
Accessing Postgres in a data frame in Haskell
A library for accessing Postgres tables as in-memory data structures.
This library provides helpers for generating types (at compile time) corresponding to a database schema and 'canned queries' to execute against a database instance. Additionally, it provides utilities to convert plain Haskell records (i.e. the format of query results) to vinyl
records (upon which the Frames library is based). Can be used for interactive exploration by loading all data in-memory at once (and converting to a data frame), and also in a constant memory streaming mode.
Usage Example
In this example we assume there is a local Postgres instance with schema and rows given by the small DB-dump present in data/users.sql
A. Interactive Workflow Steps
- Bootstrap database schema: In a new project, assume a file
is present in the src
directory with the code below. You may of course change the string passed to genBeamSchema
to match your database instance of interest.
-- Example.hs
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Example where
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.Vinyl.Functor as VF
import qualified Frames as F
import Frames.SQL.Beam.Postgres
$(genBeamSchema "host=localhost dbname=shoppingcart1")
Next, execute stack build
or stack ghci
. This compilation step, if completed without any errors, will establish a connection to your database instance of interest, read its schema, generate corresponding Haskell types and put them in a module named NewBeamSchema
in your src
directory (the file creation step is also part of the compilation process).
Assuming step 2 worked fine for you and you were using the test DB-dump from the data
folder you should now have a module with code matching that in the test/NewBeamSchema.hs
file of this repository. In case you used some other database instance of your own, your generated module would look different.
Import this module into Example
-- Example.hs
-- Extensions elided
module Example where
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import qualified Data.Vinyl.Functor as VF
import qualified Frames as F
import Frames.SQL.Beam.Postgres
import NewBeamSchema
$(genBeamSchema "host=localhost dbname=shoppingcart1")
- Let's assume the table of interest is
. We want to pull rows from this table into a data frame to explore it interactively from ghci
. Note that beam
query results are lists of plain Haskell records whereas Frames
requires a list of vinyl
records. In order to make this conversion, we add the following two invokations of code-generating (Template-Haskell) functions to Example
-- Example.hs
-- rest of the module elided
import NewBeamSchema
$(genBeamSchema "host=localhost dbname=shoppingcart1")
deriveGeneric ''Cart_usersT
deriveVinyl ''Cart_usersT
...and build your project. This will add some additional code into the Example
module. You can inspect this code by adding the appropriate compiler flags to your .cabal
- Querying the DB:
In this step we will execute a
query and convert the results to a data frame. Note that the table declaration (_cart_users
) and the database declaration (db
) are exported by the NewBeamSchema
module. More importantly, these declarations are autogenerated at compile time, so in case new tables are added, the corresponding declarations are automatically available for use.
-- Example.hs
connString :: ByteString
connString = "host=localhost dbname=shoppingcart1"
-- selects 'n' rows from the specified table in the db.
loadRows1 :: Int -> IO [(Cart_usersT Identity)]
loadRows1 n =
withConnection connString $
bulkSelectAllRows _cart_users db n
loadRows2 :: Int -> IO [(Cart_usersT Identity)]
loadRows2 n =
withConnection connString $
bulkSelectAllRowsWhere _cart_users db n (\c -> (_cart_usersFirst_name c) `like_` "J%")
Notice the lambda passed to bulkSelectAllRowsWhere
in loadRows2
. This is a 'filter lambda' that forms the WHERE ...
