singletons 2.3.1

This is the README file for the singletons library. This file contains all the
documentation for the definitions and functions in the library.
The singletons library was written by Richard Eisenberg,, and
with significant contributions by Jan Stolarek, There
are two papers that describe the library. Original one, Dependently typed
programming with singletons, is available
here and will
be referenced in this documentation as the "singletons paper". A follow-up
paper, Promoting Functions to Type Families in Haskell, is available
and will be referenced in this documentation as the
"promotion paper".
Ryan Scott,, is an active maintainer.
Purpose of the singletons library
The library contains a definition of singleton types, which allow programmers
to use dependently typed techniques to enforce rich constraints among the types
in their programs. See the singletons paper for a more thorough introduction.
The package also allows promotion of term-level functions to type-level
equivalents. Accordingly, it exports a Prelude of promoted and singletonized
functions, mirroring functions and datatypes found in Prelude, Data.Bool
, Data.Either
, Data.Tuple
and Data.List
. See the promotion
paper for a more thorough introduction.
The singletons library requires GHC 8.2.1 or greater. Any code that uses the
singleton generation primitives needs to enable a long list of GHC
extensions. This list includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the
You may also want
as the code that singletons
generates uses redundant constraints, and there
seems to be no way, without a large library redesign, to avoid this.
Modules for singleton types
exports all the basic singletons definitions. Import this
module if you are not using Template Haskell and wish only to define your
own singletons.
exports all the definitions needed to use the Template
Haskell code to generate new singletons.
re-exports Data.Singletons
along with singleton
definitions for various Prelude types. This module provides a singletonized
equivalent of the real Prelude
. Note that not all functions from original
could be turned into singletons.
modules provide singletonized equivalents of
definitions found in the following base
library modules: Data.Bool
, Data.Either
, Data.List
, Data.Tuple
and GHC.Base
. We also
provide singletonized Eq
and Ord
exports type classes for propositional equality.
exports definitions for working with GHC.TypeLits
exports a Void
type, shamelessly copied from
Edward Kmett's void
package, but without the great many package dependencies
in void
Modules in Data.Promotion
namespace provide functionality required for
function promotion. They mostly re-export a subset of definitions from
respective Data.Singletons
exports all the definitions needed to use the Template
Haskell code to generate promoted definitions.
and Data.Promotion.Prelude.*
modules re-export all
promoted definitions from respective Data.Singletons.Prelude
modules. Data.Promotion.Prelude.List
adds a significant amount of functions
that couldn't be singletonized but can be promoted. Some functions still don't
promote - these are documented in the source code of the module. There is also
module that provides promoted PBounded
Functions to generate singletons
The top-level functions used to generate singletons are documented in the
module. The most common case is just calling singletons
which I'll describe here:
singletons :: Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec]
Generates singletons from the definitions given. Because singleton generation
requires promotion, this also promotes all of the definitions given to the
type level.
Usage example:
$(singletons [d|
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
pred :: Nat -> Nat
pred Zero = Zero
pred (Succ n) = n
Definitions used to support singletons
Please refer to the singletons paper for a more in-depth explanation of these
definitions. Many of the definitions were developed in tandem with Iavor Diatchki.
data family Sing (a :: k)
The data family of singleton types. A new instance of this data family is
generated for every new singleton type.
class SingI (a :: k) where
sing :: Sing a
A class used to pass singleton values implicitly. The sing
method produces
an explicit singleton value.
data SomeSing k where
SomeSing :: Sing (a :: k) -> SomeSing k
The SomeSing
type wraps up an existentially-quantified singleton. Note that
the type parameter a
does not appear in the SomeSing
type. Thus, this type
can be used when you have a singleton, but you don't know at compile time what
it will be. SomeSing Thing
is isomorphic to Thing
class SingKind k where
type Demote k :: *
fromSing :: Sing (a :: k) -> Demote k
toSing :: Demote k -> SomeSing k
This class is used to convert a singleton value back to a value in the
original, unrefined ADT. The fromSing
method converts, say, a
singleton Nat
back to an ordinary Nat
. The toSing
method produces
an existentially-quantified singleton, wrapped up in a SomeSing
The Demote
kind-indexed type family maps the kind Nat
back to the type Nat
data SingInstance (a :: k) where
SingInstance :: SingI a => SingInstance a
singInstance :: Sing a -> SingInstance a
Sometimes you have an explicit singleton (a Sing
) where you need an implicit
one (a dictionary for SingI
). The SingInstance
type simply wraps a SingI
dictionary, and the singInstance
function produces this dictionary from an
explicit singleton. The singInstance
function runs in constant time, using
a little magic.
Equality classes
There are two different notions of equality applicable to singletons: Boolean
equality and propositional equality.
