monadbi: Extract underlying monads from monad transformers

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This module provides a Class called MonadBi which acts as a superset of MonadTrans, and provides raise analogous to lift, i.e. lifts underlying monads into the transformer. It also provides lower which is the opposite of lift, and extracts underlying monads from monad transformers. Generally speaking, MonadBi represents the relationship between monads that can be transformed into each other (atleast partially). Natural instances are provided for many Monad Transformers.

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Versions [RSS] 0.1
Dependencies base (>=3 && <5), mtl [details]
License LicenseRef-GPL
Author Anupam Jain
Category Control
Home page
Source repo head: git clone
this: git clone v0.1)
Uploaded by AnupamJain at 2011-09-22T05:31:52Z
Distributions NixOS:0.1
Reverse Dependencies 2 direct, 0 indirect [details]
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Readme for monadbi-0.1

[back to package description]
MonadBi (monadbi-0.1)

This module provides a Class called `MonadBi` which acts as a superset of `MonadTrans`,
and provides `raise` analogous to `lift`, i.e. lifts underlying monads into the transformer.
It also provides `lower` which is the opposite of `lift`, and extracts underlying monads
from monad transformers.

Generally speaking, MonadBi represents the relationship between monads that can be
transformed into each other (atleast partially).

Natural instances are provided for many Monad Transformers.


0.1 : Intial release