part of the SQL query and is executed at the DB-level. We will see how to create our own 'filter lambdas' in another section below. For now, if we were to enter ghci
by executing stack ghci
after adding the above code:
ghci>res1 <- loadRows1 5
ghci>:t res1
res1 :: [Cart_usersT Identity]
ghci>:t (map createRecId res1)
(map createRecId res1)
:: [F.Rec
'["_cart_usersEmail" F.:-> Text,
"_cart_usersFirst_name" F.:-> Text,
"_cart_usersLast_name" F.:-> Text,
"_cart_usersIs_member" F.:-> Bool,
"_cart_usersDays_in_queue" F.:-> Int]]
ghci>:t (F.toFrame $ map createRecId res1)
(F.toFrame $ map createRecId res1)
:: F.Frame
'["_cart_usersEmail" F.:-> Text,
"_cart_usersFirst_name" F.:-> Text,
"_cart_usersLast_name" F.:-> Text,
"_cart_usersIs_member" F.:-> Bool,
"_cart_usersDays_in_queue" F.:-> Int])
ghci>myFrame = F.toFrame $ map createRecId res1
ghci>:set -XTypeApplications
ghci>:set -XTypeOperators
ghci>:set -XDataKinds
ghci>miniFrame = fmap (F.rcast @'["_cart_usersEmail" F.:-> Text, "_cart_usersDays_in_queue" F.:-> Int]) myFrame
ghci>mapM_ print miniFrame
{_cart_usersEmail :-> "", _cart_usersDays_in_queue :-> 1}
{_cart_usersEmail :-> "", _cart_usersDays_in_queue :-> 42}
{_cart_usersEmail :-> "", _cart_usersDays_in_queue :-> 1}
{_cart_usersEmail :-> "", _cart_usersDays_in_queue :-> 42}
{_cart_usersEmail :-> "", _cart_usersDays_in_queue :-> 1}
We could have used loadRows2
in place of loadRows1
in order to have the WHERE ...
clause executed at the DB-level.
Note that in the above, once the query results are converted to a data frame, you're free to play with the frame in anyway, just like you would for a data frame created from a CSV.
B. Streaming Workflow Steps
Once you're done working with a small subset of data, and would like to scale up your analysis by looking at a larger-subset-of/complete data, then it's time to look at writing your own conduit
to process incoming rows from the DB.
1 - 4: Same as 'Interactive Workflow Steps'
- Writing your own streaming pipeline:
Consider the following:
streamRows :: IO ()
streamRows = do
res <- withConnection connString $
streamingSelectAllPipeline' _cart_users db 1000 (\c -> (_cart_usersFirst_name c) `like_` "J%") $
( (\record -> F.rcast @["_cart_usersEmail" F.:-> Text, "_cart_usersIs_member" F.:-> Bool] record))
mapM_ print res
In the above, we select all rows from the specified table that match a certain pattern ("J%"
), then the function streamingSelectAllPipeline'
converts the query results to vinyl records inside a conduit
and sends it downstream, where we can operate on its output. Here, specifically, we do a column subset of the output using rcast
, and
applies rcast
to every incoming row and sends it downstream, where the result gets returned. We then print the list of vinyl
In order to write your own conduit, all you need to know is that internally the conduit flow is as follows:
(\c -> runConduit $ c .| createRecId
.| recordProcessorConduit
.| CL.take nrows)
In the above, you supply the recordProcessorConduit
to the streamingSelectAllPipeline'
function which takes a vinyl
record as input and sends it downstream to the CL.take
. Note that in all functions in the Frames.SQL.Beam.Postgres.Streaming
module, you need to specify the number of rows you want to return (this is an upper bound of sorts, the actual number of rows returned depends on the amount of data present in your database).
A Note on 'Canned Queries' and 'Filter Lambdas'
There are three things needed to execute a canned query (SELECT * FROM tbl WHERE ...
PostgresTable a b
: auto generated by BeamSchemaGen module
PostgresDB b
: auto generated by BeamSchemaGen module
PostgresFilterLambda a s
: The WHERE...
clause. All filter lambdas are of the form:
(\tbl -> (_fieldName tbl) `op` constant)
(\tbl -> (_fieldName1 tbl) `op` (_fieldName2 tbl))
In the above op
can be one of : [==.
, /=.
, >.
, <.
, <=.
, >=.
, between_
, like_
, in_
] (some of these are not be applicable to the second case). You may use (&&.)
and (||.)
to combine expressions inside the lambda. To see some actual examples of 'filter lambdas', check out test/LibSpec.hs
in this repository.
Background Reading: