uni-htk- Graphical User Interface for Haskell Programs



Basic types and classes concerning widget configuration.



class GUIObject w => HasColour w whereSource

Coloured objects instantiate the class HasColour.


HasColour Box

A box has a configureable background colour.

HasColour Frame

A frame widget has a background colour.

HasColour BitMap

A bitmap object has a configureable foreground and background colour (if implicitely displayed inside a label widget).

HasColour Image

An image object has a configureable foreground and background colour (if implicitely displayed inside a label widget).

HasColour LabelFrame

A labelled frame has a background colour.

HasColour NoteBookPage

A notebook page has a background colour.

HasColour Pane

A pane has a background colour.

HasColour Menu

A menu has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour MenuCascade

A menu cascade item has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour MenuCheckButton

A menu checkbutton has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour MenuCommand

A menu command has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour MenuRadioButton

A menu radiobutton has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour Button

A button widget has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour ScrollBar

A scrollbar widget has a background and activebackground (regarding slider) colour.

HasColour Canvas

A canvas widget has a foreground and background colour.

HasColour Editor

An editor widget has a foreground and background colour.

HasColour TextTag

A text tag has a configureable foregroud and background colour.

HasColour Label

A label widget has a foreground and background colour.

HasColour MenuButton

A menu button has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour Message

A message widget has a foreground and background colour.

HasColour Space

A space widget has a configureable background colour.

HasColour SelectBox

A select box has a configureable foreground and background colour.

HasColour IconBar

An icon bar has a configureable foreground and background colour.

HasColour SpinButton

A spin button has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

(HasInsertionCursor w, Widget w) => HasColour (ICursor w)

The insertion cursor has a configureable colour.

(HasSelection w, Widget w) => HasColour (Selection w)

The selected entries have a configureable foreground and background colour.

(HasSlider w, GUIObject w) => HasColour (Slider w)

The slider component has a configureable foreground and background colour.

(HasIndicator w, SelectButton w) => HasColour (Indicator w)

You can specify the colour for the selector of menu checkbuttons and menu radiobuttons.

HasColour (CheckButton a)

A checkbutton widget has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour (Entry a)

An entry field has a foreground and background colour.

HasColour (ListBox a)

A listbox widget has a foreground and background colour.

GUIValue a => HasColour (ComboBox a)

A combo box widget has a background colour.

HasColour (OptionMenu a)

An option menu has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour (RadioButton a)

A radiobutton widget has a normal foreground and background colour and an active/disabled foreground and background colour.

HasColour (Scale a)

A scale widget has a configureable foreground, background and activebackground colour.

(HasColour a, HasScroller a) => HasColour (ScrollBox a)

A scrollbox has a configureable foreground and background colour.

CItem c => HasColour (TreeList c)

A tree list has a configureale background colour.

HasColour (Notepad a)

A notepad has a configureable background colour.

HasColour (InputForm a) 
HasColour (Prompt a)

A prompt has a configureable foreground and background colour.

HasColour (RecordField a b) 
HasColour (EnumField a b) 
HasColour (TextField a b) 
HasColour (CheckboxField a b) 
HasColour (NumEntryField a b) 
HasColour (EntryField a b) 

background :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config wSource

Sets the background colour.

getBackground :: HasColour w => w -> IO ColourSource

Gets the background colour.

foreground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config wSource

Sets the foreground colour.

getForeground :: HasColour w => w -> IO ColourSource

Gets the foreground colour.

activeBackground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config wSource

Sets the active background colour.

getActiveBackground :: HasColour w => w -> IO ColourSource

Gets the active background colour.

activeForeground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config wSource

Sets the active foreground colour.

getActiveForeground :: HasColour w => w -> IO ColourSource

Gets the active foreground colour.

disabledForeground :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config wSource

Sets the disabled foreground colour.

getDisabledForeground :: HasColour w => w -> IO ColourSource

Gets the disabled foreground colour.

fg :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config wSource

Sets the foreground colour.

bg :: (ColourDesignator c, HasColour w) => c -> Config wSource

Sets the background colour.

class GUIObject w => HasSize w whereSource

Objects with a configureable size instantiate the class HasSize.


Window w => HasSize w

A window has a configureable size.

HasSize Box

You can specify the size of a box.

HasSize Frame

You can specify the size of a frame.

HasSize BitMap

You can specify the size of the containing label, if the bitmap is implicitely displayed inside a label widget.

