 x xs) (Apply (Apply (Apply (ScanrSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (k1 ~> k1)) (k1 ~> ([a] ~> [k1])) -> Type) f) q0) xs) |
sScanr :: forall a b (t1 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (t2 :: b) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Scanr t1 t2 t3) Source #
type family Scanr1 (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
Scanr1 (_1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) ('[] :: [a]) = NilSym0 :: [a] | |
Scanr1 (_1 :: k1 ~> (k1 ~> k1)) ('[x] :: [k1]) = Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun k1 ([k1] ~> [k1]) -> Type) x) (NilSym0 :: [k1]) | |
Scanr1 (f :: k1 ~> (k1 ~> k1)) (x ': (wild_6989586621679541173 ': wild_6989586621679541175) :: [k1]) = Apply (LamCases_6989586621679545188Sym0 f x wild_6989586621679541173 wild_6989586621679541175) (Apply (Apply (Scanr1Sym0 :: TyFun (k1 ~> (k1 ~> k1)) ([k1] ~> [k1]) -> Type) f) (Let6989586621679545186XsSym0 f x wild_6989586621679541173 wild_6989586621679541175)) |
sScanr1 :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Scanr1 t1 t2) Source #
Accumulating maps
type family MapAccumL (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a2 :: a) (a3 :: t b) :: (a, t c) where ... Source #
MapAccumL (f :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (s :: a) (t2 :: t1 b) = Apply (Apply (RunStateLSym0 :: TyFun (StateL a (t1 c)) (a ~> (a, t1 c)) -> Type) (Apply (Apply (TraverseSym0 :: TyFun (b ~> StateL a c) (t1 b ~> StateL a (t1 c)) -> Type) (Apply (Apply ((.@#@$) :: TyFun ((a ~> (a, c)) ~> StateL a c) ((b ~> (a ~> (a, c))) ~> (b ~> StateL a c)) -> Type) (StateLSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a, c)) (StateL a c) -> Type)) (Apply (FlipSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (b ~> (a ~> (a, c))) -> Type) f))) t2)) s |
sMapAccumL :: forall (t1 :: Type -> Type) a b c (t2 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (t3 :: a) (t4 :: t1 b). STraversable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing t4 -> Sing (MapAccumL t2 t3 t4) Source #
type family MapAccumR (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a2 :: a) (a3 :: t b) :: (a, t c) where ... Source #
MapAccumR (f :: k1 ~> (a ~> (k1, b))) (s :: k1) (t2 :: t1 a) = Apply (Apply (RunStateRSym0 :: TyFun (StateR k1 (t1 b)) (k1 ~> (k1, t1 b)) -> Type) (Apply (Apply (TraverseSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> StateR k1 b) (t1 a ~> StateR k1 (t1 b)) -> Type) (Apply (Apply ((.@#@$) :: TyFun ((k1 ~> (k1, b)) ~> StateR k1 b) ((a ~> (k1 ~> (k1, b))) ~> (a ~> StateR k1 b)) -> Type) (StateRSym0 :: TyFun (k1 ~> (k1, b)) (StateR k1 b) -> Type)) (Apply (FlipSym0 :: TyFun (k1 ~> (a ~> (k1, b))) (a ~> (k1 ~> (k1, b))) -> Type) f))) t2)) s |
sMapAccumR :: forall a b c (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (t3 :: a) (t4 :: t1 b). STraversable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing t4 -> Sing (MapAccumR t2 t3 t4) Source #
Cyclical lists
sReplicate :: forall a (t1 :: Natural) (t2 :: a). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Replicate t1 t2) Source #
sUnfoldr :: forall b a (t1 :: b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (t2 :: b). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Unfoldr t1 t2) Source #
Extracting sublists
sSplitAt :: forall a (t1 :: Natural) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (SplitAt t1 t2) Source #
sTakeWhile :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (TakeWhile t1 t2) Source #
sDropWhile :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (DropWhile t1 t2) Source #
type family DropWhileEnd (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
sDropWhileEnd :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (DropWhileEnd t1 t2) Source #
type family StripPrefix (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [a]) :: Maybe [a] where ... Source #
StripPrefix ('[] :: [a]) (ys :: [a]) = Apply (JustSym0 :: TyFun [a] (Maybe [a]) -> Type) ys | |
StripPrefix (arg_6989586621679654988 :: [k]) (arg_6989586621679654990 :: [k]) = Apply (Apply (LamCases_6989586621679656302Sym0 arg_6989586621679654988 arg_6989586621679654990 :: TyFun [k] (TyFun [k] (Maybe [k]) -> Type) -> Type) arg_6989586621679654988) arg_6989586621679654990 |
type family IsPrefixOf (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #
IsPrefixOf ('[] :: [a]) ('[] :: [a]) = TrueSym0 | |
IsPrefixOf ('[] :: [a]) (_1 ': _2 :: [a]) = TrueSym0 | |
IsPrefixOf (_1 ': _2 :: [a]) ('[] :: [a]) = FalseSym0 | |
IsPrefixOf (x ': xs :: [a]) (y ': ys :: [a]) = Apply (Apply (&&@#@$) (Apply (Apply ((==@#@$) :: TyFun a (a ~> Bool) -> Type) x) y)) (Apply (Apply (IsPrefixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) xs) ys) |
sIsPrefixOf :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (IsPrefixOf t1 t2) Source #
type family IsSuffixOf (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #
IsSuffixOf (x :: [a]) (y :: [a]) = Apply (Apply (IsPrefixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) (Apply (ReverseSym0 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) x)) (Apply (ReverseSym0 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) y) |
sIsSuffixOf :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (IsSuffixOf t1 t2) Source #
sIsInfixOf :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (IsInfixOf t1 t2) Source #
Searching lists
Searching by equality
type family Elem (arg :: a) (arg1 :: t a) :: Bool Source #
type Elem (arg :: a) (arg1 :: First a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Elem (arg :: a) (arg1 :: Last a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Elem (arg :: a) (arg1 :: Max a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Elem (arg :: a) (arg1 :: Min a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Elem (arg1 :: a) (arg2 :: NonEmpty a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Elem (arg1 :: a) (arg2 :: First a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Elem (arg1 :: a) (arg2 :: Last a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Elem (arg1 :: a) (arg2 :: Maybe a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Elem (a2 :: a1) (a3 :: Identity a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Identity.Singletons | |
type Elem (a2 :: a1) (a3 :: Dual a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Elem (a2 :: a1) (a3 :: Product a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Elem (a2 :: a1) (a3 :: Sum a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Elem (a2 :: a1) (a3 :: [a1]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Elem (a2 :: a1) (a3 :: [a1]) | |
type Elem (arg :: a1) (arg1 :: Arg a2 a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Semigroup.Singletons | |
type Elem (arg1 :: a1) (arg2 :: Either a2 a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Elem (a2 :: a1) (a3 :: Proxy a1) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
type Elem (arg1 :: a1) (arg2 :: (a2, a1)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Elem (arg1 :: a1) (arg2 :: (a2, a1)) | |
type Elem (arg :: a) (arg1 :: Const m a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Const.Singletons | |
type Elem (arg :: a) (arg1 :: Product f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Product.Singletons | |
type Elem (arg :: a) (arg1 :: Sum f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Sum.Singletons | |
type Elem (arg :: a) (arg1 :: Compose f g a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Functor.Compose.Singletons |
sElem :: forall a (t1 :: a) (t2 :: t a). (SFoldable t, SEq a) => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Elem t1 t2) Source #
sNotElem :: forall a (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a) (t3 :: t1 a). (SFoldable t1, SEq a) => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (NotElem t2 t3) Source #
sLookup :: forall a b (t1 :: a) (t2 :: [(a, b)]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Lookup t1 t2) Source #
Searching with a predicate
type family Find (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: t a) :: Maybe a where ... Source #
Find (p :: a ~> Bool) (a_6989586621679922281 :: t a) = Apply (Apply (Apply ((.@#@$) :: TyFun (First a ~> Maybe a) ((t a ~> First a) ~> (t a ~> Maybe a)) -> Type) (GetFirstSym0 :: TyFun (First a) (Maybe a) -> Type)) (Apply (FoldMapSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> First a) (t a ~> First a) -> Type) (LamCases_6989586621679922290Sym0 p a_6989586621679922281))) a_6989586621679922281 |
sFind :: forall a (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> Bool) (t3 :: t1 a). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Find t2 t3) Source #
sFilter :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Filter t1 t2) Source #
type family Partition (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #
Partition (p :: a ~> Bool) (xs :: [a]) = Apply (Apply (Apply (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (([a], [a]) ~> ([a], [a]))) (([a], [a]) ~> ([a] ~> ([a], [a]))) -> Type) (Apply (SelectSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (a ~> (([a], [a]) ~> ([a], [a]))) -> Type) p)) (Apply (Apply (Tuple2Sym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) (NilSym0 :: [a])) (NilSym0 :: [a]))) xs |
sPartition :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Partition t1 t2) Source #
Indexing lists
(%!!) :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: Natural). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (t1 !! t2) infixl 9 Source #
sElemIndex :: forall a (t1 :: a) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (ElemIndex t1 t2) Source #
type family ElemIndices (a1 :: a) (a2 :: [a]) :: [Natural] where ... Source #
sElemIndices :: forall a (t1 :: a) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (ElemIndices t1 t2) Source #
type family FindIndex (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: [a]) :: Maybe Natural where ... Source #
FindIndex (p :: a ~> Bool) (a_6989586621679544635 :: [a]) = Apply (Apply (Apply ((.@#@$) :: TyFun ([Natural] ~> Maybe Natural) (([a] ~> [Natural]) ~> ([a] ~> Maybe Natural)) -> Type) (ListToMaybeSym0 :: TyFun [Natural] (Maybe Natural) -> Type)) (Apply (FindIndicesSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [Natural]) -> Type) p)) a_6989586621679544635 |
sFindIndex :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (FindIndex t1 t2) Source #
type family FindIndices (a1 :: a ~> Bool) (a2 :: [a]) :: [Natural] where ... Source #
FindIndices (p :: a ~> Bool) (xs :: [a]) = Apply (Apply (MapSym0 :: TyFun ((a, Natural) ~> Natural) ([(a, Natural)] ~> [Natural]) -> Type) (SndSym0 :: TyFun (a, Natural) Natural -> Type)) (Apply (Apply (FilterSym0 :: TyFun ((a, Natural) ~> Bool) ([(a, Natural)] ~> [(a, Natural)]) -> Type) (LamCases_6989586621679544629Sym0 p xs :: TyFun (a, Natural) Bool -> Type)) (Apply (Apply (ZipSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([Natural] ~> [(a, Natural)]) -> Type) xs) (Apply (Apply (Let6989586621679544623BuildListSym0 p xs :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> [Natural]) -> Type) (FromInteger 0 :: Natural)) xs))) |
sFindIndices :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> Bool) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (FindIndices t1 t2) Source #
Zipping and unzipping lists
type family Zip (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [b]) :: [(a, b)] where ... Source #
Zip (x ': xs :: [a]) (y ': ys :: [b]) = Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun (a, b) ([(a, b)] ~> [(a, b)]) -> Type) (Apply (Apply (Tuple2Sym0 :: TyFun a (b ~> (a, b)) -> Type) x) y)) (Apply (Apply (ZipSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> [(a, b)]) -> Type) xs) ys) | |
Zip ('[] :: [a]) ('[] :: [b]) = NilSym0 :: [(a, b)] | |
Zip (_1 ': _2 :: [a]) ('[] :: [b]) = NilSym0 :: [(a, b)] | |
Zip ('[] :: [a]) (_1 ': _2 :: [b]) = NilSym0 :: [(a, b)] |
type family Zip3 (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [b]) (a3 :: [c]) :: [(a, b, c)] where ... Source #
Zip3 (a2 ': as :: [a1]) (b2 ': bs :: [b1]) (c2 ': cs :: [c1]) = Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun (a1, b1, c1) ([(a1, b1, c1)] ~> [(a1, b1, c1)]) -> Type) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Tuple3Sym0 :: TyFun a1 (b1 ~> (c1 ~> (a1, b1, c1))) -> Type) a2) b2) c2)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Zip3Sym0 :: TyFun [a1] ([b1] ~> ([c1] ~> [(a1, b1, c1)])) -> Type) as) bs) cs) | |
Zip3 ('[] :: [a]) ('[] :: [b]) ('[] :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [(a, b, c)] | |
Zip3 ('[] :: [a]) ('[] :: [b]) (_1 ': _2 :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [(a, b, c)] | |
Zip3 ('[] :: [a]) (_1 ': _2 :: [b]) ('[] :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [(a, b, c)] | |
Zip3 ('[] :: [a]) (_1 ': _2 :: [b]) (_3 ': _4 :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [(a, b, c)] | |
Zip3 (_1 ': _2 :: [a]) ('[] :: [b]) ('[] :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [(a, b, c)] | |
Zip3 (_1 ': _2 :: [a]) ('[] :: [b]) (_3 ': _4 :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [(a, b, c)] | |
Zip3 (_1 ': _2 :: [a]) (_3 ': _4 :: [b]) ('[] :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [(a, b, c)] |
sZip3 :: forall a b c (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [b]) (t3 :: [c]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (Zip3 t1 t2 t3) Source #
type family Zip4 (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [b]) (a3 :: [c]) (a4 :: [d]) :: [(a, b, c, d)] where ... Source #
Zip4 (a_6989586621679656273 :: [a]) (a_6989586621679656275 :: [b]) (a_6989586621679656277 :: [c]) (a_6989586621679656279 :: [d]) = Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (ZipWith4Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (a, b, c, d))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [(a, b, c, d)])))) -> Type) (Tuple4Sym0 :: TyFun a (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (a, b, c, d)))) -> Type)) a_6989586621679656273) a_6989586621679656275) a_6989586621679656277) a_6989586621679656279 |
type family Zip5 (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [b]) (a3 :: [c]) (a4 :: [d]) (a5 :: [e]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e)] where ... Source #
Zip5 (a_6989586621679656247 :: [a]) (a_6989586621679656249 :: [b]) (a_6989586621679656251 :: [c]) (a_6989586621679656253 :: [d]) (a_6989586621679656255 :: [e]) = Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (ZipWith5Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (a, b, c, d, e)))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)]))))) -> Type) (Tuple5Sym0 :: TyFun a (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (a, b, c, d, e))))) -> Type)) a_6989586621679656247) a_6989586621679656249) a_6989586621679656251) a_6989586621679656253) a_6989586621679656255 |
type family Zip6 (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [b]) (a3 :: [c]) (a4 :: [d]) (a5 :: [e]) (a6 :: [f]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] where ... Source #
Zip6 (a_6989586621679656216 :: [a]) (a_6989586621679656218 :: [b]) (a_6989586621679656220 :: [c]) (a_6989586621679656222 :: [d]) (a_6989586621679656224 :: [e]) (a_6989586621679656226 :: [f]) = Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (ZipWith6Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (a, b, c, d, e, f))))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)])))))) -> Type) (Tuple6Sym0 :: TyFun a (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (a, b, c, d, e, f)))))) -> Type)) a_6989586621679656216) a_6989586621679656218) a_6989586621679656220) a_6989586621679656222) a_6989586621679656224) a_6989586621679656226 |
type family Zip7 (a1 :: [a]) (a2 :: [b]) (a3 :: [c]) (a4 :: [d]) (a5 :: [e]) (a6 :: [f]) (a7 :: [g]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] where ... Source #
Zip7 (a_6989586621679656180 :: [a]) (a_6989586621679656182 :: [b]) (a_6989586621679656184 :: [c]) (a_6989586621679656186 :: [d]) (a_6989586621679656188 :: [e]) (a_6989586621679656190 :: [f]) (a_6989586621679656192 :: [g]) = Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (ZipWith7Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g)))))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]))))))) -> Type) (Tuple7Sym0 :: TyFun a (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> (a, b, c, d, e, f, g))))))) -> Type)) a_6989586621679656180) a_6989586621679656182) a_6989586621679656184) a_6989586621679656186) a_6989586621679656188) a_6989586621679656190) a_6989586621679656192 |
type family ZipWith (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [b]) :: [c] where ... Source #
ZipWith (f :: a ~> (b ~> c)) (x ': xs :: [a]) (y ': ys :: [b]) = Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun c ([c] ~> [c]) -> Type) (Apply (Apply f x) y)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (ZipWithSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> c)) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> [c])) -> Type) f) xs) ys) | |
ZipWith (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) ('[] :: [a]) ('[] :: [b]) = NilSym0 :: [c] | |
ZipWith (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) (_2 ': _3 :: [a]) ('[] :: [b]) = NilSym0 :: [c] | |
ZipWith (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) ('[] :: [a]) (_2 ': _3 :: [b]) = NilSym0 :: [c] |
sZipWith :: forall a b c (t1 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) (t2 :: [a]) (t3 :: [b]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (ZipWith t1 t2 t3) Source #
type family ZipWith3 (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [b]) (a4 :: [c]) :: [d] where ... Source #
ZipWith3 (z :: a1 ~> (b1 ~> (c1 ~> d))) (a2 ': as :: [a1]) (b2 ': bs :: [b1]) (c2 ': cs :: [c1]) = Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun d ([d] ~> [d]) -> Type) (Apply (Apply (Apply z a2) b2) c2)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (ZipWith3Sym0 :: TyFun (a1 ~> (b1 ~> (c1 ~> d))) ([a1] ~> ([b1] ~> ([c1] ~> [d]))) -> Type) z) as) bs) cs) | |
ZipWith3 (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) ('[] :: [a]) ('[] :: [b]) ('[] :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [d] | |
ZipWith3 (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) ('[] :: [a]) ('[] :: [b]) (_2 ': _3 :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [d] | |
ZipWith3 (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) ('[] :: [a]) (_2 ': _3 :: [b]) ('[] :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [d] | |
ZipWith3 (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) ('[] :: [a]) (_2 ': _3 :: [b]) (_4 ': _5 :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [d] | |
ZipWith3 (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (_2 ': _3 :: [a]) ('[] :: [b]) ('[] :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [d] | |
ZipWith3 (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (_2 ': _3 :: [a]) ('[] :: [b]) (_4 ': _5 :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [d] | |
ZipWith3 (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (_2 ': _3 :: [a]) (_4 ': _5 :: [b]) ('[] :: [c]) = NilSym0 :: [d] |
sZipWith3 :: forall a b c d (t1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (t2 :: [a]) (t3 :: [b]) (t4 :: [c]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing t4 -> Sing (ZipWith3 t1 t2 t3 t4) Source #
type family ZipWith4 (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [b]) (a4 :: [c]) (a5 :: [d]) :: [e] where ... Source #
ZipWith4 (z :: a1 ~> (b1 ~> (c1 ~> (d1 ~> e)))) (a2 ': as :: [a1]) (b2 ': bs :: [b1]) (c2 ': cs :: [c1]) (d2 ': ds :: [d1]) = Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun e ([e] ~> [e]) -> Type) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply z a2) b2) c2) d2)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (ZipWith4Sym0 :: TyFun (a1 ~> (b1 ~> (c1 ~> (d1 ~> e)))) ([a1] ~> ([b1] ~> ([c1] ~> ([d1] ~> [e])))) -> Type) z) as) bs) cs) ds) | |
ZipWith4 (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (_2 :: [a]) (_3 :: [b]) (_4 :: [c]) (_5 :: [d]) = NilSym0 :: [e] |
type family ZipWith5 (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [b]) (a4 :: [c]) (a5 :: [d]) (a6 :: [e]) :: [f] where ... Source #
ZipWith5 (z :: a1 ~> (b1 ~> (c1 ~> (d1 ~> (e1 ~> f))))) (a2 ': as :: [a1]) (b2 ': bs :: [b1]) (c2 ': cs :: [c1]) (d2 ': ds :: [d1]) (e2 ': es :: [e1]) = Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun f ([f] ~> [f]) -> Type) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply z a2) b2) c2) d2) e2)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (ZipWith5Sym0 :: TyFun (a1 ~> (b1 ~> (c1 ~> (d1 ~> (e1 ~> f))))) ([a1] ~> ([b1] ~> ([c1] ~> ([d1] ~> ([e1] ~> [f]))))) -> Type) z) as) bs) cs) ds) es) | |
ZipWith5 (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (_2 :: [a]) (_3 :: [b]) (_4 :: [c]) (_5 :: [d]) (_6 :: [e]) = NilSym0 :: [f] |
type family ZipWith6 (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [b]) (a4 :: [c]) (a5 :: [d]) (a6 :: [e]) (a7 :: [f]) :: [g] where ... Source #
ZipWith6 (z :: a1 ~> (b1 ~> (c1 ~> (d1 ~> (e1 ~> (f1 ~> g)))))) (a2 ': as :: [a1]) (b2 ': bs :: [b1]) (c2 ': cs :: [c1]) (d2 ': ds :: [d1]) (e2 ': es :: [e1]) (f2 ': fs :: [f1]) = Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun g ([g] ~> [g]) -> Type) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply z a2) b2) c2) d2) e2) f2)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (ZipWith6Sym0 :: TyFun (a1 ~> (b1 ~> (c1 ~> (d1 ~> (e1 ~> (f1 ~> g)))))) ([a1] ~> ([b1] ~> ([c1] ~> ([d1] ~> ([e1] ~> ([f1] ~> [g])))))) -> Type) z) as) bs) cs) ds) es) fs) | |
ZipWith6 (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (_2 :: [a]) (_3 :: [b]) (_4 :: [c]) (_5 :: [d]) (_6 :: [e]) (_7 :: [f]) = NilSym0 :: [g] |
type family ZipWith7 (a1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [b]) (a4 :: [c]) (a5 :: [d]) (a6 :: [e]) (a7 :: [f]) (a8 :: [g]) :: [h] where ... Source #
ZipWith7 (z :: a1 ~> (b1 ~> (c1 ~> (d1 ~> (e1 ~> (f1 ~> (g1 ~> h))))))) (a2 ': as :: [a1]) (b2 ': bs :: [b1]) (c2 ': cs :: [c1]) (d2 ': ds :: [d1]) (e2 ': es :: [e1]) (f2 ': fs :: [f1]) (g2 ': gs :: [g1]) = Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun h ([h] ~> [h]) -> Type) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply z a2) b2) c2) d2) e2) f2) g2)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (ZipWith7Sym0 :: TyFun (a1 ~> (b1 ~> (c1 ~> (d1 ~> (e1 ~> (f1 ~> (g1 ~> h))))))) ([a1] ~> ([b1] ~> ([c1] ~> ([d1] ~> ([e1] ~> ([f1] ~> ([g1] ~> [h]))))))) -> Type) z) as) bs) cs) ds) es) fs) gs) | |
ZipWith7 (_1 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (_2 :: [a]) (_3 :: [b]) (_4 :: [c]) (_5 :: [d]) (_6 :: [e]) (_7 :: [f]) (_8 :: [g]) = NilSym0 :: [h] |
type family Unzip (a1 :: [(a, b)]) :: ([a], [b]) where ... Source #
Unzip (xs :: [(k2, k3)]) = Apply (Apply (Apply (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun ((k2, k3) ~> (([k2], [k3]) ~> ([k2], [k3]))) (([k2], [k3]) ~> ([(k2, k3)] ~> ([k2], [k3]))) -> Type) (LamCases_6989586621679544931Sym0 xs :: TyFun (k2, k3) (TyFun ([k2], [k3]) ([k2], [k3]) -> Type) -> Type)) (Apply (Apply (Tuple2Sym0 :: TyFun [k2] ([k3] ~> ([k2], [k3])) -> Type) (NilSym0 :: [k2])) (NilSym0 :: [k3]))) xs |
type family Unzip3 (a1 :: [(a, b, c)]) :: ([a], [b], [c]) where ... Source #
Unzip3 (xs :: [(k2, k3, k4)]) = Apply (Apply (Apply (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun ((k2, k3, k4) ~> (([k2], [k3], [k4]) ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4]))) (([k2], [k3], [k4]) ~> ([(k2, k3, k4)] ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4]))) -> Type) (LamCases_6989586621679544914Sym0 xs :: TyFun (k2, k3, k4) (TyFun ([k2], [k3], [k4]) ([k2], [k3], [k4]) -> Type) -> Type)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Tuple3Sym0 :: TyFun [k2] ([k3] ~> ([k4] ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4]))) -> Type) (NilSym0 :: [k2])) (NilSym0 :: [k3])) (NilSym0 :: [k4]))) xs |
type family Unzip4 (a1 :: [(a, b, c, d)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d]) where ... Source #
Unzip4 (xs :: [(k2, k3, k4, k5)]) = Apply (Apply (Apply (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun ((k2, k3, k4, k5) ~> (([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5]) ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5]))) (([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5]) ~> ([(k2, k3, k4, k5)] ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5]))) -> Type) (LamCases_6989586621679544895Sym0 xs :: TyFun (k2, k3, k4, k5) (TyFun ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5]) ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5]) -> Type) -> Type)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Tuple4Sym0 :: TyFun [k2] ([k3] ~> ([k4] ~> ([k5] ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5])))) -> Type) (NilSym0 :: [k2])) (NilSym0 :: [k3])) (NilSym0 :: [k4])) (NilSym0 :: [k5]))) xs |
type family Unzip5 (a1 :: [(a, b, c, d, e)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e]) where ... Source #
Unzip5 (xs :: [(k2, k3, k4, k5, k6)]) = Apply (Apply (Apply (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun ((k2, k3, k4, k5, k6) ~> (([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6]) ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6]))) (([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6]) ~> ([(k2, k3, k4, k5, k6)] ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6]))) -> Type) (LamCases_6989586621679544874Sym0 xs :: TyFun (k2, k3, k4, k5, k6) (TyFun ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6]) ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6]) -> Type) -> Type)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Tuple5Sym0 :: TyFun [k2] ([k3] ~> ([k4] ~> ([k5] ~> ([k6] ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6]))))) -> Type) (NilSym0 :: [k2])) (NilSym0 :: [k3])) (NilSym0 :: [k4])) (NilSym0 :: [k5])) (NilSym0 :: [k6]))) xs |
type family Unzip6 (a1 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f]) where ... Source #
Unzip6 (xs :: [(k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7)]) = Apply (Apply (Apply (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun ((k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7) ~> (([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7]) ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7]))) (([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7]) ~> ([(k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7)] ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7]))) -> Type) (LamCases_6989586621679544851Sym0 xs :: TyFun (k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7) (TyFun ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7]) ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7]) -> Type) -> Type)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Tuple6Sym0 :: TyFun [k2] ([k3] ~> ([k4] ~> ([k5] ~> ([k6] ~> ([k7] ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7])))))) -> Type) (NilSym0 :: [k2])) (NilSym0 :: [k3])) (NilSym0 :: [k4])) (NilSym0 :: [k5])) (NilSym0 :: [k6])) (NilSym0 :: [k7]))) xs |
type family Unzip7 (a1 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], [g]) where ... Source #
Unzip7 (xs :: [(k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8)]) = Apply (Apply (Apply (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun ((k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8) ~> (([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7], [k8]) ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7], [k8]))) (([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7], [k8]) ~> ([(k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8)] ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7], [k8]))) -> Type) (LamCases_6989586621679544826Sym0 xs :: TyFun (k2, k3, k4, k5, k6, k7, k8) (TyFun ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7], [k8]) ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7], [k8]) -> Type) -> Type)) (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Apply (Tuple7Sym0 :: TyFun [k2] ([k3] ~> ([k4] ~> ([k5] ~> ([k6] ~> ([k7] ~> ([k8] ~> ([k2], [k3], [k4], [k5], [k6], [k7], [k8]))))))) -> Type) (NilSym0 :: [k2])) (NilSym0 :: [k3])) (NilSym0 :: [k4])) (NilSym0 :: [k5])) (NilSym0 :: [k6])) (NilSym0 :: [k7])) (NilSym0 :: [k8]))) xs |
Special lists
Functions on Symbol
"Set" operations
sDelete :: forall a (t1 :: a) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Delete t1 t2) Source #
type family (a1 :: [a]) \\ (a2 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... infix 5 Source #
(a_6989586621679544785 :: [a]) \\ (a_6989586621679544787 :: [a]) = Apply (Apply (Apply (FoldlSym0 :: TyFun ([a] ~> (a ~> [a])) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) (Apply (FlipSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> ([a] ~> [a])) ([a] ~> (a ~> [a])) -> Type) (DeleteSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type))) a_6989586621679544785) a_6989586621679544787 |
(%\\) :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (t1 \\ t2) infix 5 Source #
sUnion :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Union t1 t2) Source #
sIntersect :: forall a (t1 :: [a]) (t2 :: [a]). SEq a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Intersect t1 t2) Source #
Ordered lists
sInsert :: forall a (t1 :: a) (t2 :: [a]). SOrd a => Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (Insert t1 t2) Source #
Generalized functions
The "By
" operations
User-supplied equality (replacing an Eq
The predicate is assumed to define an equivalence.
sNubBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (NubBy t1 t2) Source #
sDeleteBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (t2 :: a) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (DeleteBy t1 t2 t3) Source #
type family DeleteFirstsBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
DeleteFirstsBy (eq :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a_6989586621679544755 :: [a]) (a_6989586621679544757 :: [a]) = Apply (Apply (Apply (FoldlSym0 :: TyFun ([a] ~> (a ~> [a])) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) (Apply (FlipSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> ([a] ~> [a])) ([a] ~> (a ~> [a])) -> Type) (Apply (DeleteBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) eq))) a_6989586621679544755) a_6989586621679544757 |
sDeleteFirstsBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (t2 :: [a]) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (DeleteFirstsBy t1 t2 t3) Source #
type family UnionBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
UnionBy (eq :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (xs :: [a]) (ys :: [a]) = Apply (Apply ((++@#@$) :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) xs) (Apply (Apply (Apply (FoldlSym0 :: TyFun ([a] ~> (a ~> [a])) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) (Apply (FlipSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> ([a] ~> [a])) ([a] ~> (a ~> [a])) -> Type) (Apply (DeleteBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) eq))) (Apply (Apply (NubBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) eq) ys)) xs) |
sUnionBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (t2 :: [a]) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (UnionBy t1 t2 t3) Source #
type family IntersectBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a2 :: [a]) (a3 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
IntersectBy (_1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ('[] :: [a]) ('[] :: [a]) = NilSym0 :: [a] | |
IntersectBy (_1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ('[] :: [a]) (_2 ': _3 :: [a]) = NilSym0 :: [a] | |
IntersectBy (_1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (_2 ': _3 :: [a]) ('[] :: [a]) = NilSym0 :: [a] | |
IntersectBy (eq :: b ~> (b ~> Bool)) (wild_6989586621679541185 ': wild_6989586621679541187 :: [b]) (wild_6989586621679541189 ': wild_6989586621679541191 :: [b]) = Apply (Apply ((>>=@#@$) :: TyFun [b] ((b ~> [b]) ~> [b]) -> Type) (Let6989586621679544596XsSym0 eq wild_6989586621679541185 wild_6989586621679541187 wild_6989586621679541189 wild_6989586621679541191)) (LamCases_6989586621679544599Sym0 eq wild_6989586621679541185 wild_6989586621679541187 wild_6989586621679541189 wild_6989586621679541191 :: TyFun b [b] -> Type) |
sIntersectBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (t2 :: [a]) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (IntersectBy t1 t2 t3) Source #
type family GroupBy (a1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a2 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #
GroupBy (_1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ('[] :: [a]) = NilSym0 :: [[a]] | |
GroupBy (eq :: a6989586621679540598 ~> (a6989586621679540598 ~> Bool)) (x ': xs :: [a6989586621679540598]) = Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun [a6989586621679540598] ([[a6989586621679540598]] ~> [[a6989586621679540598]]) -> Type) (Apply (Apply ((:@#@$) :: TyFun a6989586621679540598 ([a6989586621679540598] ~> [a6989586621679540598]) -> Type) x) (Let6989586621679544369YsSym0 eq x xs))) (Apply (Apply (GroupBySym0 :: TyFun (a6989586621679540598 ~> (a6989586621679540598 ~> Bool)) ([a6989586621679540598] ~> [[a6989586621679540598]]) -> Type) eq) (Let6989586621679544369ZsSym0 eq x xs)) |
sGroupBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (GroupBy t1 t2) Source #
User-supplied comparison (replacing an Ord
The function is assumed to define a total ordering.
sSortBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t2 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing (SortBy t1 t2) Source #
sInsertBy :: forall a (t1 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t2 :: a) (t3 :: [a]). Sing t1 -> Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (InsertBy t1 t2 t3) Source #
sMaximumBy :: forall a (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t3 :: t1 a). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (MaximumBy t2 t3) Source #
sMinimumBy :: forall a (t1 :: Type -> Type) (t2 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t3 :: t1 a). SFoldable t1 => Sing t2 -> Sing t3 -> Sing (MinimumBy t2 t3) Source #
The "generic
" operations
The prefix `generic
' indicates an overloaded function that
is a generalized version of a Prelude function.
type family GenericLength (a1 :: [a]) :: i where ... Source #
GenericLength ('[] :: [a]) = FromInteger 0 :: i | |
GenericLength (_1 ': xs :: [a]) = Apply (Apply ((+@#@$) :: TyFun i (i ~> i) -> Type) (FromInteger 1 :: i)) (Apply (GenericLengthSym0 :: TyFun [a] i -> Type) xs) |
sGenericLength :: forall a i (t :: [a]). SNum i => Sing t -> Sing (GenericLength t :: i) Source #
Defunctionalization symbols
data (:@#@$) (a1 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a])) infixr 5 Source #
data (a6989586621679050289 :: a) :@#@$$ (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) infixr 5 Source #
SingI1 ((:@#@$$) :: a -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
SingI d => SingI ((:@#@$$) d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Base.Instances | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings ((:@#@$$) a6989586621679050289 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Base.Instances suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply ((:@#@$$) a6989586621679050289 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679050290 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Singletons.Base.Instances |
type family (a6989586621679050289 :: a) :@#@$$$ (a6989586621679050290 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... infixr 5 Source #
(a6989586621679050289 :: a) :@#@$$$ (a6989586621679050290 :: [a]) = a6989586621679050289 ': a6989586621679050290 |
type family (a6989586621679154364 :: [a]) ++@#@$$$ (a6989586621679154365 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... infixr 5 Source #
data (a6989586621679154364 :: [a]) ++@#@$$ (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) infixr 5 Source #
SingI1 ((++@#@$$) :: [a] -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
SingI d => SingI ((++@#@$$) d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Base.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings ((++@#@$$) a6989586621679154364 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Base.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply ((++@#@$$) a6989586621679154364 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679154365 :: [a]) Source # | |
data (++@#@$) (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a])) infixr 5 Source #
data NullSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t a) Bool) Source #
data LengthSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t a) Natural) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (LengthSym0 :: TyFun (t a) Natural -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (LengthSym0 :: TyFun (t a) Natural -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (LengthSym0 :: TyFun (t a) Natural -> Type) (a6989586621679922563 :: t a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons |
type family LengthSym1 (a6989586621679922563 :: t a) :: Natural where ... Source #
LengthSym1 (a6989586621679922563 :: t a) = Length a6989586621679922563 |
data MapSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> b) ([a] ~> [b])) Source #
SingI (MapSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> b) ([a] ~> [b]) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MapSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> b) ([a] ~> [b]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Base.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MapSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> b) ([a] ~> [b]) -> Type) (a6989586621679154373 :: a ~> b) Source # | |
data MapSym1 (a6989586621679154373 :: a ~> b) (b1 :: TyFun [a] [b]) Source #
SingI1 (MapSym1 :: (a ~> b) -> TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) Source # | |
SingI d => SingI (MapSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Base.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MapSym1 a6989586621679154373 :: TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in GHC.Base.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MapSym1 a6989586621679154373 :: TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) (a6989586621679154374 :: [a]) Source # | |
type family MapSym2 (a6989586621679154373 :: a ~> b) (a6989586621679154374 :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #
data ReverseSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI (ReverseSym0 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ReverseSym0 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ReverseSym0 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679545429 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ReverseSym0 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679545429 :: [a]) = Reverse a6989586621679545429 |
type family ReverseSym1 (a6989586621679545429 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
ReverseSym1 (a6989586621679545429 :: [a]) = Reverse a6989586621679545429 |
data IntersperseSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (IntersperseSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IntersperseSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IntersperseSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679545422 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (IntersperseSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679545422 :: a) = IntersperseSym1 a6989586621679545422 |
data IntersperseSym1 (a6989586621679545422 :: a) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI1 (IntersperseSym1 :: a -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: a). Sing x -> Sing (IntersperseSym1 x) # | |
SingI d => SingI (IntersperseSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (IntersperseSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IntersperseSym1 a6989586621679545422 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IntersperseSym1 a6989586621679545422 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679545423 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (IntersperseSym1 a6989586621679545422 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679545423 :: [a]) = Intersperse a6989586621679545422 a6989586621679545423 |
type family IntersperseSym2 (a6989586621679545422 :: a) (a6989586621679545423 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
IntersperseSym2 (a6989586621679545422 :: a) (a6989586621679545423 :: [a]) = Intersperse a6989586621679545422 a6989586621679545423 |
data IntercalateSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([[a]] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (IntercalateSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([[a]] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IntercalateSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([[a]] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IntercalateSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([[a]] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679545415 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (IntercalateSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([[a]] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679545415 :: [a]) = IntercalateSym1 a6989586621679545415 |
data IntercalateSym1 (a6989586621679545415 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [[a]] [a]) Source #
SingI1 (IntercalateSym1 :: [a] -> TyFun [[a]] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: [a]). Sing x -> Sing (IntercalateSym1 x) # | |
SingI d => SingI (IntercalateSym1 d :: TyFun [[a]] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (IntercalateSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IntercalateSym1 a6989586621679545415 :: TyFun [[a]] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IntercalateSym1 a6989586621679545415 :: TyFun [[a]] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679545416 :: [[a]]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (IntercalateSym1 a6989586621679545415 :: TyFun [[a]] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679545416 :: [[a]]) = Intercalate a6989586621679545415 a6989586621679545416 |
type family IntercalateSym2 (a6989586621679545415 :: [a]) (a6989586621679545416 :: [[a]]) :: [a] where ... Source #
IntercalateSym2 (a6989586621679545415 :: [a]) (a6989586621679545416 :: [[a]]) = Intercalate a6989586621679545415 a6989586621679545416 |
data TransposeSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [[a]] [[a]]) Source #
SingI (TransposeSym0 :: TyFun [[a]] [[a]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (TransposeSym0 :: TyFun [[a]] [[a]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (TransposeSym0 :: TyFun [[a]] [[a]] -> Type) (a6989586621679544278 :: [[a]]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (TransposeSym0 :: TyFun [[a]] [[a]] -> Type) (a6989586621679544278 :: [[a]]) = Transpose a6989586621679544278 |
type family TransposeSym1 (a6989586621679544278 :: [[a]]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #
TransposeSym1 (a6989586621679544278 :: [[a]]) = Transpose a6989586621679544278 |
data SubsequencesSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [[a]]) Source #
SingI (SubsequencesSym0 :: TyFun [a] [[a]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SubsequencesSym0 :: TyFun [a] [[a]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (SubsequencesSym0 :: TyFun [a] [[a]] -> Type) (a6989586621679545410 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (SubsequencesSym0 :: TyFun [a] [[a]] -> Type) (a6989586621679545410 :: [a]) = Subsequences a6989586621679545410 |
type family SubsequencesSym1 (a6989586621679545410 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #
SubsequencesSym1 (a6989586621679545410 :: [a]) = Subsequences a6989586621679545410 |
data PermutationsSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [[a]]) Source #
SingI (PermutationsSym0 :: TyFun [a] [[a]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (PermutationsSym0 :: TyFun [a] [[a]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (PermutationsSym0 :: TyFun [a] [[a]] -> Type) (a6989586621679545330 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (PermutationsSym0 :: TyFun [a] [[a]] -> Type) (a6989586621679545330 :: [a]) = Permutations a6989586621679545330 |
type family PermutationsSym1 (a6989586621679545330 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #
PermutationsSym1 (a6989586621679545330 :: [a]) = Permutations a6989586621679545330 |
data FoldlSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b))) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (FoldlSym0 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b)) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldlSym0 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (FoldlSym0 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b)) -> Type) (a6989586621679922535 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) Source # | |
data FoldlSym1 (a6989586621679922535 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (b1 :: TyFun b (t a ~> b)) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI1 (FoldlSym1 :: (b ~> (a ~> b)) -> TyFun b (t a ~> b) -> Type) Source # | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI (FoldlSym1 d :: TyFun b (t a ~> b) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldlSym1 a6989586621679922535 :: TyFun b (t a ~> b) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (FoldlSym1 a6989586621679922535 :: TyFun b (t a ~> b) -> Type) (a6989586621679922536 :: b) Source # | |
data FoldlSym2 (a6989586621679922535 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a6989586621679922536 :: b) (c :: TyFun (t a) b) Source #
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI1 (FoldlSym2 d :: b -> TyFun (t a) b -> Type) Source # | |
SFoldable t => SingI2 (FoldlSym2 :: (b ~> (a ~> b)) -> b -> TyFun (t a) b -> Type) Source # | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (FoldlSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun (t a) b -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldlSym2 a6989586621679922535 a6989586621679922536 :: TyFun (t a) b -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (FoldlSym2 a6989586621679922535 a6989586621679922536 :: TyFun (t a) b -> Type) (a6989586621679922537 :: t a) Source # | |
type family FoldlSym3 (a6989586621679922535 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a6989586621679922536 :: b) (a6989586621679922537 :: t a) :: b where ... Source #
data Foldl'Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b))) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (Foldl'Sym0 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b)) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Foldl'Sym0 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Foldl'Sym0 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b)) -> Type) (a6989586621679922542 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons |
data Foldl'Sym1 (a6989586621679922542 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (b1 :: TyFun b (t a ~> b)) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI1 (Foldl'Sym1 :: (b ~> (a ~> b)) -> TyFun b (t a ~> b) -> Type) Source # | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI (Foldl'Sym1 d :: TyFun b (t a ~> b) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Foldl'Sym1 a6989586621679922542 :: TyFun b (t a ~> b) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Foldl'Sym1 a6989586621679922542 :: TyFun b (t a ~> b) -> Type) (a6989586621679922543 :: b) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Apply (Foldl'Sym1 a6989586621679922542 :: TyFun b (t a ~> b) -> Type) (a6989586621679922543 :: b) = Foldl'Sym2 a6989586621679922542 a6989586621679922543 :: TyFun (t a) b -> Type |
data Foldl'Sym2 (a6989586621679922542 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a6989586621679922543 :: b) (c :: TyFun (t a) b) Source #
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI1 (Foldl'Sym2 d :: b -> TyFun (t a) b -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SFoldable t => SingI2 (Foldl'Sym2 :: (b ~> (a ~> b)) -> b -> TyFun (t a) b -> Type) Source # | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (Foldl'Sym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun (t a) b -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Foldl'Sym2 a6989586621679922542 a6989586621679922543 :: TyFun (t a) b -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Foldl'Sym2 a6989586621679922542 a6989586621679922543 :: TyFun (t a) b -> Type) (a6989586621679922544 :: t a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Apply (Foldl'Sym2 a6989586621679922542 a6989586621679922543 :: TyFun (t a) b -> Type) (a6989586621679922544 :: t a) = Foldl' a6989586621679922542 a6989586621679922543 a6989586621679922544 |
type family Foldl'Sym3 (a6989586621679922542 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a6989586621679922543 :: b) (a6989586621679922544 :: t a) :: b where ... Source #
Foldl'Sym3 (a6989586621679922542 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a6989586621679922543 :: b) (a6989586621679922544 :: t a) = Foldl' a6989586621679922542 a6989586621679922543 a6989586621679922544 |
data Foldl1Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) (t a ~> a)) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (Foldl1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) (t a ~> a) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Foldl1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) (t a ~> a) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Foldl1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) (t a ~> a) -> Type) (a6989586621679922553 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons |
data Foldl1Sym1 (a6989586621679922553 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (b :: TyFun (t a) a) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI1 (Foldl1Sym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> a)) -> TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI (Foldl1Sym1 d :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Foldl1Sym1 a6989586621679922553 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Foldl1Sym1 a6989586621679922553 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922554 :: t a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Apply (Foldl1Sym1 a6989586621679922553 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922554 :: t a) = Foldl1 a6989586621679922553 a6989586621679922554 |
type family Foldl1Sym2 (a6989586621679922553 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679922554 :: t a) :: a where ... Source #
Foldl1Sym2 (a6989586621679922553 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679922554 :: t a) = Foldl1 a6989586621679922553 a6989586621679922554 |
data Foldl1'Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> a)) Source #
SingI (Foldl1'Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> a) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Foldl1'Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> a) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Foldl1'Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> a) -> Type) (a6989586621679545295 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Foldl1'Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> a) -> Type) (a6989586621679545295 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) = Foldl1'Sym1 a6989586621679545295 |
data Foldl1'Sym1 (a6989586621679545295 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (b :: TyFun [a] a) Source #
SingI d => SingI (Foldl1'Sym1 d :: TyFun [a] a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (Foldl1'Sym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Foldl1'Sym1 a6989586621679545295 :: TyFun [a] a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (Foldl1'Sym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> a)) -> TyFun [a] a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (Foldl1'Sym1 a6989586621679545295 :: TyFun [a] a -> Type) (a6989586621679545296 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Foldl1'Sym1 a6989586621679545295 :: TyFun [a] a -> Type) (a6989586621679545296 :: [a]) = Foldl1' a6989586621679545295 a6989586621679545296 |
type family Foldl1'Sym2 (a6989586621679545295 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679545296 :: [a]) :: a where ... Source #
Foldl1'Sym2 (a6989586621679545295 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679545296 :: [a]) = Foldl1' a6989586621679545295 a6989586621679545296 |
data FoldrSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b))) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b)) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (FoldrSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> b)) (b ~> (t a ~> b)) -> Type) (a6989586621679922521 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) Source # | |
data FoldrSym1 (a6989586621679922521 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (b1 :: TyFun b (t a ~> b)) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI1 (FoldrSym1 :: (a ~> (b ~> b)) -> TyFun b (t a ~> b) -> Type) Source # | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI (FoldrSym1 d :: TyFun b (t a ~> b) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldrSym1 a6989586621679922521 :: TyFun b (t a ~> b) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (FoldrSym1 a6989586621679922521 :: TyFun b (t a ~> b) -> Type) (a6989586621679922522 :: b) Source # | |
data FoldrSym2 (a6989586621679922521 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (a6989586621679922522 :: b) (c :: TyFun (t a) b) Source #
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI1 (FoldrSym2 d :: b -> TyFun (t a) b -> Type) Source # | |
SFoldable t => SingI2 (FoldrSym2 :: (a ~> (b ~> b)) -> b -> TyFun (t a) b -> Type) Source # | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (FoldrSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun (t a) b -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FoldrSym2 a6989586621679922521 a6989586621679922522 :: TyFun (t a) b -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (FoldrSym2 a6989586621679922521 a6989586621679922522 :: TyFun (t a) b -> Type) (a6989586621679922523 :: t a) Source # | |
type family FoldrSym3 (a6989586621679922521 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (a6989586621679922522 :: b) (a6989586621679922523 :: t a) :: b where ... Source #
data Foldr1Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) (t a ~> a)) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (Foldr1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) (t a ~> a) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Foldr1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) (t a ~> a) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Foldr1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) (t a ~> a) -> Type) (a6989586621679922548 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons |
data Foldr1Sym1 (a6989586621679922548 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (b :: TyFun (t a) a) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI1 (Foldr1Sym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> a)) -> TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI (Foldr1Sym1 d :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Foldr1Sym1 a6989586621679922548 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Foldr1Sym1 a6989586621679922548 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922549 :: t a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Apply (Foldr1Sym1 a6989586621679922548 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922549 :: t a) = Foldr1 a6989586621679922548 a6989586621679922549 |
type family Foldr1Sym2 (a6989586621679922548 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679922549 :: t a) :: a where ... Source #
Foldr1Sym2 (a6989586621679922548 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679922549 :: t a) = Foldr1 a6989586621679922548 a6989586621679922549 |
data ConcatSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t [a]) [a]) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (ConcatSym0 :: TyFun (t [a]) [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ConcatSym0 :: TyFun (t [a]) [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ConcatSym0 :: TyFun (t [a]) [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679922398 :: t [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Apply (ConcatSym0 :: TyFun (t [a]) [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679922398 :: t [a]) = Concat a6989586621679922398 |
type family ConcatSym1 (a6989586621679922398 :: t [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
ConcatSym1 (a6989586621679922398 :: t [a]) = Concat a6989586621679922398 |
data ConcatMapSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> [b]) (t a ~> [b])) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (ConcatMapSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> [b]) (t a ~> [b]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ConcatMapSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> [b]) (t a ~> [b]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ConcatMapSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> [b]) (t a ~> [b]) -> Type) (a6989586621679922383 :: a ~> [b]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Apply (ConcatMapSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> [b]) (t a ~> [b]) -> Type) (a6989586621679922383 :: a ~> [b]) = ConcatMapSym1 a6989586621679922383 :: TyFun (t a) [b] -> Type |
data ConcatMapSym1 (a6989586621679922383 :: a ~> [b]) (b1 :: TyFun (t a) [b]) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI1 (ConcatMapSym1 :: (a ~> [b]) -> TyFun (t a) [b] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI (ConcatMapSym1 d :: TyFun (t a) [b] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ConcatMapSym1 a6989586621679922383 :: TyFun (t a) [b] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ConcatMapSym1 a6989586621679922383 :: TyFun (t a) [b] -> Type) (a6989586621679922384 :: t a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Apply (ConcatMapSym1 a6989586621679922383 :: TyFun (t a) [b] -> Type) (a6989586621679922384 :: t a) = ConcatMap a6989586621679922383 a6989586621679922384 |
type family ConcatMapSym2 (a6989586621679922383 :: a ~> [b]) (a6989586621679922384 :: t a) :: [b] where ... Source #
ConcatMapSym2 (a6989586621679922383 :: a ~> [b]) (a6989586621679922384 :: t a) = ConcatMap a6989586621679922383 a6989586621679922384 |
data AndSym0 (a :: TyFun (t Bool) Bool) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (AndSym0 :: TyFun (t Bool) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (AndSym0 :: TyFun (t Bool) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (AndSym0 :: TyFun (t Bool) Bool -> Type) (a6989586621679922378 :: t Bool) Source # | |
data OrSym0 (a :: TyFun (t Bool) Bool) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (OrSym0 :: TyFun (t Bool) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (OrSym0 :: TyFun (t Bool) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (OrSym0 :: TyFun (t Bool) Bool -> Type) (a6989586621679922372 :: t Bool) Source # | |
data AnySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Bool)) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (AnySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (AnySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (AnySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Bool) -> Type) (a6989586621679922364 :: a ~> Bool) Source # | |
data AnySym1 (a6989586621679922364 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun (t a) Bool) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI1 (AnySym1 :: (a ~> Bool) -> TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI (AnySym1 d :: TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (AnySym1 a6989586621679922364 :: TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (AnySym1 a6989586621679922364 :: TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) (a6989586621679922365 :: t a) Source # | |
type family AnySym2 (a6989586621679922364 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679922365 :: t a) :: Bool where ... Source #
data AllSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Bool)) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (AllSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (AllSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (AllSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Bool) -> Type) (a6989586621679922355 :: a ~> Bool) Source # | |
data AllSym1 (a6989586621679922355 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun (t a) Bool) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI1 (AllSym1 :: (a ~> Bool) -> TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI (AllSym1 d :: TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (AllSym1 a6989586621679922355 :: TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (AllSym1 a6989586621679922355 :: TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) (a6989586621679922356 :: t a) Source # | |