Boolean equality is implemented in the type family (:==)
(which is actually
a synonym for the type family (==)
from Data.Type.Equality
) and the class
. See the Data.Singletons.Prelude.Eq
module for more information.
Propositional equality is implemented through the constraint (~)
, the type
, and the class SDecide
. See modules Data.Type.Equality
for more information.
Which one do you need? That depends on your application. Boolean equality has
the advantage that your program can take action when two types do not equal,
while propositional equality has the advantage that GHC can use the equality
of types during type inference.
Instances of both SEq
and SDecide
are generated when singletons
is called
on a datatype that has deriving Eq
. You can also generate these instances
directly through functions exported from Data.Singletons.TH
Pre-defined singletons
The singletons library defines a number of singleton types and functions
by default:
- tuples up to length 7
- lists
These are all available through Data.Singletons.Prelude
. Functions that
operate on these singletons are available from modules such as Data.Singletons.Bool
and Data.Singletons.Maybe
Function promotion allows to generate type-level equivalents of term-level
definitions. Almost all Haskell source constructs are supported -- see last
section of this README for a full list.
Promoted definitions are usually generated by calling promote
$(promote [d|
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
pred :: Nat -> Nat
pred Zero = Zero
pred (Succ n) = n
Every promoted function and data constructor definition comes with a set of
so-called "symbols". These are required to represent partial application at the
type level. Each function gets N+1 symbols, where N is the arity. Symbols
represent application of between 0 to N arguments. When calling any of the
promoted definitions it is important refer to it using their symbol
name. Moreover, there is new function application at the type level represented
by Apply
type family. Symbol representing arity X can have X arguments passed
in using normal function application. All other parameters must be passed by
calling Apply
Users also have access to Data.Promotion.Prelude
and its submodules (Base
, Either
, List
, Maybe
and Tuple
). These provide promoted versions
of function found in GHC's base library.
Note that GHC resolves variable names in Template Haskell quotes. You cannot
then use an undefined identifier in a quote, making idioms like this not
type family Foo a where ...
$(promote [d| ... foo x ... |])
In this example, foo
would be out of scope.
Refer to the promotion paper for more details on function promotion.
Classes and instances
This is best understood by example. Let's look at a stripped down Ord
class Eq a => Ord a where
compare :: a -> a -> Ordering
(<) :: a -> a -> Bool
x < y = case x `compare` y of
LT -> True
EQ -> False
GT -> False
This class gets promoted to a "kind class" thus:
class PEq a => POrd a where
type Compare (x :: a) (y :: a) :: Ordering
type (:<) (x :: a) (y :: a) :: Bool
type x :< y = ... -- promoting `case` is yucky.
Note that default method definitions become default associated type family
instances. This works out quite nicely.
We also get this singleton class:
class SEq a => SOrd a where
sCompare :: forall (x :: a) (y :: a). Sing x -> Sing y -> Sing (Compare x y)
(%:<) :: forall (x :: a) (y :: a). Sing x -> Sing y -> Sing (x :< y)
default (%:<) :: forall (x :: a) (y :: a).
((x :< y) ~ {- RHS from (:<) above -})
=> Sing x -> Sing y -> Sing (x :< y)
x %:< y = ... -- this is a bit yucky too
Note that a singletonized class needs to use default
signatures, because
type-checking the default body requires that the default associated type
family instance was used in the promoted class. The extra equality constraint
on the default signature asserts this fact to the type checker.
Instances work roughly similarly.
instance Ord Bool where
compare False False = EQ
compare False True = LT
compare True False = GT
compare True True = EQ
instance POrd Bool where
type Compare 'False 'False = 'EQ
type Compare 'False 'True = 'LT
type Compare 'True 'False = 'GT
type Compare 'True 'True = 'EQ
instance SOrd Bool where
sCompare :: forall (x :: a) (y :: a). Sing x -> Sing y -> Sing (Compare x y)
sCompare SFalse SFalse = SEQ
sCompare SFalse STrue = SLT
sCompare STrue SFalse = SGT
sCompare STrue STrue = SEQ
The only interesting bit here is the instance signature. It's not necessary
in such a simple scenario, but more complicated functions need to refer to
scoped type variables, which the instance signature can bring into scope.
The defaults all just work.