HasSize Image

You can specify the size of the containing label, if the image is implicitely displayed inside a label widget.

HasSize LabelFrame

You can specify the size of a labelled frame.

HasSize NoteBook

You can specify the size of a notebook widget.

HasSize PanedWindow

You can specify the size of a paned window.

HasSize MenuCascade

You can specify the size of a menu cascade item.

HasSize MenuCheckButton

You can specify the size of a menu checkbutton.

HasSize MenuCommand

You can specify the size of a menu command.

HasSize MenuRadioButton

You can specify the size of a menu radiobutton.

HasSize MenuSeparator

You can specify the size of a menu separator.

HasSize Button

You can specify the size of a button.

HasSize ScrollBar

You can specify the width of a scrollbar.

HasSize Canvas

You can specify the size of a canvas.

HasSize Arc

You can specify the size of an arc.

HasSize Line

You can specify the width of the line.

HasSize Oval

You can specify the size of an oval item.

HasSize Rectangle

You can specify the size of an rectangle item.

HasSize TextItem

You can specify the width of a text item.

HasSize Editor

You can specify the size of an editor widget.

HasSize Label

You can specify the size of a label.

HasSize MenuButton

You can specify the size of a menubutton.

HasSize Message

You can specify the width of a message widget (height configuration is ignored).

HasSize EmbeddedCanvasWin

You can specify the size of an embedded canvas window.

HasSize SelectBox

A select box has a configureable size.

HasSize Separator

You can specify the size of a separator widget.

HasSize IconBar

An icon bar has a configureable size.

HasSize SpinButton

A spin button has a configureable size.

(HasInsertionCursor w, Widget w) => HasSize (ICursor w)

The insertion cursor has a configureable width.

HasSize (Slider (Scale a))

A scale's slider has a configureable size.

HasSize (CheckButton a)

You can specify the size of a checkbutton.

HasSize (Entry a)

An entry field has a configureable width (height config is ignored).

HasSize (ListBox a)

You can specify the size of a listbox.

GUIValue a => HasSize (ComboBox a)

You can specify the size of a combo box widget-

HasSize (OptionMenu a)

You can specify the size of an option menu.

HasSize (RadioButton a)

You can specify the size of a radiobutton.

HasSize (Scale a)

A scale widget has a configureable size.

HasSize (ScrollBox a)

A scrollbox has a configureable size.

CItem c => HasSize (TreeList c)

A tree list has a configureable size.

HasSize (Notepad a)

A notepad has a configureable size.

HasSize (InputForm a) 
HasSize (SimpleListBox val) 
HasSize (RecordField a b) 
HasSize (EnumField a b) 
HasSize (TextField a b) 
HasSize (CheckboxField a b) 
HasSize (NumEntryField a b) 
HasSize (EntryField a b) 

class GUIObject w => HasPosition w whereSource

Objects with a configureable positon (e.g. canvas items) instantiate the class HasPosition.


Window w => HasPosition w

A window has a position on the associated screen.

HasPosition Arc

You can specify the (upper left) position of an arc.

HasPosition BitMapItem

You can specify the position of a bitmap item.

HasPosition ImageItem

You can specify the position of an image item.

HasPosition Oval

You can specify the (upper left) position of an oval.

HasPosition Rectangle

You can specify the (upper left) position of a rectangle.

HasPosition TextItem

You can specify the position of a text item.

HasPosition EmbeddedCanvasWin

You can specify the position of a bitmap item.

Window w => HasPosition (Icon w)

You can set the location of an icon.

HasPosition (NotepadItem a)

A notepad item has a position on the associated notepad.

class (HasSize w, HasPosition w) => HasGeometry w whereSource

Objects with a configureable size and position instantiate the class HasGeometry.


Window w => HasGeometry w

A window has a configureable size and anchor position (geometry).

HasGeometry Arc

An alternative way to specify arc's coords.

HasGeometry Oval

An alternative way to specify an oval's coords.

HasGeometry Rectangle

An alternative way to specify a rectangle's coords.

class GUIObject w => HasCanvAnchor w whereSource

Canvasitems with an anchor position on the canvas instantiate the class HasCanvAnchor.


HasCanvAnchor BitMapItem

You can specify the anchor position of a bitmap item.

HasCanvAnchor ImageItem

You can specify the anchor position of an image item.