type family AllSym2 (a6989586621679922355 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679922356 :: t a) :: Bool where ... Source #
data SumSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t a) a) Source #
data ProductSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t a) a) Source #
(SFoldable t, SNum a) => SingI (ProductSym0 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ProductSym0 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ProductSym0 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922580 :: t a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Apply (ProductSym0 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922580 :: t a) = Product a6989586621679922580 |
type family ProductSym1 (a6989586621679922580 :: t a) :: a where ... Source #
ProductSym1 (a6989586621679922580 :: t a) = Product a6989586621679922580 |
data MaximumSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t a) a) Source #
(SFoldable t, SOrd a) => SingI (MaximumSym0 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MaximumSym0 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MaximumSym0 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922571 :: t a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Apply (MaximumSym0 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922571 :: t a) = Maximum a6989586621679922571 |
type family MaximumSym1 (a6989586621679922571 :: t a) :: a where ... Source #
MaximumSym1 (a6989586621679922571 :: t a) = Maximum a6989586621679922571 |
data MinimumSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (t a) a) Source #
(SFoldable t, SOrd a) => SingI (MinimumSym0 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MinimumSym0 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MinimumSym0 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922574 :: t a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Apply (MinimumSym0 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922574 :: t a) = Minimum a6989586621679922574 |
type family MinimumSym1 (a6989586621679922574 :: t a) :: a where ... Source #
MinimumSym1 (a6989586621679922574 :: t a) = Minimum a6989586621679922574 |
data ScanlSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> ([a] ~> [b]))) Source #
SingI (ScanlSym0 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> ([a] ~> [b])) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ScanlSym0 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> ([a] ~> [b])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ScanlSym0 :: TyFun (b ~> (a ~> b)) (b ~> ([a] ~> [b])) -> Type) (a6989586621679545226 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) Source # | |
data ScanlSym1 (a6989586621679545226 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (b1 :: TyFun b ([a] ~> [b])) Source #
SingI1 (ScanlSym1 :: (b ~> (a ~> b)) -> TyFun b ([a] ~> [b]) -> Type) Source # | |
SingI d => SingI (ScanlSym1 d :: TyFun b ([a] ~> [b]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ScanlSym1 a6989586621679545226 :: TyFun b ([a] ~> [b]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ScanlSym1 a6989586621679545226 :: TyFun b ([a] ~> [b]) -> Type) (a6989586621679545227 :: b) Source # | |
data ScanlSym2 (a6989586621679545226 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a6989586621679545227 :: b) (c :: TyFun [a] [b]) Source #
SingI d => SingI1 (ScanlSym2 d :: b -> TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) Source # | |
SingI2 (ScanlSym2 :: (b ~> (a ~> b)) -> b -> TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) Source # | |
(SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (ScanlSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ScanlSym2 a6989586621679545226 a6989586621679545227 :: TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ScanlSym2 a6989586621679545226 a6989586621679545227 :: TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) (a6989586621679545228 :: [a]) Source # | |
type family ScanlSym3 (a6989586621679545226 :: b ~> (a ~> b)) (a6989586621679545227 :: b) (a6989586621679545228 :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #
data Scanl1Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (Scanl1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Scanl1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Scanl1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679545217 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Scanl1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679545217 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) = Scanl1Sym1 a6989586621679545217 |
data Scanl1Sym1 (a6989586621679545217 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI d => SingI (Scanl1Sym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (Scanl1Sym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Scanl1Sym1 a6989586621679545217 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (Scanl1Sym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> a)) -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (Scanl1Sym1 a6989586621679545217 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679545218 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Scanl1Sym1 a6989586621679545217 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679545218 :: [a]) = Scanl1 a6989586621679545217 a6989586621679545218 |
type family Scanl1Sym2 (a6989586621679545217 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679545218 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
Scanl1Sym2 (a6989586621679545217 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679545218 :: [a]) = Scanl1 a6989586621679545217 a6989586621679545218 |
data ScanrSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> b)) (b ~> ([a] ~> [b]))) Source #
SingI (ScanrSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> b)) (b ~> ([a] ~> [b])) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ScanrSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> b)) (b ~> ([a] ~> [b])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ScanrSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> b)) (b ~> ([a] ~> [b])) -> Type) (a6989586621679545199 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) Source # | |
data ScanrSym1 (a6989586621679545199 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (b1 :: TyFun b ([a] ~> [b])) Source #
SingI1 (ScanrSym1 :: (a ~> (b ~> b)) -> TyFun b ([a] ~> [b]) -> Type) Source # | |
SingI d => SingI (ScanrSym1 d :: TyFun b ([a] ~> [b]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ScanrSym1 a6989586621679545199 :: TyFun b ([a] ~> [b]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ScanrSym1 a6989586621679545199 :: TyFun b ([a] ~> [b]) -> Type) (a6989586621679545200 :: b) Source # | |
data ScanrSym2 (a6989586621679545199 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (a6989586621679545200 :: b) (c :: TyFun [a] [b]) Source #
SingI d => SingI1 (ScanrSym2 d :: b -> TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) Source # | |
SingI2 (ScanrSym2 :: (a ~> (b ~> b)) -> b -> TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) Source # | |
(SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (ScanrSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ScanrSym2 a6989586621679545199 a6989586621679545200 :: TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ScanrSym2 a6989586621679545199 a6989586621679545200 :: TyFun [a] [b] -> Type) (a6989586621679545201 :: [a]) Source # | |
type family ScanrSym3 (a6989586621679545199 :: a ~> (b ~> b)) (a6989586621679545200 :: b) (a6989586621679545201 :: [a]) :: [b] where ... Source #
data Scanr1Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (Scanr1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Scanr1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Scanr1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679545179 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Scanr1Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> a)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679545179 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) = Scanr1Sym1 a6989586621679545179 |
data Scanr1Sym1 (a6989586621679545179 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI d => SingI (Scanr1Sym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (Scanr1Sym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Scanr1Sym1 a6989586621679545179 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (Scanr1Sym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> a)) -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (Scanr1Sym1 a6989586621679545179 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679545180 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Scanr1Sym1 a6989586621679545179 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679545180 :: [a]) = Scanr1 a6989586621679545179 a6989586621679545180 |
type family Scanr1Sym2 (a6989586621679545179 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679545180 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
Scanr1Sym2 (a6989586621679545179 :: a ~> (a ~> a)) (a6989586621679545180 :: [a]) = Scanr1 a6989586621679545179 a6989586621679545180 |
data MapAccumLSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a ~> (t b ~> (a, t c)))) Source #
STraversable t => SingI (MapAccumLSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a ~> (t b ~> (a, t c))) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MapAccumLSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a ~> (t b ~> (a, t c))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MapAccumLSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a ~> (t b ~> (a, t c))) -> Type) (a6989586621680103082 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons |
data MapAccumLSym1 (a6989586621680103082 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (b1 :: TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c))) Source #
STraversable t => SingI1 (MapAccumLSym1 :: (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) -> TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c)) -> Type) Source # | |
(STraversable t, SingI d) => SingI (MapAccumLSym1 d :: TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MapAccumLSym1 a6989586621680103082 :: TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MapAccumLSym1 a6989586621680103082 :: TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c)) -> Type) (a6989586621680103083 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons type Apply (MapAccumLSym1 a6989586621680103082 :: TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c)) -> Type) (a6989586621680103083 :: a) = MapAccumLSym2 a6989586621680103082 a6989586621680103083 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type |
data MapAccumLSym2 (a6989586621680103082 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a6989586621680103083 :: a) (c1 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c)) Source #
(STraversable t, SingI d) => SingI1 (MapAccumLSym2 d :: a -> TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons | |
STraversable t => SingI2 (MapAccumLSym2 :: (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) -> a -> TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type) Source # | |
(STraversable t, SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (MapAccumLSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MapAccumLSym2 a6989586621680103082 a6989586621680103083 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MapAccumLSym2 a6989586621680103082 a6989586621680103083 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type) (a6989586621680103084 :: t b) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons type Apply (MapAccumLSym2 a6989586621680103082 a6989586621680103083 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type) (a6989586621680103084 :: t b) = MapAccumL a6989586621680103082 a6989586621680103083 a6989586621680103084 |
type family MapAccumLSym3 (a6989586621680103082 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a6989586621680103083 :: a) (a6989586621680103084 :: t b) :: (a, t c) where ... Source #
MapAccumLSym3 (a6989586621680103082 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a6989586621680103083 :: a) (a6989586621680103084 :: t b) = MapAccumL a6989586621680103082 a6989586621680103083 a6989586621680103084 |
data MapAccumRSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a ~> (t b ~> (a, t c)))) Source #
STraversable t => SingI (MapAccumRSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a ~> (t b ~> (a, t c))) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MapAccumRSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a ~> (t b ~> (a, t c))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MapAccumRSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a ~> (t b ~> (a, t c))) -> Type) (a6989586621680103072 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons |
data MapAccumRSym1 (a6989586621680103072 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (b1 :: TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c))) Source #
STraversable t => SingI1 (MapAccumRSym1 :: (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) -> TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c)) -> Type) Source # | |
(STraversable t, SingI d) => SingI (MapAccumRSym1 d :: TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MapAccumRSym1 a6989586621680103072 :: TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c)) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MapAccumRSym1 a6989586621680103072 :: TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c)) -> Type) (a6989586621680103073 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons type Apply (MapAccumRSym1 a6989586621680103072 :: TyFun a (t b ~> (a, t c)) -> Type) (a6989586621680103073 :: a) = MapAccumRSym2 a6989586621680103072 a6989586621680103073 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type |
data MapAccumRSym2 (a6989586621680103072 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a6989586621680103073 :: a) (c1 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c)) Source #
(STraversable t, SingI d) => SingI1 (MapAccumRSym2 d :: a -> TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons | |
STraversable t => SingI2 (MapAccumRSym2 :: (a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) -> a -> TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type) Source # | |
(STraversable t, SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (MapAccumRSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MapAccumRSym2 a6989586621680103072 a6989586621680103073 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MapAccumRSym2 a6989586621680103072 a6989586621680103073 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type) (a6989586621680103074 :: t b) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Traversable.Singletons type Apply (MapAccumRSym2 a6989586621680103072 a6989586621680103073 :: TyFun (t b) (a, t c) -> Type) (a6989586621680103074 :: t b) = MapAccumR a6989586621680103072 a6989586621680103073 a6989586621680103074 |
type family MapAccumRSym3 (a6989586621680103072 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a6989586621680103073 :: a) (a6989586621680103074 :: t b) :: (a, t c) where ... Source #
MapAccumRSym3 (a6989586621680103072 :: a ~> (b ~> (a, c))) (a6989586621680103073 :: a) (a6989586621680103074 :: t b) = MapAccumR a6989586621680103072 a6989586621680103073 a6989586621680103074 |
data ReplicateSym0 (a1 :: TyFun Natural (a ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (ReplicateSym0 :: TyFun Natural (a ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ReplicateSym0 :: TyFun Natural (a ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ReplicateSym0 :: TyFun Natural (a ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544286 :: Natural) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ReplicateSym0 :: TyFun Natural (a ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544286 :: Natural) = ReplicateSym1 a6989586621679544286 :: TyFun a [a] -> Type |
data ReplicateSym1 (a6989586621679544286 :: Natural) (b :: TyFun a [a]) Source #
SingI1 (ReplicateSym1 :: Natural -> TyFun a [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SingI d => SingI (ReplicateSym1 d :: TyFun a [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ReplicateSym1 a6989586621679544286 :: TyFun a [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ReplicateSym1 a6989586621679544286 :: TyFun a [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544287 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ReplicateSym1 a6989586621679544286 :: TyFun a [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544287 :: a) = Replicate a6989586621679544286 a6989586621679544287 |
type family ReplicateSym2 (a6989586621679544286 :: Natural) (a6989586621679544287 :: a) :: [a] where ... Source #
ReplicateSym2 a6989586621679544286 (a6989586621679544287 :: a) = Replicate a6989586621679544286 a6989586621679544287 |
data UnfoldrSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (b ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (UnfoldrSym0 :: TyFun (b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (b ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (UnfoldrSym0 :: TyFun (b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (b ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (UnfoldrSym0 :: TyFun (b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (b ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679545055 :: b ~> Maybe (a, b)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (UnfoldrSym0 :: TyFun (b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (b ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679545055 :: b ~> Maybe (a, b)) = UnfoldrSym1 a6989586621679545055 |
data UnfoldrSym1 (a6989586621679545055 :: b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (b1 :: TyFun b [a]) Source #
SingI1 (UnfoldrSym1 :: (b ~> Maybe (a, b)) -> TyFun b [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SingI d => SingI (UnfoldrSym1 d :: TyFun b [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (UnfoldrSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (UnfoldrSym1 a6989586621679545055 :: TyFun b [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (UnfoldrSym1 a6989586621679545055 :: TyFun b [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679545056 :: b) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (UnfoldrSym1 a6989586621679545055 :: TyFun b [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679545056 :: b) = Unfoldr a6989586621679545055 a6989586621679545056 |
type family UnfoldrSym2 (a6989586621679545055 :: b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (a6989586621679545056 :: b) :: [a] where ... Source #
UnfoldrSym2 (a6989586621679545055 :: b ~> Maybe (a, b)) (a6989586621679545056 :: b) = Unfoldr a6989586621679545055 a6989586621679545056 |
data TakeSym0 (a1 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (TakeSym0 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (TakeSym0 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (TakeSym0 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544445 :: Natural) Source # | |
data TakeSym1 (a6989586621679544445 :: Natural) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI1 (TakeSym1 :: Natural -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
SingI d => SingI (TakeSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (TakeSym1 a6989586621679544445 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (TakeSym1 a6989586621679544445 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544446 :: [a]) Source # | |
type family TakeSym2 (a6989586621679544445 :: Natural) (a6989586621679544446 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
data DropSym0 (a1 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (DropSym0 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DropSym0 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (DropSym0 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544432 :: Natural) Source # | |
data DropSym1 (a6989586621679544432 :: Natural) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI1 (DropSym1 :: Natural -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
SingI d => SingI (DropSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DropSym1 a6989586621679544432 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (DropSym1 a6989586621679544432 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544433 :: [a]) Source # | |
type family DropSym2 (a6989586621679544432 :: Natural) (a6989586621679544433 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
data SplitAtSym0 (a1 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> ([a], [a]))) Source #
SingI (SplitAtSym0 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SplitAtSym0 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (SplitAtSym0 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544425 :: Natural) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (SplitAtSym0 :: TyFun Natural ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544425 :: Natural) = SplitAtSym1 a6989586621679544425 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type |
data SplitAtSym1 (a6989586621679544425 :: Natural) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a])) Source #
SingI1 (SplitAtSym1 :: Natural -> TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SingI d => SingI (SplitAtSym1 d :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SplitAtSym1 a6989586621679544425 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (SplitAtSym1 a6989586621679544425 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544426 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (SplitAtSym1 a6989586621679544425 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544426 :: [a]) = SplitAt a6989586621679544425 a6989586621679544426 |
type family SplitAtSym2 (a6989586621679544425 :: Natural) (a6989586621679544426 :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #
SplitAtSym2 a6989586621679544425 (a6989586621679544426 :: [a]) = SplitAt a6989586621679544425 a6989586621679544426 |
data TakeWhileSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (TakeWhileSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (TakeWhileSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (TakeWhileSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544574 :: a ~> Bool) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (TakeWhileSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544574 :: a ~> Bool) = TakeWhileSym1 a6989586621679544574 |
data TakeWhileSym1 (a6989586621679544574 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI d => SingI (TakeWhileSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (TakeWhileSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (TakeWhileSym1 a6989586621679544574 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (TakeWhileSym1 :: (a ~> Bool) -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (TakeWhileSym1 a6989586621679544574 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544575 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (TakeWhileSym1 a6989586621679544574 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544575 :: [a]) = TakeWhile a6989586621679544574 a6989586621679544575 |
type family TakeWhileSym2 (a6989586621679544574 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544575 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
TakeWhileSym2 (a6989586621679544574 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544575 :: [a]) = TakeWhile a6989586621679544574 a6989586621679544575 |
data DropWhileSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (DropWhileSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DropWhileSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (DropWhileSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544559 :: a ~> Bool) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (DropWhileSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544559 :: a ~> Bool) = DropWhileSym1 a6989586621679544559 |
data DropWhileSym1 (a6989586621679544559 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI d => SingI (DropWhileSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (DropWhileSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DropWhileSym1 a6989586621679544559 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (DropWhileSym1 :: (a ~> Bool) -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (DropWhileSym1 a6989586621679544559 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544560 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (DropWhileSym1 a6989586621679544559 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544560 :: [a]) = DropWhile a6989586621679544559 a6989586621679544560 |
type family DropWhileSym2 (a6989586621679544559 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544560 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
DropWhileSym2 (a6989586621679544559 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544560 :: [a]) = DropWhile a6989586621679544559 a6989586621679544560 |
data DropWhileEndSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (DropWhileEndSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DropWhileEndSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (DropWhileEndSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544538 :: a ~> Bool) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (DropWhileEndSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544538 :: a ~> Bool) = DropWhileEndSym1 a6989586621679544538 |
data DropWhileEndSym1 (a6989586621679544538 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI d => SingI (DropWhileEndSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (DropWhileEndSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DropWhileEndSym1 a6989586621679544538 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (DropWhileEndSym1 :: (a ~> Bool) -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (DropWhileEndSym1 a6989586621679544538 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544539 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (DropWhileEndSym1 a6989586621679544538 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544539 :: [a]) = DropWhileEnd a6989586621679544538 a6989586621679544539 |
type family DropWhileEndSym2 (a6989586621679544538 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544539 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
