
Multiple integration over convex polytopes.
Warning: the package does not work in GHCi.
This package allows to evaluate a multiple integral over a convex polytope.
Let's consider for example the following integral:
The domain of integration is the cube . In order to use the package,
one has to provide the vertices of this cube:
:: (Vector Double -> Double)
-> [[Double]]
-> Int
-> Double
-> Double
-> Int
-> IO Result
Let's go:
module Main
import Numeric.Integration.PolyhedralCubature
import Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
f :: Vector Double -> Double
f v = exp (V.sum v)
cube :: [[Double]]
cube = [
[0, 0, 0]
, [0, 0, 1]
, [0, 1, 0]
, [0, 1, 1]
, [1, 0, 0]
, [1, 0, 1]
, [1, 1, 0]
, [1, 1, 1]
integral :: IO Result
integral = integrateOnPolytope' f cube 10000 0 1e-6 3
main :: IO ()
main = do
i <- integral
print i
This cube is axis-aligned. So it may be better to use the adaptive-cubature
package here. The pcubature package allows to evaluate multiple integrals
whose bounds are (roughly speaking) linear combinations of the variables,
such as:
Here, the domain of integration is given by the set of linear inequalities:
Each of these linear inequalities defines a halfspace of , and
the intersection of these six halfspaces is a convex polytope (a polyhedron).
But it is not easy to get the vertices of this polytope. This is why the
pcubature package depends on the vertexenum package, whose purpose is
to enumerate the vertices of a polytope given as above, with linear
inequalities. Let's take as example the function :
module Main
import Numeric.Integration.PolyhedralCubature
import Geometry.VertexEnum
import Data.VectorSpace (
AdditiveGroup((^+^), (^-^))
, VectorSpace((*^))
import Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
f :: Vector Double -> Double
f v = x * (x+1) - y * z * z
x = v ! 0
y = v ! 1
z = v ! 2
polytope :: [Constraint Double]
polytope = [
x .>= (-5)
, x .<= 4
, y .>= (-5)
, y .<=. cst 3 ^-^ x
, z .>= (-10)
, z .<=. cst 6 ^-^ 2*^x ^-^ y
x = newVar 1
y = newVar 2
z = newVar 3
integral :: IO Result
integral = integrateOnPolytope' f polytope 10000 0 1e-6 3
main :: IO ()
main = do
i <- integral
print i
The exact value of this integral is , as we shall see later.
The function of this example is polynomial. So we can use the function
to integrate it. This requires to define
the polynomial with the help of the hspray package; we also import some
modules of the numeric-prelude package, which allows to define a hspray
polynomial more conveniently:
module Main
import Numeric.Integration.PolyhedralCubature
import Geometry.VertexEnum
import Data.VectorSpace (
AdditiveGroup((^+^), (^-^))
, VectorSpace((*^))
import Math.Algebra.Hspray ( Spray, lone, (^**^) )
import Prelude hiding ( (*), (+), (-) )
import qualified Prelude as P
import Algebra.Additive
import Algebra.Module
import Algebra.Ring
p :: Spray Double
p = x * (x + one) - (y * z^**^2)
x = lone 1 :: Spray Double
y = lone 2 :: Spray Double
z = lone 3 :: Spray Double
polytope :: [Constraint Double]
polytope = [
x .>= (-5)
, x .<= 4
, y .>= (-5)
, y .<=. cst 3 ^-^ x
, z .>= (-10)
, z .<=. cst 6 ^-^ 2*^x ^-^ y
x = newVar 1
y = newVar 2
z = newVar 3
integral :: IO Double
integral = integratePolynomialOnPolytope' p polytope
main :: IO ()
main = do
i <- integral
print i
The function integratePolynomialOnPolytope
implements an exact procedure.
However we didn't get the exact result. That's because of (small)
numerical errors. The first numerical errors occur in the vertex enumeration
performed by the vertexenum package:
module Main
import Geometry.VertexEnum
import Data.VectorSpace (
AdditiveGroup((^+^), (^-^))
, VectorSpace((*^))
polytope :: [Constraint Double]
polytope = [
x .>= (-5)
, x .<= 4
, y .>= (-5)
, y .<=. cst 3 ^-^ x
, z .>= (-10)
, z .<=. cst 6 ^-^ 2*^x ^-^ y
x = newVar 1
y = newVar 2
z = newVar 3
vertices :: IO [[Double]]
vertices = vertexenum polytope Nothing
main :: IO ()
main = do
vs <- vertices
print vs
Since all coefficients of the linear inequalities are rational (they even are
integral), the vertices should be rational as well.
Unfortunately, vertexenum only allows to get vertices with double
coordinates. So if we want to use Rational
, we have to manually enter
the vertices:
module Main
import Numeric.Integration.PolyhedralCubature
import Math.Algebra.Hspray ( Spray, lone, (^**^) )
import Prelude hiding ( (*), (+), (-) )
import qualified Prelude as P
import Algebra.Additive
import Algebra.Module
import Algebra.Ring
p :: Spray Rational
p = x * (x + one) - (y * z^**^2)
x = lone 1 :: Spray Rational
y = lone 2 :: Spray Rational
z = lone 3 :: Spray Rational
polytope :: [[Rational]]
polytope = [
[-5, 8, 8]
, [-5, -5, 21]
, [4, -1, -1]
, [4, -5, 3]
, [-5, -5, -10]
, [-5, 8, -10]
, [4, -1, -10]
, [4, -5, -10]
integral :: IO Rational
integral = integratePolynomialOnPolytope p polytope
main :: IO ()
main = do
i <- integral
print i
We get it, the exact value , as promised.