HasCanvAnchor TextItem

You can specify the anchor position of a text item.

HasCanvAnchor EmbeddedCanvasWin

You can specify the anchor position of an embedded canvas window.

class GUIObject w => HasBorder w whereSource

Objects with a configureable border instantiate the class HasBorder.


HasBorder Box

A box has a configureable border.

HasBorder Frame

A frame widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder BitMap

A bitmap object has a configureable border (if implicitely displayed inside a label widget).

HasBorder Image

An image object has a configureable border (if implicitely displayed inside a label widget).

HasBorder LabelFrame

A labelled frame has a configureable border.

HasBorder NoteBookPage

A notebook page has a configureable border.

HasBorder Menu

A menu has a configureable border.

HasBorder MenuCascade

A menu cascade item has a configureable border.

HasBorder MenuCheckButton

A menu checkbutton has a configureable border.

HasBorder MenuCommand

A menu command has a configureable border.

HasBorder MenuRadioButton

A menu radiobutton has a configureable border.

HasBorder MenuSeparator

A menu separator has a configureable border.

HasBorder Button

A button widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder ScrollBar

A scrollbar widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder Canvas

A canvas widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder Editor

A editor widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder TextTag

A text tag has a configureable border.

HasBorder Label

A label widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder MenuButton

A menubutton widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder Message

A message widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder SelectBox

A select box has a configureable border.

HasBorder Separator

A separator widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder IconBar

An icon bar has a configureable border.

HasBorder SpinButton

A spin button has a configureable border.

(HasInsertionCursor w, Widget w) => HasBorder (ICursor w)

The insertion cursor has a configureable borderwidth (width for three dimensional appearence).

(HasSelection w, Widget w) => HasBorder (Selection w)

The selection has a configureable border.

HasBorder (CheckButton a)

A checkbutton widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder (Entry a)

An entry field has a configureable border.

HasBorder (ListBox a)

A listbox widget has a configureable border.

GUIValue a => HasBorder (ComboBox a)

A combo box widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder (OptionMenu a)

An option menu has a configureable border.

HasBorder (RadioButton a)

A radiobutton widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder (Scale a)

A scale widget has a configureable border.

HasBorder (ScrollBox a)

A scrollbox has a configureable border.

CItem c => HasBorder (TreeList c)

A tree list has a configureable border.

HasBorder (Notepad a)

A notepad has a configureable border.

HasBorder (InputForm a) 
HasBorder (Prompt a)

A prompt has a configureable border.

HasBorder (RecordField a b) 
HasBorder (EnumField a b) 
HasBorder (TextField a b) 
HasBorder (CheckboxField a b) 
HasBorder (NumEntryField a b) 
HasBorder (EntryField a b) 

class (GUIObject w, GUIValue v) => HasValue w v whereSource

Objects that have a value instantiate the class HasValue.


value :: v -> Config wSource

getValue :: w -> IO vSource


GUIValue v => HasValue MenuCheckButton v

A menu checkbutton has a value, that corresponds to a polymorphic TkVariable.

GUIValue v => HasValue MenuRadioButton v

A menu radiobutton has a value, that corresponds to a polymorphic TkVariable.

GUIValue a => HasValue Editor a

An editor widget has a value (its textual content).

GUIValue v => HasValue HTk v

The wish instance has a value - the application name.

GUIValue a => HasValue (Entry a) a

An entry field has a value that is associated with a polymorphic variable.

GUIValue a => HasValue (OptionMenu a) a

An option menu has a value (the selected element), that corresponds to a polymorphic TkVariable.

GUIValue c => HasValue (RadioButton a) c

A radiobutton has a value, that corresponds to a polymorphic TkVariable.

GUIValue a => HasValue (Prompt a) a

A prompt widget has an (entered) value.

(GUIValue a, GUIValue [a]) => HasValue (ListBox a) [a]

The value of a listbox is the list of the displayed objects (these are instances of class GUIValue and therefore instances of class Show).

(GUIValue a, GUIValue [a]) => HasValue (ComboBox a) [a]

The value of a combo box is the list of the displayed objects (these are instances of class GUIValue and therefore instances of class Show).

class (GUIObject w, GUIValue v) => HasText w v whereSource

Objects containing text instantiate the class HasText.


text :: v -> Config wSource

getText :: w -> IO vSource


(Window w, GUIValue v) => HasText w v

A window has a title.

