emanote: Emanate a structured view of your plain-text notes

[ agpl, library, program, web ] [ Propose Tags ]

Create beautiful websites -- such as personal webpage, blog, wiki, Zettelkasten, notebook, knowledge-base, documentation, etc. from future-proof plain-text notes and arbitrary data -- with live preview that updates in real-time.

[Skip to Readme]


[Last Documentation]

  • Emanote
    • Emanote.CLI
    • Emanote.Model
      • Emanote.Model.Calendar
      • Emanote.Model.Graph
      • Link
        • Emanote.Model.Link.Rel
        • Emanote.Model.Link.Resolve
      • Emanote.Model.Meta
      • Emanote.Model.Note
        • Emanote.Model.Note.Filter
      • Emanote.Model.Query
      • Emanote.Model.SData
      • Emanote.Model.StaticFile
      • Emanote.Model.Stork
        • Emanote.Model.Stork.Index
      • Emanote.Model.Task
      • Emanote.Model.Title
      • Emanote.Model.Type
    • Pandoc
      • Emanote.Pandoc.BuiltinFilters
      • Emanote.Pandoc.ExternalLink
      • Emanote.Pandoc.Link
      • Markdown
        • Emanote.Pandoc.Markdown.Parser
        • Syntax
          • Emanote.Pandoc.Markdown.Syntax.HashTag
          • Emanote.Pandoc.Markdown.Syntax.Highlight
      • Emanote.Pandoc.Renderer
        • Emanote.Pandoc.Renderer.Embed
        • Emanote.Pandoc.Renderer.Query
        • Emanote.Pandoc.Renderer.Url
    • Emanote.Prelude
    • Emanote.Route
      • Emanote.Route.Ext
      • Emanote.Route.ModelRoute
      • Emanote.Route.R
      • Emanote.Route.SiteRoute
        • Emanote.Route.SiteRoute.Class
        • Emanote.Route.SiteRoute.Type
    • Source
      • Emanote.Source.Dynamic
      • Emanote.Source.Loc
      • Emanote.Source.Patch
      • Emanote.Source.Pattern
    • Emanote.View
      • Emanote.View.Common
      • Emanote.View.Export
      • Emanote.View.Feed
      • Emanote.View.LiveServerFiles
      • Emanote.View.TagIndex
      • Emanote.View.TaskIndex
      • Emanote.View.Template


Manual Flags


Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info


Maintainer's Corner

Package maintainers

For package maintainers and hackage trustees


  • No Candidates
Versions [RSS],,,
Change log CHANGELOG.md
Dependencies aeson, aeson-extra, aeson-optics, async, base (>=4.14 && <5), blaze-html, bytestring, commonmark, commonmark-extensions (>=, commonmark-pandoc, commonmark-simple, commonmark-wikilink, containers, data-default, dependent-sum, deriving-aeson, directory, ema (>=0.10.1), emanote, feed, filepath, filepattern, fsnotify, hedgehog, heist (>=, heist-extra (>=, hspec, hspec-hedgehog, ixset-typed (>=, lvar, map-syntax, megaparsec, monad-logger, monad-logger-extras, mtl, neat-interpolation, optics-core, optics-th, optparse-applicative, pandoc, pandoc-link-context (>=1.4.0), pandoc-lua-engine, pandoc-types, parsec, path-tree (>=0.2), process-extras, profunctors, relude (>=1.0), shower, some, stm, tagged, tagtree, tailwind (>=0.3), text, time, tomland, unionmount (>=0.2), unliftio, unordered-containers, uri-encode, url-slug, uuid, which, with-utf8, xmlhtml, yaml [details]
License AGPL-3.0-only
Copyright 2022 Sridhar Ratnakumar
Author Sridhar Ratnakumar
Maintainer srid@srid.ca
Category Web
Home page https://emanote.srid.ca
Bug tracker https://github.com/srid/emanote/issues
Uploaded by sridca at 2023-08-24T20:52:33Z
Distributions NixOS:
Executables emanote
Downloads 222 total (8 in the last 30 days)
Rating (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average]
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Status Docs not available [build log]
All reported builds failed as of 2023-08-25 [all 2 reports]

Readme for emanote-

[back to package description]


AGPL built with nix Matrix Unwoke

Emanote emanates1 a structured view of your plain-text notes.

Create beautiful websites -- such as personal webpage, blog, wiki, Zettelkasten, notebook, knowledge-base, documentation, etc. from future-proof plain-text notes and arbitrary data -- with live preview that updates in real-time.

Emanote is spiritual successor to neuron based on Ema.

Installing and using





Emanote is a Haskell software.2 Thanks to Nix, this repository is pre-configured to provide a delightful development experience with full IDE support in Visual Studio Code.

See https://srid.ca/haskell-template/start for complete instructions, but the tldr is: Install nix, enable Flakes and run bin/run.

See architecture.md for a high-level overview of the codebase.

PR contribution guidelines

Run nix build .#check -L when opening a PR.


To discuss the emanote project, join Matrix or post in GitHub Discussions.


emanate: (of something abstract but perceptible) issue or spread out from (a source)


Emanote uses software and resources that are licensed differently, viz.: