
This package introduces:
- The
data type, a valid and unambiguous point in time in some time zone.
- Functions for safely manipulating a
Table of contents:
import Control.Arrow ((>>>))
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.QQ.Simple
import Data.Aeson.TH
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.Time.Compat
import Data.Time.TZInfo as TZI
import Data.Time.TZTime as TZ
import Data.Time.TZTime.QQ (tz)
Manipulating a TZTime
λ> [tz|2022-03-04 10:15:00 +01:00 [Europe/Rome]|] & modifyLocal (
addCalendarClip (calendarMonths 2 <> calendarDays 3) >>>
atFirstDayOfWeekOnAfter Wednesday >>>
2022-05-11 00:00:00 +02:00 [Europe/Rome]
In spring in Havana, the clocks turn forward from 23:59 to 01:00.
So that day does not start at midnight, it starts at 01:00.
λ> atStartOfDay [tz|2022-03-13 10:45:00 [America/Havana]|]
2022-03-13 01:00:00 -04:00 [America/Havana]
In spring in Australia/Lord_Howe, the clocks turn forward 30 minutes at 02:00.
So 3 hours past 01:00 would actually be 04:30.
λ> :{
addTime (hours 3) $
TZ.fromLocalTime (TZI.fromLabel Australia__Lord_Howe) $
LocalTime (YearMonthDay 2022 10 2) (TimeOfDay 1 0 0)
2022-10-02 04:30:00 +11:00 [Australia/Lord_Howe]
Encoding / Decoding
Because there's no standard format for encoding a timezone identifier alongside a date/time/offset, most systems encode these two separately.
For example, if you're encoding to/decoding from JSON, you'll probably want to split a TZTime
and a TZIdentifier
, and encode them as separate fields.
data Message = MkMessage { sender :: Text, time :: ZonedTime, timezone :: TZIdentifier }
deriveFromJSON defaultOptions ''Message
To re-build a TZTime
, you have to first fetch the time zone rules TZInfo
for the given TZIdentifier
from the system's time zone database using loadFromSystem
(or from the library's embedded database using fromIdentifier
λ> json = encode [aesonQQ| { "sender": "john doe", "time": "2022-03-04T10:15:00+01:00", "timezone": "Europe/Rome" }|]
λ> Right message = eitherDecode' @Message json
λ> tzInfo <- TZI.loadFromSystem (timezone message)
λ> TZ.fromZonedTime tzInfo (time message)
2022-03-04 10:15:00 +01:00 [Europe/Rome]
If the encoded data is not meant to be read by other systems (and thus interoperability is not a concern),
then using the Show
instances to encode/decode as a single field is also an option.
λ> show [tz|2022-03-04 10:15:00 +01:00 [Europe/Rome]|]
"2022-03-04 10:15:00 +01:00 [Europe/Rome]"
λ> read @TZTime "2022-03-04 10:15:00 +01:00 [Europe/Rome]"
2022-03-04 10:15:00 +01:00 [Europe/Rome]
Note: We'll use the packages time
, time-compat
and tz
for the examples below.
λ> :m +Data.Time.LocalTime Data.Time.Clock Data.Time.Calendar.Compat
λ> import qualified Data.Time.Zones as TZ
λ> import qualified Data.Time.Zones.All as TZ
Manipulating time in a given time zone is not trivial.
Depending on what you need to do, it may make sense to modify the local time-line
(i.e. using time
's LocalTime
or the universal time-line (i.e. convert the time to UTCTime
, modify it, convert it back
to LocalTime
For example, if you want to add a certain number of hours to the current time,
then modifying the local time-line may end up adding more time than you intended:
λ> tz = TZ.tzByLabel TZ.America__Winnipeg
λ> t1 = LocalTime (YearMonthDay 2022 11 6) (TimeOfDay 0 30 0)
λ> t1
2022-11-06 00:30:00
λ> t2 = addLocalTime (secondsToNominalDiffTime 4 * 60 * 60) t1
λ> t2
2022-11-06 04:30:00
λ> TZ.LTUUnique t1utc _ = TZ.localTimeToUTCFull tz t1
λ> TZ.LTUUnique t2utc _ = TZ.localTimeToUTCFull tz t2
λ> nominalDiffTimeToSeconds (diffUTCTime t2utc t1utc) / 60 / 60
We've accidentally landed 5 hours ahead, not 4 as we wanted.
This happened because on that day, at 01:59,
the America/Winnipeg time zone switched
from the CDT offset (UTC-5) to the CST offset (UTC-6).
In other words, the clocks were turned back 1 hour, back to 01:00:00.
If the clocks had been turned forward, as is done in many time zones in spring, then we would have
added only 3 hours instead of 4.
If we add just 1 hour, we'll run into yet another issue:
λ> t2 = addLocalTime (secondsToNominalDiffTime 1 * 60 * 60) t1
λ> t2
2022-11-06 01:30:00
λ> TZ.localTimeToUTCFull tz t2
{ _ltuFirst = 2022-11-06 06:30:00 UTC
, _ltuSecond = 2022-11-06 07:30:00 UTC
, _ltuFirstZone = CDT
, _ltuSecondZone = CST
We landed on an ambiguous local time.
Since the clocks were turned back, there's an overlap: the time 01:30 happened twice on that day.
Once at UTC-5 and again at UTC-6.
On the other hand, when the clock are turned forward, there is a gap in the local time-line and we risk
accidentally constructing an invalid LocalTime
that never occurred in that time zone.
For these reasons, when adding a certain number of hours/minutes/seconds, you probably want to do it
in the universal time-line instead.
Now say you want to add a certain number of days instead.
Doing that on the universal time-line may end up working not quite as expected:
λ> tz = TZ.tzByLabel TZ.America__Winnipeg
λ> t1 = LocalTime (YearMonthDay 2022 3 12) (TimeOfDay 23 30 0)
λ> TZ.LTUUnique t1utc _ = TZ.localTimeToUTCFull tz t1
λ> t2utc = addUTCTime nominalDay t1utc
λ> TZ.utcToLocalTimeTZ tz t2utc
2022-03-14 00:30:00
We've accidentally landed two days ahead instead of just one.
This happened because, on 2022-03-13, the clocks were turned forward 1 hour,
so that day only had 23 hours on that time zone.
Adding 24 hours on the universal time-line ended up being too much.
In the local time-line, some days may have 23 hours, 25 hours,
23 hours and 30 minutes (e.g. in the Australia/Lord_Howe time zone), etc,
depending on the offset transitions defined by each time zone.
For this reason, when you want to add days/weeks/months/years, you
probably want to do it in the local time-line and then check if you landed
on a gap or an overlap and correct accordingly.
This package aims to:
- make it easier to do "the right thing" and harder to do "the wrong thing".
- ensure you don't accidentally end up with an invalid or ambiguous local time.
Here's how you'd do the above using tztime
λ> import Data.Time.TZTime
λ> import Data.Time.TZTime.QQ (tz)
λ> t1 = [tz|2022-11-06 00:30:00 [America/Winnipeg]|]
λ> t2 = addTime (hours 4) t1
λ> t2
2022-11-06 03:30:00 -06:00 [America/Winnipeg]
λ> nominalDiffTimeToSeconds (diffTZTime t2 t1) / 60 / 60
λ> t1 = [tz|2022-03-12 23:30:00 [America/Winnipeg]|]
λ> modifyLocal (addCalendarClip (calendarDays 1)) t1
2022-03-13 23:30:00 -05:00 [America/Winnipeg]