GUIValue v => HasText LabelFrame v

Sets and gets the string to display as a label for the frame.

GUIValue a => HasText NoteBookPage a

A notebook page has a text label.

GUIValue v => HasText MenuCascade v

A menu cascade item can contain text (instead of an image or bitmap).

GUIValue v => HasText MenuCheckButton v

A menu checkbutton can contain text (instead of an image or bitmap).

GUIValue v => HasText MenuCommand v

A menu command can contain text (instead of an image or bitmap).

GUIValue v => HasText MenuRadioButton v

A menu radiobutton can contain text (instead of an image or bitmap).

GUIValue v => HasText Button v

A button can contain text.

GUIValue b => HasText TextItem b

A text item is a container for text.

GUIValue b => HasText Label b

A label can contain text.

GUIValue v => HasText MenuButton v

A menubutton can contain text.

GUIValue b => HasText Message b

A message widget can contain text.

(Window w, GUIValue v) => HasText (Icon w) v

You can set the name on the icon.

GUIValue v => HasText (CheckButton a) v

A checkbutton can contain text.

GUIValue v => HasText (RadioButton a) v

A radiobutton can contain text.

GUIValue v => HasText (Scale a) v

A scale widget has a text label.

GUIValue v => HasText (Dialog a) v

The message displayed as plain text.

(GUIValue a, GUIValue b) => HasText (Prompt a) b

A prompt has a configureable text.

GUIValue c => HasText (RecordField a b) c 
GUIValue c => HasText (EnumField a b) c 
(GUIValue b, GUIValue c) => HasText (TextField a b) c 
(GUIValue b, GUIValue c) => HasText (CheckboxField a b) c 
(GUIValue b, GUIValue c) => HasText (NumEntryField a b) c 
(GUIValue b, GUIValue c) => HasText (EntryField a b) c 

class GUIObject w => HasFont w whereSource

Objects with a configureable font instantiate the class HasFont.


font :: FontDesignator f => f -> Config wSource

getFont :: w -> IO FontSource


HasFont Menu

You can specify the font of a menu.

HasFont MenuCascade

You can specify the font of a menu cascade item.

HasFont MenuCheckButton

You can specify the font of a menu checkbutton.

HasFont MenuCommand

You can specify the font of a menu command.

HasFont MenuRadioButton

You can specify the font of a menu radiobutton.

HasFont Button

You can specify the font of a button.

HasFont TextItem

You can specify the font of a text item.

HasFont Editor

You can specify the font of an editor widget.

HasFont TextTag

A text tag has a configureable font.

HasFont Label

You can specify the font of a label.

HasFont MenuButton

You can specify the font of a menubutton.

HasFont Message

You can specify the font of a message widget.

HasFont SpinButton

A spin button has a configureable font.

HasFont (CheckButton a)

You can specify the font of a checkbutton.

HasFont (Entry a)

You can specify the font of an entry field.

HasFont (ListBox a)

You can specify the font of a listbox.

HasFont (OptionMenu a)

You can specify the font of an option menu.

HasFont (RadioButton a)

You can specify the font of a check button.

HasFont (Scale a)

A scale widget has a configureable font.

HasFont (InputForm a) 
HasFont (Prompt a)

A propt has a configureable font.

HasFont (RecordField a b) 
HasFont (EnumField a b) 
HasFont (TextField a b) 
HasFont (CheckboxField a b) 
HasFont (NumEntryField a b) 
HasFont (EntryField a b) 

class GUIObject w => HasUnderline w whereSource

Objects that have a text underline configure option instantiate th class HasUnderline.


HasUnderline MenuCascade

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline MenuCheckButton

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline MenuCommand

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline MenuRadioButton

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline Button

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline Label

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline MenuButton

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline (CheckButton a)

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

HasUnderline (RadioButton a)

You can set the index of a text character to underline.

class GUIObject w => HasJustify w whereSource

Objects that have a configureable text justification instantiate the class HasJustify.


HasJustify MenuCascade

A menu cascade item has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify MenuCheckButton

A menu checkbutton has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify MenuCommand

A menu command has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify MenuRadioButton

A menu radiobutton has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify Button

A button has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify TextItem

A text item has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify TextTag

A text tag has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify Label

A label has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify MenuButton

A menu button has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify Message

A message widget has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify (CheckButton a)

A checkbutton has a text justification configuration.

