Allure of the Stars

Allure of the Stars is a near-future Sci-Fi roguelike2
and tactical squad combat game. Binaries and the game manual
are available at the homepage6. You can try the game out
in the browser at
(It runs fastest on Chrome. Keyboard commands and savefiles
are supported only on recent enough versions of browsers.
Mouse should work everywhere.)

Not a single picture in this game. You have to imagine everything
yourself, like with a book (a grown-up book, without pictures).
Once you learn to imagine things, though, you can keep exploring
and mastering the world and making up stories for a long time.
The game is written in Haskell1 using the LambdaHack10
roguelike game engine.
Please see the changelog file for recent improvements
and the issue tracker for short-term plans. Long term goals
are high replayability and auto-balancing through procedural
content generation and persistent content modification
based on player behaviour. Contributions are welcome.
Please offer feedback to or, preferably,
at any of the public forums.
Game installation from binary archives
The game runs rather slowly in the browser (fastest on Chrome)
and you are limited to only one font, though it's scalable.
Also, savefiles are prone to corruption on the browser,
e.g., when it's closed while the game is still saving progress
(which takes a long time). Hence, after trying out the game,
you may prefer to use a native binary for your architecture, if it exists.
Pre-compiled game binaries are available through the release page11
(and, for Windows, dev versions continuously from AppVeyor18).
To use a pre-compiled binary archive, unpack it and run the executable
in the unpacked directory or use program shortcuts from the installer,
if available.
On Linux, make sure you have the SDL2 libraries installed on your system
(e.g., libsdl2-2.0-0 and libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0 on Ubuntu).
On Mac OS X, you need SDL2 installed, e.g.,
from libsdlorg.
For Windows, the SDL2 and all other needed libraries are already
contained in the game's binary archive.
Note that Windows binaries no longer work on Windows XP, since Cygwin
and MSYS2 dropped support for XP.
Screen and keyboard configuration
The game UI can be configured via a config file.
The default settings, the same that are built into the binary,
are in GameDefinition/config.ui.default.
When the game is run for the first time, the file is copied to the default
user data folder, which is ~/.Allure/
on Linux,
(or C:\Documents And Settings\user\Application Data\Allure\
or something else altogether) on Windows, and in RMB menu, under
Inspect/Application/Local Storage
when run inside the Chrome browser.
Screen font and consequently window size can be changed by editing
the config file in the user data folder. The default bitmap font
covers most national characters in the Latin alphabet
(e.g. to give custom names to player characters) and results
in a game window of exactly 720p (standard HD) dimensions. The 8x8xb.fnt
bitmap font results in a tiny window and covers latin-1 characters only.
The scalable 16x16xw.woff
font results in window sizes dependent
on the scalableFontSize
parameter in the config file.
With scalableFontSize = 16
it should look almost the same
as the pixel-perfect 16x16xw.bdf
If you don't have a numeric keypad, you can use mouse for movement
or you can enable the compact laptop keys (uk8o79jl) or the Vi keys
(aka roguelike keys) in the config file. If numeric keypad doesn't work,
toggling the Num Lock key sometimes helps. If running with the Shift key
and keypad keys doesn't work, try Control key instead.
The game is fully playable with mouse only, as well as with keyboard only,
but the most efficient combination for some players is mouse for go-to,
inspecting, and aiming at distant positions and keyboard for everything else.
If you are using a terminal frontend, e.g. the best supported vty frontend,
numeric keypad (e.g., keypad '*' and '/') may not work correctly
depending on versions of the libraries, terminfo and terminal emulators.
Toggling the Num Lock key may help or make issues worse. As a workaround
for the vty frontend, numbers are used for movement, which sadly prevents
the number keys from selecting heroes. The commands that require pressing
Control and Shift together won't work either, but fortunately they are
not crucial to gameplay.
Some effort has been put to help using the vty frontend with screen readers,
but without feedback it's hard to say how accesible that setup is.
As a side effect of screen reader support, there is no aiming line
nor path in vty frontend. Screen readers may also work better with animations
turned off using --noAnim
or the corresponding config file option.
Note that unicode and cursor support are now necessary for correct output.
Compilation from source
If you want to compile native binaries from the source code,
use Cabal (already a part of your OS distribution, or available within
The Haskell Platform7), which also takes care of all the dependencies.
The recommended frontend is based on SDL2, so you need the SDL2 libraries
for your OS. On Linux, remember to install the -dev versions as well,
e.g., libsdl2-dev and libsdl2-ttf-dev on Ubuntu Linux 16.04.
(Compilation to JavaScript for the browser is more complicated
and requires the ghcjs15 compiler and optionally the Google Closure
Compiler16 as well.)
The latest official version of the game can be downloaded,
compiled for SDL2 and installed automatically by Cabal from Hackage3
as follows
cabal update
cabal install Allure
For a newer version, install a matching LambdaHack library snapshot,
clone the game source from github5 and run cabal install
from the main directory.
Testing and debugging
The Makefile
contains many sample test commands.
Numerous tests that use the screensaver game modes (AI vs. AI)
and the teletype frontend are gathered in make test
Of these, travis runs test-travis
on each push to github.
Test commands with prefix frontend
start AI vs. AI games
with the standard, user-friendly frontend.
Run Allure --help
to see a brief description of all debug options.
Of these, the --sniff
option is very useful (though verbose
and initially cryptic), for displaying the traffic between clients
and the server. Some options in the config file may prove useful too,
though they mostly overlap with commandline options (and will be totally
merged at some point).
Coding style
Stylish Haskell is used for slight auto-formatting at buffer save; see
As defined in the file, indentation is 2 spaces wide and screen is
80-columns wide. Spaces are used, not tabs. Spurious whitespace avoided.
Spaces around arithmetic operators encouraged.
Generally, relax and try to stick to the style apparent in a file
you are editing. Put big formatting changes in separate commits.
Haddocks are provided for all module headers and for all functions and types
from major modules, in particular the modules that are interfaces
for a whole directory of modules. Apart of that, only very important
functions and types are distinguished by having a haddock.
If minor ones have comments, they should not be haddocks
and they are permitted to describe implementation details and be out of date.
Prefer assertions to comments, unless too verbose.
For more information, visit the wiki4
and see,
Have fun!
Copyright (c) 2008--2011 Andres Loeh
Copyright (c) 2010--2019 Mikolaj Konarski and others (see git history)
Allure of the Stars is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
along with this program in file LICENSE.
If not, see
Exceptions and detailed copyright information is contained in file COPYLEFT.