DropWhileEndSym2 (a6989586621679544538 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544539 :: [a]) = DropWhileEnd a6989586621679544538 a6989586621679544539 |
data SpanSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a]))) Source #
SingI (SpanSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SpanSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (SpanSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544497 :: a ~> Bool) Source # | |
data SpanSym1 (a6989586621679544497 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a])) Source #
SingI d => SingI (SpanSym1 d :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SpanSym1 a6989586621679544497 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (SpanSym1 :: (a ~> Bool) -> TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
type Apply (SpanSym1 a6989586621679544497 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544498 :: [a]) Source # | |
type family SpanSym2 (a6989586621679544497 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544498 :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #
data BreakSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a]))) Source #
SingI (BreakSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (BreakSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (BreakSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544458 :: a ~> Bool) Source # | |
data BreakSym1 (a6989586621679544458 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a])) Source #
SingI d => SingI (BreakSym1 d :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (BreakSym1 a6989586621679544458 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (BreakSym1 :: (a ~> Bool) -> TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
type Apply (BreakSym1 a6989586621679544458 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544459 :: [a]) Source # | |
type family BreakSym2 (a6989586621679544458 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544459 :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #
data StripPrefixSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Maybe [a])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (StripPrefixSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Maybe [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (StripPrefixSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Maybe [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656297 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (StripPrefixSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Maybe [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656297 :: [a]) = StripPrefixSym1 a6989586621679656297 |
data StripPrefixSym1 (a6989586621679656297 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [a] (Maybe [a])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (StripPrefixSym1 a6989586621679656297 :: TyFun [a] (Maybe [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (StripPrefixSym1 a6989586621679656297 :: TyFun [a] (Maybe [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656298 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (StripPrefixSym1 a6989586621679656297 :: TyFun [a] (Maybe [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656298 :: [a]) = StripPrefix a6989586621679656297 a6989586621679656298 |
type family StripPrefixSym2 (a6989586621679656297 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656298 :: [a]) :: Maybe [a] where ... Source #
StripPrefixSym2 (a6989586621679656297 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656298 :: [a]) = StripPrefix a6989586621679656297 a6989586621679656298 |
data GroupSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] [[a]]) Source #
data IsPrefixOfSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool)) Source #
SEq a => SingI (IsPrefixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IsPrefixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IsPrefixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) (a6989586621679545025 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (IsPrefixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) (a6989586621679545025 :: [a]) = IsPrefixOfSym1 a6989586621679545025 |
data IsPrefixOfSym1 (a6989586621679545025 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [a] Bool) Source #
SEq a => SingI1 (IsPrefixOfSym1 :: [a] -> TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: [a]). Sing x -> Sing (IsPrefixOfSym1 x) # | |
(SEq a, SingI d) => SingI (IsPrefixOfSym1 d :: TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (IsPrefixOfSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IsPrefixOfSym1 a6989586621679545025 :: TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IsPrefixOfSym1 a6989586621679545025 :: TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) (a6989586621679545026 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (IsPrefixOfSym1 a6989586621679545025 :: TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) (a6989586621679545026 :: [a]) = IsPrefixOf a6989586621679545025 a6989586621679545026 |
type family IsPrefixOfSym2 (a6989586621679545025 :: [a]) (a6989586621679545026 :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #
IsPrefixOfSym2 (a6989586621679545025 :: [a]) (a6989586621679545026 :: [a]) = IsPrefixOf a6989586621679545025 a6989586621679545026 |
data IsSuffixOfSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool)) Source #
SEq a => SingI (IsSuffixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IsSuffixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IsSuffixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) (a6989586621679545018 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (IsSuffixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) (a6989586621679545018 :: [a]) = IsSuffixOfSym1 a6989586621679545018 |
data IsSuffixOfSym1 (a6989586621679545018 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [a] Bool) Source #
SEq a => SingI1 (IsSuffixOfSym1 :: [a] -> TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: [a]). Sing x -> Sing (IsSuffixOfSym1 x) # | |
(SEq a, SingI d) => SingI (IsSuffixOfSym1 d :: TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (IsSuffixOfSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IsSuffixOfSym1 a6989586621679545018 :: TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IsSuffixOfSym1 a6989586621679545018 :: TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) (a6989586621679545019 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (IsSuffixOfSym1 a6989586621679545018 :: TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) (a6989586621679545019 :: [a]) = IsSuffixOf a6989586621679545018 a6989586621679545019 |
type family IsSuffixOfSym2 (a6989586621679545018 :: [a]) (a6989586621679545019 :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #
IsSuffixOfSym2 (a6989586621679545018 :: [a]) (a6989586621679545019 :: [a]) = IsSuffixOf a6989586621679545018 a6989586621679545019 |
data IsInfixOfSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool)) Source #
SEq a => SingI (IsInfixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IsInfixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IsInfixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) (a6989586621679545011 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (IsInfixOfSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> Bool) -> Type) (a6989586621679545011 :: [a]) = IsInfixOfSym1 a6989586621679545011 |
data IsInfixOfSym1 (a6989586621679545011 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [a] Bool) Source #
SEq a => SingI1 (IsInfixOfSym1 :: [a] -> TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: [a]). Sing x -> Sing (IsInfixOfSym1 x) # | |
(SEq a, SingI d) => SingI (IsInfixOfSym1 d :: TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (IsInfixOfSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IsInfixOfSym1 a6989586621679545011 :: TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IsInfixOfSym1 a6989586621679545011 :: TyFun [a] Bool -> Type) (a6989586621679545012 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
type family IsInfixOfSym2 (a6989586621679545011 :: [a]) (a6989586621679545012 :: [a]) :: Bool where ... Source #
IsInfixOfSym2 (a6989586621679545011 :: [a]) (a6989586621679545012 :: [a]) = IsInfixOf a6989586621679545011 a6989586621679545012 |
data ElemSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a (t a ~> Bool)) Source #
(SFoldable t, SEq a) => SingI (ElemSym0 :: TyFun a (t a ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ElemSym0 :: TyFun a (t a ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ElemSym0 :: TyFun a (t a ~> Bool) -> Type) (a6989586621679922567 :: a) Source # | |
data ElemSym1 (a6989586621679922567 :: a) (b :: TyFun (t a) Bool) Source #
(SFoldable t, SEq a) => SingI1 (ElemSym1 :: a -> TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
(SFoldable t, SEq a, SingI d) => SingI (ElemSym1 d :: TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ElemSym1 a6989586621679922567 :: TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ElemSym1 a6989586621679922567 :: TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) (a6989586621679922568 :: t a) Source # | |
type family ElemSym2 (a6989586621679922567 :: a) (a6989586621679922568 :: t a) :: Bool where ... Source #
data NotElemSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a (t a ~> Bool)) Source #
(SFoldable t, SEq a) => SingI (NotElemSym0 :: TyFun a (t a ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (NotElemSym0 :: TyFun a (t a ~> Bool) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (NotElemSym0 :: TyFun a (t a ~> Bool) -> Type) (a6989586621679922306 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Apply (NotElemSym0 :: TyFun a (t a ~> Bool) -> Type) (a6989586621679922306 :: a) = NotElemSym1 a6989586621679922306 :: TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type |
data NotElemSym1 (a6989586621679922306 :: a) (b :: TyFun (t a) Bool) Source #
(SFoldable t, SEq a) => SingI1 (NotElemSym1 :: a -> TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
(SFoldable t, SEq a, SingI d) => SingI (NotElemSym1 d :: TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (NotElemSym1 a6989586621679922306 :: TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (NotElemSym1 a6989586621679922306 :: TyFun (t a) Bool -> Type) (a6989586621679922307 :: t a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons |
type family NotElemSym2 (a6989586621679922306 :: a) (a6989586621679922307 :: t a) :: Bool where ... Source #
NotElemSym2 (a6989586621679922306 :: a) (a6989586621679922307 :: t a) = NotElem a6989586621679922306 a6989586621679922307 |
data LookupSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a ([(a, b)] ~> Maybe b)) Source #
SEq a => SingI (LookupSym0 :: TyFun a ([(a, b)] ~> Maybe b) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (LookupSym0 :: TyFun a ([(a, b)] ~> Maybe b) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (LookupSym0 :: TyFun a ([(a, b)] ~> Maybe b) -> Type) (a6989586621679544349 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (LookupSym0 :: TyFun a ([(a, b)] ~> Maybe b) -> Type) (a6989586621679544349 :: a) = LookupSym1 a6989586621679544349 :: TyFun [(a, b)] (Maybe b) -> Type |
data LookupSym1 (a6989586621679544349 :: a) (b1 :: TyFun [(a, b)] (Maybe b)) Source #
SEq a => SingI1 (LookupSym1 :: a -> TyFun [(a, b)] (Maybe b) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
(SEq a, SingI d) => SingI (LookupSym1 d :: TyFun [(a, b)] (Maybe b) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (LookupSym1 a6989586621679544349 :: TyFun [(a, b)] (Maybe b) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (LookupSym1 a6989586621679544349 :: TyFun [(a, b)] (Maybe b) -> Type) (a6989586621679544350 :: [(a, b)]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
type family LookupSym2 (a6989586621679544349 :: a) (a6989586621679544350 :: [(a, b)]) :: Maybe b where ... Source #
LookupSym2 (a6989586621679544349 :: a) (a6989586621679544350 :: [(a, b)]) = Lookup a6989586621679544349 a6989586621679544350 |
data FindSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Maybe a)) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (FindSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Maybe a) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FindSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Maybe a) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (FindSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) (t a ~> Maybe a) -> Type) (a6989586621679922286 :: a ~> Bool) Source # | |
data FindSym1 (a6989586621679922286 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun (t a) (Maybe a)) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI1 (FindSym1 :: (a ~> Bool) -> TyFun (t a) (Maybe a) -> Type) Source # | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI (FindSym1 d :: TyFun (t a) (Maybe a) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FindSym1 a6989586621679922286 :: TyFun (t a) (Maybe a) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (FindSym1 a6989586621679922286 :: TyFun (t a) (Maybe a) -> Type) (a6989586621679922287 :: t a) Source # | |
type family FindSym2 (a6989586621679922286 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679922287 :: t a) :: Maybe a where ... Source #
data FilterSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (FilterSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FilterSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (FilterSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544674 :: a ~> Bool) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (FilterSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544674 :: a ~> Bool) = FilterSym1 a6989586621679544674 |
data FilterSym1 (a6989586621679544674 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI d => SingI (FilterSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (FilterSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FilterSym1 a6989586621679544674 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (FilterSym1 :: (a ~> Bool) -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (FilterSym1 a6989586621679544674 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544675 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (FilterSym1 a6989586621679544674 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544675 :: [a]) = Filter a6989586621679544674 a6989586621679544675 |
type family FilterSym2 (a6989586621679544674 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544675 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
FilterSym2 (a6989586621679544674 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544675 :: [a]) = Filter a6989586621679544674 a6989586621679544675 |
data PartitionSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a]))) Source #
SingI (PartitionSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (PartitionSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (PartitionSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544342 :: a ~> Bool) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (PartitionSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> ([a], [a])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544342 :: a ~> Bool) = PartitionSym1 a6989586621679544342 |
data PartitionSym1 (a6989586621679544342 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a])) Source #
SingI d => SingI (PartitionSym1 d :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (PartitionSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (PartitionSym1 a6989586621679544342 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (PartitionSym1 :: (a ~> Bool) -> TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (PartitionSym1 a6989586621679544342 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544343 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (PartitionSym1 a6989586621679544342 :: TyFun [a] ([a], [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544343 :: [a]) = Partition a6989586621679544342 a6989586621679544343 |
type family PartitionSym2 (a6989586621679544342 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544343 :: [a]) :: ([a], [a]) where ... Source #
PartitionSym2 (a6989586621679544342 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544343 :: [a]) = Partition a6989586621679544342 a6989586621679544343 |
data (!!@#@$) (a1 :: TyFun [a] (Natural ~> a)) infixl 9 Source #
SingI ((!!@#@$) :: TyFun [a] (Natural ~> a) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings ((!!@#@$) :: TyFun [a] (Natural ~> a) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply ((!!@#@$) :: TyFun [a] (Natural ~> a) -> Type) (a6989586621679544266 :: [a]) Source # | |
data (a6989586621679544266 :: [a]) !!@#@$$ (b :: TyFun Natural a) infixl 9 Source #
SingI1 ((!!@#@$$) :: [a] -> TyFun Natural a -> Type) Source # | |
SingI d => SingI ((!!@#@$$) d :: TyFun Natural a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings ((!!@#@$$) a6989586621679544266 :: TyFun Natural a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply ((!!@#@$$) a6989586621679544266 :: TyFun Natural a -> Type) (a6989586621679544267 :: Natural) Source # | |
type family (a6989586621679544266 :: [a]) !!@#@$$$ (a6989586621679544267 :: Natural) :: a where ... infixl 9 Source #
data ElemIndexSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> Maybe Natural)) Source #
SEq a => SingI (ElemIndexSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> Maybe Natural) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ElemIndexSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> Maybe Natural) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ElemIndexSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> Maybe Natural) -> Type) (a6989586621679544658 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ElemIndexSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> Maybe Natural) -> Type) (a6989586621679544658 :: a) = ElemIndexSym1 a6989586621679544658 |
data ElemIndexSym1 (a6989586621679544658 :: a) (b :: TyFun [a] (Maybe Natural)) Source #
SEq a => SingI1 (ElemIndexSym1 :: a -> TyFun [a] (Maybe Natural) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: a). Sing x -> Sing (ElemIndexSym1 x) # | |
(SEq a, SingI d) => SingI (ElemIndexSym1 d :: TyFun [a] (Maybe Natural) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (ElemIndexSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ElemIndexSym1 a6989586621679544658 :: TyFun [a] (Maybe Natural) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ElemIndexSym1 a6989586621679544658 :: TyFun [a] (Maybe Natural) -> Type) (a6989586621679544659 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
type family ElemIndexSym2 (a6989586621679544658 :: a) (a6989586621679544659 :: [a]) :: Maybe Natural where ... Source #
ElemIndexSym2 (a6989586621679544658 :: a) (a6989586621679544659 :: [a]) = ElemIndex a6989586621679544658 a6989586621679544659 |
data ElemIndicesSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [Natural])) Source #
SEq a => SingI (ElemIndicesSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [Natural]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ElemIndicesSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [Natural]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ElemIndicesSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [Natural]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544649 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ElemIndicesSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [Natural]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544649 :: a) = ElemIndicesSym1 a6989586621679544649 |
data ElemIndicesSym1 (a6989586621679544649 :: a) (b :: TyFun [a] [Natural]) Source #
SEq a => SingI1 (ElemIndicesSym1 :: a -> TyFun [a] [Natural] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: a). Sing x -> Sing (ElemIndicesSym1 x) # | |
(SEq a, SingI d) => SingI (ElemIndicesSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [Natural] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (ElemIndicesSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ElemIndicesSym1 a6989586621679544649 :: TyFun [a] [Natural] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ElemIndicesSym1 a6989586621679544649 :: TyFun [a] [Natural] -> Type) (a6989586621679544650 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ElemIndicesSym1 a6989586621679544649 :: TyFun [a] [Natural] -> Type) (a6989586621679544650 :: [a]) = ElemIndices a6989586621679544649 a6989586621679544650 |
type family ElemIndicesSym2 (a6989586621679544649 :: a) (a6989586621679544650 :: [a]) :: [Natural] where ... Source #
ElemIndicesSym2 (a6989586621679544649 :: a) (a6989586621679544650 :: [a]) = ElemIndices a6989586621679544649 a6989586621679544650 |
data FindIndexSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> Maybe Natural)) Source #
SingI (FindIndexSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> Maybe Natural) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FindIndexSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> Maybe Natural) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (FindIndexSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> Maybe Natural) -> Type) (a6989586621679544640 :: a ~> Bool) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data FindIndexSym1 (a6989586621679544640 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] (Maybe Natural)) Source #
SingI d => SingI (FindIndexSym1 d :: TyFun [a] (Maybe Natural) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (FindIndexSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FindIndexSym1 a6989586621679544640 :: TyFun [a] (Maybe Natural) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (FindIndexSym1 :: (a ~> Bool) -> TyFun [a] (Maybe Natural) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (FindIndexSym1 a6989586621679544640 :: TyFun [a] (Maybe Natural) -> Type) (a6989586621679544641 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
type family FindIndexSym2 (a6989586621679544640 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544641 :: [a]) :: Maybe Natural where ... Source #
FindIndexSym2 (a6989586621679544640 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544641 :: [a]) = FindIndex a6989586621679544640 a6989586621679544641 |
data FindIndicesSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [Natural])) Source #
SingI (FindIndicesSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [Natural]) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FindIndicesSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [Natural]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (FindIndicesSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> Bool) ([a] ~> [Natural]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544619 :: a ~> Bool) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data FindIndicesSym1 (a6989586621679544619 :: a ~> Bool) (b :: TyFun [a] [Natural]) Source #
SingI d => SingI (FindIndicesSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [Natural] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (FindIndicesSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (FindIndicesSym1 a6989586621679544619 :: TyFun [a] [Natural] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (FindIndicesSym1 :: (a ~> Bool) -> TyFun [a] [Natural] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (FindIndicesSym1 a6989586621679544619 :: TyFun [a] [Natural] -> Type) (a6989586621679544620 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (FindIndicesSym1 a6989586621679544619 :: TyFun [a] [Natural] -> Type) (a6989586621679544620 :: [a]) = FindIndices a6989586621679544619 a6989586621679544620 |
type family FindIndicesSym2 (a6989586621679544619 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544620 :: [a]) :: [Natural] where ... Source #
FindIndicesSym2 (a6989586621679544619 :: a ~> Bool) (a6989586621679544620 :: [a]) = FindIndices a6989586621679544619 a6989586621679544620 |
data ZipSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> [(a, b)])) Source #
SingI (ZipSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> [(a, b)]) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> [(a, b)]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> [(a, b)]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544986 :: [a]) Source # | |
data ZipSym1 (a6989586621679544986 :: [a]) (b1 :: TyFun [b] [(a, b)]) Source #
SingI1 (ZipSym1 :: [a] -> TyFun [b] [(a, b)] -> Type) Source # | |
SingI d => SingI (ZipSym1 d :: TyFun [b] [(a, b)] -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipSym1 a6989586621679544986 :: TyFun [b] [(a, b)] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipSym1 a6989586621679544986 :: TyFun [b] [(a, b)] -> Type) (a6989586621679544987 :: [b]) Source # | |
type family ZipSym2 (a6989586621679544986 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544987 :: [b]) :: [(a, b)] where ... Source #
data Zip3Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [(a, b, c)]))) Source #
SingI (Zip3Sym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [(a, b, c)])) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip3Sym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [(a, b, c)])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip3Sym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [(a, b, c)])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544974 :: [a]) Source # | |
data Zip3Sym1 (a6989586621679544974 :: [a]) (b1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [(a, b, c)])) Source #
SingI1 (Zip3Sym1 :: [a] -> TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [(a, b, c)]) -> Type) Source # | |
SingI d => SingI (Zip3Sym1 d :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [(a, b, c)]) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip3Sym1 a6989586621679544974 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [(a, b, c)]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip3Sym1 a6989586621679544974 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [(a, b, c)]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544975 :: [b]) Source # | |
data Zip3Sym2 (a6989586621679544974 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544975 :: [b]) (c1 :: TyFun [c] [(a, b, c)]) Source #
SingI2 (Zip3Sym2 :: [a] -> [b] -> TyFun [c] [(a, b, c)] -> Type) Source # | |
SingI d => SingI1 (Zip3Sym2 d :: [b] -> TyFun [c] [(a, b, c)] -> Type) Source # | |
(SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (Zip3Sym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun [c] [(a, b, c)] -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip3Sym2 a6989586621679544974 a6989586621679544975 :: TyFun [c] [(a, b, c)] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip3Sym2 a6989586621679544974 a6989586621679544975 :: TyFun [c] [(a, b, c)] -> Type) (a6989586621679544976 :: [c]) Source # | |
type family Zip3Sym3 (a6989586621679544974 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544975 :: [b]) (a6989586621679544976 :: [c]) :: [(a, b, c)] where ... Source #
data Zip4Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [(a, b, c, d)])))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip4Sym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [(a, b, c, d)]))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip4Sym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [(a, b, c, d)]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656286 :: [a]) Source # | |
data Zip4Sym1 (a6989586621679656286 :: [a]) (b1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [(a, b, c, d)]))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip4Sym1 a6989586621679656286 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [(a, b, c, d)])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip4Sym1 a6989586621679656286 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [(a, b, c, d)])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656287 :: [b]) Source # | |
data Zip4Sym2 (a6989586621679656286 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656287 :: [b]) (c1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> [(a, b, c, d)])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip4Sym2 a6989586621679656286 a6989586621679656287 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> [(a, b, c, d)]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip4Sym2 a6989586621679656286 a6989586621679656287 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> [(a, b, c, d)]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656288 :: [c]) Source # | |
data Zip4Sym3 (a6989586621679656286 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656287 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656288 :: [c]) (d1 :: TyFun [d] [(a, b, c, d)]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip4Sym3 a6989586621679656286 a6989586621679656287 a6989586621679656288 :: TyFun [d] [(a, b, c, d)] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip4Sym3 a6989586621679656286 a6989586621679656287 a6989586621679656288 :: TyFun [d] [(a, b, c, d)] -> Type) (a6989586621679656289 :: [d]) Source # | |
type family Zip4Sym4 (a6989586621679656286 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656287 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656288 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656289 :: [d]) :: [(a, b, c, d)] where ... Source #
data Zip5Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)]))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip5Sym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)])))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip5Sym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)])))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656263 :: [a]) Source # | |
data Zip5Sym1 (a6989586621679656263 :: [a]) (b1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)])))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip5Sym1 a6989586621679656263 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)]))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip5Sym1 a6989586621679656263 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656264 :: [b]) Source # | |
data Zip5Sym2 (a6989586621679656263 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656264 :: [b]) (c1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)]))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip5Sym2 a6989586621679656263 a6989586621679656264 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip5Sym2 a6989586621679656263 a6989586621679656264 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656265 :: [c]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data Zip5Sym3 (a6989586621679656263 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656264 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656265 :: [c]) (d1 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip5Sym3 a6989586621679656263 a6989586621679656264 a6989586621679656265 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip5Sym3 a6989586621679656263 a6989586621679656264 a6989586621679656265 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e)]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656266 :: [d]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data Zip5Sym4 (a6989586621679656263 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656264 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656265 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656266 :: [d]) (e1 :: TyFun [e] [(a, b, c, d, e)]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip5Sym4 a6989586621679656263 a6989586621679656264 a6989586621679656265 a6989586621679656266 :: TyFun [e] [(a, b, c, d, e)] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip5Sym4 a6989586621679656263 a6989586621679656264 a6989586621679656265 a6989586621679656266 :: TyFun [e] [(a, b, c, d, e)] -> Type) (a6989586621679656267 :: [e]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
type family Zip5Sym5 (a6989586621679656263 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656264 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656265 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656266 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656267 :: [e]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e)] where ... Source #
data Zip6Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)])))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip6Sym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]))))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip6Sym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]))))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) Source # | |
data Zip6Sym1 (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) (b1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip6Sym1 a6989586621679656235 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)])))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip6Sym1 a6989586621679656235 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)])))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656236 :: [b]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data Zip6Sym2 (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656236 :: [b]) (c1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)])))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip6Sym2 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip6Sym2 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656237 :: [c]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data Zip6Sym3 (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656236 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656237 :: [c]) (d1 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip6Sym3 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 a6989586621679656237 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip6Sym3 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 a6989586621679656237 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656238 :: [d]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Zip6Sym3 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 a6989586621679656237 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656238 :: [d]) = Zip6Sym4 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 a6989586621679656237 a6989586621679656238 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]) -> Type |
data Zip6Sym4 (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656236 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656237 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656238 :: [d]) (e1 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip6Sym4 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 a6989586621679656237 a6989586621679656238 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip6Sym4 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 a6989586621679656237 a6989586621679656238 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656239 :: [e]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Zip6Sym4 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 a6989586621679656237 a6989586621679656238 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656239 :: [e]) = Zip6Sym5 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 a6989586621679656237 a6989586621679656238 a6989586621679656239 :: TyFun [f] [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] -> Type |
data Zip6Sym5 (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656236 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656237 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656238 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656239 :: [e]) (f1 :: TyFun [f] [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip6Sym5 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 a6989586621679656237 a6989586621679656238 a6989586621679656239 :: TyFun [f] [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip6Sym5 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 a6989586621679656237 a6989586621679656238 a6989586621679656239 :: TyFun [f] [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] -> Type) (a6989586621679656240 :: [f]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Zip6Sym5 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 a6989586621679656237 a6989586621679656238 a6989586621679656239 :: TyFun [f] [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] -> Type) (a6989586621679656240 :: [f]) = Zip6 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 a6989586621679656237 a6989586621679656238 a6989586621679656239 a6989586621679656240 |
type family Zip6Sym6 (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656236 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656237 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656238 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656239 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656240 :: [f]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] where ... Source #
Zip6Sym6 (a6989586621679656235 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656236 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656237 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656238 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656239 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656240 :: [f]) = Zip6 a6989586621679656235 a6989586621679656236 a6989586621679656237 a6989586621679656238 a6989586621679656239 a6989586621679656240 |
data Zip7Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]))))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip7Sym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])))))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip7Sym0 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])))))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data Zip7Sym1 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (b1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip7Sym1 a6989586621679656202 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]))))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip7Sym1 a6989586621679656202 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]))))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data Zip7Sym2 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) (c1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip7Sym2 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip7Sym2 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656204 :: [c]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Zip7Sym2 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656204 :: [c]) = Zip7Sym3 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]))) -> Type |
data Zip7Sym3 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656204 :: [c]) (d1 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip7Sym3 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip7Sym3 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656205 :: [d]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Zip7Sym3 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656205 :: [d]) = Zip7Sym4 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])) -> Type |
data Zip7Sym4 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656204 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656205 :: [d]) (e1 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip7Sym4 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip7Sym4 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656206 :: [e]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Zip7Sym4 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656206 :: [e]) = Zip7Sym5 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 a6989586621679656206 :: TyFun [f] ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]) -> Type |
data Zip7Sym5 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656204 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656205 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656206 :: [e]) (f1 :: TyFun [f] ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip7Sym5 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 a6989586621679656206 :: TyFun [f] ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip7Sym5 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 a6989586621679656206 :: TyFun [f] ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656207 :: [f]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Zip7Sym5 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 a6989586621679656206 :: TyFun [f] ([g] ~> [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656207 :: [f]) = Zip7Sym6 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 a6989586621679656206 a6989586621679656207 :: TyFun [g] [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] -> Type |
data Zip7Sym6 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656204 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656205 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656206 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656207 :: [f]) (g1 :: TyFun [g] [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Zip7Sym6 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 a6989586621679656206 a6989586621679656207 :: TyFun [g] [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Zip7Sym6 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 a6989586621679656206 a6989586621679656207 :: TyFun [g] [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] -> Type) (a6989586621679656208 :: [g]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Zip7Sym6 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 a6989586621679656206 a6989586621679656207 :: TyFun [g] [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] -> Type) (a6989586621679656208 :: [g]) = Zip7 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 a6989586621679656206 a6989586621679656207 a6989586621679656208 |
type family Zip7Sym7 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656204 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656205 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656206 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656207 :: [f]) (a6989586621679656208 :: [g]) :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] where ... Source #
Zip7Sym7 (a6989586621679656202 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656203 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656204 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656205 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656206 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656207 :: [f]) (a6989586621679656208 :: [g]) = Zip7 a6989586621679656202 a6989586621679656203 a6989586621679656204 a6989586621679656205 a6989586621679656206 a6989586621679656207 a6989586621679656208 |
data ZipWithSym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> c)) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> [c]))) Source #
SingI (ZipWithSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> c)) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> [c])) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWithSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> c)) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> [c])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWithSym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> c)) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> [c])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544962 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data ZipWithSym1 (a6989586621679544962 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) (b1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> [c])) Source #
SingI1 (ZipWithSym1 :: (a ~> (b ~> c)) -> TyFun [a] ([b] ~> [c]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SingI d => SingI (ZipWithSym1 d :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> [c]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (ZipWithSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWithSym1 a6989586621679544962 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> [c]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWithSym1 a6989586621679544962 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> [c]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544963 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWithSym1 a6989586621679544962 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> [c]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544963 :: [a]) = ZipWithSym2 a6989586621679544962 a6989586621679544963 |
data ZipWithSym2 (a6989586621679544962 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) (a6989586621679544963 :: [a]) (c1 :: TyFun [b] [c]) Source #
SingI d => SingI1 (ZipWithSym2 d :: [a] -> TyFun [b] [c] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: [a]). Sing x -> Sing (ZipWithSym2 d x) # | |
SingI2 (ZipWithSym2 :: (a ~> (b ~> c)) -> [a] -> TyFun [b] [c] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
(SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (ZipWithSym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun [b] [c] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (ZipWithSym2 d1 d2) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWithSym2 a6989586621679544962 a6989586621679544963 :: TyFun [b] [c] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWithSym2 a6989586621679544962 a6989586621679544963 :: TyFun [b] [c] -> Type) (a6989586621679544964 :: [b]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWithSym2 a6989586621679544962 a6989586621679544963 :: TyFun [b] [c] -> Type) (a6989586621679544964 :: [b]) = ZipWith a6989586621679544962 a6989586621679544963 a6989586621679544964 |
type family ZipWithSym3 (a6989586621679544962 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) (a6989586621679544963 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544964 :: [b]) :: [c] where ... Source #
ZipWithSym3 (a6989586621679544962 :: a ~> (b ~> c)) (a6989586621679544963 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544964 :: [b]) = ZipWith a6989586621679544962 a6989586621679544963 a6989586621679544964 |
data ZipWith3Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [d])))) Source #
SingI (ZipWith3Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [d]))) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith3Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [d]))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith3Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [d]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679544947 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data ZipWith3Sym1 (a6989586621679544947 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (b1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [d]))) Source #
SingI1 (ZipWith3Sym1 :: (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) -> TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [d])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SingI d2 => SingI (ZipWith3Sym1 d2 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [d1])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (ZipWith3Sym1 d2) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith3Sym1 a6989586621679544947 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [d])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith3Sym1 a6989586621679544947 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [d])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544948 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith3Sym1 a6989586621679544947 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> [d])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544948 :: [a]) = ZipWith3Sym2 a6989586621679544947 a6989586621679544948 |
data ZipWith3Sym2 (a6989586621679544947 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (a6989586621679544948 :: [a]) (c1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [d])) Source #
SingI d2 => SingI1 (ZipWith3Sym2 d2 :: [a] -> TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [d1]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: [a]). Sing x -> Sing (ZipWith3Sym2 d2 x) # | |
SingI2 (ZipWith3Sym2 :: (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) -> [a] -> TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [d]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
(SingI d2, SingI d3) => SingI (ZipWith3Sym2 d2 d3 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [d1]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (ZipWith3Sym2 d2 d3) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith3Sym2 a6989586621679544947 a6989586621679544948 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [d]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith3Sym2 a6989586621679544947 a6989586621679544948 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [d]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544949 :: [b]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith3Sym2 a6989586621679544947 a6989586621679544948 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> [d]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544949 :: [b]) = ZipWith3Sym3 a6989586621679544947 a6989586621679544948 a6989586621679544949 |
data ZipWith3Sym3 (a6989586621679544947 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (a6989586621679544948 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544949 :: [b]) (d1 :: TyFun [c] [d]) Source #
SingI d2 => SingI2 (ZipWith3Sym3 d2 :: [a] -> [b] -> TyFun [c] [d1] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
(SingI d2, SingI d3) => SingI1 (ZipWith3Sym3 d2 d3 :: [b] -> TyFun [c] [d1] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: [b]). Sing x -> Sing (ZipWith3Sym3 d2 d3 x) # | |
(SingI d2, SingI d3, SingI d4) => SingI (ZipWith3Sym3 d2 d3 d4 :: TyFun [c] [d1] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (ZipWith3Sym3 d2 d3 d4) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith3Sym3 a6989586621679544947 a6989586621679544948 a6989586621679544949 :: TyFun [c] [d] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith3Sym3 a6989586621679544947 a6989586621679544948 a6989586621679544949 :: TyFun [c] [d] -> Type) (a6989586621679544950 :: [c]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith3Sym3 a6989586621679544947 a6989586621679544948 a6989586621679544949 :: TyFun [c] [d] -> Type) (a6989586621679544950 :: [c]) = ZipWith3 a6989586621679544947 a6989586621679544948 a6989586621679544949 a6989586621679544950 |
type family ZipWith3Sym4 (a6989586621679544947 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (a6989586621679544948 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544949 :: [b]) (a6989586621679544950 :: [c]) :: [d] where ... Source #
ZipWith3Sym4 (a6989586621679544947 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> d))) (a6989586621679544948 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544949 :: [b]) (a6989586621679544950 :: [c]) = ZipWith3 a6989586621679544947 a6989586621679544948 a6989586621679544949 a6989586621679544950 |
data ZipWith4Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e]))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith4Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e])))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith4Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e])))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656166 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) Source # | |
data ZipWith4Sym1 (a6989586621679656166 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (b1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e])))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith4Sym1 a6989586621679656166 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e]))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith4Sym1 a6989586621679656166 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656167 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith4Sym1 a6989586621679656166 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656167 :: [a]) = ZipWith4Sym2 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 |
data ZipWith4Sym2 (a6989586621679656166 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (a6989586621679656167 :: [a]) (c1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e]))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith4Sym2 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith4Sym2 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656168 :: [b]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith4Sym2 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> [e])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656168 :: [b]) = ZipWith4Sym3 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 a6989586621679656168 |