HasJustify (Entry a)

An entry field has a configureable text justification.

HasJustify (RadioButton a)

A radiobutton has a configureable text justification.

class GUIObject w => HasGrid w whereSource

Objects that support geometry gridding instantiate the class HasGrid.


class GUIObject w => HasOrientation w whereSource

Oriented objects instantiate the class HasOrientation.


HasOrientation Box

A box'es packing orientation is configureable.

HasOrientation MenuSeparator

A menu separator has either a vertival or a horizontal orientation.

HasOrientation ScrollBar

The scrollbars orientation can be Horizontal or Vertical.

HasOrientation Space

The space widgets orientation can either be vertical or Horizontal.

HasOrientation Separator

A spearator widget has an orientation (Horizontal or Vertical)

HasOrientation IconBar

An icon bar has either a vertical or horizontal orientation.

HasOrientation (Scale a)

A scale widget's orientation can either be vertical or horizontal.

class GUIObject w => HasFile w whereSource

Objects associated with a file instantiate the class HasFile.


HasFile BitMap

Bitmaps can be read from files.

HasFile Image

Images can be read from files.

class GUIObject w => HasAlign w whereSource

Objects with a configureable alignment instantiate the class HasAlign.

class HasIncrement w a whereSource

Incrementable objects (e.g. scale wigdgets) instantiate the class HasIncrement.


increment :: a -> Config wSource

getIncrement :: w -> IO aSource


ScaleValue a => HasIncrement (Slider (Scale a)) a

A scale's slider has a configureable resulution.

ScaleValue a => HasIncrement (Scale a) a

A scale widget has a configureable incrementation interval.

class GUIObject w => HasEnable w whereSource

Stateful objects that can be enabled or disabled instantiate the class HasEnable.


HasEnable MenuCascade

A menu cascade item is a stateful object, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable MenuCheckButton

A menu checkbutton is a stateful object, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable MenuCommand

A menu command is a stateful object, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable MenuRadioButton

A menu radiobutton is a stateful object, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable Button

A button widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable ScrollBar

A scrollbar widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable Canvas

A canvas widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable Editor

A editor widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable MenuButton

A menubutton widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable SelectBox

A select box is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable IconBar

An icon bar is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable SpinButton

A spin button is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (CheckButton a)

A checkbutton widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (Entry a)

An entry field is a stateful widget - it can be enabled of disabled.

HasEnable (ListBox a)

A listbox is a stateful widget - it can be enabled or disabled.

GUIValue a => HasEnable (ComboBox a)

A combo box widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (OptionMenu a)

An option menu is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (RadioButton a)

A radiobutton widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (Scale a)

A scale widget is a stateful widget, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (InputForm a) 
HasEnable (Prompt a)

A prompt is a stateful component, it can be enabled or disabled.

HasEnable (RecordField a b) 
HasEnable (EnumField a b) 
HasEnable (TextField a b) 
HasEnable (CheckboxField a b) 
HasEnable (NumEntryField a b) 
HasEnable (EntryField a b) 

class GUIObject w => HasAnchor w whereSource

Objects that have an anchor position instantiate the class HasAnchor.


HasAnchor Button

A button has a text anchor.

HasAnchor TextItem

An anchor defines where a text item is placed relative to the given position.

HasAnchor Label

A label has a text anchor.

HasAnchor MenuButton

A menubutton has a text anchor.

HasAnchor Message

An message widget has a text anchor.

HasAnchor (CheckButton a)

A checkbutton has a text anchor.

GUIValue a => HasAnchor (ComboBox a)

A combo box widget has a text anchor.

HasAnchor (OptionMenu a)

An option menu has a text anchor.

class GUIObject w => HasBBox w i whereSource

Objects or sets of objects with a bounding box (e.g. canvas tags) instantiate the class HasBBox.


bbox :: w -> i -> IO (Maybe (Distance, Distance, Distance, Distance))Source


GUIObject c => HasBBox Canvas c

You can request the bounding box size of a canvas item (use a canvas tag for the bounding box of a set of items).

HasIndex Editor i BaseIndex => HasBBox Editor i

You can find out the bounding box of characters inside an editor widget.

HasIndex (ListBox a) i Int => HasBBox (ListBox a) i

You can find out the bounding box of a list box element.