SBench: A benchmark suite for runtime and heap measurements over a series of inputs.

[ bsd3, library, testing ] [ Propose Tags ] [ Report a vulnerability ]

The package provides a framework for heap and runtime measurements for single Haskell functions. For heap measurements simple programs are created, compiled with profiling options and run. You can do either a heap profile or a graph for the maximal heap consumption of a function over different inputsizes. For runtime measurements the criterion library is used. Measurement data can be stored in a special file format providing besides the data some meta information about the measurement. Furthermore measured data can be plotted easily using gnuplot. In particular, it is possible to compare measurements for different functions (e.g. different version of a semantically equivalent function) in one diagram. By using gnuplot for drawing, the appearance of a diagram is very flexible and can be adjusted directly to, for example, the style of your paper.


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Versions [RSS] 0.1, 0.1.1, 0.2.0
Dependencies base (>=4 && <6), bytestring, cassava (>=, criterion (>=0.5), deepseq, directory (>=1), filepath, gnuplot (>=, hp2any-core (>=0.11.2), parsec (>=3 && <=4), process, utf8-string, vector [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Daniel Seidel
Category Testing
Uploaded by DanielSeidel at 2013-03-05T14:36:45Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 2850 total (2 in the last 30 days)
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