data ZipWith4Sym3 (a6989586621679656166 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (a6989586621679656167 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656168 :: [b]) (d1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> [e])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith4Sym3 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 a6989586621679656168 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> [e]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith4Sym3 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 a6989586621679656168 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> [e]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656169 :: [c]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith4Sym3 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 a6989586621679656168 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> [e]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656169 :: [c]) = ZipWith4Sym4 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 a6989586621679656168 a6989586621679656169 |
data ZipWith4Sym4 (a6989586621679656166 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (a6989586621679656167 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656168 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656169 :: [c]) (e1 :: TyFun [d] [e]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith4Sym4 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 a6989586621679656168 a6989586621679656169 :: TyFun [d] [e] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith4Sym4 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 a6989586621679656168 a6989586621679656169 :: TyFun [d] [e] -> Type) (a6989586621679656170 :: [d]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith4Sym4 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 a6989586621679656168 a6989586621679656169 :: TyFun [d] [e] -> Type) (a6989586621679656170 :: [d]) = ZipWith4 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 a6989586621679656168 a6989586621679656169 a6989586621679656170 |
type family ZipWith4Sym5 (a6989586621679656166 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (a6989586621679656167 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656168 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656169 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656170 :: [d]) :: [e] where ... Source #
ZipWith4Sym5 (a6989586621679656166 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> e)))) (a6989586621679656167 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656168 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656169 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656170 :: [d]) = ZipWith4 a6989586621679656166 a6989586621679656167 a6989586621679656168 a6989586621679656169 a6989586621679656170 |
data ZipWith5Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f])))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith5Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f]))))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith5Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f]))))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) Source # | |
data ZipWith5Sym1 (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (b1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f]))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith5Sym1 a6989586621679656143 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f])))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith5Sym1 a6989586621679656143 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f])))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656144 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith5Sym1 a6989586621679656143 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f])))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656144 :: [a]) = ZipWith5Sym2 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 |
data ZipWith5Sym2 (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (a6989586621679656144 :: [a]) (c1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f])))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith5Sym2 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f]))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith5Sym2 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656145 :: [b]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith5Sym2 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656145 :: [b]) = ZipWith5Sym3 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 |
data ZipWith5Sym3 (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (a6989586621679656144 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656145 :: [b]) (d1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f]))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith5Sym3 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith5Sym3 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656146 :: [c]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith5Sym3 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> [f])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656146 :: [c]) = ZipWith5Sym4 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 a6989586621679656146 |
data ZipWith5Sym4 (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (a6989586621679656144 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656145 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656146 :: [c]) (e1 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> [f])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith5Sym4 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 a6989586621679656146 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> [f]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith5Sym4 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 a6989586621679656146 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> [f]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656147 :: [d]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith5Sym4 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 a6989586621679656146 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> [f]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656147 :: [d]) = ZipWith5Sym5 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 a6989586621679656146 a6989586621679656147 |
data ZipWith5Sym5 (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (a6989586621679656144 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656145 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656146 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656147 :: [d]) (f1 :: TyFun [e] [f]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith5Sym5 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 a6989586621679656146 a6989586621679656147 :: TyFun [e] [f] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith5Sym5 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 a6989586621679656146 a6989586621679656147 :: TyFun [e] [f] -> Type) (a6989586621679656148 :: [e]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith5Sym5 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 a6989586621679656146 a6989586621679656147 :: TyFun [e] [f] -> Type) (a6989586621679656148 :: [e]) = ZipWith5 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 a6989586621679656146 a6989586621679656147 a6989586621679656148 |
type family ZipWith5Sym6 (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (a6989586621679656144 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656145 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656146 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656147 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656148 :: [e]) :: [f] where ... Source #
ZipWith5Sym6 (a6989586621679656143 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> f))))) (a6989586621679656144 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656145 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656146 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656147 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656148 :: [e]) = ZipWith5 a6989586621679656143 a6989586621679656144 a6989586621679656145 a6989586621679656146 a6989586621679656147 a6989586621679656148 |
data ZipWith6Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g]))))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith6Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g])))))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith6Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g])))))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) Source # | |
data ZipWith6Sym1 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (b1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g])))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith6Sym1 a6989586621679656116 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g]))))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith6Sym1 a6989586621679656116 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g]))))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith6Sym1 a6989586621679656116 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g]))))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) = ZipWith6Sym2 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 |
data ZipWith6Sym2 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) (c1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g]))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith6Sym2 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g])))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith6Sym2 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g])))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656118 :: [b]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith6Sym2 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g])))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656118 :: [b]) = ZipWith6Sym3 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 |
data ZipWith6Sym3 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656118 :: [b]) (d1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g])))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith6Sym3 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g]))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith6Sym3 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656119 :: [c]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith6Sym3 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656119 :: [c]) = ZipWith6Sym4 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 |
data ZipWith6Sym4 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656118 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656119 :: [c]) (e1 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g]))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith6Sym4 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith6Sym4 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656120 :: [d]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith6Sym4 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> [g])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656120 :: [d]) = ZipWith6Sym5 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 a6989586621679656120 |
data ZipWith6Sym5 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656118 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656119 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656120 :: [d]) (f1 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> [g])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith6Sym5 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 a6989586621679656120 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> [g]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith6Sym5 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 a6989586621679656120 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> [g]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656121 :: [e]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith6Sym5 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 a6989586621679656120 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> [g]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656121 :: [e]) = ZipWith6Sym6 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 a6989586621679656120 a6989586621679656121 |
data ZipWith6Sym6 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656118 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656119 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656120 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656121 :: [e]) (g1 :: TyFun [f] [g]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith6Sym6 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 a6989586621679656120 a6989586621679656121 :: TyFun [f] [g] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith6Sym6 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 a6989586621679656120 a6989586621679656121 :: TyFun [f] [g] -> Type) (a6989586621679656122 :: [f]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith6Sym6 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 a6989586621679656120 a6989586621679656121 :: TyFun [f] [g] -> Type) (a6989586621679656122 :: [f]) = ZipWith6 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 a6989586621679656120 a6989586621679656121 a6989586621679656122 |
type family ZipWith6Sym7 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656118 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656119 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656120 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656121 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656122 :: [f]) :: [g] where ... Source #
ZipWith6Sym7 (a6989586621679656116 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> g)))))) (a6989586621679656117 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656118 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656119 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656120 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656121 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656122 :: [f]) = ZipWith6 a6989586621679656116 a6989586621679656117 a6989586621679656118 a6989586621679656119 a6989586621679656120 a6989586621679656121 a6989586621679656122 |
data ZipWith7Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])))))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith7Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))))))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith7Sym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) ([a] ~> ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))))))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data ZipWith7Sym1 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (b1 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith7Sym1 a6989586621679656085 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])))))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith7Sym1 a6989586621679656085 :: TyFun [a] ([b] ~> ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])))))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data ZipWith7Sym2 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (c1 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith7Sym2 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith7Sym2 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith7Sym2 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 :: TyFun [b] ([c] ~> ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) = ZipWith7Sym3 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 |
data ZipWith7Sym3 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) (d1 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith7Sym3 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith7Sym3 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656088 :: [c]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith7Sym3 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 :: TyFun [c] ([d] ~> ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656088 :: [c]) = ZipWith7Sym4 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 |
data ZipWith7Sym4 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656088 :: [c]) (e1 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith7Sym4 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith7Sym4 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656089 :: [d]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith7Sym4 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 :: TyFun [d] ([e] ~> ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))) -> Type) (a6989586621679656089 :: [d]) = ZipWith7Sym5 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 |
data ZipWith7Sym5 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656088 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656089 :: [d]) (f1 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h]))) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith7Sym5 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith7Sym5 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656090 :: [e]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith7Sym5 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 :: TyFun [e] ([f] ~> ([g] ~> [h])) -> Type) (a6989586621679656090 :: [e]) = ZipWith7Sym6 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 a6989586621679656090 |
data ZipWith7Sym6 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656088 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656089 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656090 :: [e]) (g1 :: TyFun [f] ([g] ~> [h])) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith7Sym6 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 a6989586621679656090 :: TyFun [f] ([g] ~> [h]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith7Sym6 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 a6989586621679656090 :: TyFun [f] ([g] ~> [h]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656091 :: [f]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith7Sym6 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 a6989586621679656090 :: TyFun [f] ([g] ~> [h]) -> Type) (a6989586621679656091 :: [f]) = ZipWith7Sym7 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 a6989586621679656090 a6989586621679656091 |
data ZipWith7Sym7 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656088 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656089 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656090 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656091 :: [f]) (h1 :: TyFun [g] [h]) Source #
SuppressUnusedWarnings (ZipWith7Sym7 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 a6989586621679656090 a6989586621679656091 :: TyFun [g] [h] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (ZipWith7Sym7 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 a6989586621679656090 a6989586621679656091 :: TyFun [g] [h] -> Type) (a6989586621679656092 :: [g]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (ZipWith7Sym7 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 a6989586621679656090 a6989586621679656091 :: TyFun [g] [h] -> Type) (a6989586621679656092 :: [g]) = ZipWith7 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 a6989586621679656090 a6989586621679656091 a6989586621679656092 |
type family ZipWith7Sym8 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656088 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656089 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656090 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656091 :: [f]) (a6989586621679656092 :: [g]) :: [h] where ... Source #
ZipWith7Sym8 (a6989586621679656085 :: a ~> (b ~> (c ~> (d ~> (e ~> (f ~> (g ~> h))))))) (a6989586621679656086 :: [a]) (a6989586621679656087 :: [b]) (a6989586621679656088 :: [c]) (a6989586621679656089 :: [d]) (a6989586621679656090 :: [e]) (a6989586621679656091 :: [f]) (a6989586621679656092 :: [g]) = ZipWith7 a6989586621679656085 a6989586621679656086 a6989586621679656087 a6989586621679656088 a6989586621679656089 a6989586621679656090 a6989586621679656091 a6989586621679656092 |
data UnzipSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [(a, b)] ([a], [b])) Source #
SingI (UnzipSym0 :: TyFun [(a, b)] ([a], [b]) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (UnzipSym0 :: TyFun [(a, b)] ([a], [b]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (UnzipSym0 :: TyFun [(a, b)] ([a], [b]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544929 :: [(a, b)]) Source # | |
data Unzip3Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [(a, b, c)] ([a], [b], [c])) Source #
SingI (Unzip3Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c)] ([a], [b], [c]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Unzip3Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c)] ([a], [b], [c]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Unzip3Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c)] ([a], [b], [c]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544912 :: [(a, b, c)]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Unzip3Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c)] ([a], [b], [c]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544912 :: [(a, b, c)]) = Unzip3 a6989586621679544912 |
type family Unzip3Sym1 (a6989586621679544912 :: [(a, b, c)]) :: ([a], [b], [c]) where ... Source #
Unzip3Sym1 (a6989586621679544912 :: [(a, b, c)]) = Unzip3 a6989586621679544912 |
data Unzip4Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d)] ([a], [b], [c], [d])) Source #
SingI (Unzip4Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d)] ([a], [b], [c], [d]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Unzip4Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d)] ([a], [b], [c], [d]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Unzip4Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d)] ([a], [b], [c], [d]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544893 :: [(a, b, c, d)]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Unzip4Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d)] ([a], [b], [c], [d]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544893 :: [(a, b, c, d)]) = Unzip4 a6989586621679544893 |
type family Unzip4Sym1 (a6989586621679544893 :: [(a, b, c, d)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d]) where ... Source #
Unzip4Sym1 (a6989586621679544893 :: [(a, b, c, d)]) = Unzip4 a6989586621679544893 |
data Unzip5Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e])) Source #
SingI (Unzip5Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Unzip5Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Unzip5Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544872 :: [(a, b, c, d, e)]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Unzip5Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544872 :: [(a, b, c, d, e)]) = Unzip5 a6989586621679544872 |
type family Unzip5Sym1 (a6989586621679544872 :: [(a, b, c, d, e)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e]) where ... Source #
Unzip5Sym1 (a6989586621679544872 :: [(a, b, c, d, e)]) = Unzip5 a6989586621679544872 |
data Unzip6Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f])) Source #
SingI (Unzip6Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Unzip6Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Unzip6Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544849 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Unzip6Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e, f)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544849 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]) = Unzip6 a6989586621679544849 |
type family Unzip6Sym1 (a6989586621679544849 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f]) where ... Source #
Unzip6Sym1 (a6989586621679544849 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f)]) = Unzip6 a6989586621679544849 |
data Unzip7Sym0 (a1 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], [g])) Source #
SingI (Unzip7Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], [g]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (Unzip7Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], [g]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (Unzip7Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], [g]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544824 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (Unzip7Sym0 :: TyFun [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)] ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], [g]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544824 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]) = Unzip7 a6989586621679544824 |
type family Unzip7Sym1 (a6989586621679544824 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]) :: ([a], [b], [c], [d], [e], [f], [g]) where ... Source #
Unzip7Sym1 (a6989586621679544824 :: [(a, b, c, d, e, f, g)]) = Unzip7 a6989586621679544824 |
data UnlinesSym0 (a :: TyFun [Symbol] Symbol) Source #
SingI UnlinesSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing UnlinesSym0 # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings UnlinesSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply UnlinesSym0 (a6989586621679544819 :: [Symbol]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
type family UnlinesSym1 (a6989586621679544819 :: [Symbol]) :: Symbol where ... Source #
UnlinesSym1 a6989586621679544819 = Unlines a6989586621679544819 |
data UnwordsSym0 (a :: TyFun [Symbol] Symbol) Source #
SingI UnwordsSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing UnwordsSym0 # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings UnwordsSym0 Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply UnwordsSym0 (a6989586621679544809 :: [Symbol]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
type family UnwordsSym1 (a6989586621679544809 :: [Symbol]) :: Symbol where ... Source #
UnwordsSym1 a6989586621679544809 = Unwords a6989586621679544809 |
data DeleteSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SEq a => SingI (DeleteSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DeleteSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (DeleteSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544803 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (DeleteSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544803 :: a) = DeleteSym1 a6989586621679544803 |
data DeleteSym1 (a6989586621679544803 :: a) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SEq a => SingI1 (DeleteSym1 :: a -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: a). Sing x -> Sing (DeleteSym1 x) # | |
(SEq a, SingI d) => SingI (DeleteSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (DeleteSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DeleteSym1 a6989586621679544803 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (DeleteSym1 a6989586621679544803 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544804 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (DeleteSym1 a6989586621679544803 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544804 :: [a]) = Delete a6989586621679544803 a6989586621679544804 |