On names
The singletons library has to produce new names for the new constructs it
generates. Here are some examples showing how this is done:
original datatype: Nat
promoted kind: Nat
singleton type: SNat
(which is really a synonym for Sing
original datatype: :/\:
promoted kind: :/\:
singleton type: :%/\:
original constructor: Succ
promoted type: 'Succ
(you can use Succ
when unambiguous)
singleton constructor: SSucc
symbols: SuccSym0
, SuccSym1
original constructor: :+:
promoted type: ':+:
singleton constructor: :%+:
symbols: :+:$
, :+:$$
, :+:$$$
original value: pred
promoted type: Pred
singleton value: sPred
symbols: PredSym0
, PredSym1
original value: +
promoted type: :+
singleton value: %:+
symbols: :+$
, :+$$
, :+$$$
original class: Num
promoted class: PNum
singleton class: SNum
original class: ~>
promoted class: #~>
singleton class: :%~>
Special names
There are some special cases:
original datatype: []
singleton type: SList
original constructor: []
promoted type: '[]
singleton constructor: SNil
symbols: NilSym0
original constructor: :
promoted type: ':
singleton constructr: SCons
symbols: ConsSym0
, ConsSym1
original datatype: (,)
singleton type: STuple2
original constructor: (,)
promoted type: '(,)
singleton constructor: STuple2
symbols: Tuple2Sym0
, Tuple2Sym1
, Tuple2Sym2
All tuples (including the 0-tuple, unit) are treated similarly.
original value: undefined
promoted type: Any
singleton value: undefined
Supported Haskell constructs
The following constructs are fully supported:
- variables
- tuples
- constructors
- if statements
- infix expressions
- aliased patterns
- lists
- sections
- undefined
- error
- deriving
, Ord
, Bounded
, and Enum
- class constraints (though these sometimes fail with
, lambda
, and case
- literals (for
and Symbol
), including overloaded number literals
- unboxed tuples (which are treated as normal tuples)
- records
- pattern guards
- case
- let
- lambda expressions
and ~
patterns (silently but successfully ignored during promotion)
- class and instance declarations
- higher-kinded type variables (see below)
- functional dependencies (with limitations -- see below)
Higher-kinded type variables in class
declarations must be annotated
explicitly. This is due to GHC's handling of complete
user-specified kind signatures, or CUSKs.
Briefly, singletons
has a hard
time conforming to the precise rules that GHC imposes around CUSKs and so
needs a little help around kind inference here. See
this pull request for more
The following constructs are supported for promotion but not singleton generation:
- scoped type variables
- overlapping patterns. Note that overlapping patterns are
sometimes not obvious. For example, the
function does not
singletonize due
to overlapping patterns:
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter _pred [] = []
filter pred (x:xs)
| pred x = x : filter pred xs
| otherwise = filter pred xs
Overlap is caused by otherwise
catch-all guard, which is always true and thus
overlaps with pred x
The following constructs are not supported:
- list comprehensions
- do
- arithmetic sequences
- datatypes that store arrows,
, or Symbol
- literals (limited support)
- symbolic (as opposed to alphanumeric) types
Why are these out of reach? The first two depend on monads, which mention a
higher-kinded type variable. GHC did not support higher-sorted kind variables,
which are be necessary to promote/singletonize monads, and singletons
not be rewritten to accommodate this new ability. This bug
report is a feature request
looking for support for these constructs.
Arithmetic sequences are defined using Enum
typeclass, which uses infinite
As described in the promotion paper, promotion of datatypes that store arrows is
currently impossible. So if you have a declaration such as
data Foo = Bar (Bool -> Maybe Bool)
you will quickly run into errors.
Literals are problematic because we rely on GHC's built-in support, which
currently is limited. Functions that operate on strings will not work because
type level strings are no longer considered lists of characters. Function
working on integer literals can be promoted by rewriting them to use
. Since Nat
does not exist at the term level it will only be possible to
use the promoted definition, but not the original, term-level one.
This is the same line of reasoning that forbids the use of Nat
or Symbol
in datatype definitions. But, see this bug
report for a workaround.
Symbolic types used in kinds were not supported in GHC, but now are. However,
still does not support them, mostly because of challenges around
telling datacon names apart from tycon names. This
issue tracks adding
this feature.
Support for *
The built-in Haskell promotion mechanism does not yet have a full story around
the kind *
(the kind of types that have values). Ideally, promoting some form
of TypeRep
would yield *
, but the implementation of TypeRep would have to be
updated for this to really work out. In the meantime, users who wish to
experiment with this feature have two options:
The module Data.Singletons.TypeRepStar
has all the definitions possible for
making *
the promoted version of TypeRep
, as TypeRep
is currently implemented.
The singleton associated with TypeRep
has one constructor:
data instance Sing (a :: *) where
STypeRep :: Typeable a => Sing a
Thus, an implicit TypeRep
is stored in the singleton constructor. However,
any datatypes that store TypeRep
s will not generally work as expected; the
built-in promotion mechanism will not promote TypeRep
to *
- The module
allows the programmer to define a subset
of types with which to work. See the Haddock documentation for the function
for more info.
Known bugs
- Record updates don't singletonize
- Inference dependent on functional dependencies is unpredictably bad. The
problem is that a use of an associated type family tied to a class with
fundeps doesn't provoke the fundep to kick in. This is GHC's problem, in
the end.