uconv: String encoding conversion with ICU

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Provides an interface to ICU's uconv library function for string encoding conversion.

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Automatic Flags

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Versions [RSS] 0.0.1, 0.0.2, 0.0.3
Dependencies base, bytestring (>=0.9) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright 2008 Audrey Tang
Author Audrey Tang <audreyt@audreyt.org>
Maintainer Audrey Tang <audreyt@audreyt.org>
Category Codec
Uploaded by AudreyTang at 2008-07-03T04:59:05Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
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Readme for uconv-0.0.3

[back to package description]

This is a Haskell binding to the uconv() ICU library function.

The only module exported is Codec.Text.UConv, which provides one function:

  -- | Convert fromCharset toCharset input output
  convert :: (UConvertible a, UConvertible b, Monad m)
      => String -> String -> a -> m b

where fromCharset and toCharset are the names of the input and output
character set encodings, and input and output are the input and output text.

Valid UConvertible instances include Strings, ByteStrings and Lazy ByteStrings.

An example program to convert the encoding of an input file, similar to the
uconv program, is given in examples/huconv.hs

Character set encodings

To see a list of encoding names which are known by your operating system,
run "uconv --list" in a shell. Likely encodings are listed on the ICU
"Converter Explorer" web page:


Availability of uconv()

The uconv(3) function is provided by IBM's ICU project:


You'd need to install ICU first before compiling this library.