type family DeleteSym2 (a6989586621679544803 :: a) (a6989586621679544804 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
DeleteSym2 (a6989586621679544803 :: a) (a6989586621679544804 :: [a]) = Delete a6989586621679544803 a6989586621679544804 |
data (\\@#@$) (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a])) infix 5 Source #
SEq a => SingI ((\\@#@$) :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings ((\\@#@$) :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply ((\\@#@$) :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544792 :: [a]) Source # | |
data (a6989586621679544792 :: [a]) \\@#@$$ (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) infix 5 Source #
SEq a => SingI1 ((\\@#@$$) :: [a] -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
(SEq a, SingI d) => SingI ((\\@#@$$) d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings ((\\@#@$$) a6989586621679544792 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply ((\\@#@$$) a6989586621679544792 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544793 :: [a]) Source # | |
type family (a6989586621679544792 :: [a]) \\@#@$$$ (a6989586621679544793 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... infix 5 Source #
data UnionSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SEq a => SingI (UnionSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (UnionSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (UnionSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544203 :: [a]) Source # | |
data UnionSym1 (a6989586621679544203 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SEq a => SingI1 (UnionSym1 :: [a] -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
(SEq a, SingI d) => SingI (UnionSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (UnionSym1 a6989586621679544203 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (UnionSym1 a6989586621679544203 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544204 :: [a]) Source # | |
type family UnionSym2 (a6989586621679544203 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544204 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
data IntersectSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SEq a => SingI (IntersectSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IntersectSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IntersectSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544612 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (IntersectSym0 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544612 :: [a]) = IntersectSym1 a6989586621679544612 |
data IntersectSym1 (a6989586621679544612 :: [a]) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SEq a => SingI1 (IntersectSym1 :: [a] -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: [a]). Sing x -> Sing (IntersectSym1 x) # | |
(SEq a, SingI d) => SingI (IntersectSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (IntersectSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IntersectSym1 a6989586621679544612 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IntersectSym1 a6989586621679544612 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544613 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (IntersectSym1 a6989586621679544612 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544613 :: [a]) = Intersect a6989586621679544612 a6989586621679544613 |
type family IntersectSym2 (a6989586621679544612 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544613 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
IntersectSym2 (a6989586621679544612 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544613 :: [a]) = Intersect a6989586621679544612 a6989586621679544613 |
data InsertSym0 (a1 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SOrd a => SingI (InsertSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (InsertSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (InsertSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544400 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (InsertSym0 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544400 :: a) = InsertSym1 a6989586621679544400 |
data InsertSym1 (a6989586621679544400 :: a) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SOrd a => SingI1 (InsertSym1 :: a -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: a). Sing x -> Sing (InsertSym1 x) # | |
(SOrd a, SingI d) => SingI (InsertSym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (InsertSym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (InsertSym1 a6989586621679544400 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (InsertSym1 a6989586621679544400 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544401 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (InsertSym1 a6989586621679544400 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544401 :: [a]) = Insert a6989586621679544400 a6989586621679544401 |
type family InsertSym2 (a6989586621679544400 :: a) (a6989586621679544401 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
InsertSym2 (a6989586621679544400 :: a) (a6989586621679544401 :: [a]) = Insert a6989586621679544400 a6989586621679544401 |
data NubBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (NubBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (NubBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (NubBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544231 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) Source # | |
data NubBySym1 (a6989586621679544231 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI d => SingI (NubBySym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (NubBySym1 a6989586621679544231 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (NubBySym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
type Apply (NubBySym1 a6989586621679544231 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544232 :: [a]) Source # | |
type family NubBySym2 (a6989586621679544231 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544232 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
data DeleteBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a ~> ([a] ~> [a]))) Source #
SingI (DeleteBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DeleteBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (DeleteBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544773 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data DeleteBySym1 (a6989586621679544773 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (b :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI d => SingI (DeleteBySym1 d :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (DeleteBySym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DeleteBySym1 a6989586621679544773 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (DeleteBySym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) -> TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (DeleteBySym1 a6989586621679544773 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544774 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (DeleteBySym1 a6989586621679544773 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544774 :: a) = DeleteBySym2 a6989586621679544773 a6989586621679544774 |
data DeleteBySym2 (a6989586621679544773 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544774 :: a) (c :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI d => SingI1 (DeleteBySym2 d :: a -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: a). Sing x -> Sing (DeleteBySym2 d x) # | |
SingI2 (DeleteBySym2 :: (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) -> a -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
(SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (DeleteBySym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (DeleteBySym2 d1 d2) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DeleteBySym2 a6989586621679544773 a6989586621679544774 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (DeleteBySym2 a6989586621679544773 a6989586621679544774 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544775 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (DeleteBySym2 a6989586621679544773 a6989586621679544774 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544775 :: [a]) = DeleteBy a6989586621679544773 a6989586621679544774 a6989586621679544775 |
type family DeleteBySym3 (a6989586621679544773 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544774 :: a) (a6989586621679544775 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
DeleteBySym3 (a6989586621679544773 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544774 :: a) (a6989586621679544775 :: [a]) = DeleteBy a6989586621679544773 a6989586621679544774 a6989586621679544775 |
data DeleteFirstsBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a]))) Source #
SingI (DeleteFirstsBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DeleteFirstsBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (DeleteFirstsBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544763 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data DeleteFirstsBySym1 (a6989586621679544763 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI d => SingI (DeleteFirstsBySym1 d :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (DeleteFirstsBySym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DeleteFirstsBySym1 a6989586621679544763 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (DeleteFirstsBySym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) -> TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (DeleteFirstsBySym1 a6989586621679544763 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544764 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (DeleteFirstsBySym1 a6989586621679544763 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544764 :: [a]) = DeleteFirstsBySym2 a6989586621679544763 a6989586621679544764 |
data DeleteFirstsBySym2 (a6989586621679544763 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544764 :: [a]) (c :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI d => SingI1 (DeleteFirstsBySym2 d :: [a] -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: [a]). Sing x -> Sing (DeleteFirstsBySym2 d x) # | |
SingI2 (DeleteFirstsBySym2 :: (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) -> [a] -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
(SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (DeleteFirstsBySym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (DeleteFirstsBySym2 d1 d2) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (DeleteFirstsBySym2 a6989586621679544763 a6989586621679544764 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (DeleteFirstsBySym2 a6989586621679544763 a6989586621679544764 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544765 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (DeleteFirstsBySym2 a6989586621679544763 a6989586621679544764 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544765 :: [a]) = DeleteFirstsBy a6989586621679544763 a6989586621679544764 a6989586621679544765 |
type family DeleteFirstsBySym3 (a6989586621679544763 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544764 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544765 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
DeleteFirstsBySym3 (a6989586621679544763 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544764 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544765 :: [a]) = DeleteFirstsBy a6989586621679544763 a6989586621679544764 a6989586621679544765 |
data UnionBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a]))) Source #
SingI (UnionBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (UnionBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (UnionBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544211 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data UnionBySym1 (a6989586621679544211 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI d => SingI (UnionBySym1 d :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (UnionBySym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (UnionBySym1 a6989586621679544211 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (UnionBySym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) -> TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (UnionBySym1 a6989586621679544211 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544212 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (UnionBySym1 a6989586621679544211 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544212 :: [a]) = UnionBySym2 a6989586621679544211 a6989586621679544212 |
data UnionBySym2 (a6989586621679544211 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544212 :: [a]) (c :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI d => SingI1 (UnionBySym2 d :: [a] -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: [a]). Sing x -> Sing (UnionBySym2 d x) # | |
SingI2 (UnionBySym2 :: (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) -> [a] -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
(SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (UnionBySym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (UnionBySym2 d1 d2) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (UnionBySym2 a6989586621679544211 a6989586621679544212 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (UnionBySym2 a6989586621679544211 a6989586621679544212 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544213 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (UnionBySym2 a6989586621679544211 a6989586621679544212 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544213 :: [a]) = UnionBy a6989586621679544211 a6989586621679544212 a6989586621679544213 |
type family UnionBySym3 (a6989586621679544211 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544212 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544213 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
UnionBySym3 (a6989586621679544211 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544212 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544213 :: [a]) = UnionBy a6989586621679544211 a6989586621679544212 a6989586621679544213 |
data IntersectBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a]))) Source #
SingI (IntersectBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IntersectBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IntersectBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544588 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data IntersectBySym1 (a6989586621679544588 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (b :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI d => SingI (IntersectBySym1 d :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (IntersectBySym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IntersectBySym1 a6989586621679544588 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (IntersectBySym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) -> TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (IntersectBySym1 a6989586621679544588 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544589 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (IntersectBySym1 a6989586621679544588 :: TyFun [a] ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544589 :: [a]) = IntersectBySym2 a6989586621679544588 a6989586621679544589 |
data IntersectBySym2 (a6989586621679544588 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544589 :: [a]) (c :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI d => SingI1 (IntersectBySym2 d :: [a] -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: [a]). Sing x -> Sing (IntersectBySym2 d x) # | |
SingI2 (IntersectBySym2 :: (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) -> [a] -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
(SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (IntersectBySym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (IntersectBySym2 d1 d2) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (IntersectBySym2 a6989586621679544588 a6989586621679544589 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (IntersectBySym2 a6989586621679544588 a6989586621679544589 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544590 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (IntersectBySym2 a6989586621679544588 a6989586621679544589 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544590 :: [a]) = IntersectBy a6989586621679544588 a6989586621679544589 a6989586621679544590 |
type family IntersectBySym3 (a6989586621679544588 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544589 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544590 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
IntersectBySym3 (a6989586621679544588 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544589 :: [a]) (a6989586621679544590 :: [a]) = IntersectBy a6989586621679544588 a6989586621679544589 a6989586621679544590 |
data GroupBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> [[a]])) Source #
SingI (GroupBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> [[a]]) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (GroupBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> [[a]]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (GroupBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) ([a] ~> [[a]]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544364 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data GroupBySym1 (a6989586621679544364 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (b :: TyFun [a] [[a]]) Source #
SingI d => SingI (GroupBySym1 d :: TyFun [a] [[a]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (GroupBySym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (GroupBySym1 a6989586621679544364 :: TyFun [a] [[a]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (GroupBySym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> Bool)) -> TyFun [a] [[a]] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (GroupBySym1 a6989586621679544364 :: TyFun [a] [[a]] -> Type) (a6989586621679544365 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (GroupBySym1 a6989586621679544364 :: TyFun [a] [[a]] -> Type) (a6989586621679544365 :: [a]) = GroupBy a6989586621679544364 a6989586621679544365 |
type family GroupBySym2 (a6989586621679544364 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544365 :: [a]) :: [[a]] where ... Source #
GroupBySym2 (a6989586621679544364 :: a ~> (a ~> Bool)) (a6989586621679544365 :: [a]) = GroupBy a6989586621679544364 a6989586621679544365 |
data SortBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI (SortBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SortBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (SortBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544751 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data SortBySym1 (a6989586621679544751 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (b :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI d => SingI (SortBySym1 d :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (SortBySym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (SortBySym1 a6989586621679544751 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (SortBySym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (SortBySym1 a6989586621679544751 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544752 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (SortBySym1 a6989586621679544751 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544752 :: [a]) = SortBy a6989586621679544751 a6989586621679544752 |
type family SortBySym2 (a6989586621679544751 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679544752 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
SortBySym2 (a6989586621679544751 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679544752 :: [a]) = SortBy a6989586621679544751 a6989586621679544752 |
data InsertBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a ~> ([a] ~> [a]))) Source #
SingI (InsertBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (InsertBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (InsertBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a ~> ([a] ~> [a])) -> Type) (a6989586621679544731 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal |
data InsertBySym1 (a6989586621679544731 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (b :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a])) Source #
SingI d => SingI (InsertBySym1 d :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (InsertBySym1 d) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (InsertBySym1 a6989586621679544731 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
SingI1 (InsertBySym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) -> TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
type Apply (InsertBySym1 a6989586621679544731 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544732 :: a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (InsertBySym1 a6989586621679544731 :: TyFun a ([a] ~> [a]) -> Type) (a6989586621679544732 :: a) = InsertBySym2 a6989586621679544731 a6989586621679544732 |
data InsertBySym2 (a6989586621679544731 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679544732 :: a) (c :: TyFun [a] [a]) Source #
SingI d => SingI1 (InsertBySym2 d :: a -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal liftSing :: forall (x :: a). Sing x -> Sing (InsertBySym2 d x) # | |
SingI2 (InsertBySym2 :: (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) -> a -> TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
(SingI d1, SingI d2) => SingI (InsertBySym2 d1 d2 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal sing :: Sing (InsertBySym2 d1 d2) # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (InsertBySym2 a6989586621679544731 a6989586621679544732 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (InsertBySym2 a6989586621679544731 a6989586621679544732 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544733 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (InsertBySym2 a6989586621679544731 a6989586621679544732 :: TyFun [a] [a] -> Type) (a6989586621679544733 :: [a]) = InsertBy a6989586621679544731 a6989586621679544732 a6989586621679544733 |
type family InsertBySym3 (a6989586621679544731 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679544732 :: a) (a6989586621679544733 :: [a]) :: [a] where ... Source #
InsertBySym3 (a6989586621679544731 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679544732 :: a) (a6989586621679544733 :: [a]) = InsertBy a6989586621679544731 a6989586621679544732 a6989586621679544733 |
data MaximumBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t a ~> a)) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (MaximumBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t a ~> a) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MaximumBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t a ~> a) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MaximumBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t a ~> a) -> Type) (a6989586621679922335 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons |
data MaximumBySym1 (a6989586621679922335 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (b :: TyFun (t a) a) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI1 (MaximumBySym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) -> TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI (MaximumBySym1 d :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MaximumBySym1 a6989586621679922335 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MaximumBySym1 a6989586621679922335 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922336 :: t a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Apply (MaximumBySym1 a6989586621679922335 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922336 :: t a) = MaximumBy a6989586621679922335 a6989586621679922336 |
type family MaximumBySym2 (a6989586621679922335 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679922336 :: t a) :: a where ... Source #
MaximumBySym2 (a6989586621679922335 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679922336 :: t a) = MaximumBy a6989586621679922335 a6989586621679922336 |
data MinimumBySym0 (a1 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t a ~> a)) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI (MinimumBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t a ~> a) -> Type) Source # | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MinimumBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t a ~> a) -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MinimumBySym0 :: TyFun (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (t a ~> a) -> Type) (a6989586621679922315 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons |
data MinimumBySym1 (a6989586621679922315 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (b :: TyFun (t a) a) Source #
SFoldable t => SingI1 (MinimumBySym1 :: (a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) -> TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
(SFoldable t, SingI d) => SingI (MinimumBySym1 d :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (MinimumBySym1 a6989586621679922315 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (MinimumBySym1 a6989586621679922315 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922316 :: t a) Source # | |
Defined in Data.Foldable.Singletons type Apply (MinimumBySym1 a6989586621679922315 :: TyFun (t a) a -> Type) (a6989586621679922316 :: t a) = MinimumBy a6989586621679922315 a6989586621679922316 |
type family MinimumBySym2 (a6989586621679922315 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679922316 :: t a) :: a where ... Source #
MinimumBySym2 (a6989586621679922315 :: a ~> (a ~> Ordering)) (a6989586621679922316 :: t a) = MinimumBy a6989586621679922315 a6989586621679922316 |
data GenericLengthSym0 (a1 :: TyFun [a] i) Source #
SNum i => SingI (GenericLengthSym0 :: TyFun [a] i -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal | |
SuppressUnusedWarnings (GenericLengthSym0 :: TyFun [a] i -> Type) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal suppressUnusedWarnings :: () # | |
type Apply (GenericLengthSym0 :: TyFun [a] i -> Type) (a6989586621679544194 :: [a]) Source # | |
Defined in Data.List.Singletons.Internal type Apply (GenericLengthSym0 :: TyFun [a] i -> Type) (a6989586621679544194 :: [a]) = GenericLength a6989586621679544194 :: i |
type family GenericLengthSym1 (a6989586621679544194 :: [a]) :: i where ... Source #
GenericLengthSym1 (a6989586621679544194 :: [a]) = GenericLength a6989586621679544194 :: i |